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Potrero Dogpatch Merchants Association General Membership Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Businesses in attendance:

Liberty Credit Card Solutions, Pet Camp, Photography by Emily Payne, Market on Third, Fei Tian Academy of the Arts California, Alter Images, Market on Third, The Good Life Grocery, The Potrero View, JCarpinelli Design, Mackenzie Warehouse, Metronome Dance Collective, ProLocal, Walden Development, Potrero Chiropractors & Acupuncture, Joe Boss, Recology, Rickshaw Bagworks, UCSF, Goat Hill Pizza, Airbnb, Deborah Lardie CPA and QuickBooks Expert, Oliviers Butchery, Pats Garage, Allpointe Insurance Services, Sports Basement, Giggling Lotus Yoga, Events By Collette, Dick Millet Architect, St. Theresa Church, and ACTCM.

Guest businesses in attendance:

SCRAP, Andrea Bruss from Supervisor Cohens Office, Supervisor Malia Cohen, Ashbury Images.

Police Update SFPD Officer Mike Chantal

Officer Michael Chantal is one of the new beat officers. Feel free to give him a call if you have any issues or concerns. Please email him at Please communicate with the police department whenever you need to, have the opportunity to, or see anything suspicious. There are over 155 officers in the district. Three newsletters are emailed per week to over 4500 recipients, please contact Sergeant Hart to get on the mailing list; you can reach him at Please contact Officer Sue Mann who is in charge of homeless / garbage / illegal camper issues. You can reach Sue at 415-850-9740 and if she does not answer leave a message.

Family Friendly Workplace Legislation Supervisor Malia Cohen Supervisor David Chiu recently introduced a ballot measure that would give parents and caregivers the right to request a flexible work schedule from their employer and mandate that employers comply as long as the request does not create an "undue hardship" for the business. The measure was co-sponsored by Supervisor Cohen. The legislation is well intentioned, but it would also create a complicated - and potentially expensive - appeal process that would take day-to-day scheduling decisions away from employers and place them in the hands of city bureaucrats. Supervisor Cohen normally seeks feedback from the business community on issues like this, but was unable to for this legislation. On Monday July 8, Supervisor Chiu presented details of the legislation to the Small Business Commission. Find details of the proposed legislation as presented to the Small Business Commission here: There was lengthy discussion at the meeting, with many changes to the legislation recommended. The Small Business Commission eventually voted to oppose the legislation as currently written. They asked Supervisor Chiu to make edits as proposed by the small business community. They also suggested that this legislation be put through the legislative process rather than putting it on the ballot. Other objections / comments from the Small Business Commission meeting: - Does this legislation create a new preferential class of employee

The onus is on the employer to prove It only affects 15 % of businesses in the city Flexibility should be across the board The legislation itself is not family friendly If we really want to help family we do more for affordable housing, schools etc. When will we see the final legislation? The OSB staff is preparing a list of edits to the legislation. These changes will be submitted to Supervisor Chius office in the next week or so. If he enacts the suggested changes the Chamber of Commerce Small Business Community has agreed to be neutral on the issue, and will neither support nor oppose the legislation.

Supervisor Cohen spoke to Supervisor Chiu after the Small Business Commission meeting about the suggested changes and he is open to discussing the changes more. Supervisor Chiu is scheduled to speak to the Golden Gate Restaurant Association and to the SF Chamber of Commerce in the coming weeks about amendments to the legislation. Objections / Comments from PDMA membership: - The legislation is onerous and creates more work for small business owners who feel it is unnecessary to legislate this process. - Do we need to put another law on the books? Our tax code and is already loaded with laws that dont need to be there. Supervisor Cohens comments: - The impetus behind the legislation is that there is no open dialogue about family friendly time off. - The legislation is about creating a safer environment for employees to ask for time off. - She is not sure when the final legislation will be ready Affordable Care Act Bradley Vaccaro Brad will be making a full presentation on the Affordable Care Act and how it affects the small business community during the August membership meeting. This month, he gave a preview of his presentation and asked for input on any details of the ACA that members are especially interested in hearing about more. Here are some highlights: - He will ignore businesses with 50+ employees and focus on our core membership group which is businesses with less than 50 employees - One recent change to the ACA is that compliance and penalization on big business has been delayed. - Aetna is leaving the CA individual market in January 2014. - There will not be any more health questions on the individual health insurance applications, only questions about income etc. - What about the costs? Will they go up / down? In general if youre young and healthy you will pay more, conversely if youre older with health issues you will pay less. - What is the impact on temporary employees? - How does the ACA compliment Healthy San Francisco laws? If you have more questions on how the ACA will affect your business please contact Brad at

Government Affairs Update

We ask that all members keep themselves informed by reading the monthly member newsletter that is sent out once a month on the Monday before the general membership meeting. It is a valuable resource for information concerning all out businesses. To get involved with these issues, attend the next Government Affairs Committee Meeting at MacKenzie Warehouse. Contact Keith for more info.

Membership / Marketing Updates:

Collette is the new Marketing Chair Christine is the new Membership Chair On Wednesday July 10 at 4pm well have our monthly marketing meeting at the Ramp. Come get updates on what we have planned for membership and marketing Currently have 145 paid members. On track to have 170 members by years end New postcards are out now. Please distribute them and help us recruit members. Our next Summer Happy Hour Mixer will be on Monday July 15 at The Ramp Restaurant, 57:30pm. Bring business cards as well be raffling the featured spot on the website. We have new decals for 2013. They will be mailed in the coming weeks. Were working on producing a short shop-local video featuring member businesses in advance of the holiday season. The goal is to stimulate local shopping for the holidays Locals First is a FREE marketing tool available to all members. Every month we direct our 1000+ mailing list to our new website. So far a whopping 42% of recipients have followed the link and viewed the new deals on our homepage. A monumental number by even the most stringent of marketing standards and expectations. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity and get your business noticed for doing what it does best Our new website is up and running. With just one click all member updates are posted to our homepage, our Facebook page, and to the East Bay Express. Email for information on how to post events, announcements, and coupons on our new website. We also advertise monthly in the Potrero View. Kieron will be organizing and representing PDMA at the Potrero Hill Festival. Please email him if youd like to get involved We currently have over 1200 likes on Facebook. Tell all your friends, employees, and customers about how they can spread the love for local, independent businesses in Potrero Hill and Dogpatch. Take advantage of the increased exposure by using our new website to post all your events, coupons, and announcements. All posts flow through to our Facebook Page. Email any publicity links to Kieron at We are always looking for more members to join marketing and membership committees. Contact Collette to get involved. Email:

Community Events / Member Announcements:

The Recology rate change started July 1st for commercial businesses. Visit or contact Stefanie at for more information. Email to have your events included in the monthly member newsletters. See website for additional community announcements and upcoming events.

Next General Membership Meeting: Tuesday, August 13, 9:45-11am at Goat Hill Pizza.

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