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Summer Safety for Seniors

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - her down. Move him or her to a June 26, 2013 - As Oklahoma cool, dry place to lie down and continues to experience its re- rest. Loosen or remove clothcent history of long, hot sum- ing. Apply cool water to the mers, it is becoming vitally skin and fan the wet skin. Apimportant to understand symp- plying ice that is wrapped in a toms of heat related illnesses, towel to the head, neck armpits especially for the seniors in our and groin areas can help to bring community. down the body temperature, too. Also have him or her drink cool Our bodies work hard every water. The water should be cool, day to maintain a normal tem- but not iced. Electrolyte drinks perature. Excessive heat forces are also good for someone expeour body to work harder than riencing this condition. Heat exnormal, which often is the root haustion can lead to heat stroke. cause of heat-related illness. For senior citizens, this can be Heat stroke, on the other hand, a dangerous, and even deadly, is a life threatening condition. It problem. With awareness and requires immediate medical atpreventative measures, caregiv- tention. Heat stroke occurs when ers can help their senior loved the body cannot cool itself, usuones enjoy a healthy, active ally because sweating stops and summer. the body's core temperature becomes too high. Conditions like "Seniors don't feel the heat obesity, cardiovascular disease the way younger people do. and diabetes, as well as taking And so, they might not be aware some medications commonly of the risks of high tempera- prescribed to seniors, being detures. As we age our bodies lose hydrated or consuming alcohol some natural ability to regulate in elevated temperatures, can all temperature, making seniors contribute to the increased risk more susceptible to temperature of heat stroke. changes," said Joe Forrest General Manager of Comfort KeepSymptoms of heat stroke iners serving central Oklahoma. clude headache, dizziness, el"Because seniors perspire less, evated or lowered blood presit's harder for them to keep cool sure, disorientation, agitation, which also increases their risk confusion, sluggishness, fatigue, of becoming overheated," For- seizures, hot dry skin, fainting, rest added. loss of consciousness, increased body temperature, rapid heartThe two most serious condi- beat and hallucinations. tions for seniors that result from heat and exposure to high temAnother major issue seniors peratures are heat exhaustion can experience due to prolonged and heat stroke. Heat exhaus- heat exposure is dehydration. tion is a non-life-threatening People age 65 and older can lose condition caused by loss of salt their sense of thirst, and tend to and fluid from the body that re- not drink enough. Older people sults from prolonged exposure also have less ability to perspire, to extreme heat. Characteristic which is a mechanism to release symptoms of heat exhaustion in- heat from the body. In addiclude headache, blurred vision, tion, many older people have nausea, upset stomach, ashen chronic health problems such as appearance, low blood pressure, diabetes, high blood pressure, vomiting, sluggishness, fatigue, and heart disease, and may take thirst, rapid weak heartbeat, medications that can make them profuse sweating and moderate more susceptible to dehydration increase in body temperature. and can cause increased sensitivity to sunlight. Once you recognize that the senior in your life is in distress As a caregiver you can help and exhibiting the symptoms to prevent dehydration and heat of heat exhaustion, it's impera- exhaustion in your senior loved tive to take action to cool him or one by following these simple tips: / Make sure seniors drinks plenty of fluids throughout the day, even if they do not feel thirsty. Seniors should avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages as much as possible as they accelerate dehydration. Have him or her drink plenty of water. The body also loses sodium and potassium through sweating, so popular sports drinks can be good for rehydration also. Good nutrition and adequate fluids are especially important for seniors in the hot summer months. Remember, dehydration increases the risk of skin injury. \/ Avoid direct sun exposure, especially during peak hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Keeping seniors out of direct sunlight as much as possible is key. Seek out shaded spots outdoors. To protect their skin from harmful UV rays, the American Cancer Society uses a catch phrase that can help seniors remember some useful steps to protect themselves when going out in the sun - "Slip! Slop! Slap! Wrap!" Meaning, "Slip on a shirt. Slop on Sunscreen. Slap on a hat. And Wrap on sunglasses to protect the eyes and sensitive skin around them." \/ Limit strenuous activity and exercise. Our body works hard enough during the hot days that adding strenuous physical activity can be detrimental. If seniors exercises regularly, try it during the early morning or late evenings. Planning around the hottest time of the day can help to limit exposure to the heat. ~ Take frequent breaks to cool down. When spending time out in the hot sun, it's beneficial to take numerous breaks to recover. Having a cool area in his or her home in which to recover can also be beneficial. Make sure the home's cooling device - whether it's an electric fan, a portable air conditioner or central AC - is working properly to ensure faster recovery. As always, guidelines in this article are not intended as medical advice. Do seek medical attention if a senior in your care is experiencing heat-related issues. That way, you can assure that your senior has a safe and healthy summer!

National Guard Trains with First Responders in Chemical Emergency Response

ardour materials. Once the Tulsa Fire Department determined the threat was larger than what they could handle, they coordinated through the incident command center to have the 63rd CST, with its specialized chemical detection equipment and HAZMAT trained Soldiers, analyze the site. Maj. Gerald Mastin, deputy commander of the CST, said the exercise shows local first responders what assets the CST brings to the table and demonstrates how they can request the unit's presence. "One of the things our partners hadn't realized before we started was if they need us, how they get us." Mastin, a resident of Stillwater, Okla., said. "They have to go through their emergency manager to the state emergency manager and the Governor, who makes the decision to deploy us." Another lesson the joint force learned was the CST does not become the task force lead after responding. The team provides assistance to the local incident commander and becomes another asset for the civilian agencies. The second morning of the training scenario kicked off with a notional raid by police who discovered several chemical and bomb making sites on a suspect's property. The Tulsa Bomb Squad moved in with a bomb disposal robot and bomb technicians to render the improvised explosive devices littering the compound inoperable while Tulsa and Verdigris Fire Departments set up decontamination sites and support areas for the CST. "Communication carried the day," Sean Hagerty, a trainer with Davis Defense Group said. "Sometimes communication is founded on nothing more than relationships between people in the organizations and that carries the day every time." But communication can be a challenge between agencies that aren't used to working together and at times Soldiers and firefighters could be seen running from truck to truck; command post to command post to pass information about changes in intelligence and operations. Mastin said it is important for these issues to develop during this training event so the agencies understand how to work around problems. "We are trying to challenge ourselves and our partners here," Mastin said. The communication challenge did not stop the mission. After the bomb squad gave word the area was safe, leaders created a plan to send in the CST's survey team to determine what types of dangerous chemicals were present in the compound, while Tulsa firefighters provided emergency evacuation support. The six survey team members, outfitted in protective gear, moved through the area testing the air inside and out of several mobile homes, which had improvised chemical laboratories. Each lab had a different hazard, ranging from methamphetamines to toxic chemical production. After surveying the area and relaying the information to the incident command the Soldiers walked out of the compound and were ushered through a chemical decontamination site operated by the Tulsa Fire Department Hazardous Materials unit. The exercise focuses on teamwork and the Soldiers of the CST feel they performed their roles to standard. "Our job gives the decision makers something to work with." Williams said. "Without our eyes on, without our analysis, they can't make a plan to fix this. These training events are always worst case scenario and that prepares us for any obstacle."

State of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City Partner to Attract New AT&T Jobs
It was announced today that AT&T plans to bring more than 100 new jobs to Oklahoma City. These new AT&T jobs will primarily support small and medium business customers as they implement AT&T business solutions and services. Hiring is underway with 25 new project managers already working at the company's offices on Wireless Way in Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce and the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber utilized proactive outreach and incentives to secure the influx of new jobs that will positively impact the local economy. AT&T intends to participate in the Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program administered by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the Training for Industry Program offered by the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, as well as the Strategic Investment Program under the direction of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. "Oklahoma is a great place
Brooke Daryl

to do business," said Bryan Gonterman, President of AT&T Oklahoma. "Our company could have placed these jobs anywhere in the country, and we chose Oklahoma City. We plan to create more than 100 jobs in Oklahoma. The friendly business climate, high quality of life and excellent workforce make this state a place I'm proud to call home and my company is excited to invest in," he continued. "AT&T's decision to bring good-paying, new jobs to Oklahoma is more proof our focus on building a pro-business climate is working. We know great companies like AT&T have a variety of options when deciding where to invest and create jobs. My thanks go out to AT&T and its leadership team for their decision to grow their investment in Oklahoma," said Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin.

Story by Sgt. Anthony Jones, 145th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment VERDIGRIS, Okla. Soldiers dressed in hazardous materials suits sift through a suspected chemical lab while firefighters, wearing their own protective equipment closely watch nearby. The two groups are part of a large training exercise focused on building relationships between the 63rd Civil Support Team (CST) and its first responder counterparts in the Tulsa, Okla., area. The training event began with a mock chemical leak at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa and led the joint law enforcement team to a simulated terrorist camp near Verdigris, Okla. "These are the guys we will respond with if something happens," said Sgt. Warren Williams, survey and analytical team chief, 63rd CST, about the dozens of firefighters and police officers working the scene with his team. "They are the ones who will be calling us for further assistance, so it is good to have a face-toface to build a working relationship with these guys and be able to integrate seamlessly." Several large organizations planned the three-day event. Oklahoma State University University Multispectral Laboratories, Davis Defense Group and multiple first responder agencies from across the northeast Tulsa area participated in the joint exercise last week. First responder agencies included Rogers County Emergency Response, Tulsa Police Department, Tulsa Fire Department, Verdigris Fire Department, Tulsa Bomb Squad, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, 63rd CST and the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management. The 63rd CST is part of a national program of federally funded state operated teams tasked with responding to a weapon of mass destruction attack on American soil. The program began in 1998. Each state has at least one team with all teams organized into specific response regions across the United States. "This type of training is invaluable," said Sean Hagerty, a trainer with Davis Defense Group. "The lessons learned from this will carry forth into real-world response with things like what "Oklahoma City is open for we've seen with the natural dibusiness, and the announcement sasters here in Oklahoma in the that AT&T will locate additional last few months." Each phase of the training employees here is a testament that we have an environment tested the responders in their individual skills. As the initial call that fosters success. We are excited to support came about a suspected chemiAT&T in their future success cal leak at the Port of Catoosa, and growth in Oklahoma City," firefighters rushed to the scene said Mick Cornett, Mayor of and began setting up chemical decontamination sites, providing Oklahoma City. assistance to the security guards AT&T is looking for entry who simulated exposure to hazlevel management employees in Oklahoma. Interested applicants should go to AT&T's career website at to learn more.


US Grant Class of '69 contact < > Southeast High School Planning meeting-call Bonita Ruise, Southeast High School. 6 pm. Second Tuesday, Western Sizzlin' Steakhouse, 2110 SW 74. Call Pete White, 232-8888 ALL CHHS ALUMNI Classes which meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:30am - 1pm at the new Golden Corral. (Can't reserve the room so have to be early). The Golden Corral is at the same address, on 74th Services Rd. Capitol Hill High School Class of 1953 is looking for classmates for the 60 year reunion July 12 Er 13, 2013. Contact Mellodee - jerry. or 794-3620 Capitol Hill High School Class of 1963 is looking for classmates for the 50 year reunion June 7th and 8th 2013. Contact Rosemary Diana 381 2060 or Twyla 691 1251. 27th Annual All-Yrs Jackson JHS Reunion, 11 a.m., July 20 at Teamsters Hall, 3528 W Reno (W of Mathis Furn); potluck welcome; Drinks/Tableware furnished. Info: Chris (Arismendez) Cannaday, 682-8786.1964 CHHS meets twice a month. We meet the last Monday of each month at "Grill on the Hill" at 11:30. We also meet second Tuesday of every month, 6pm, at Boomerang Grill, 92nd It S. Western. For more info, contact Frances Fleming Louderback 799-2598 CHHS Class of 1960 First Friday of each month at the Grill-on-the-Hill for dinner, from 6:00 pm til close! The Grill will not be open on Friday, July 5th. So the next dinner will be August 2, 2013. Teddy Lou needs to know who is coming to the CHAAA banquet in July. Please let us know so we can sit together.Grill-On-The-Hill 324 SW 25th Street 634-9866 American Legion Post #13 at 239 S.E, 57th (is one block east of Shields Blvd.) in OKC will be having the Friday night dance featuring the band "Family Tradition". Hours 8pm to 10:30 pm. There will be door prizes. Adm. $5 each. For reservations call Jack at 795-2844 or 8336715. Oklahoma County Democrats Meet at noon at Boulevard Cafeteria each Friday. Just go to the room marked "Democrats" meal is not required.

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