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Easwari Engineering College, Ramapuram, Chennai 89


1. Define Research According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions 2. What the benefits are of cross sectional design The most important advantage of cross sectional studies is that in general they are quick and cheap. As there is no follow up, less resources are required to run the study. 3. What is Research Problem? Problem formulation refers to translating the management problem into a research problem. It involves stating the general problem and identifying the specific components of research problem. 4. Differentiate dependent and independent variable. Factor or phenomenon that is changed by the effect of an associated factor or phenomenon called dependent variable. Factor or phenomenon that causes or influences another associated factor or phenomenon called dependent variable.

5. Define non-directional hypothesis with and example Non directional hypotheses postulate relationship but does not offer indication of the direction of the relationship. Eg., Education of the respondent does not have an influence on the importance given to the information source. 6. Differentiate basic and applied research Basic Research: Research directed toward the increase of knowledge, the primary aim being a greater knowledge or understanding of the subject under study. Applied Research: It is also known as decisional research, use existing knowledge as an aid to the solution of some given problem or set of problems. Basic Research: 7. What is experimental research and experimental research design? Exp Research: An attempt by the researcher to maintain control over all factors that may affect the result of an experiment. Exp Res Design: A blueprint of the procedure that enables the researcher to test his hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions about relationships between independent and dependent variables. It refers to the conceptual framework within which the experiment is conducted. 8. What is exploratory design and causal design?

Exploratory research is a form of research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects A causal relationship is when one variable causes a change in another variable. These types of relationships are investigated by experimental research in order to determine if changes in one variable actually result in changes in another variable. 9. Define treatment with an example. In experiments, a treatment is something that researchers administer to experimantal units . For example, a corn field is divided into four, each part is 'treated' with a different fertiliser to see which produces the most corn; a teacher practices different teaching methods on different groups in her class to see which yields the best results; a doctor treats a patient with a skin condition with different creams to see which is most effective. 10. Define quantitative research. Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. 11. What are the benefits of descriptive study? 12. What is Research design? A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed to structure or to solve problems. In other words the researcher should consider (1) the design technique, (2) the type of data, (3) the sampling methodology and procedures, (4) the schedule and the budget. 13. Give a frame work for the types of research 14. Define hypothesis and its type. A hypothesis can be defined as a logically conjectured relationship between two or more variables expressed in the form of a testable statement. Types: 1.Working hypothesis (directional and non directional); Statistical hypothesis (Null and Alternate Hypothesis) 15. What is longitudinal research? 16. List the characteristics of good research design 17. Give example for symptoms and problems. 18. What is business research? Business research is an organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem undertaken with the purpose of finding solutions to it. 19. What is directional hypothesis? Give example The hypothesis which indicates the type or direction of relationship between variables is called as directional hypothesis. In specifying the relationship between variables the terms such as positive, negative, more than, less than and the like are used in these hypotheses. Eg., High income consumers spend more on consumer durables. 20. Define qualitative research

It is concerned with qualitative phenomenon (i.e.) phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind. This type of research aims at discovering the underlying motives and desires, using in depth interviews for the purpose.

21. What is confounding variable? PART B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How does one frame the research objectives? and list the characteristics of hypothesis Explain exploratory research design and tools used in this research design Explain the components of Research Design Explain the purpose of causal research design What are the characteristics of good research? Discuss with examples the Pre-Experimental research designs. Examine the various types of research and their relative merits and demerits Describe with an example the development of hypothesis and testing of hypothesis with a flow diagram 9. Discuss the steps involved in research process 10. Explain with examples the principles of local control and Randomization 11. Discuss with example the Solomon four group designs with example 12. Explain in detail the applications of business research. 13. Difference between descriptive, exploratory and Experimental designs.

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