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Tea and the Tea-Table in EighteenthCentury England

General Editor: Markman Ellis Volume Editors: Richard Coulton, Ben Dew and Matthew Mauger
4 Volume Set: c.1600pp: July 2010 978 1 85196 979 1: 234x156mm: 350/$625

In the eighteenth century tea and coffee were both recent arrivals to English culture and commodities of conspicuous and luxurious consumption. Unlike coffee however, tea retained its luxury status its high cost and associated rarity making it a favourite drink at Court. It also came to be seen as a domestic drink and one more often drunk by women, in contrast to the male-dominated coffeehouse. But the history of tea gains a more political edge after the East India Company transformed the market in the mid-eighteenth century. Increased consumption brought with it taxation, smuggling, and conflict between Britain and the Colonies, leading to violent action at the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. Tea was also railed against by the Methodist preacher John Wesley, who saw the increase in tea-drinking as the corrupting influence of consumerism on the poor. This four-volume, reset collection takes as its starting point the earliest substantial descriptions of tea as a commodity in the mid-seventeenth century, and ends in the early nineteenth century with two key events: the discovery of tea plants in Assam, India in 1823, and the dissolution of the East India Companys monopoly on the tea trade in 1833. The majority of the material here is rare and has not previously been the subject of scholarly study of this kind. Markman Ellis, Richard Coulton and Matthew Mauger are all at Queen Mary, University of London Ben Dew, University of Portsmouth

Johnson and Boswell at Tea Courtesy of The Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University

 The works included have no modern editions, with many being very rare M  ost of this material has never been edited to an academic standard before  Tea, like coffee, continues to have a major intellectual and cultural resonance in the twentyfirst century W  ill allow scholars to assess the unique contribution made by tea to British and American culture I  ncludes a general introduction, volume introductions, headnotes, endnotes and a concise bibliography of relevant secondary material  Consolidated index in the final volume

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Volume 1: Literary Representations of Tea and the Tea-Table
Tate, Nahum, Panacea: a poem upon tea: in two cantos, By N Tate, servant to His Majesty (London, 1700); Motteux, Peter Anthony, A poem upon tea [London, 1712]; On Tea Tables and Visiting Days, in Essays serious and comical, Viz On the readers of this book The art of pleasing in women ... (London, 1707); [Letters for and against tea-drinking], in A collection of miscellany letters: selected out of Mists Weekly Journal (London, 172227) [Extracts: 1722]; Discourse II, Of the Expensive Use of Drinking Tea, in Whipping-Tom: or, a rod for a proud lady... (London, 1722) [Extract: frontispiece plate and titlepage]; Discourse II, Melancholy Considerations of the Universal Poison, or the dismal Effects of Tea, in The Second Part of Whipping-Tom ... (London, 1722) [Extract: frontispiece plate and titlepage, preface]; Ramsay, Allan, The tea-table miscellany (Edinburgh, 1723) [1 Song]; Tea: A poem, Or, ladies into china-cups: a metamorphosis (London, 1729); Bland, James, Professor of Physic, Of her Temperence, in An essay in praise of women: or, a looking-glass for ladies to see their perfections in (London, 1733) [Extract: titlepage]; Waldron, John A satyr against tea, Or, Ovingtons essay upon the nature and qualities of tea... (Dublin, 1733); Tea, a poem, In three cantos (London, 1743); Lockman, John, To the long-conceald first promoter of the cambrick and tea-bills ... (London, 1746); The tea drinking wife, and drunken husband, To which is added, three other songs ([Newcastle upon Tyne?], 1749); A new tea-table miscellany: or, bagatelles for the amusement of the fair sex, To which are added, a collection of conundrums, with their solutions (London, 1750) [Extract: frontispiece, titlepage, preface]; Colman, George, Number LX, Thursday, March 20, 1755: A Dialogue Between a TeaTable and a Card-Table, in The connoisseur, By Mr Town, critic and censor-general (London, 17551756) [Extract]; Epistle XI, A Description of a Public Tea-drinking, with Remarks on the Company, concluding with an unfortunate Incident, in The register of folly, or, characters and incidents at Bath and the hot-wells, in a series of poetical epistles, by an invalid ([London], 1773) [Extract]; Touchstone, Timothy, Tea and sugar, or the nabob and the creole: a poem (London, 1792); The art of making tea, a poem, in two cantos (Cambridge, 1797); Busk, Hans, The Tea, in The Dessert, a poem, to which is added The Tea, by the author of The Banquet (London, 1819) and thee or tea, experimentally known in this our climate ([London, 1690?]); Ovington, J (John), An essay upon the nature and qualities of tea, Wherein are shown, I: The soil and climate where it grows, II: The various kinds of it, III: The rules for chusing what is best, ... (London, 1699); Duncan, Daniel, Wholesome advice against the Abuse of Hot Liquors, Particularly of Coffee, Chocolate, tea, Brandy and Strong Waters (London, 1706) [Translation of Avis Salutaire a Tout le Monde, Contre LAbus des Choses Chaude, et Particulierement Du Caf, du Chocolat, & du Th (Rotterdam, 1705)] [Extract]; Cunningham, James, Part of Two Letters to the Publisher from James Cunningham, FRS and Physician to the English at Chusan in China, Giving an Account of His Voyage Thither, of the Island of Chusan, of the Several Sorts of Tea, ... , in Miscellanea curiosa... (London, 1708) [Extract]; The volatile spirit of Bohee-Tea ([London, 1710?]); Of the use of Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, and Drams ... (London, 1722); A treatise on the inherent qualities of the tea-herb: being an account of the natural virtues of the bohea, green, and imperial teas, Collected from MSS of learned and skilfull physicians ... (London, 1750); Lettsom, John Coakley, The natural history of the tea-tree, with observations on the medical qualities of tea, and effects of tea-drinking (London, 1772); Belchilgen, Count, An essay on the virtues and properties of the ginseng tea, ... with observations on the pernicious effects of tea drinking in general (London, 1786); Smith, Hugh, An essay on foreign teas, in An essay on the nerves, illustrating their efficient, formal, material, and final causes, ... (London, [1795?]); Breton, Jean Baptiste Joseph, Monkeys Gathering Tea, in China: its costume, arts, manufactures, &c Edited principally from the originals in the cabinet of the late M Bertin [Bertin, Henri-Lonard-Jean-Baptiste, 17191792], with observations by M Breton, Translated from the French ... Second edition (London, 1812) [translation of La Chine en miniature, ou Choix de costumes, arts et mtiers de cet empire (Paris, 1811)]; The history of the Tea Plant, from the sowing of the seed to its package for the European market ... To which are added remarks on imitation tea, extent of the fraud, legal enactments against it,and the best means of detection (London, [1820?])

Volume 3: Tea, Commerce, and the TeaTrade

Broadbent, Humphrey, The domestick coffee-man, shewing the true way of preparing and making of chocolate, coffee and tea, I: Cocoa chocolate the difference between carracca and martinico, ... II: The best method of roasting coffee, ... III: Of tea, green and bohea (London, 1722) [Extract: titlepage]; Great Britain, Commissioners of Excise, Instructions for officers, Instructions to be observed by the officers employd in the duty on coffee, tea, and chocolate, in London (London, 1724); The case of the

Volume 2: Tea in Natural History and Medical Writing

Garway, Thomas, An exact description of the growth, quality, and vertues of the leaf tea, By Thomas Garway ... tobacconist, and seller and retailer of tea and coffee ([1660?]); Price, Samuel, The virtues of coffee, chocolette,

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dealers in tea [Praying for an ad valorem duty] ([London?, 1736]); Decker, Matthew, Sir, Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as its trade in particular) labours under, ... (London, 1743); Considerations on the duties upon tea, and the hardships sufferd by the dealers in that commodity, Together with A Proposal for their Relief, Collected from the Champion, and publishd at the request of the teadealers (London, 1744); Hanway, Jonas, An Essay on Tea, in A journal of eight days journey from Portsmouth to Kingston upon Thames, ... (London, 1756) [Extract: Essay on tea: frontispiece, titlepage]; Janssen, Stephen Theodore, Sir, Bart, Smuggling laid open, in all its extensive and destructive branches, with proposals for the effectual remedy of that most iniquitous practice: ..., shewing in one view, the whole state of the Tea Importation, Consumption and Revenue ... (London, 1763), [Extracts]; Osbeck, Pehr, A voyage to China and the East Indies, by Peter Osbeck, ... Translated from the German, by John Reinhold Forster, ... (London, 1771) [Extracts]; The Chinese Traveller, Containing a geographical, commercial, and political history of China, With A particular Account of their Customs, Manners, Religion, Agriculture, ... (London, 1772) [Extract]; Entick, John, Empire of China, in The present state of the British Empire, ... (London, 1774) [Extract]; Tsiology: a discourse on Tea, Being an account of that exotic, botanical, chymical, commercial & medical, with notices of its adulteration, the means of detection, Tea-making, with a brief history of the East India Company, &c, &c By a Tea Dealer [and [] Smith, a painter] (London, 1826)

Volume 4: Tea and Politics: the Boston Tea Party (1773) and the Commutation Act (1780)
The present state of the English East-India Companys affairs, ... (London, [1773]) [Extract: titlepage]; Christmasbox for the customers of the Pennsylvania journal, Friday afternoon 5 oclock, Dec. 24, 1773... ([Philadelphia, 1773]) [Broadside: An account of the Boston Tea Party] [Extract]; Poplicola, To the worthy inhabitants of the city of NewYork... ([New York, 1773]) [MS, Extract]; Mechanic, To the worthy inhabitants of New-York, My dear friends, and fellow citizens, You have lately been addressed by a writer, under the signature of Poplicola, whose abilities appear to me, to be much greater than either his integrity, or regard to truth ([New York, 1773]) [MS, Extract]; Boston, December 1, 1773, At a meeting of the people of Boston ... on Monday the 29th of November 1773 ... for the purpose of consulting, advising and determining upon the most proper and effectual method to prevent the unloading, receiving or vending the detestable tea sent out by the East-India Company ([Boston], 1773) [MS Extract]; Boston, December 2, 1773, Whereas it has been

reported that a permit will be given by the Custom-House for landing the tea now on board a vessel laying in this harbour, ... it was solemnly voted by the body of the people of this and the neighbourin towns ... that the said tea never should be landed in this province, or pay one farthing of duty ([Boston, 1773]) [Extract]; The Report of the Lords Committees, appointed by the House of Lords to enquire into the Proceedings in the Colony of Massachusets Bay, in opposition to the Sovereignty of His Majesty ... over that Province (London, 1774); Lee, Arthur, A True State of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Britain and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay Relative to the Giving and Granting the Money of the People of That Province, and of All America, ... (London, 1774); Cartwright, John, American independence the interest and glory of Great Britain, or, arguments to prove, that not only in taxation, but in trade, manufactures, and government, the colonies are entitled to an entire independency on the British legislature ... (London, 1774) [Extract]; part of Cartwrights reply to Tucker, Josiah [Dean of Gloucester], A letter from a merchant in London to his nephew in North America, relative to the present posture of affairs in the colonies (London, 1766) [Extract: title-page]; An impartial history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies, from its commencement to the end of the year 1779... (London, 1780) [Extract]; Association for the Protection of Trade, against Smuggling of Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa Nuts, &c ... ([London, 1780]); Advice to the unwary: Or, an abstract, of certain penal laws now in force against smuggling in general, and the adulteration of tea, with some remarks, Very necessary to be read by all Persons, that they may not run themselves into Difficulties, or incur Penalties there from (London, 1780) [Extract]; Twining, Richard, the Elder, Observations on the tea and window Act, and on the tea trade (London, 1784) [Extract]; Tim Twisting to Dick Twining, or, a seaman to a teaman: being a plain dealers answer to a tea dealers letter (London, 1785); A narrative of the conduct of the teadealers, During the late Sale of Teas at the India House, By the committee of tea-dealers (London, 1785) [Extract]; Baring, Francis, Sir, The principle of the commutation-act established by facts (London, 1786) [Extract]; Thompson, Jona (Jonathan), The commutation-Act candidly considered, in its principles and operations ... (Newcastle, 1786) [Extract]; A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a memoir of George R T Hewes a survivor of the little band of patriots who drowned the tea in Boston Harbor in 1773, By a citizen of New-York [ie James Hawkes] (New-York, 1834) [Extract]

*contents may alter prior to publication

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Related title

Eighteenth-Century Coffee-House Culture

Editor: Markman Ellis During the long eighteenth century the coffee-house brought about profound cultural transformations in English society. Much of the evidence for this view comes from printed satires, plays and histories of the period, many anonymous, fugitive and vulgar. This four-volume edition reprints in facsimile this rare body of texts, which greatly alters previous interpretations of the significance of the coffee-house as a social and democratic space. Most of the works included have never been republished, most remain very difficult to consult outside a few major research libraries, and few have ever been academically edited Each facsimile page is digitally cleaned and enhanced, significantly improving on the quality and legibility of the original General introduction and volume introductions Headnotes and endnotes to each text Concise bibliography and consolidated index in the final volume
4 Volume Set: 1840pp: 2006 978 1 85196 829 9: 234x156mm: 350/$625

His [Ellis] masterful selection and arrangement of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century sources colorfully illustrate the rich legacy of the institution. Nat Zappiah, Huntington Library Quarterly Ellis has done a magnificent job of collecting, ordering, introducing and annotating these four volumes; it is one of the few such collections now emerging from presses with the rapidity of openings of neighborhood Starbucks of which one can say with full conviction: this is worth the price. Melvyn New, The Scriblerian

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