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Going for BLAST OFF

Scales to Make it Work Good Things come in Small Packages Blast Off Putting it all Together

Do you love building things? Are you a future engineer or budding scientist? Then come and learn how to design and build a water-air powered rocket to launch. We will explore the importance of scale models, build a real model and launch the rocket to see how high and far it can go.

How can we create powerful designs that use scale models to make the most effective and cost efficient products?

Lyndsay Burns Jenny Taylor SPED 6402 Spring 2013 East Carolina University

Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

CONTENT RESEARCH PAPER Rockets: History to Education Rockets have a lengthy history throughout our human existence. Early scientists, mathematicians, and theologians often looked to the sky and the stars for many of the answers to problems and ideas that faced the world years ago. There was always a wonder of how to reach those far away untouchable objects in the sky. Through the exploration of fire and black powder, in the thirteenth and fourteenth century the first rockets were created which varied greatly from the rockets of todays time (Newby, 1988). From their ineffectual start, rockets have blazed a trail through history. In Going for Blast Off learners will gain an understanding of this history as well as an understanding of the math and science involved in designing and launching rockets. Rockets have evolved and changed in many different shapes and forms. Not only do rockets vary in design but also in the way they can be launched. In the thirteenth and fourteenth century the Chinese first used rockets and described them as long snake-like machine that will crush the enemy like a leopard herd rush. These fine arrows were fired over ranges of hundreds of feet but their accuracy was not great(Newby, 1988). After this sighting of rockets, many other countries started to experiment. In the middle of the thirteenth century books began to be written about the creation of rockets. In the fifteenth century the French were leading the way with the design of rockets followed by the Germans in the seventeenth century. As each century progressed, the style and weight of the rocket became more advanced (Newby, 1988). At this time, rockets were only used for war and there was no thought of how rockets could be used for space travel. While scientists wrote about and studied rockets, little information was known and shared between countries about these early fire missiles. The most rocket progress was made in

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Germany during World War II. When Germany surrendered to the United States of America in 1945, the Americans had plenty of information on rockets to start their own test site. Author Gloria Skurzynski, notes that in Operation Paperclip, German rocket scientists were relocated to the United States in Fort Bliss, Texas to work on V2 rocket missiles that had been brought from Germany. The United States began to feel secure in their rocket and military superiority over the Soviet Union until October 4, 1957. On this date the Soviet Union made history by launching the first space satellite, Sputnik I. This beeping, 184-pound satellite was sent into orbit for 21 days (Skurzynski, 2010). This was the beginning of the race to outer space (Newby, 1988). As the race to outer space heated up, engineers found that they needed an inexpensive way to design, build, and safely test new aeronautic designs. Some of the most valuable design tools since the flight of rockets has been building and testing scale models. These models are definitely less expensive than their full scale counterparts and can be built and launched repeatedly. Important contributions of scale models are to provide confidence and reduce risks for new designs. Using scale models can also improve the safety and efficiency of any existing crafts (Chamber, 2009). Rockets are not only interesting and useful for what they have assisted scientists, mathematicians, and theologians with discovering, but can also be a great tool to relate science with mathematics. Rockets require power to move from the ground into the air. The movement of a rocket is affected not only by gravity but force, mass, and air resistance (Chamber, 2009). All of these factors combined give us an equation, which can be used to model and find different factors such as velocity, maximum height, and altitude. These equations can be modeled in many visual representations such as tables and graphs that can help students, visualize and discuss the movement of a rocket at a deeper level. Having multiple representations

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when modeling mathematical functions gives all learners an opportunity to understand a particular concept (Rodrigues, Pinho, Portes, Santiango, 2008). Understanding how scale models have evolved from simple unpowered replicas to highly sophisticated miniature spacecrafts help students gain knowledge of putting real-world concepts into practice as well (Chamber, 2009). As rockets have become more popular so have many examples of how to create them. G. Harry Stine (1928-1997) was considered the father of model rocketry. He founded the National Association of Rocketry in 1957 growing model rocketry into a worldwide aerospace hobby and sport (Stine and Stine, 2004). Stine has built and flown many types of model rockets. He maintained that all model rockets are basically built the same with 1) A nose and a hollow body 2) A launch lug 3) A recovery device like a parachute 4) Some type of engine 5) Fins. The difference in model rockets is the ways in which they are fueled (Stine and Stine, 2004). In educational settings a waterpowered rocket is often used because these offer students a chance to see Newtons laws of motion in action all the while keeping students safely away from flames and fumes. Students can also observe how the pressure of contained water propels an object, and learn how changes in rocket design affect measurements such as volume, pressure, and altitude (Stine and Stine, 2004). While rockets have evolved and taken many different shapes and forms, they have also spiked the interest of many people in math and science education. Rockets have been a very important part of our history during times of war but have also taken their rightful place in the development of the international space program. This is a program that continues to grow today where scientists are constantly discovering new information about how our world works and

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what is beyond earth. Rockets have allowed humans to explore outer space to see what is really beyond Earths Atmosphere. Where do we go from here, many ask? NASA officials unveiled their plans in September, 2011 for a new fleet of rockets to be built to begin exploring deep space. NASAs goal for our future space program is to launch rockets weighing up to 140 tons more, which would include a capsule for which they already have a model under development. This new deep-space rocket and self-propelled spacecraft should be able to carry up to four astronauts and would reach far beyond Earths orbit in future decades. The heavy-lift rocket will be the cornerstone of the U.S.s efforts to explore deep space, stated Charles Bolden of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It will take humans to places no one has ever gone before(Pastzor, 2011, p.3).

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Works Cited Chambers, J. Modeling Flight:The Role of Dynamically Scaled Free Flight Models in Support of NASA's Aerospace Program. Washington, DC : U.S.Government Printing Office, 2009. Newby, J. C. (1988). The history of rockets. Physics Education, 23(5), 266-271. Retrieved January 18, 2013, from Pastzor, A. (2011, September 15). NASA's Aim for Rocket: Deep Space. U.S. News. Retrieved from SB10001424053111904060604576570583021682082.html Rodrigues, H., Pinho, M. O., Portes, D., & Santiago, A. (2008, April 10). An exact solvable model of rocket dynamics in atmosphere. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 523-532. Retrieved January 18, 2013. Ronningen, J. E., Vestnes, F., Sheth, R., & Raken, M. (2012, September 14). Sky-high science: building rockets at school. Science in School: Highlighting the best in science teaching and research, (22), 36-41. Skurzynski, G. (2010). This is Rocket Science. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. Stine, G. H., & Stine, B. (2004). Handbook of Model Rocketry (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

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Going for Blast off

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CONNECTION TO THE THEME Power can be used in many different ways and forms. Since we will be shooting off rockets by water and air, discussing how energy is transferred from the base to the rocket and then to finally hitting the target will be a great way to show how power is used. Therefore, we will be using the definition of the rate in which energy is transformed, used or transferred. We will also be giving students the power to design and create their own rocket. Not only will they construct a rocket, but students will also gain powerful knowledge in understanding the differences between quality and poor rocket design. Power relates to our unit in many ways. Using our definition of power we will discuss the ways in which energy is transformed or transferred. Even though a majority of our time will be spent discussing how power makes rockets fly at different altitudes in the air, we will also discuss the power behind scale models. Students will discover their own power in building a rocket that can actually fly and will find the power in design by placement of fins, shape of nosecone, and length of rocket body. Continuing with the theme of power, we will also discuss several factors that can slow power. Initially students will discuss how scale models influence a final product. There are many reasons why scale models should be used before the final product is created. Those reasons include cost, time, and finding best model to reach the needs of a particular goal. While these do not directly relate to power, scale models are powerful because they ensure that a company will minimize cost while maximizing profit. A second powerful aspect of scale models are that they can still be tested to determine if they can handle a particular amount of power when being launched.

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One of the more apparent connections to power that students will explore is that a good deal of power is needed to get the rocket to launch off the ground. Using water-air powered pumps students will be able to launch the rocket into the air. They will see the power that is being used to have the rocket launch in the air. Also, students will be able to see that depending on the power (pressure) that is used they will determine how high and far their rocket will go. Students will have to use an accurate amount of power in order to successfully have their rocket launch high in the air. Designing, creating, and building a model can give students a great sense of power and accomplishment. This is especially true when these model rockets can be launched by water and air to fly from 600-1000 ft. Students will find power in rocket model design as they discover to use 3 fins instead of 4 for less drag during launch. Also, using the correct shape and sized fins will have the same positive effect during launch. Further, they will learn that rounded nosecones are the most efficient way to launch water rockets and will find that their rocket will travel a greater distance with this design. It may be tempting to some first-time rocket designers to want to really dress their models up. However, as knowledgeable designers, they will learn that it is best to keep the body of the rocket as smooth as possible to avoid any unnecessary drag or resistance through the air. When it comes to rocket design, knowledge truly is power (Katz, 2013). Finally, students will discuss how outside factors can be such as wind and weather might affect a launch. Contrary to what we might believe, these factors have a lot of power over what can happen to a rocket during launch in the slightest degree. If it is at all possible, it is important to launch on a windless day. Wind will cause the rocket to fly in an arc rather than flying straight up, and maximum altitude will not be achieved. Students will learn that it is also best to launch

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on a humid day. Humid air is not as dense as dry air and this lower density will lower the drag on the rocket, increasing the rockets altitude. On that same note, it is also best to fly rockets on hot days. Higher air temperatures mean that there are lower air densities and again this will cause decreased drag on the rocket (Katz, 2013). Since rocket launches must take place outside, weather conditions are extremely important to the success of a launch. Especially since the rockets mass will often not be enough to overpower the outside factors. Students will determine the effects the outside factors have on their rocket and how they can affect their rockets landing. Therefore, every student will not only learn about power, but the students will have the opportunity to see how power can affect an object. Students should be able to refer to the definition of power as the rate in which energy is transformed, used or transferred.

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Work Cited Katz, G. (2013, January 28). 30 Tips to get your water rocket to fly higher. Retrieved February 6, 2013, from Air Command Water Rocket website:

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Technology is a very important part of life for todays students. In our unit Going for Blast Off students will use and integrate technology in several ways. It is important that technology is used to maximize this project so that students can take away a great final product. The first piece of technology that will be used is a Smartboard. Teachers and students will use the Smartboard to give and obtain instructions and interact with pre and post questions about rockets and scale models. Students will also use the Smartboard for watching videos, and as a collaborative tool when creating their How To video highlighting all of our great moments during the week. An air-powered launch pad will also be used by students to shoot off the rockets they have created. These rockets will be put on the launch pad and pressure will be added to make the rockets go in the air. Students will have the opportunity to help build and put together the launch pad. They will also have control when shooting the rockets by deciding the angle that their rockets will fly and the amount of pressure they will apply to the pump when launching the rocket. This will help them try and reach their goal of accurately hitting their target after launch. The students will also utilize a graphing calculator. The movement in which the rockets fly is modeled by a quadratic regression equation. Students will gather points from the movement of their rocket by using an altimeter and calculate the equation that best fits the flight path of the rocket. Once students gather the data points by using the altimeter and tape measure, they will enter them in the calculator to get a quadratic regression equation. Each student will have the opportunity to be a cameraman as he or she films short segments of video clips from our daily camp activities and take pictures with a digital camera. The students will become well acquainted with a flip camera while filming the building of scale

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models, building of rockets, tracking their rockets flight path and finally the launching of our rockets. Students will learn how to transfer their video from the flip camera to the computer and collaboratively create a movie in Microsoft Movie Maker. The final piece of technology is Windows Movie Maker. With Windows Movie Maker the students will be putting together a How to Video of the process of building the scale models, building the rocket, launching the rocket, and creating the quadratic regression equation. Throughout the week students will take pictures and record their process of creating a rocket. This video will be a how to video that will explain the process of building scale models to full size models that will be shared with bio-technology classes in North Carolina Public Schools. Each student pair will work on this video and create a DVD on their experience and will be able to take it home at the end of the week. The technology that has been chosen for this Unit not only demonstrates neat ways to show rockets, but also are common tools that are used every day in a variety of businesses. Students should become well rounded in the use of technology and have a variety of tools available when asked to present different ideas. We have specifically chosen these technology tools because we feel these are what will best benefit the students learning in the process of building and shooting off rockets. Each tool that is used will only enhance the students learning and engage them more in the specific concepts we are planning to teach.

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Going for Blast off

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CONTENT OUTLINE I. Scale Models A. Importance of scale Models 1. Scale factor a. Scale models keep the same proportions as the actual object being modeled. b. Scale models keep the same dimensions as the actual object being modeled. 2. Model prototypes a. Scale models help designers and engineers decide on a best final design. b. Scale models that help designers and engineers decide on the best materials that should be used when building a final product. c. Designs where Engineers and designers create prototypes of real rockets. 3. Scale models are used to build a final design a. Scale models ensure rockets meet their maximum potential i. There are guidelines of how to start building a scale model ii. Test runs allow the final product to safely be tested over and over again b. Scale models ensure no wastes i. Prevent money from being wasted ii. Prevent materials from being wasted 5. Who Uses Scale Models a. Identify careers where scale models would be used i. Engineers ii. Architects iii. City Planning iv. Film Makers b. Identify how scale models work i. Needs to look like the real thing ii. Helps meet the needs of clients iii. Needs to see how it will work before building the real thing 6. Model Materials a. Scale model materials used depend on the type of model being created and the industry it is used in. b. Some materials that are used when building scale models include; wood, plastic, metal, acrylic, glass, and paper. B. Creating Scale Models 1. Rockets as Scale Models a. Scale models can be tested repeatedly and extensively b. Purpose of each part of the scale rocket model i. Ball-Provides rocket balance while in flight. ii. Tube-Provides rocket stability during launch. iii. Body-Made from the soda bottle. Also provides rocket stability during launch. Page 14 of 33

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Fins-Attach to the bottom of the body of the rocket. Provide aerodynamic stability during flight if the fins are positioned an appropriate distance apart.

II. Rockets A. Uses of scale models 1. Architectural scale models a. Architects build these to show investors their ideas. b. They help in visualizing the final product before it is sold and built. B. Test Models 1. Engineers build test models to scale to conduct tests on them during the early stages of development. 2. Using test models keeps costs down of testing a real prototype. C. Scale models used in the film industry 1. Scale models are used when sets are difficult or impossible to build. 2. In the movie industry, scale models are used when it is impossible to film on the real thing. D. Building Rockets 1. Purpose of each part of the scale rocket model. a. Ball-Provides rocket balance while in flight. b. Tube-Provides rocket stability during launch. c. Body-Made from the soda bottle. Provides rocket stability during the launch. d. Fins-Attach to the bottom of the body of the rocket. Provide aerodynamic stability during flight if the fins are positioned an appropriate distance apart. E. Rocket Power 1. Power for Launch a. Three finger latch holds pressurized rocket in place b. Air Tubing helps launch rocket from a safe distance c. Stakes help ensure a proper launch and hold the launch pad in place d. Pump lever to get appropriate PSI to launch rocket e. Get appropriate read on gauge to launch rocket 2. External Factors affecting flight a. Placement of fins determines flight pattern. Fins must be placed exactly as measured by the fin guide to ensure straight and stable flight and maximum apogee straight up in the air. b. Additional mass determines the height of the rocket. The more weight we add, the lower the maximum height reached. c. Weather can change rocket movement and flight path. i. Humid air is not as dense as dry air and this lower density will lower the drag on the rocket, increasing the rockets altitude. ii. It is also best to fly rockets on hot days. Higher air temperatures mean that there are lower air densities and this will cause decreased drag on the rocket. iii. Wind will cause the rocket to fly in an arc rather than flying straight up, and maximum altitude will not be achieved

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F. Mathematical Equations involving Rockets 1. Document Flight Path of Rocket a. An altimeter is used, which is an instrument to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level b. Gather points from rocket movement using altimeter and tape measure 2. Quadratic Equations of Rocket movement a. When rockets are launched take the path of a quadratic equation b. Follow steps to calculate quadratic regression equations in the form ax2 +bx + c=0 i. Find data points using altimeter and tape measure ii. Enter data in calculator in a list iii. Calculate Quadratic Regression

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LESSON #1 Scales to make it work I. DEFINE OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT Students will build a scale model. Computer models are sufficient for creating models and make actual modeling a thing of the past. Why do we use scale models? I. Scale Models A. Importance of Scale Models 1. Scale factor is a powerful tool a. Scale models keep the same proportions as the actual object . being modeled. . b. Models keep the same dimensions as the actual object being modeled. 2. Model Rockets a. Scale models that help designers and engineers decide on a best final design. b. Scale models help designers and engineers decide on the . best materials to use when building a final product. c. Designs help engineers and designers create prototypes of real rockets. 3. Scale models are used to build a final product a. Scale models ensure rockets meet their maximum potential i. Guidelines of how to start building a scale model ii. Test runs b. Scale models ensure no wastes iii. Prevent money from being wasted iv. Prevent materials from being wasted 4. Identify Scale Models a. Identify careers that rely on the power of scale models i. Engineers ii. Architects iii. City Planning iv. Film Makers b. Identify how scale models work i. Need to look like the real thing ii. Help meet the needs of clients

LESSON OBJECTIVE POINT TO PONDER ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONTENT Outline the content you will teach in this lesson.

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Need to see how it will work before building the real thing 5. Model Materials a. Scale model materials used depend on the type of model being created and the industry it is used in. b. Some materials that are used when building scale models include; wood, plastic, metal, acrylic, glass, and paper. B. Creating Scale Models 1. Rockets as Scale Models a. Scale models can be tested repeatedly and extensively b. Powerful rocket parts and purposes i. Ball-Provides rocket balance while in flight. ii. Tube-Provides rocket stability during launch. iii. Body-Made from the soda bottle. Also provides rocket stability during launch. iv. Fins-Attach to the bottom of the body of the rocket. . Provide aerodynamic stability during flight if the fins are positioned an appropriate distance apart. II. PLANNING: KNOW / UNDERSTAND / DO After the lesson, Students will KNOW that the definition of scale is the ratio of the length in a drawing (or model) to the length of the real thing. A ratio shows the relative sizes of two or more values. Students will KNOW that designers must plan and use blue prints when designing scale models and final products. Blue prints are reproductions of technical drawings, documenting architecture or engineering designs. Students will KNOW that if scale models are accurate the design can go to the next step. Engineers and designers know that they have an accurate design when scale models can effectively be used to conduct tests at an early stage of development. After the lesson, Students will UNDERSTAND that a scale model is to give a representation of the full size model. Students will UNDERSTAND that the cost of materials is as important to the design as the design itself. Students will UNDERSTAND that modeling is a powerful way to start small and expand to a final product. After the lesson,


What 3 items are worth knowing? (Think about the content you have selected. What is important for students to KNOW?)

What are the enduring understandings that students should take away from the lesson? (Define the BIG Ideas.) What 3 items are

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important for students to be able to DO? (Define what students should be able to DO as a result of your lesson.)

Students will be able to draw a scale model of the rocket they plan to create using scale factor. Students will be able to build a scale model of the rocket they plan to create using scale factor. Students will be able to use Movie Maker to import pictures, import video, and record sound bytes as they create their Rockets from Scale Models instructional video.

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HOOK Describe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson. Be CREATIVE. INSTRUCTION Explain Step-bystep what you will do in this lesson. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit.

III. PLANNING TIME: (7 min.) Give all students a large box of miscellaneous items and instruct them to build a rocket from the items in the box within five minutes. Questions: Did anyone want to draw a design first? How many people had a hard time with their ideas being heard? Was it hard to work with so many people? Was it hard to work with no real direction? How could this experience been better? TIME: 45 minutes 1. Show instructional video on how to calculate scale (a lesson from NASA) first 5 min. 2. Discuss how scale models can help us build the most powerful design, by telling the students the following information: A. Importance of Scale Models 1. Scale factor is a powerful tool a. Scale models keep the same proportions as the actual object . being modeled. . b. Models keep the same dimensions as the actual object being modeled. 2. Model Rockets a. Scale models that help designers and engineers decide on a best final design. b. Scale models that help designers and engineers decide on the . best materials to use when building a final product. c. Designs where Engineers and designers create prototypes of real rockets. 3. Scale models are used to build a final product a. Scale models ensure rockets meet their maximum potential i. Guidelines of how to start building a scale model ii. Test runs b. Scale models ensure no wastes iii. Prevent money from being wasted iv. Prevent materials from being wasted 4. Identify Scale Models a. Identify careers that rely on the power of scale models i. Engineers ii. Architects iii. City Planning iv. Film Makers b. Identify how scale models work

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ASSESSMENT (Performance Task) What will the students DO to

i. Needs to look like the real thing ii. Helps meet the needs of clients iii. Needs to see how it will work before building the real thing 5. Model Materials a. Scale model materials used depend on the type of model being created and the industry it is used in. b. Some materials that are used when building scale models include; wood, plastic, metal, acrylic, glass, and paper. 3. Students will be given a piece of graph paper and will draw and design the true scale model for their water rocket. They will be shown a few possible example of what their rockets could look like. Before designing their model rocket to scale with clay, students will be instructed to choose a bottle that will be the body of their rocket. 4. Students will then be given clay. They will design a scale model of their drawing while being reminded that this is the scale model that they will use to design their real water rocket. All parts of the clay rocket must be measured and easily to scale factor. Students will discuss the use of the following for creating scale model rockets: B. Creating Scale Models 1. Rockets as Scale Models a. Scale models can be tested repeatedly and extensively b. Powerful rocket parts and purposes i. Ball-Provides rocket balance while in flight. ii. Tube-Provides rocket stability during launch. iii. Body-Made from the soda bottle. Also provides rocket stability during launch. iv. Fins-Attach to the bottom of the body of the rocket. Provide aerodynamic stability during flight if the fins are positioned an appropriate distance apart. 5. Teachers will demonstrate how to use the basic features of Windows Movie Maker. For extra help and practice students can use Windows Movie Maker to begin creating their Rockets from Scale Models instructional video by taking photos and video and them uploading them to Windows Movie Maker. How to use movie maker video to show students: Students can pair up and follow along on their laptops. TIME: 18 minutes 1. Students will demonstrate the calculation of scale from their scale model. 2. Students will upload their first photos, video, and recordings of

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demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.

their initial thoughts into Movie Maker. 3. Students in class or at home will write about how powerful scale models are on the camp website blog.


ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Box of miscellaneous items for group rocket building for day 1 hook. Video on how to calculate scale: Video on how to use movie maker video to show students:

Materials Ruler Pencil Graph Paper Modeling clay Smart Board Laptop Windows Movie Maker Flip Camera Digital Camera Scale Model Rubric Students Can: Draw a rocket model to scale on graph paper Build a clay rocket model to scale measuring that all of its parts are uniform Calculate the scale factor when given a specific ratio. Demonstrate the following:

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

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Documentary Rubric Pictures and/or video of your scale model Process of building the scale model and importance of scale model Process of using scale factor to create a final product Thoughts and feelings of building scale model Pictures and/or videos of building rocket Process of building rocket Thoughts and feelings of building rocket Video of rocket launch Process of shooting off rocket and making corrections to hit the target Equation that your rocket modeled Connections between scale models and real world applications Final thoughts on launching rockets

Scale (1 some creativity-4 very creative) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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LESSON #2 Good Things come in Small Packages I. DEFINE OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT Students will build a water-air powered model rocket. Scale models can be used in more than math and science fields. How are the fields of mathematics and aeronautics inter-related? A. B. Uses of scale models Architectural scale models 1. Architects build these to show investors their ideas 2. They help in visualizing the final product before it is sold and built Test Models 1. Engineers build test models to scale to conduct tests on them during the early stages of development. 2. Using test models keeps costs down of testing a real prototype. Scale models used in the film industry 1. Scale models are used when sets are difficult or impossible to build. 2. In the movie industry, scale models are used when it is impossible to film on the real thing. Building Rockets 1. Purpose of each part of the scale rocket model. a. Ball-Provides rocket balance while in flight. b. Tube-Provides rocket stability during launch. c. Body-Made from the soda bottle. Provides rocket stability during the launch. d. Fins-Attach to the bottom of the body of the rocket. Provide aerodynamic stability during flight if the fins are positioned an appropriate distance apart.

LESSON OBJECTIVE POINT TO PONDER ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONTENT Outline the content you will teach in this lesson.




What 3 items are worth knowing? (Think about the content you have Students will KNOW exactly how the combination of water and air selected. What is pressure in the bottle or body of their rocket will allow their rocket to important for blast off. students to KNOW?) Students will KNOW that there is a regression equation that can be used

II. PLANNING: KNOW / UNDERSTAND / DO After the lesson, Students will KNOW that completing each step of rocket design to exact specifications is important for correct rocket launch.

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What are the enduring understandings that students should take away from the lesson? (Define the BIG Ideas.) What 3 items are important for students to be able to DO? (Define what students should be able to DO as a result of your lesson.) HOOK Describe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson. Be CREATIVE. INSTRUCTION Explain Step-bystep what you will do in this lesson. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit. ASSESSMENT (Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include

to model the flight path of the rocket. After the lesson, Students will UNDERSTAND that scale models help determine if you have a faulty design. Students will UNDERSTAND that accurately documenting and explaining their work through video is an important part of the educational process. Students will UNDERSTAND that mathematics can be applied to and used to solve real-world problems. After the lesson, Students should be able to build a water-model rocket. Students should be able to take pictures and video and import them to Windows Movie Maker. Students should be able to describe an equation that models the flight path of a rocket. III. PLANNING TIME: 5 minutes The Million Dollar Bet. Take an empty water or soda bottle and lay it down horizontally on a table. Roll a piece of paper towel into a small ball about half the size of the opening. Tell a friend youll pay $1 million if he or she can blow the ball into the bottle. Dont worry about losing money because this is impossible. No matter how hard someone blows to try to force more air into the bottle, there's no room for it, so it will flow right out, pushing away the paper ball. TIME: 25 minutes 1. Students will finish scale models from the previous day and correct any kinks problems with the model. 2. From scale model created by the clay and the drawing on graph paper, students will use a scale factor to build the rocket that will be launched. 3. Students will discuss the type of path the think the rocket will have when it is launched. TIME: 40 minutes 1. Students will build the rocket that will be launched. 2. Students will begin thinking about the mathematical equation that could model the path of their rocket. 3. Students will add to their Movie Maker documentary.

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

actual assessment with unit materials. DOES THE ASSESSMENT ALLOW YOU TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE STUDENTS HAVE MET YOUR STATED LESSON OBJECTIVE? YES OR NO ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Clay for scale models Bottles Cardboard tubes x 20 Ping pong balls x 20 Thread Foam board (for fins) Fin patterns x 20 Scissors Hot glue guns and sticks Sand paper Rocket fin guide x20 Permanent markers x10 8x10 paper x20 pieces PowerPoint Markers Flip camera Digital camera Smart board Laptop Rocket Construction Rubric Demonstrate the following: Students Can: Understand the parts of the water-air powered rocket and the purposes of its pieces. Problem-solve to how build a rocket to scale based on the scale model and use appropriate materials to build the rocket. Follow safety directions for handling hot glue guns and scissors. Discuss ideas of different mathematical equations that could be modeled by the rocket launch.

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes

No No

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

LESSON #3 Blast Off I. DEFINE OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT Students will understand how to correctly use an altimeter to measure the height of the rocket and find the path that the rocket models. Liquids with different densities can affect rocket launch. How can internal and external forces play a part in the movement of objects from one place to another? A. Rocket Power 1.Power for Launch a. Three finger latch holds pressurized rocket in place b. Air Tubing helps launch rocket from a safe distance c. Stakes help ensure a proper launch d. Pump lever to get appropriate PSI to launch rocket e. Get appropriate read on gauge to launch rocket 2. Powerful external factors affecting flight a. Placement of fins determines flight pattern. Fins must be placed exactly as measured by the fin guide to ensure straight and stable flight and maximum apogee straight up in the air. b. Additional mass determines the height of the rocket. The more weight we add, the lower the maximum height reached. c. Weather can change rocket movement and flight path. i. Humid air is not as dense as dry air and this lower density will lower the drag on the rocket, increasing the rockets altitude. ii. It is also best to fly rockets on hot days. Higher air temperatures mean that there are lower air densities and this will cause decreased drag on the rocket. iii. Wind will cause the rocket to fly in an arc rather than flying straight up, and maximum altitude will not be achieved B. Mathematical Equations Involving Rockets 1. Document Flight Path of the Rocket a. Use an altimeter, which is an instrument to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level

LESSON OBJECTIVE POINT TO PONDER ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONTENT Outline the content you will teach in this lesson.

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

b. Gather points from rocket movement using altimeter and tape measure II. PLANNING: KNOW / UNDERSTAND / DO After the lesson, Students will KNOW that they must be able to read a pressure gauge accurately and understand psi to launch their rockets.

What 3 items are worth knowing? (Think about the content you have Students will KNOW how to use an altimeter to measure the highest selected. What is point of the rockets flight. important for students to KNOW?) Students will KNOW that it is important to properly place their rockets on the launch pad to ensure blast off will occur each time. After the lesson, What are the Students will UNDERSTAND that psi measures one pound per square enduring inch of air pressure. understandings that students should take Students will UNDERSTAND that the more pressure is added to the away from the pump the more power the rocket receives for the launch. lesson? (Define the BIG Students will UNDERSTAND that humidity, wind, or temperature can Ideas.) increase or decrease the altitude of their rocket after it is launched. What 3 items are After the lesson, important for Students should be able to load their rocket to the launch pad and ready it students to be able to with the air pressure pump for launch. DO? (Define what Students should be able to handle and read and altimeter as well as track students should be a rockets apogee with the altimeter. able to DO as a result of your Students should be able to average their first two launches to obtain their lesson.) maximum apogee. III. PLANNING TIME: 15 minutes Students will have an angry bird competition to look at flight path. Angry birds game models a quadratic regression, which is the same path that their rocket will take when it is launched.

HOOK Describe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson. Be CREATIVE. INSTRUCTION Explain Step-bystep what you will do in this lesson. Include ALL support and

TIME: 35 minutes 1. Students will set up the launch site by following a direction sheet which demonstrates how to attach and launch the air-powered rocket to the launcher that will be used to launch their rockets. 2. A demonstration of how to use the altimeter by teacher will be given to the students. As rockets are launched, student groups will Page 28 of 33

Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

teaching materials with your unit.

ASSESSMENT (Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.

use the altimeter to measure the height of the rockets. 3. Students will launch the rockets trying to hit a target. 4. Student groups will collect data from the altimeter and the farthest distance the rocket went in order to later calculate the equation of the flight path. 5. Students will understand the specific path the rocket took and which mathematical equation can model the flight path. This equation is a quadratic equation and is a second order polynomial equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, and c are real numbers with a0. TIME: 20 minutes 1. Students will measure the height of the rockets using the altimeter and record each groups measurements. 2. Students will adjust launch site to make rocket go higher and farther. 3. Students will work on Movie Maker documentary.

DOES THE ASSESSMENT ALLOW YOU TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE STUDENTS HAVE MET YOUR STATED LESSON OBJECTIVE? YES OR NO ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Instructional water rocket video Laptop Smart board Completed water rockets Launch pad Rocket target Altimeter x 2 Graphing calculators x 10 Digital camera Flip camera Paper Pencil Tape Measure PowerPoint

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

Rubric for Launch Students Can: Accurately set up the launch site, pad, and target. Understand the meaning and how to read psi on the pressure gauge on the launcher. Demonstrate how to ready their rockets for launch. Demonstrate how to accurately use an altimeter.

Demonstrate the following:

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

LESSON #4 Putting it all Together I. DEFINE OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT Students will model the flight path of their rocket using a mathematical equation. There are not many jobs that utilize higher level mathematical concepts. What other types of objects could be modeled by a quadratic equation and what does this equation help us tell about the model? 2. Quadratic Equations of Rocket movement a. When rockets are launched take the path of a quadratic equation b. Follow steps to calculate quadratic regression equations in the form ax2 +bx + c=0 i. Find data points using altimeter and tape measure ii. Enter data in calculator in a list iii. Calculate Quadratic Regression II. PLANNING: KNOW / UNDERSTAND / DO After the lesson, Students will KNOW that they must begin documenting all of their activities from day 1 to create a how-to video.

LESSON OBJECTIVE POINT TO PONDER ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONTENT Outline the content you will teach in this lesson.

What 3 items are worth knowing? (Think about the content you have Students will KNOW that the rocket path is modeled by a quadratic selected. What is equation. important for students to KNOW?) Students will KNOW that in order to model a quadratic formula, they had to accurately collect data points on the rockets flight path. After the lesson, What are the Students will UNDERSTAND that scale models can be transformed into enduring real models. understandings that students should take Students will UNDERSTAND that many objects can take the path of a away from the quadratic regression model. lesson? (Define the BIG Students will UNDERSTAND that they must work together to create a Ideas.) final product or DVD. What 3 items are After the lesson, important for Students should be able to model a quadratic regression equation. students to be able to DO? Students should be able to create a scale model and transform that into a (Define what regular model and determine the flight path of the object. students should be

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

able to DO as a result of your lesson.)

Students should be able to edit, and create a DVD using Windows Movie-Maker and the pictures and video they have uploaded.

HOOK Describe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson. Be CREATIVE. INSTRUCTION Explain Step-bystep what you will do in this lesson. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit.

ASSESSMENT (Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.

III. PLANNING TIME: 10 minutes Each student will be given a piece of white paper. On the white paper, students will be instructed to draw what they think their water-powered rocket would have looked like had they not of first used a scale drawing? Students will be given the opportunity to be creative, use color, and share out loud. Questions: Why do you think it looks identical to what you already did? Is anything different? Why is nothing different/Why is it the same? TIME: 30 minutes 1. Students will use data points collected from Wednesday to create a Quadratic Regression equation that models the flight path of their rocket. Those steps are: Press STAT Press 1:Edit Enter data in L1 and L2 Press STAT Go over to Calculate Calculate QuadReg Plot your data and record your equation. 2. Students will make real-world connections to scale models. They will complete a think-pair-share on how weather conditions such as wind, humidity, and temperature can affect rocket trajectory of scale models and their real world counterparts. Factors such as drag, stability, aerodynamics, and balance should also be taken into consideration. 3. Students will complete their documentary on the process of building a scale model to the actual rocket and the process it took to complete. TIME: 30 minutes 1. Students will complete the documentary which explains: What scale factor is Why using scale models are important when building a final product What professions use scale models How to actually convert a scale model to a larger prototype Their thoughts and feelings on this process What mathematical concepts were used to make these conversions What the final product looks like and how it works Their thoughts and feeling about what they have created

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Going for Blast off

Lyndsay Burns and Jenny Taylor

from start to finish


Rubric for Modeling Equations Students Can: Turn data collected into ordered pairs. Enter collected data into the calculator. Calculate Quadratic Regression Equation Interpret what the Quadratic Regression Equation means and how to use it. Rubric for completed Documentary: Documentary Rubric Pictures and/or video of your scale model Process of building the scale model and importance of scale model Process of using scale factor to create a final product Thoughts and feelings of building scale model Pictures and/or videos of building rocket Process of building rocket Thoughts and feelings of building rocket Video of rocket launch Process of shooting off rocket and making corrections to hit the target Equation that your rocket modeled

Demonstrate the following:

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

Scale (1 some creativity-4 very creative) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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