(HowTo) Destroy Sensitive Files and Data From Your Computer

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[HowTo] Destroy Sensitive Files And Data From Your Computer

Level : Beginner Keywords : windows , sensitive , files , data , shred , wipe , eraser , ccleaner .

Aymen Amri amri.aymen@gmail.com

Protecting your privacy is very important , and it doesn't only mean using Internet safely . When you delete a file , it can be recovered easily . This is something that can harm your privacy and give others a lot of information about you , especially if the files you deleted are sensitive . Drag a file to the Recycle bin and empty the bin , actually the file is deleted but not permanently removed .

Why ?
In reality , when deleting a file , it is not removed but the reference to that file is erased from an index table . The file is un-linked , invisible but still exists and the data can be recovered , sometimes some parts of it . When using the right tool , this allows you to restore your files if you've deleted them accidentally , and at the same time , allows every one who can have access to your storage device to have access to your sensitive information . Imagine you are using windows and editing a word document containing some sensitive information . You finished editing it and before deleting it you had stored it in an encrypted external hard drive . Knowing that most of programs saves your work automatically every 10 minutes , you can find a copy of your work in the Temporary Files folder or somewhere else . Even if Windows will delete those temporary files after finishing , you know now that deleting a file is never done permanently . Encrypting your sensitive data is important , but for the big brother , your traces are the linchpin . The right way to wipe data [1] , is overwriting the part of the drive containing the data many times (sometimes 35 times [2]) with random numbers .

How ?
Creating a secure backup when manipulating files , is a good habit , so don't hesitate to do it before starting . Eraser is an easy-to-use free and open source software that can help you wipe any file you want . It can overwrite data several times using randomized patterns of binary code. Eraser provides you with a lot of advanced settings, for example different file and space erasure methods, the option to replace erased files with other files to allow plausible deniability, and schedule erasure of files, folders, recycle bin, or unused disk space. The tool is also available as a portable app called EraserDrop Portable. It is part of the PortableApps suite. Using Eraser , you can choose between : Delete and shred single files. Wipe all free space on a drive .

For the first option , you will be sure that you will only wipe the deleted file(s) of your choice , previously deleted files can be recovered . For the second option , you will wipe all the previously deleted files and if you've done a mistake , it will be impossible to recover your files . Be sure to make the right choice , in function of your need .

In both cases it is very recommended to : Create a secure backup when you are not 100% sure . Think about wiping the temporary files that may contains different versions of your original file . (explained in the next section) . In this tutorial, we will choose one file to delete and then we will wipe the temporary file , to leave no traces of any automatically-saved trace of the original file .

Wiping A Sensitive File With Eraser :

Let's begin . Downloading the latest version of the software from the Eraser homepage is the first step . Save the file to your desktop or somewhere where you can easily find it. When the download is complete, double click on the file to start the installation. If you are a windows Vista or Windows 7 user , you must click on Yes (or enter your administrator password) , when Security Warning dialog box appears , in order for the installation to continue.

Figure 1 : Eraser Setup Window Click on Next.

Figure 2 : End-User License Agreement

This window will then be displayed , choose I accept the terms in the License Agreement , if you are happy with the terms , then click Next

Choose Install .

Figure 3 : Eraser Setup Window

Figure 4 : Setup Type This window will appear , we just need to choose the Typical installation . Everything is ready to install, so click on Install in the next window . Wait for the green installation status bar to finish , and click Finish in the last window . Now you can run Eraser , and you will see the main user interface of the software (Figure 5) .

Figure 5 : Eraser Main Window

To configure Eraser , select Edit Preferences Erasing . The Preferences : Erasing window will appear .

Figure 6 : Eraser Preferences We will overwrite our data using the Pseudorandom Data method. When using this option by default , the number time the data will be overwritten is 1 . However, for extra security we will increase the number of passes, an to do that , just click on Edit and change 1 by 5 . Make sure that Cluster Tip Area and Alternate Data Streams are checked . Well done , let's move to wipe a specific file right now . You can use the software itself , but it is more practical to right-click on the file like in the Figure 7 .

Figure 7 : Windows Explorer After selecting Erase , the Confirm Erasing pop up dialog box will appear

Figure 8 : Confirm Erasing

Click Yes and the file will be shredded . You can choose Erase Secure Move , if you want to securely move PlanB.doc from your computer to a USB memory stick for example .

Figure 9 : Recycle Bin Rightclick You may also right-click anywhere on the Recycle Bin icon to activate the Eraser pop-up menu . Like we said , in a previous part of this tutorial , some temporary versions of our securely deleted file (PlanB.doc) can be somewhere in the system files or in a swap file [3] . To be sure that PlanB.doc will not be recovered , we should shred all the traces that we may leave .

Leave No Traces :
CCleaner is a small utility for computers running Microsoft Windows that cleans out the 'junk' that accumulates over time: temporary files, broken shortcuts, and other problems. CCleaner protects privacy also by cleaning browsing history and temporary Internet files Let's begin by downloading the latest version of this utility . Like Eraser , the installation is guided and easy . Double click on the executable file , choose your language , accept the agreement if you're happy with it , choose the default type of installation and click Finish . Now double click on the icon of the program to start and you will see the main window (Figure 10) .

Figure 10 : CCleaner Main Console To change the secure deletion type as well as the number of passes of random data , click on Options , choose Settings , select Secure file deletion (slower) and you will be allowed to

choose from multiple secure deletion methods with different number of passes . Remember always that the greater the number of passes is , the more times your document, file or folder will be overwritten with random data . This reduces the chances to recover that file , but increases the length of time required by the wiping process.

Figure 11 : Cleaning Results Let's click now on Analyze located in the first window . By using the following steps, you will delete temporary files for the items you have checked in both the Windows and Applications tabs. After finishing the analyze process , click on Run Cleaner and wait for the file deletion result . Like Eraser , CCleaner can be also used as a portable software . In conclusion , using Eraser and CCleaner is a very good and secure way to wipe sensitive files from your hard drive . Consider having good habits like making secure backups , having a global vision on your privacy , fixing a strategy and thinking before making any step .

[1] Wiping is the process of deleting information securely and permanently [2] The Gutmann method is an algorithm for securely erasing the contents of computer hard drives, such as files. Devised by Peter Gutmann and Colin Plumb, it does so by writing a series of 35 patterns over the region to be erased. [3]Alternatively referred to as a page file or paging file, a swap file is a file stored on the computer hard drive that is used as a temporary location to store information that is not currently being used by the computer RAM

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