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Risk Assessment

RISK ASSESSMENT Risk # 1: Unproductivity of the members can slow down the development of the system. Moderate probability of risk

Likelihood of risk:

Potential impact on the project:

Ways to address this risk:

It will increase the time in developing the project by 25%.

The project manager, whose responsibility is to manage the members of the team, should do this in a strict manner. The project manager should teach or train each member of the team on time budgeting. It is essential that time management or budgeting be a way of helping the members with regards to productivity.

RISK ASSESSMENT Risk # 2: Systems analyst doesnt have an experience in developing hotel business software. High probability of risk It will increase the time in developing the project by 30%. 50% chance that the objectives of the project will not be met. Ways to address this risk: The systems analyst should acquire knowledge about the hotel industry. Also, the analyst should understand how the software works or how it will be used.

Likelihood of risk: Potential impact on the project:

RISK ASSESSMENT Risk # 3: Bad environment can affect the working condition of those in the project team. Because of this, the development of the project may slow down. High probability of risk It will increase the time in developing the project by 40%.

Likelihood of risk: Potential impact on the project:

30% chance that the objectives of the project will not be met.
Ways to address this risk: The project manager should keep a working environment wherein members of the team can work properly. Not only that, the members should keep a discipline attitude. They should put in mind that in order for them to attain the objectives, they should work together in keeping the environment in the proper working condition.

RISK ASSESSMENT Risk # 4: Failure of the project manager to do his or her job. With this risk, there would be confusion among the members of the project. Because of this, objectives will not be met on time and developing the project may become costly.

Likelihood of risk: Potential impact on the project:

High probability of risk It will increase the time in developing the project by 55%.

30% chance that the objectives of the project will not be met.
20% chance that cost in developing will increase. Ways to address this risk: The project manager should keep in mind the objectives of this project. The manager should keep a record of things that he should do. Also, the manager should update this record whenever an objective is achieved.

RISK ASSESSMENT Risk # 5: Over budgeting may lead to an unplanned and undeveloped project. High probability of risk 50% chance that the objectives of the project will not be met. 50% chance that cost in developing will increase. Ways to address this risk: The project manager should also keep in mind his recording job. He should update or monitor the development of the project so as to prevent under developing or over developing of the project. By keeping this job in a strict manner, he would surely prevent over budgeting.

Likelihood of risk: Potential impact on the project:

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