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Legal Concern

Property Right
Since Netflix is a provider of on demand internet streaming media and DVD film rental services website, the copyright of each products such as films, videos, trademarks, advertisement should have protected. (Associated Press,2007) Netflix has delivered over billionth DVD and has more than 6.3 billion subscribers on the date. (Unknown, n.d.) Therefore each of the products should be protected to maintain its uniqueness and values. In e-commerce, property rights are the income for the owner from royalties. It is also essential for customers recognition and branding. It works as a trust bonding between customers for the quality and originality. It allows Netflix to distributed the products and use it for publicity without violating any of the copyrights rules or license. It also protects the income and earning profit rights for Netflix to continue its business. In Malaysia, there are company which control the rights of film: Motion Picture Licensing Company Malaysia MACP (Music Authors' Copyright Protection) PRISM (Performers & Artistes Rights Malaysia) PPM (Public Performance Malaysia)

Computer Crime
Computer crime such as hacking, illegal download, fraud, spam and others threaten the e-commerce business. It decreases the trust between the customers and the vendors or merchants. According to Kevin Voigt,2009, the cyber crime has affected e-commerce field because of the surprise of the malware on the internet system. In Malaysia, most of the people doesn't get trust doing online payment and having awareness of personal details would be stolen or misused. The percentage of citizens of Malaysia who adopt to online payment are still low. It may affected since Netflix required people to paid and watch or rent the media on the website.

Computer crime also involve pornography and extreme violence scenes. Therefore the media in Netflix should pass the checking of Film Censorship Board of Malaysia & Malaysia Cyber Law: The Communication and Multimedia Act. Films have to be classified accordingly and distribute to the suitable customers. Therefore some suggestion for the solution of the computer crime in order to increase the business of Netflix: Enforcing the current cyber law in order to gain trust of customers. Enforcing the security system and trusted certificates of the website. Provide alternative manual payment by using identified code or password during online payment. Enable identification of the customers upon registration through IC or DOB.

(Mark S. Ackerman and Donald T. Davis, Jr. ,n.d.) Privacy is control over ones personal data and security for the attempted access to data by unauthorized others. Customers are concerned about privacy to get their personal information hidden form others. However privacy doesn't mean security. In Netflix, the details of the customers are hidden. The password and the payment information are protected and encrypted for the right of customers. In e-commerce, data protection is protected the data from falling into unauthorized person misused it. However some data may provide good and useful information. Example such as which media is more favorable or attractive, thus more promotion can be made and more data allocation can be provided to increase the sales and income of Netflix. The history of the customers' viewed and purchased, in Netflix, are retained for the administration as a references to improve the working flow of business and quality of the website. Therefore as the solution, Netflix need to have a term and conditions paper for customers agreement on the privacy. In the payment and registration, only basic information is required to maintain less information of customers to be revealed out on Netflix database. (509 words)

References 1. Associated Press. (2007). Netflix delivers 1 billionth DVD. Available: [Last accessed 4th July 2013.] 2. Unknown. n.d.. Understanding How Intellectual Property (IP) Relates to ECommerce. Available : [Last accessed: 4th July 2013] 3. Kevin Voigt. 2009. Cyber crime poses threat to e-commerce - Available: CText [Last accessed: 4th July 2013] 4. Mark S. Ackerman and Donald T. Davis, Jr.. (n.d.). Privacy and Security Issues in ECommerce. Available: [Last accessed 4th July 2013.]

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