Highlights On Social Accountability (April 15-22, 2013)

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Please send us any information you would like us to share through the weekly highlights of the Social Accountability

Community of Practice!

Highlights on Social Accountability

April 15 April 22, 2013
[Upcoming Event]

"Open Government Networking Mechanism on Citizen Engagement on Law Making" Thursday, April 25, 2013; 10:00 - 11:00 AM (EST) | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Brazil | 2:00 - 3:00 PM Morocco (14:00 GMT) This webinar is sponsored by OGP Network Mechanism (Global Integrity) and the World Bank Institute. It will explore online and offline approaches to enhancing citizen participation in lawmaking processes by both government institutions and civic organizations. It will also discuss lessons learned with respect to citizen engagement and prospects for increasing collaboration between government and civic groups to meet common goals. Presenters are Andrew G. Mandelbaum (Senior Program Officer, National Democratic Institute (NDI)) and Cristiano Ferri Faria (Manager,Legislative e-Democracy Program, Brazilian House of Representatives). To register for this webinar, please click here. To join the webinar, please click here.
[Upcoming Event]

"Social Accountability: How Context Matters" Thursday, May 9, 2013; 9:00 - 11:30 AM (EST), Room J B1-075, Washington DC The purpose of this session is to discuss a recently completed piece of analytical work (ESW) on context and social accountability for the SDV Social Accountability and Demand-for-Good Governance Cluster (SAcc&DFGG). The topic will be presented by Simon O'Meally (Governance Specialist, SASGP), who was the author of this ESW. This work is a background input for the cluster flagship report. The main objective of the ESW was to: develop a preliminary framework for better understanding, mapping, and tailoring to context in the design and implementation of demand-side governance. It addresses two core questions: (i)What do we know about the critical contextual factors that matter? and (ii) What are the practical implications? For any questions regarding this event, or to RSVP, please send an email to fabiansoria@worldbank.org.
[Event Recording]

"Building the Case for Social Accountability: Lessons from ANSA-South Asia" On April 9, WBI and SDV co-sponsored this brown-bag lunch. South Asia has been home to many social accountability initiatives, and the evidence demonstrating social accountability's effectiveness in the region is growing and being consolidated. The Affiliated Network for Social Accountability - South Asia (ANSA-SAR) has played a key role in convening relevant stakeholders and sharing knowledge on social accountability practices at the regional level, such as through the Community of Practice on Social Accountability in the South Asia Region (CoPSA), which is a partnership between ANSA-SAR and CUTS International. The presenter (George Cheriyan) focused on the work ANSA SAR has done on social accountability through CoPSA. If you were unable to attend the event in person or online, you can still watch the online recording. To do so, please click here.

The Right to Information Toolkit One of the most effective ways for citizens and journalists to hold a government accountable is through 1

Right to Information (RTI) or Freedom of Information (FoI) acts. This Toolkit provides step by step instructions to submit requests for information under the RTI law, using Nepal as an example. Additionally, it identifies potential problem areas applicants may encounter while seeking information and provides tips to tackle these problems. Using international examples, it illustrates how the Right to Information, along with strong investigative journalism, has helped expose hidden details regarding corruption and the abuse of power by government officials around the world, and catalyzed government action in response. The toolkit is now being translated and condensed into more user-friendly forms. It is the result of a series of indepth discussions over the course of a year in Nepal and elsewherewith civil society activists, journalists, academics and citizensabout the need for a document that clearly indicates how RTI or FoI Acts can be used most effectively. To download the Toolkit, please click here.
[New Report]

"Engaging Citizens against Corruption in Asia: Approaches, Results, and Lessons", by Partnership For Transparency Fund (PTF) This report summarizes the combined wisdom of civil society organizations, citizens and anti-corruption experts, engaging in the fight against corruption in Asia. The report summarizes the workshop proceedings of the PTF-sponsored 2011 Regional Workshop in Asia and provides practitioner-relevant expert advice, case studies and presentations that will help CSOs around the world create an even greater impact through their work. CSOs identified constructive engagement with authorities, innovative use of media and political economy analysis as some of the most salient challenges to resolve, gearing up to bring their work to the next level. To download the report, please click here.
[Upcoming Book]

"Citizens Against Corruption: Report from the Front Line", by Pierre Landell-Mills This book tells the story of how groups of courageous and dedicated citizens across the globe are taking direct action to root out corruption. Based on extensive practical experience through the work over more than a decade supported by The Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), this book shows how ordinary people are no longer prepared to accept the predatory activities of dishonest officials and are successfully challenging their scams. Author Landell-Mills, co-founder and first president of PTF, states: This book draws on over 200 case studies that describe impressive initiatives undertaken over the past decade by 130 civil society organizations (CSOs) in 53 countries which engage directly with public agencies to stop the bribery and extortion that damages peoples lives and obstructs social and economic progress". The book will be available on paperback and ebook formats via Amazon.com starting April 30, 2013.

Winners of "Testing 1-2-3" Announced Global Integrity has recently announced the five innovative ideas selected to receive funding from the TESTING 1 2 3: The Global Integrity Innovation Fund. The chosen ideas will receive up to US$10,000 to test unique ways to approach the problems of corruption, poor transparency and low levels of accountability in governments around the globe. They can be tested within six months, and they have the potential to yield proof-of concepts that add to the current knowledge base. The winners are organizations from different parts of the globe, including Mexico, Macedonia, Spain and Serbia. To learn more about the five winners and their initiatives, please click here.
The SA&DFGG team would like to thank Tiago Peixoto (WBIOG), Marcos Mendiburu (WBISG) for their contribution to this Weekly Highlights. Please send us any information you would like us to share through the weekly highlights of the Social Accountability Community of Practice! All inputs are appreciated and recognition will be given in this section.

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