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TELE-audiovision International

t The Worlds Larges gazine Ma de Tra TV l ita Dig

since 1981

Alexander Wiese
Publisher y HQ in Munich, German

Dear Readers,
It isnt often that we have the opportunity to introduce a new receiver generation. After many years the time has come again: the first real streaming box is here. The interesting thing with this box is that you can no longer directly connect a TV to this receiver; the TV channels (and also, of course, radio channels) are just being streamed. Therefore, this new method opens up an entirely new market segment that fits right in with our time: the TV channels that are received by the receiver can be streamed to your own Smartphones and Tablets and its those types of TVs are being used by more and more viewers. But your regular TV can also receive these channels as long as it can be connected to your local network. So, streaming boxes are fulfilling the precise requirements that are demanded from todays viewers. People today dont want to be restricted to watching their favorite programs on a stationary TV in the living room, kitchen or bedroom, they want to be able to watch on mobile devices like the new Smartphones with their large highresolution screens or on tablets that would allow you to watch TV at any position. Alexander Wiese An interesting consequence of this new generation of Editor-in-Chief TELE-audiovision International streaming boxes is the impact on TVs. For many years we here at TELE-audiovision were also in doubt as to whether digital receivers would be incorporated into TVs over the long term. With these new streaming boxes, the picture is now totally different: now its TVs with built-in receivers that have no future. Soon all youll need is just one streaming box and as many wired or wireless monitors as you want connected to the local network. The streaming box would be installed in a central location and connected to all the available digital reception methods (roof antenna, satellite dish, cable TV, Internet) and that would be it. Every monitor in the network would then have access to the content received by the streaming box. Now we cant wait to see more streaming boxes and are looking forward to see how quickly this new receiver generation will prevail. The digital TV market continues to be exciting!

Address TELE-audiovision International, PO Box 1234, 85766 Munich-Ufg, GERMANY/EUROPE Editor-in-Chief Alexander Wiese, Published by TELE-audiovision Magazine GmbH, Aschheimer Weg 19, 85774 Unterfoehring, GERMANY/EUROPE Design Nmeti Barna Attila Advertising or email to Hard Copy Subscription Hard Copy Subscription by Courier Service Send Order to Copyright 2013 by TELE-audiovision ISSN 2195-5433
TELE-satellite was established in 1981 and today is the oldest, largest and most-read digital tv trade magazine in the world. TELE-satellite is seen by more than 350,000 digital tv professionals around the world and is available both in printed form and online.

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