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Welding plays a major role in the fabrication of pressure vessels and related components to the requirements of the ASME B&PV Code. Reliable welding and brazing materials are required to produce sound joints using one of the many welding and brazing processes available. The ASME B&PV Code [1] provides the Welding Material Specications acceptable for Code fabrication in Section II, Part C (Specication for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals). These are the welding ller metal specications of the AWS [2] adopted for use by the ASME. In this respect, Section II, Part C is comparable to Sections II, Parts A and B that contain the ASTM Material Specications [3] adopted by the ASME. The AWS Welding Material Specications are prexed as ANSI/AWS to identify that these standards were developed in accordance with the rules of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [4]. Welding and Brazing Material Specications in Section II, Part C are identical to the ANSI/AWS Specications. However, once the specication is adopted, the prex changes from the letter A to the letters SFA. For example, the ANSI/AWS specication for carbon steel electrodes A5.1/A5.1M becomes SFA-5.1. SFA-5.1M Section II, Part C also includes appendices to the ANSI/AWS Specications that provide descriptions and explanations of the classication system used for welding materials. The sufx M indicates that the latest revision includes metric equivalents. As AWS specications are issued or revised the metric units are now included. Additionally, the ISO designations are being listed in the electrode or ller metal classications within the specication. Usually, this is for comparison purposes only. However, SFA-5.34/SFA-5.34 is a new specication that uses both the traditional and ISO formats in the classication. The dual classication extends to the marking and label that is afxed to the electrode package. Section II, Part C does not include all welding and brazing materials available to the industry; instead, it includes only the specications applicable to B&PV Code construction. As explained in other sections of the B&PV Code, particularly Section IX [5], welding is not restricted to the use of the welding ller metals listed in Section II, Part C; other welding materials can be used if they are specied in Code Cases or if they are qualied separately. Code Cases or separate welding procedure qualications are generally used in special cases in which a ller metal is formulated to meet specic base metal properties or is a new material that has not yet been classied in an ANSI/AWS Specication. This chapter highlights the major features of the welding material specications contained in Section II, Part C and their relationship to other sections of the B&PV Code. Included are material descriptions, welding material applications, welding material procurement, the ller metal certication system, and the electrode classication system. The discussion that follows should prove useful for one to gain a basic understanding of ASME/AWS Welding Material Classication and Specication.

metals, and uxes for the developing U.S. pressure vessel industry. In 1969, this joint activity was dissolved and the AWS assumed sole responsibility for welding-related materials. Section II, Part C was developed by the ASME to include the Welding Material Specications published by the AWS and adopted by the ASME for Code fabrication. In the 1968 edition of Section IX, the ASTM Welding Material Specications were assigned F-numbers, but by the winter 1970 addenda to Section IX, these had been replaced with corresponding AWS Specications. Although Section II, Part C contains only ANSI/AWS Welding Material Specications (at least at the time of this writing), other recognized national and international standards can be adopted into it. In 1992, the BPTCS endorsed the use of standards other than ANSI/AWS Specications. The Guideline on the Approval of New Welding and Brazing Material Classications under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code explains the process for adoption of new materials. This guideline is located at the beginning of Section II, Part C and is similar to the guidelines for base metals in Sections II, Parts A and B. The AWS Specications are developed and written by voluntary industrial experts, much as the rules developed for pressure vessel manufacturing in the ASME Code. The ANSI/AWS Specications are reviewed by the cognizant ASME Committees before they are adopted into Section II, Part C. The Subcommittee on Welding (Section IX) of the ASME B&PV Code Committees is responsible for actions involving welding ller metals. Since the ASME and the AWS maintain a close working relationship, the ANSI/AWS Specications are generally adopted in their entirety without modication by the ASME. Technical inquiries to Section II, Part C are also handled by the Subcommittee on Welding (Section IX). If questions arise involving Section II, Part C, these inquiries should be submitted to the ASME B&PV Code Committee Secretary, as explained in Appendix I of Section II, Part C. Generally, inquiries to Section II, Part C are referred to the appropriate experts on the AWS committees on welding ller metal for resolution.


Organization of Section II, Part C

Section IIC contains only those specications that are relevant to ASME Code fabrication. Included within these specications are classications of welding rods, electrodes, and ller metals. Because all welding material classications are contained in the specication, some materials may not be applicable for ASME Code fabrication. Welding and brazing materials are classied for all the common welding processes for joining the ferrous and nonferrous materials listed in the P-number tables of QW/QB-422 in Section IX. P-numbers are groupings of base metals in Section IX that reduce the required number of welding and brazing procedure qualications. The following is a listing of the ASME-adopted ANSI/AWS Specications that constitute Section II, Part C: SFA-5.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines SFA-5.02: Specication for Filler Metal Standard Sizes, Packaging, and Physical Attributes SFA-5.1/SFA-5.1M, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding SFA-5.2, Specication for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Welding SFA-5.3/SFA-5.3M, Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding SFA-5.4/SFA-5.4M, Specification for Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding



The AWS was formed in 1919 when the National Welding Council was discontinued. In 1935, the AWS and the ASTM both formed the joint AWS ASTM Committee on Filler Metal to provide standard specications for welding rods, electrodes, ller



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SFA-5.4/SFA-5.4M, Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding SFA-5.6, Specication for Covered Copper and Copper Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes SFA-5.7/SFA-5.7M, Specication for Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes SFA-5.8/SFA-5.8M, Specification for Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding SFA-5.9/SFA-5.9M, Specication for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods SFA-5.10/SFA-5.10M, Specication for Bare Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods SFA-5.11/SFA-5.11M, Specication for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding SFA-5.12/SFA-5.12M, Specification for Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding and Cutting SFA-5.13, Specication for Solid Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M, Specication for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods SFA-5.15, Specication for Welding Electrodes and Rods for Cast Iron SFA-5.16/SFA-5.16M, Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods SFA-5.17/SFA-5.17M, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding SFA-5.20/SFA-5.20M, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding SFA-5.21, Specication for Bare Electrodes and Rods for Surfacing SFA-5.22, Specication for Stainless Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and Stainless Steel Flux Cored Rods for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding SFA-5.23/SFA-5.23M, Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding SFA-5.24/SFA-5.24M, Specification for Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods SFA-5.25/SFA-5.25M, Specication for Carbon and LowAlloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Electroslag Welding SFA-5.26/SFA-5.26M, Specication for Carbon and LowAlloy Steel Electrodes for Electrogas Welding SFA-5.28/SFA-5.28M, Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding SFA-5.29/SFA-5.29M, Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding SFA-5.30, Specication for Consumable Inserts SFA-5.31, Specication for Fluxes for Brazing and Braze Welding SFA-5.32/SFA-5.32M, Specication for Welding Shielding Gases SFA-5.34/SFA-5.34M: Specification for Nickel-Alloy Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding Welding rods, electrodes, and ller metal are manufactured and classied to the foregoing specications. Additional materials included in these specications are gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) electrodes, welding uxes, brazing ller metal, brazing uxes, and shielding gases. Classication is based on a combination of chemical composition, strength, usability, toughness, chemical composition, hydrogen content, and any special characteristics.

Specication, SFA-5.01, is a guideline to simplify the procurement of welding and brazing materials. Recently, SFA-5.02 was added to consolidare packaging requirements MTO are specication.


AWS Welding Material Specications

Two important features of Section II, Part C, aside from the Welding Material Specications, are SFA-5.01 and the appendices for the individual specications. As stated previously, SFA-5.01 is a valuable tool for determining welding material procurement requirements, but it is also valuable for obtaining explanations of lot classications and testing levels. The Appendices to the SFA specications are excellent guides that describe the individual electrodes, properties, and uses. If questions arise concerning the use or testing of a particular welding electrode or ller metal, the appendices are good starting points for nding answers. As the Ans. specications are revised Appendix A in each specication now contains a comparison of the Ans. classication with the ISO classication. Most electrodes have classications that include usability characteristics and chemical composition requirements. Section IX (Welding and Brazing Qualications) further denes these characteristics and requirements in paragraphs QW-430 and QW-440 for welding qualication. The usability characteristic of an electrode determines the F-number assigned in Table QW-432 of Section IX. F-numbers are referenced by the essential, supplemental essential, and nonessential welding variables in Section IX for welding procedures and performance qualication. The chemical composition of the undiluted weld deposit determines the A-number assigned in Table QW-442 of Section IX. A-numbers are referenced in the welding variables of Section IX for welding procedure qualication requirements involving ferrous metals. F-numbers and A-numbers for welding and brazing materials are highlighted throughout this chapter for many of the commonly used electrode classications. Each of the individual Welding Material Specications contain acceptance and certication statements. The following are the statements from SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M [6]. For acceptance: Acceptance of the ller metal shall be in accordance with the provisions of ANSI/AWS A5.01, (Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines). For certication: By afxing the AWS Specication and Classication designations to the packaging, or the classication to the product, the manufacturer certies that the product meets the requirements of this specication. Both acceptance and certication of welding materials are very important to ASME Code users. Depending on the fabrication section of the Code, the User should understand these basic requirements so that welding material is procured correctly. The fact that a Welding Material Manufacturer places the AWS Specication and classication on the container does not mean that the tests required by the specication are conducted on that particular lot of welding materials. It means only that the Manufacturer conducted the required testing on material representative of that welding material. (Further discussion on acceptance and certication is covered in the discussion on SFA-5.01.)



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The following are summaries of the contents of the individual Welding Material Specications. The purpose of these discussions is to explain the Welding Material Specications and relate them to ASME requirements. When possible, references are made to ASME base metal specications that can be welded with a specic classication of electrode, rod, or ller metal. Such references are intended as examples only rather than a complete listing of all the base metals for which each welding material is suitable. SFA-5.01: Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines Filler metal procurement guidelines are published in Section II, Part C to provide the procurement and acceptance criteria as prescribed in each of the Welding Material Specications. The guidelines provide detailed methods by which the individual ller metals are lot classied and tested. When procuring materials for ASME Code fabrication, regardless of whether a Certicate of Conformance or a Certied Material Test Report is required, these guidelines should be followed. As each specication states, the acceptance of the welding material is in accordance with the provisions of SFA-5.01. The guidelines begin with denitions that describe various aspects or characteristics of welding materials, such as heats, lots, batches, blends, and mixes. These denitions are followed by specic lot classications based on the type of welding material being procured. Four lot classications describe the size of a production run of welding materials: covered electrodes, bare wire, ux-cored electrodes, and ux. These classications allow the purchaser to specify the level of control and the lot size necessary to meet the application. If the welding material is for Section III, Division 1, Class 1 nuclear component fabrication [7], the lot classication selected should meet the requirements of Section III, Subsection NB, paragraph NB-2400. If the application does not require lot controls, these classications are less important. SFA-5.01 also includes testing schedules so that an appropriate level of testing can be specied when welding materials are procured. Testing levels begin with Schedule F, which is the Manufacturers standard. If welding materials are procured without specied requirements (i.e., off the shelf), this level of testing is what the Manufacturer would provide. The welding material would be supplied with the required markings on the container to serve as certication that the welding material meets the specication requirements. However, the markings certify only that material representative of that being delivered was tested at some time in accordance with the Material Manufacturers standard practice. A typical certication would be provided upon request. If the purchaser wants a Certied Material Test Report for the tests required for the classication of each lot shipped, Schedule J would be specied, which requires that the Welding Material Manufacturer perform all the classication testing required by the specication on the lot of material ordered. A Certied Material Test Report would then represent the actual lot or lots of welding material being delivered. Schedule K, a level of testing specied by the purchaser, can be selected when ller metal to Section III NB requirements is ordered. For Section III welding materials, the level of testing is based on the design of the component, the welding procedure and postweld heat treatment that will be used in fabrication. Therefore, the purchaser might list the tests and acceptance criteria, including certication requirements, in the purchase order. The nal guideline is one that illustrates and gives examples of methods for use when welding materials are procured. One should remember the importance of ordering the correct welding material to meet specic Code requirements. The purchasers acceptance of the wire can be satised only if the correct lot clas-

sication and level of testing are included in the order, in addition to the quantity, size, and type of ller metal or electrodes. SFA-5.02: Specication for Filler Metal Standard Sizes, Packaging, and Physical Attributes This specication was published in 2007. Details regarding sizes and packaging that previously resided in the ller metal specications were placed in A 5.02. It takes into account the requirements of a similar specication, ISO 544, and allows classication in both U.S. Customary units and Metric (SI) units. As ller metal specications are revised, sizes and packaging sections will be removed and A 5.02 will be referenced. SFA-5.1/SFA-5.1M: Specication for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding It is appropriate that SFA-5.1 is the rst specication in Section II, Part C. Among the rst classications developed were those for carbon steel electrodes, which are widely used for welding plain carbon steel in B&PV Code applications. Electrodes in this specication are used mainly for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) of base metals grouped as P-Number 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Covered electrodes are classied in SFA-5.1 mainly by strength and usability. Figure 3.4.1 illustrates a typical electrode classication for this specication. The letter E at the beginning of the classication stands for electrode; the rst two numbers that follow either a 60 or 70 designate the minimum required tensile strength in ksi (1,000 psi), and the third number designates welding position usability. For example, the 1 in E6010 indicates that the electrode is usable in all positions (at, horizontal, vertical, and overhead). The third number is then taken together with the fourth number (i.e., 10 in E6010) to designate the type of current and the type of electrode covering. Sometimes, optional supplemental designators are used to further identify electrodes that meet certain addition requirements. The 1 designator in E7024-1 means that the electrode meets impact requirements at a lower temperature than that required for the classication. Low-hydrogen electrodes can also be given the optional designator R, such as in E7018R, to indicate that the electrodes meet low-moisture-absorption (i.e., moisture-resistant) requirements. Even more optional supplemental designators can be included for moisture or hydrogen testing. If the designator HZ follows the four-digit classication, the electrode will meet the requirements for an average diffusible hydrogen content of not more than Z ml/100 g of deposited metal when tested in the as-received or conditioned state. Therefore, an E7018-1H4 electrode produces a minimum 70 ksi tensile strength weld deposit (70), has a low-hydrogen coating for alternating current (ac) or




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direct current (dc) welding in all positions (18), has improved fracture toughness (1), and meets a maximum of 4 ml/100 mg of diffusible hydrogen (H4). Covered electrodes are composed of a covering and a carbon steel core wire. Flux, minimal alloying, and iron powder (in some classications) are used to make the covering. The core wire is usually carbon steel that has a chemical composition different from that of the weld deposit. Low-hydrogen electrodes (E7015, E7016, E7018, E7018M, E7028, and E7048) have low-moisture (i.e., low-hydrogen) mineral coverings. The E60XX electrodes have cellulose, titania, or similar coverings that are not low in hydrogen. Both types of electrodes are acceptable for welding carbon steels for which hardenability is not a concern. Under certain conditions, hydrogen can lead to cracking in either the heataffected zone or the weld deposit in hardenable steels. One source of hydrogen is the moisture in the electrode coverings, for which reason low-hydrogen electrodes should be selected for steels susceptible to hydrogen-induced cracking. Electrodes classied in this specication are manufactured to meet moisture limits based on the type of covering and strength of the weld metal. Therefore, proper storage, treatment, and handling of electrodes are all necessary. Packaging normally provides some degree of moisture protection during storage. After the electrodes are removed from the packaging, low-hydrogen electrodes are normally stored in heated containers in accordance with the Manufacturers recommendations. Unlike the lowhydrogen electrodes in this specication, cellulose coverings for E6010 and E6011 electrodes need moisture levels of 3 7% for their proper operation. Heated storage is not recommended and drying these electrodes may adversely affect their operation. SFA-5.2/SFA-5.2M: Specication for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel-Gas Welding This specication includes carbon and low-alloy steel ller metal used for oxyfuel-gas welding (OFW). The letter R in the designation stands for rod. Filler metal made to the requirements of this specication is supplied in the bare wire form and usually in cut straight lengths. Number designations following the letter R represent the minimum tensile strength in ksi (i.e., 1,000 psi). Although OFW was one of the rst welding processes used for joining metals, OFW has limited usage in the manufacture of pressure vessels to the B&PV Code. SFA-5.3/SFA-5.3M: Specication for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Electrodes for SMAW Aluminum and aluminum alloy electrodes produced to this specication are used for SMAW. As with the electrodes classied in SFA-5.1, the letter E in the designation stands for electrodes. However, the numbers in the designation are based on the Aluminum Associations [8] alloy identication of the alloy type rather than tensile strength and usability. Aluminum and aluminum alloy type SMAW has largely been replaced with gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Therefore, electrodes manufactured to this specication will see little, if any, use for ASME pressure vessel or component fabrication. SFA-5.4/SFA-5.4M: Specication for Stainless Steel Electrodes for SMAW Covered electrodes manufactured to this specication are used for depositing stainless steel weld metal with the SMAW process. Weld metal deposited by these electrodes has a chromium content of 10.5% or greater and an iron content that is greater than that of any other element. Stainless steel electrodes have a wide range of uses for corrosion resistance, cryogenic ser-

vice, and heat- resistant applications in the fabrication of ASME pressure vessels and piping. Unlike the carbon steel electrodes of SFA-5.1, stainless steel classications represent the chemical composition rather than the tensile properties. The last two numbers dene positional usability and electrical characteristics. Therefore, an E308L-16 electrode is dened by the letter E for electrode, the 308L for the chemical composition (nominal 19% Cr and 10% Ni with a low carbon content). The last two number designators, 16, indicate all position usability with ac or dc electrode positive (dcep). Figure 3.4.2 illustrates another common stainless steel electrode classication. This specication allows an electrode to be classied under more than one classication if all requirements are met for those classications. However, electrodes may not be classied under more than one of the following designations: EXXX-15, EXXX-16, EXXX-17, EXXX-25, or EXXX-26. For example, an E308-16 electrode may also be dual-classied as an E308H-16 electrode, but it cannot be classied as E308-15. A stainless steel electrode is composed of a core wire and a ux covering that determines the usability classication of the electrode. It should be noted that the core wire does not necessarily contain all the elements that determine the weld deposit composition. Depending on the type of electrode, the covering can contribute some or most of the alloying elements. The composition ranges of weld metal deposited by stainless-steel electrodes are grouped as A-No. 69 in QW-442 of Section IX. Stainless-steel electrodes are grouped as F-Nos. 1,4, and 5 in QW432 of Section IX. Table 3.4.1 has a listing of each electrode classication and the corresponding F-Number and A-Number. Although the amount of ferrite in the weld deposit is not a factor for classication, it is an important characteristic in stainless steel welding. Stainless steel welds are more susceptible to cracking or ssuring during welding than welds made with carbon steel electrodes. Ferrite in the deposit helps to reduce this tendency for hot-cracking and strengthens the nal weld. In some corrosionresistant applications, electrodes are used that deposit welds with little or no ferrite because ferrite may have a detrimental effect. Electrodes classied as E310, E320, E320LR, E330, E383, and E385 deposit fully austenitic (i.e., no ferrite) weld metal. Ferrite is also known to reduce toughness in cryogenic service and to transform into the brittle sigma phase in high-temperature service. Austenitic weld deposits that are high in ferrite can also transform to the sigma phase during postweld heat treatments. It is not uncommon to specify ferrite ranges to avoid problems associated with too little or too much ferrite, depending on the application. Ferrite can be determined by chemical analysis of the undiluted weld deposit or be measured with various magnetic instruments. The term ferrite number (FN) was selected by the Welding Research Council (WRC) to be used in lieu of percent ferrite for the magnetic-measuring instruments. The purpose of the ferrite number




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is to clearly indicate that ferrite readings are obtained using an instrument calibrated in accordance with the WRCs calibration procedure. The AWS publishes the WRCs calibration procedure requirements in AWS A4.2 (Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal). When the ferrite content is calculated from the chemical composition of the weld deposit, the WRC1992 Diagram is specied [9]. Figure 3.4.3 is a reprint of the WRC-1992 Diagram as taken from Section III, NB-2433.1-1. With either magnetic measurement or chemical analysis using the WRC-1992

Diagram, the amount of ferrite in the weld deposit is reported as an FN rather than as a percent. The ferrite number corresponds to percent ferrite (up to 10 FN). The following text gives brief descriptions of the stainless steel electrodes used with SMAW. Included in these descriptions are examples of base metals that can be welded with these electrodes. Nitrogen-Strengthened, Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrodes The E209, E219, and E240 electrodes are intended for welding nitrogen-strengthened, austenitic stainless steel base



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metals having comparable compositions. These types of stainless steels exhibit high strength and toughness over a wide range of temperatures. Nitrogen alloying also reduces the tendency for intergranular carbide precipitation in the weld area, thereby increasing its resistance to intergranular corrosion. Typically, E209 is used for welding type XM-19 (UNS S20910), which is listed in ASME Material Specications SA-182, SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-358, SA-403, SA-479, SA-813, and SA-814. E219 is designed for welding type UNS S21900 base metal. E240 is typically used for welding type XM-29 (UNS S24000), which is listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-358, SA-479, SA-688, SA-813, and SA-814. Additionally, these

electrodes are used for welding dissimilar alloys of carbon steel and stainless steel, and also for corrosion-resistant overlay. E240 can be used in cladding or overlay applications for wear resistance as well. Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrodes The E308 series of electrodes typically have wide ASME Code usage in the welding of Type 304 stainless steels listed as P-No. 8 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Type 304 (UNS S30400) or type 304L (UNS S30403) are the most common stainless steels welded with either E308 or E308L. Most of the 304 stainless steels are listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-182, SA-213, SA-240, SA-249,



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FIG. 3.4.3

WRC-1992 DIAGRAM FOR FERRITE NUMBER (FN) DETERMINATION (Source: Fig. N8-2433.1-1, Section III of the ASMEB&PVCode)

SA-312, SA-336, SA-358, SA-376, SA-403, SA-409, SA-430, SA479, SA-666, SA-688, SA-813, and S A-814. The L grades are generally selected for improved corrosion resistance because the 0.04% maximum carbon content of weld metal deposited by E308L reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. The E309 series of electrodes contains more chromium and nickel than the E308-type electrodes. These electrodes are used to weld base metals such as UNS S30900, S30908, S30909, S30940, and S30941. Base metals of these compositions are generally listed in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. Both E309 and E309L are commonly used for the rst layer when a corrosion resistant stainless steel overlay is applied. The remaining layers are typically deposited with E308 or E308L. Because of their richer chemical composition, electrodes in this group are also good for joining dissimilar metals, such as joining Type 304 stainless steel to carbon or low-alloy steel. Electrodes in the E316 series are generally used for welding base metals of like designations (316, 316L, etc.). Molybdenum strengthens these stainless steels and provides creep resistance at elevated temperatures. Type 316 base metals appear in most of the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. The E347 stainless steel electrodes have columbium or columbium plus tantalum to reduce the possibility of intergranular chromium carbide precipitation for increased intergranular corrosion resistance. These electrodes are usually used for welding stainless steels stabilized with columbium or titanium, such as Type 347 (UNS S34700). Type 347 stainless steels are grouped as

P-No. 8 in QW/QB-422 in Section IX and are located in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. Austenitic Manganese Steel Electrodes Type E307 electrodes are used primarily for moderate strength welds with good crack resistance between dissimilar steels such as austenitic manganese steel and carbon steel forgings or castings. Martensitic Stainless Steel Electrodes The E410 electrodes produce a martensitic, nominal 12% chromium (12Cr) alloy deposit. Both preheat and postweld heat treatments are gen erally recommended. These electrodes can be used to weld UNS S41000 or S41008, listed in ASME Material Specications SA-240, SA-268, and SA-479. E410NiMo is typically used for weld ing castings such as Type CA6NM, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-487. Ferritic Stainless Steel Electrodes The E409Nb and E430 electrodes usually require both preheat and postweld heat treatments to obtain optimum mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. P-No. 7 base metal Types 405 (UNS S40500) 409 (UNS S40900) and 430 (UNS S43000), listed in ASME Material Specications SA-240, SA- 268, and SA-479, can be welded with these ller metals. Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Electrodes The E630 electrodes are designed for welding Type 630 (UNS S17400) precipitation-hardening stainless steel and similar steel. The



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nal weldment may be used as-welded, or welded and precipitationhardened, or welded, solution-treated, and precipitation-hardened (depending on the application). Precipitation-hardening stainless steel materials are not listed in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Duplex Stainless Steel Electrodes Type E2209, E2553 E2593, E2594, and E2595 are duplex stainless steel electrodes. Weld metal deposited by these electrodes has an austenitic-ferritic (duplex) microstructure. E2209 is used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels such as UNS S31803, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-240. UNS S31803 is grouped as P-No. 10H, Group 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. E2553 and E2593 are used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels containing approximately 25% chromium. E2594 and E2595 are used to weld the super-duplex stainless steels with a pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) of at least 40. SFA-5.5/SFA-5.5M: Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for SMAW Contained in this specication are the classication requirements for low-alloy steel electrodes used for SMAW of carbon and low-alloy steels. These electrodes include steel alloys in which no single alloying element exceeds 10.5%. As shown in Figure 3.4.4, the classication system is similar to that for SFA-5.1. However, there are more designators because these electrodes cover a wider range of steels. Mechanical properties of the weld metal deposit are also required in the as-welded or postweld heat treated condition. Because hydrogen can pose a signicant problem when welding low-alloy steels, moisture testing of the covering is required to classify some of the electrodes to this specication. However, the supplementary tests for absorbed moisture (the R designation) and the diffusible hydrogen (the HZ designation) are not required for classication of the low-hydrogen electrodes. Optional supplemental designators are included in the SFA-5.1 discussion. This specication also includes a G classication that includes electrodes classied as E(X)XXYY-G. The G indicates a general electrode classication with requirements usually agreed to by both the purchaser and the supplier. The AWS Classications now include both the U.S. Customer, Unit designation and the International system of Units (SI) in the Tables. Electrodes may be classied as both U.S. and metric (i.e., E7018x and E4918-x). Electrodes classied in this specication require mechanical properties and soundness to be determined from a groove weld test assembly. The groove test assembly usually consists of a base metal having similar characteristics to the tested electrode. The test plate is welded following the welding procedure requirements

of SFA-5.5 for the classied electrode. After postweld heat treatment (if required), testing for classication may include radiography, tension testing, and Charpy V-notch impact testing. Since most of these electrodes are of low-alloy steel, the majority of weld metal deposits are required to be tested in the postweld heattreated rather than the as-welded condition. Users of Section III in the ASME Code should note that the testing required for classication is different than the testing required by NB-2400. To certify that the weld material is in accordance with NB-2400, the welding process and conditions that represent Section III fabrication requirements must be used for welding the test assembly. Mechanical testing of the weld is then performed to the NB-2400 requirements not the Section IIC requirements. For example, ve Charpy V-notch impact specimens are required to be tested at temperatures listed in SFA-5.5 for classication. If weld metal deposited from this electrode requires impact testing to Section III, the test temperature and impact requirements would be determined by the component design. In addition, only three Charpy V-notch impact specimens would be required. SFA-5.5 contains a variety of low-alloy steel electrodes having different chemical compositions and mechanical properties. Electrodes can be selected to deposit weld metal that closely match the chemical composition and the mechanical properties of the base metal being welded. Table 3.4.2 contains a listing of the electrode F-numbers from QW-432 and the A-numbers from QW-442 of Section IX for undiluted weld metal deposit. The various types of electrodes are also discussed briey in the following paragraphs. Carbon Molybdenum (CMo) Steel Electrodes The E70YY electrodes are similar to carbon steel electrodes except for the 1 addition of approximately 2 % molybdenum for increased strength, especially at elevated temperatures. ASME Material Specications SA-204, Grade A plate (UNS K11820) and SA-335, Type P1 pipe (UNS K11522) are typically welded with these electrodes. These base metals are grouped as P-No. 3, Group 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Chromium Molybdenum (CrMo) Steel Electrodes The EX01Y-BX and EX01Y-BXL low-hydrogen electrodes produce 1 deposits ranging from 1 2 % 9% chromium and 2 % 1% molybdenum. These electrodes are used for vessels and components, such as those of Section I (Power Boilers), that are designed for hightemperature service. SMAW with Cr-Mo electrodes generally requires both preheat and postweld heat treatment. Base metals that can be welded with these electrodes are grouped as P-Nos. 4, 5A, 5B, and 5C in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. The 9Cr-1Mo electrodes have now been included in A5.5. Electrodes classied as E90XX-B9 are used to weld the enhanced creep resistant 9Cr-1 Mo base metals. Thermal treatment of these alloys is critical and most be closely controlled. Additionally, restrictions are imposed on the Mn and Ni to ensure the PWHT can be maintained below the lower transformation temperature. Nickel Steel (Ni) Electrodes The EX01Y-CX and EX01Y-CXL electrodes are produced to have nickel contents with 1 1 1 ve nominal levels of 1%, 12 %, 22 %, 31 2 %, and 62 % nickel. These low-hydrogen electrodes each have good notch toughness at low temperatures. Nickel Molybdenum (NiMo) Steel Electrodes The E8018-NM1 electrodes contain approximately 1% nickel and 1 2% molybdenum. Typical applications include the welding of high strength, low-alloy, or microalloyed structural steels.




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50 Chapter 3 Manganese Molybdenum (MnMo) Steel Electrodes The E(X)X01Y-DX electrodes produce deposits 1 1 with a nominal 12 % manganese and 3 %2 3 % molybdenum. These electrodes are designed to match the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of low-alloy steels, such as ASME SA-302, Grade B. Other Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes The E(X)X01YM(1) electrodes are low-hydrogen electrodes designed to weld the high-yield strength steels. EX010-P1 electrodes have cellulose coverings and are intended to weld API-5L-X52 and API-5L-X65 piping. EX015-WX electrodes are low-hydrogen electrodes designed to weld deposits that match the corrosion resistance and coloring of the ASTM weathering type structural steels, such as ASTM A242 and A588. SFA-5.6: Specication for Covered Copper and Copper Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes This specication provides the requirements for classifying covered copper and copper-alloy electrodes used for SMAW. Welding electrodes in this specication are classied based on the chemical composition of the undiluted weld metal deposit. The copper content exceeds that of any other element. The classication is similar to the stainless steel electrodes in that the designators following the letter E represent the chemical composition of the weld deposit. Electrodes in this specication are used to weld a wide range of copper-based alloys, such as copper, aluminum bronze, phosphorous bronze, silicon bronze, and copper nickel. SFA-5.7/SFA-5.7M: Specification for Covered Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes This specication is similar to SFA-5.6 except that this specication



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provides the requirements for classifying covered copper and copper alloy bare welding rods and electrodes. (Bare welding rods and electrodes are also commonly referred to as bare wire or ller metal). These ller metals are typically used for GTAW, GMAW, and plasma arc welding (PAW). Classication is based on the chemical composition of the ller metal rather than the undiluted weld-metal deposit. These ller metals follow the same general classication system as the covered electrodes of SFA-5.6, except that the prex ER for bare electrodes and rod replaces the E for electrode. Applications for these ller metals are generally the same as those for the copper and copper alloy covered electrodes. SFA-5.8 SFA-58m: Specication for Filler Metals of Brazing and Braze Welding This is the only specication for brazing ller metals that is referenced in Section IX (QB-Brazing). Although this specication includes materials for braze welding, the main application for these materials is for brazing. Filler metals classied in this specication include all metal and alloy compositions for brazing, with or without ux and in protective atmospheres. Standard forms include wire, strip, sheet, foil, rod, powder, and paste. The brazing ller metals covered by this specication are classied according to their chemical composition. Dening the ller



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metal starts with B for brazing, followed by a chemical symbol (such as Cu) to identify the major element. The remaining elemental symbols indicate the principal alloying elements; for example, BCuP contains the primary element of copper with phosphorous alloying. Filler metals identied by the prex RB indicate that the ller metal is suitable for use as a brazing rod for braze welding and as a brazing ller metal. Typically, the RBCuZn classications are used in braze welding. Filler metal classications for vacuum service are similar to those for other ller metals, except that the letter V appears in the classications (e.g., BVAg-8). Devices brazed by the use of these ller metals are intended to operate in vacuums regardless of the

atmosphere used in brazing the base metals. Vacuum service filler metals are manufactured to reduce the high vapor pressure impurities. Grade 1 ller metals meet more stringent requirements for the high vapor pressure impurities than those of Grade 2. As dened by the AWS: Brazing is a group of metal joining processes which produces coalescence of materials by heating them to a suitable temperature and by using a ller metal having a liquidus above 840F (450C) and below the solidus of the base materials. The ller metal is distributed between the closely tted surfaces of the joint by capillary action.



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In braze welding, the primary difference is that the ller is not distributed in the joint by capillary action. The following paragraphs briey discuss the brazing ller metals. Brazing Filler Metal Classications The BAg (silver) ller metals are widely used for joining steel, stainless steel, copper, and copper alloys. The alloys in this group are commonly referred to as silver solders. These ller metals exhibit good brazing characteristics and properties. As with the majority of brazing applications, lap joints are usually employed with tight joint clearances. When the ller metals are used with torch brazing, the ller metal can be preplaced (such as brazing rings) or fed manually into the joint. Brazing ux is generally required. Because cadmium fumes are poisonous, many of the alloys in this group were developed to eliminate the cadmium; these are commonly known as cadmium-free or cad-free brazing ller metals. BAu (gold) ller metals are used for the brazing of iron, nickel, and cobalt base metals in which better ductility, greater oxidation resistance, or greater corrosion resistance is required. BAu is commonly used on thin metals for induction, furnace, or resistance brazing in a protective atmosphere. BAlSi (aluminumsilicon) ller metals are used for joining aluminum and aluminum alloys such as 1060, 1350, 1100, 3003, 3004, 3005, 5005, 5050, 6053, 6061, 6951, 7005, 710.0, and 711.0. Because aluminum readily oxidizes, brazing ux is essential for all brazing processes except vacuum brazing. BCuP (copperphophorous) ller metals are used primarily for joining copper and copper alloys. BCuP-ller metals are used extensively with manual torch brazing, but they are suitable for all brazing processes. These ller metals are self-uxing when used on copper. When copper alloys are brazed, a brazing ux is recommended. BCu (copper) and RBCuZn (copperzinc) ller metals are used for joining both ferrous and nonferrous metals. BCu is commonly used in furnace brazing applications for joining ferrous metals, nickel alloys, and copper nickel alloys. RBCuZn ller metals, particularly RBCuZn-B, are commonly used for braze welding applications. BNi (nickel) ller metals are generally used for their corrosionresistant and heat-resistant applications. The BNi-ller metals have excellent properties at high-service temperatures and are well-suited for vacuum service applications because of their low vapor pressure. SFA-5.9/SFA-5.9M: Specication for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods This specication is similar to SFA-5.4 for covered electrodes except that it includes ller metal for use with GTAW, GMAW, PAW, and submerged arc welding (SAW) with ux. Filler metal classied in this specication is available as wire, strip, composite metal-cored, and stranded-wire or rod. Weld metal deposited by these electrodes or rods has a minimum chromium content of 101 2 % and an iron content that is greater than that of any other element. Stainless steel ller metals see a wide range of uses for cryogenic-service, corrosion-resistant, and heat-resistant applications in the fabrication of ASME pressure vessels and piping. Classication of these welding materials follows that of the SFA-5.4 stainless steel electrodes. The main difference is that the designation begins with the letters ER to denote solid wire or rods. SFA-5.9 also allows ller metals to have more than one classication, provided all the requirements are met for those classications. For example, an ER308 ller metal may also be classied as ER308H. Mechanical properties are not included in the classication of ller metals in this specication; however, the tensile properties shown in SFA5.4 are generally applicable to the weld metal deposited by these ller metals.

Chemical composition is determined by analysis of the solid or product form except for composite and stranded electrodes, which are classied by analysis of the undiluted weld metal deposit. Both Sections IX and III [1] give additional requirements for the chemical analysis of ller metal and electrodes. QW-404.5 is an essential variable in Section IX for the welding procedure qualication; it details the chemical analysis requirements that are used to determine A-Numbers for ferrous metals. Section III, NB-2432 contains the requirements for chemical analysis of welding materials to be used for the fabrication and repair of Class 1 nuclear components or vessels. Stainless steel ller metals in this specication fall within ANos. 6 9 composition ranges in QW-442 of Section IX. All bare wires, composite wires, or strips in this specication are grouped as F-No. 6 in QW-432. Table 3.4.3 lists the electrode classication and the corresponding A-Number and F-Number. As with all stainless steel materials, ferrite is important in reducing the tendency for hot-cracking and for strengthening the nal weld deposit. Although ferrite is not present in all classications in this specication, it is benecial when highly restrained joints or heavy sections are welded. Some variations of ferrite in the deposit can be expected when the same ller metal is used with different welding processes. Ferrite determination is not required to classify ller metal or electrodes in this specication. However, the purchaser may impose ferrite controls when ordering ller metal to ensure sound welds for the selected welding process or procedure. As explained in the discussion of SFA-5.4, ferrite can be determined by chemical analysis of the undiluted weld deposit or be measured with various magnetic instruments. Because the chemical composition of the solid or product form is required to classify materials in this specication, ferrite is commonly determined by chemical analysis. This specication includes welding materials for use on a wide range of stainless steel base metals. The following paragraphs briey discuss some different types of stainless steel ller metals. Nitrogen-Strengthened, Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrodes and Rods The ER209, ER218, ER219, and ER240 ller metals are intended for welding nitrogen-strengthened, austenitic stainless steels that exhibit high strength and toughness over a wide range of temperatures. Nitrogen alloying also reduces the tendency for intergranular carbide precipitation in the weld area, thereby increasing its resistance to intergranular cor rosion. Typically, ER209 can be used for welding type XM-19 (UNS S20910), which is listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-182, SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-358, SA-403, SA-479, SA-813, and SA-814. ER218 is designed for welding type UNS S21800 that is listed in ASME Material Specications SA-240 and SA-479. ER219 is typically used for welding UNS S21900. ER240 can be used for welding type XM-29 (UNS S24000), which is list ed in ASME Material Specications SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-358, SA-479, SA-688, SA-813, and SA-814. Nitrogenstrengthened, austenitic stainless steels are grouped as P-No. 8, Group 3 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrodes and Rods The ER308-grouped ller metals have wide use in the welding of Types 304 stainless steels, which are grouped as P-No. 8 in QW/QB-422 in Section IX. P-No. 8 base metals are listed in ASME Material Specications SA-182, SA-213, SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-336, SA-358, SA-376, SA-403, SA-409, SA-430, SA-479, SA-666, SA-688, SA-813, and SA-814. Type 304 (UNS S30400) or Type 304L (UNS S30403) are the most common



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stainless steels welded with either ER308 or ER308L. The L grades are generally selected for improved corrosion resistance because the 0.03% maximum carbon content of weld metal deposited by ER308L reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. Because of the chemistry overlap, an ER308 could also be certied as ER308H. The ER309 series of ller metals contains more chromium and nickel than the ER308 types. These ller metals are used to weld base metals such as UNS S30900, S30908, S30909, S30940, and S30941. Base metals of these compositions are generally listed in

the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. Both ER309 and ER309L are commonly used for applying the rst layer of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel overly. The remaining layers are typically deposited with ER308 or ER308L. Because of their richer chemical composition, electrodes in this group are also good for joining dissimilar metals, such as Type 304 stainless steel joined to carbon or low-alloy steel. Filler metals in the ER316 grouping are generally used for welding base metals of like designations (316, 316L, etc.) Molybdenum strengthens these stainless steels and provides creep resistance at



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TABLE 3.4.3 (CONTINUED) Martensitic ER410 ER410NiMo ER420 Ferritic ER409 ER409Nb ER430 ER439 ER446LMo Precipitation Hardening ER630 S17480 None F-No. 6 S40900 S40940 S43080 S43035 S4687 A7f A7f A7 A7 A7

S41080 S41086 S42080

A6e None None

F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6

F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6

Austenitic-Nitrogren Strengthened ER209 ER218 ER219 ER240 Austenitic Mangenese ER307 S30780 None F-No. 6 S20980 S21880 S21980 S24080 None None None None F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6

Duplex Stainless Steel (Austenic-Ferritic) ER2209 ER2553 ER2594 S39209 S39553 S32750 A8 A8 A8d
d, h

F-No. 6 F-No. 6 F-No. 6

Notes: (a) A-number per Section IX, QW -442 based on filler chemistry or undiluted weld deposit. (b) Austenitic weld metal deposits may or not contain ferrite. Generally, ER310, ER320, ER320LR, ER383, and ER385 are fully austenitic. ER316 types can be made to deposit little or no ferrite or can be made to contain ferrite over FN. ER16-8-2 is made to be low in ferrite, whereas ER312 can have ferrite over 20FN. (c) Cr content of the weld deposit may fall outside the 14.50-30.00% Cr range for A-No. 8. (d) Weld deposits from these electrodes have specified Cu contents. (e) Mo contents of the weld deposit may exceed the 0.70% Mo maximum of A-No. 6. (f) Cr content of the weld deposit may fall outside of the 11.0030.00% Cr range for A-No. 7. (g) Mo contents of the weld deposit may exceed the 1.00% Mo maximum of A-No. 7. (h) Ni content of the weld deposit may fall outside of the 7.5015.00% Ni range for A-No. 8.

elevated temperatures. Type 316 base metals are typically listed in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. The ER347 ller metals are stabilized with columbium or columbium plus tantalum to reduce the possibility of intergranular chromium carbide precipitation for increased intergranular corrosion resistance. These ller metals are usually used for welding stainless steels of similar composition that have been stabilized with columbium or titanium, such as Type 347 (UNS S34700). Type 347 stainless steels are grouped as P-No. 8 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX and are listed in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. The ER308, ER309, ER316, and ER347 grouping of ller metals in this specication also have grades that contain silicon to improve the usability of these electrodes with GMAW. The classications with silicon end with the elemental symbol Si. The ER3556 weld deposits are resistant to high-temperature corrosive environments containing sulfur. This ller metal is

typically used to join UNS R30556 in ASME Material Specications SB-435, SB-572, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. These base metals are grouped as P-No. 45 in the nonferrous QW/QB-422 P-number tables of Section IX. Martensitic Stainless Steel Electrodes and Rods The ER410 ller metals deposit a martensitic, 12% chromium (12Cr) alloy weld. Preheat and postweld heat treatments are generally recommended. These electrodes could be used to weld UNS S41000 or S41008, listed in ASME Material Specications SA240, SA-268, and SA-479. E410NiMo is typically used for welding castings such as Type CA6NM, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-487. Ferritic Stainless Steel Electrodes and Rods The ER430 ller metals usually require both preheat and postweld heat treatment to obtain optimum mechanical properties and corrosion



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resistance. P-No. 7 base metals, Types 405 (UNS S40500) and 430 (UNS S43000) listed in ASME Material Specications SA-240, SA-268, and SA-479, can be welded with these ller metals. Duplex Stainless Steel Electrodes and Rods The ER2209, ER2553 and FR 2594 ller metals deposit duplex stainlesssteel weld metal having an austenitic-ferritic (duplex) microstructure. ER2209 is used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels such as UNS S31803, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-240. UNS S31803 is grouped as P-No. 10H, Group 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. E2553 is primarily used to weld duplex stainless steels containing approximately 25% chromium. ER2594 is used to word supperduniex stainless steles with a PREN of at least 40. SFA-5.10/SFA-5.10M: Specification for Bare Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods Bare aluminum and aluminum alloy electrodes and rods produced to this specication are for use with gas-shielded processes such as GMAW, GTAW, PAW, and OFW. As with the other bare ller metals, the letters ER in the designation indicate that the wire can be used either as an electrode or as welding rod. Filler metals become electrodes with the GMAW process; welding rods with GTAW, PAW, and OFW. The remaining numerical portion of the classication is based on the Aluminum Associations [8] alloy designation identifying the alloy type rather than tensile strength and usability. In general, aluminum and aluminum-base alloys are grouped as P-Nos. 21, 22, 23, and 25 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. The welding materials are grouped as F-Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 in QW-432. Typically, ER1100 (F-No. 21) ller metal can be used to weld UNS A91100 and UNS A93003 (P-No. 21) base metals listed in ASME Material Specications SB-209, SB-221, and SB-241. Both UNS A95052 and UNS A95652 are in the same Material Specications, but are grouped as P-No. 22. These two aluminum alloys are commonly welded with ER5654 (F-No. 22). One of the most commonly welded aluminum alloys is UNS A96061 (Type 6061), which is grouped as P-No. 23 in QW/QB422. It is typically welded with ER4043 (F-No. 23), although other llers are suitable. Type 6061 is listed in ASME Material Specications SB-209, SB-210, SB-211, SB-221, SB-234, SB-241, SB-247, and SB-308. UNS A95083 base metal is grouped as P-No 25; it is listed in ASME Material Specications SB-209, SB-221, SB-241, and SB247. ER5183 (F-No. 22) is typically used to join this material. The welding rods R-A356.0, R206.0, R-C355.0, R357.0, and RA357.0, grouped as F-No. 24 in QW-432, are designed for repair or fabrication of castings of comparable chemical composition. Finally, ER2319 is the only ller metal listed as F-No. 25 in QW/QB-422. ER 2319 is intended for welding aluminum alloy 2219 that is not assigned a P-Number. Many of the ller metals listed in this specication can be used on multiple aluminum and aluminum alloys. Guides for the selection and use of aluminum and aluminum-alloy ller metals are in numerous publications, including those available from the AWS and ASTM. SFA-5.11/SFA-5.11M: Specication for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Electrodes for SMAW Covered electrodes manufactured to this specication are used for depositing nickel and nickel alloy weld metal with SMAW. Weld metal deposited by these electrodes has a nickel content greater than that of any other element. Nickel-base alloys for welding cast iron are not in this specication; they are classied in SFA-5.15. Electrodes in SFA5.11 have a wide range of uses for cryogenic service, corrosion-resistant, and oxidation-resistant applications in the fabrication of ASME pressure vessels and piping. Nickel and nickel alloy electrode classications begin with the letter E, followed by the symbol for nickel (Ni) to represent the primary element. This symbol is then followed by the remaining principal elements, such as Cr, Mo, Cu, Co, and Fe. When the principal elements are identical, a numerical designator is added at the end of the classication. Like most stainless steel and nonferrous electrodes, this classication represents the type of nickel alloy rather than the tensile strength. Therefore, an ENiCrFe-3 classication is a nickel alloy electrode containing chromium and iron. It is also the third (-3) of many ERNiCrFe designations. Figure 3.4.5 illustrates a typical nickel welding electrode classication. Nickel-base electrodes are assigned as F-Nos. 41 46 in QW-432 of Section IX for procedure and performance qualication. These electrodes are used for welding nickel and nickel-base alloys listed as P-Nos. 41 49 in QW/QB 422. A-Numbers are not assigned in QW-442 for nickel-base electrodes because the weld deposit is nonferrous. When nickel-base alloys are welded, cleanliness is imperative. Low-melting-point contaminants, such as sulfur, lead, and silver, may cause embrittlement and subsequent cracking of the base metal or weld during heating or welding. In addition to joining metals of comparable composition, these electrodes are commonly used for welding dissimilar base metals and also for clad overlay. In either case, it is important to use welding techniques that minimize dilution of the weld deposit by the base metal. The following text includes general descriptions of some electrode types and the applications for them. Other than the classications for welding 9% nickel steels, most of these electrode classications can also be used for corrosion resistant overlay (cladding), surfacing, and welding nickel-base alloys to steel. The ENi-1 classied electrodes are predominantly nickel and are typically used to join base metals such as UNS N02200 or N02201, listed in ASME Material Specications SB-160, SB-161, SB-162, SB-163, and SB-366. ENIC-4 is used primarily to used cast ASTM A 560. The ENiCu-7 electrodes are typically used for welding nicelcopper alloys, for welding nickel-copper alloys to steel, and for corrosion resistant overlay (cladding) of steel. Base metals of UNS N04400, listed in ASME Material Specications SB-127, SB-163, SB-164, SB-165, SB-366, and SB-564, can be welded with these electrodes. The ENiCrFe-1, ENiCrFe-2, and ENiCrFe-3 electrodes can be used to join UNS N06600 base metal, listed in ASME Material Specications SB-163, SB-166, SB-167, SB-168, SB-366, SB-516, SB-517, and SB-564.






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The ENiCrFe-4, ENiCrFe-9, and ENiCrFe-10 electrodes are typically used for welding 9% nickel steel, grouped as P-No. 11 A, Group 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. The 9% nickel-steelbase metal (UNS K81340) is listed in ASME Material Specications SA-333, SA-334, SA-420, SA-353, SA-522, and SA-553. ENiMo-8 and ENiMo-9 electrodes can also be used for welding 9% nickel steel. The ENiCrFe-7 electrodes can be used for welding the nickel chromiumiron alloy (UNS N06690), listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-163, SB-166, SB-167, SB-168, and SB-564. The ENiCrFe-12 electrode is used for welding base metals designated as UNS N06025 and the ENiCrFeSi-1 electrode is used to weld base metals designated as UNS N06045. The ENiMo-1 electrodes can be used for welding nickelmolybdenum alloys to steel and to other nickel-base alloys. Nickelmolybdenum base metal (UNS N10001) is listed in ASME Material Specications SB-333, SB-335, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-B626. Another NiMo electrode (ENiMo-3) is typically used for welding dissimilar metal combinations of nickel-base, cobalt-base, and iron-base alloys. The ENiMo-7 electrodes have controlled low levels of carbon, Steel. iron, and cobalt. They are typically used to weld nickelmolybdenum alloy (UNS N10665), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-333, SB-335, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-B626. ENiMo-8 and ENiMo-9 are used for welding 9 percent nickel STeel. The ENiMo-10 electrodes can be used for welding UNS N10665 and N10675 base metals, listed in ASME Material Specications SB-333, SB-335, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ENiCrCoMo-1 electrodes can be used for welding nickelchromiumcobalt-molybdenum alloy (UNS N06617), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-166 and SB-564. The ENiCrMo-l electrodes can be used for welding nickel chromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06007), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-581, SB-582, SB-619, and SB-622. The ENiCrMo-3 electrodes are typically used for welding nickelchromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06625), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-443, SB-444, SB-446, SB-564, SB-704, and SB-705. The ENiCrMo-4 electrodes can be used for welding nickelchromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N10276), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ENiCrMo-5 electrodes can be used for surfacing steel clad with a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy. The ENiCrMo-6 electrodes represent yet another classification that can be used for welding 9% nickel steel. The 9% nickel-steel-base metal (UNS K81340) is listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-333, SA-334, SA-420, SA-353, SA-522, and SA-553. The ENiCrMo-7 electrodes can be used for welding nickelchromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06455), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-574, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ENiCrMo-9 electrodes can be used for welding nickel chromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06985), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-581, SB-582, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ENiCrMo-10 electrodes can be used for welding nickelchromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06022), listed in ASME

Material Specications SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ENiCrMo-11 electrodes can be used for welding nickelchromium-molybdenum alloy (UNS N06030), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-581, SB-582, SB-619, SB622, and SB-626. The ENiCrMo-12 electrodes are typically used for welding chromiumnickelmolybdenum austenitic stainless steels to themselves, to duplex stainless steels, to nickelchromiummolybdenum alloys, and to steel. The ENiCrMo-12 composition is balanced to provide corrosion resistant welds for use at temperatures below the creep range of highly alloyed austenitic stainless steels. UNS S31254 is one alloy that can be welded with these electrodes; it is listed in ASME Material Specications SA-182, SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-358, SA-403, SA-409, SA-479, SA-813, and SA-814. The ENiCrMo-13 electrodes can be used for welding nickelchromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06059), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ENiCrMo-14 electrodes can be used to weld nickelchromium-molybdenum alloys such as UNS N06686, N06625, N10276, and N06022. UNS N06625 is listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-443, SB-444, SB-446, SB-564, SB-704, and SB-705, whereas both UNS N10276 and N06022 are in listed in SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. Electrodes, ENiCrMo-17, -18, and -19 have been added to A 5.11. ENiCrMo-17 is used for welding UNS N06200 base metals ENC C-Mo-18 is used to weld UNS N06625 besemetals, but can be used for N06625, N08825, N06985, N08020, No 8926 and No 8031. ENiCrMo-19 is used to weld UNS N06058 basemetals. Other additions include ENS CrCoMo-1 and ENiCrWMo-1. ENiCrCoMo-1 is used to weld UNS N06617 base metals and ENiCrWMo-1 is used to weld UNS N06230 base metal. NO8926 and NO8031. SFA-5.12/SFA-5.12M: Specification for Bare Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding and Cutting This specication includes the requirements for bare tungsten and tungsten alloy electrodes used for welding and cutting with GTAW and PAW. Tungsten electrodes are not consumed during welding or cutting; they are instead used to establish the electric arc. The classication starts with the letter E for electrode and is followed by the symbol W for tungsten. Either the letter P for pure or the type of oxide alloyed with the tungsten follows the W designator. The remaining number designator indicates the percent of oxide. For example, the classication EWTh-2 is an electrode (E) that is made of tungsten (W) having a thorium oxide or thoria (Th) content of 2% (-2). Tungsten electrodes designated as EWTh-2 are the most prevalent and are commonly referred to as 2% thoriated tungsten electrodes. SFA-5.13: Specification for Solid Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes This specication includes the requirements for bare electrodes, rods, and covered electrodes used for surfacing. Bare electrodes and rods are used for surfacing with GTAW and GMAW; covered electrodes are used for surfacing with SMAW. The bare ller metals are classied in the solid or product form based on the manufactured chemical composition; covered electrodes are classied based on the chemical composition of their undiluted weld metal. Most of the welding materials in this specication are used in hard-facing applications for abrasion, wear, or galling resistance. Many also produce weld deposits that provide corrosion and oxidation resistance.



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58 Chapter 3 SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M: Specication for Nickel and Nickel- Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods This specication gives the requirements for classifying bare nickel and nickel-base alloy welding electrodes, strip electrodes, and welding rods for use in GTAW, GMAW, PAW, and SAW with ux. Weld metal deposits from these electrodes have a nickel content that is greater than that of any other element. Nickel-base electrodes and rods follow the same basic classication system as the nickel and nickel alloy covered electrodes in SFA-5.11. These electrodes are used in ASME Code fabrication for a wide range of cryogenic service, corrosion- resistant, and oxidation-resistant applications. Nickel-base welding electrodes and rods are assigned F-Nos. 4146 in QW-432 of Section IX for procedure and performance qualication. These ller metals are used for welding nickel and nickel-base alloys listed as P-Nos. 41 49 in QW/QB-422. Since nickel-base electrodes deposit nonferrous weld metal, A-Numbers of QW-442 are not applicable. When nickel-base alloys are welded, cleanliness is imperative. Low-melting-point contaminants, such as sulfur, lead, and silver, may cause embrittlement and subsequent cracking of the base metal or weld during heating or welding. These electrodes and ller metals are commonly used for welding dissimilar base metals and for clad overlay. In either case, it is important to use welding techniques that minimize dilution of the weld deposit by the base metal. Most SFA-5.14 electrodes and rods have comparable classications in SFA-5.11. The following text gives some general descriptions of the electrodes and rods in this specication. The ERNiCr-3, ERNiCr-6, and ERNiCrFe-5 ller metals can be used to join UNS N06600 base metal, listed in ASME Material Specications SB-163, SB-166, SB-167, SB-168, SB-366, SB516, SB-517, and SB-564. The selection of the ller metal depends on the particular application. The ERNiFeCr-1 ller metal is typically used to weld UNS N08825 base metal, listed in ASME Material Specications SB163, SB-366, SB-423, SB-424, SB-425, SB-704, and SB-705. ERNiFeCr-2 ller metal can be used to join UNS N07718 base metal listed in ASTM B-637. The ERNiMo-2 ller metals can be used for welding nickelmolybdenum base metal (UNS N10003), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-434, and SB-573. ERNiMo-3 ller metal is used for welding dissimilar metal combinations of nickelbase, cobalt-base, and iron-base alloys. The ERNiCrWMo-1 ller metal is generally used for welding nickelchromiumcobalt-molybdenum alloy (UNS N06230), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-435, SB-564, SB-572, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. The ERNiCrMo-7 ller metal is intended for welding nickelchromiummolybdenum alloy (UNS N06455), listed in ASME Material Specications SB-366, SB-574, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626. SFA-5.15: Specification for Cast Iron Welding Rods and Electrodes This specication includes the requirement for bare electrodes and rods, covered electrodes, and ux cored electrodes used for cast iron welding. It is one of the few speci cations that include all the welding material product forms in one location. Bare wire is either used as a rod for OFW or as an electrode for GMAW, ux-cored electrodes (metal powder and ux within a metal sheath) are used for ux cored arc welding (FCAW), and the covered electrodes are used for SMAW. Materials in this specication are intended for welding or welding repair of gray, malleable, nodular, compacted-graphite, and some

alloy-type cast irons. Welding materials classied in this specication have limited (if any) ASME Code applications. SFA-5.16/SFA-5.16M: Specication for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods This specication denes the requirements for classifying titanium and titanium alloy electrodes and rods for GTAW, GMAW, and PAW. Titanium and titanium alloy ller metals are classied based on their chemical composition, which is determined by ller metal analysis or analysis of the stock from which the ller metal is made. The chemical symbol for titanium (Ti) follows the letters ER in the classication to identify the ller metal as titanium or a titanium-base alloy. The numeral portion of the designation identies the chemical composition. Therefore, the classication ERTi-9 is a bare wire electrode or rod (ER) that is titanium based (Ti) and contains a nominal alloying content of 3% aluminum and 2.5% vanadium (-9). The letters ELI may appear at the end of the classication, indicating that the ller metal is produced to meet with extra-low content of interstitial elements (i.e., carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen). Titanium is a reactive metal and is sensitive to embrittlement by oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. A good protective atmosphere is therefore required during welding, which can be provided by high purity inert gas shielding in air or in a chamber, or by welding in a vacuum. Filler metal is usually matched to the chemical composition of the base metal to which it is joined. For increased joint ductility, unalloyed or pure titanium ller metal may be used. In 2004, A 5.16 was revised to adjust interstitial chemistry ranges of the titanum ller metals to ensure the required mechanical properties were met. This included designating a range for oxygen for all alloys instead of a maximum oxygen content. Additionally, eighteen new ller metal compositions were classied. In 2007. A 5.16 was again revised to include ve new classifications.




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ERTi-9 and ERTi-9ELi were also combined into the ERTi-9 classication, because ERTi-9 is now classied with lower interstitial limits. The lower interstitial content ller metal is required to weld grade 9 titanium alloys. Titanium welding materials are assigned F-Nos. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 in QW-432 of Section IX, and titanium and titanium alloy base metals are grouped as P-Nos. 51, 52, and 53 in QW/QB-422. The ASME Material Specications for the various grades are SB-265, SB-338, SB-348, SB-363, SB-381, SB-861, and SB-862. The text that follows describes some titanium and titanium alloy electrodes and rods. The ERTi-1, ERTi-2, ERTi-3, and ERTi-4 ller metals are commonly referred to as commercially pure (CP) titanium or unalloyed titanium. Commercially pure Grade 2, UNS R50400 is the most widely used titanium alloy for industrial applications because of its good balance of strength, formability, and weldability. UNS R50400 base metal is grouped as P-No. 51 in QW/QB422 and can typically be welded with these ller metals. The ERTi-5 ller metal has a nominal composition that includes 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium (6 4 titanium). The 6 4 titanium alloys have both high strength and excellent fatigue strength, and they are heat-treatable as well as readily weldable. ERTi-5ELI ller metal is the extra-low interstitial (ELI) version of ERTi-5 that is used in applications requiring high fracture toughness. SFA-5.17/SFA-5.17M: Specications for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for SAW This specication contains the requirements for carbon steel electrodes and uxes for SAW. Both solid and composite (cored-wire) electrodes are classied. This specication differs from other carbon steel electrode specications in that the solid and composite wires are classied by chemical composition and by mechanical properties with a particular ux. The classication system for electrodes in SFA-5.17 is more complex than for covered electrodes because a ux actually dictates the classication. Figure 3.4.6 illustrates a typical carbon steel SAW-ux classication. As with the other carbon steel covered and low alloy steel covered electrodes in SFA-5.1, it is the strength and chemical composition that determines most of the ux classication. A ux can be used in many classications. The number of ux classications is limited only by the number of electrode classications and the as-welded or postweld heat treated condition. The container of ux must list at least one classication, although it may list all the classications that the ux will meet. For example, the F7A2-EM12K ux classication may also meet the requirements for F6P4-EM12K, F7A2-EM13K, and F7A4-EH12K. When carbon steels with the available ux combinations are welded, both the chemical composition and mechanical properties should be considered. Flux is manufactured by different methods to produce granular forms of fusible mineral compounds. Fluxes can be described as neutral, active, or alloy characteristics that can inuence weld metal chemistry and properties differently. Neutral uxes do not produce any signicant change in the weld metal chemical composition with large changes in the arc voltage. Neutral uxes are used primarily for multipass welding on thicker base metals (>1 in.). Little or no deoxidizers are provided by neutral uxes; therefore, the welding electrode must provide the deoxidization. If insufcient deoxidation occurs, welds made on rusty or heavily oxidized steel with these uxes are susceptible to porosity and centerline cracking. Although it is commonly referred to as neutral, the weld deposit will not necessarily be the same as the electrode composition; some slight changes

should be expected. The Wall neutrality number (N) can be used as a measure of the ux neutrality. A ux classication with an N of 35 or less is considered a neutral ux. Active uxes contain small amounts of manganese or silicon as deoxidizers to provide improved resistance to porosity and weld cracking. The primary use for active uxes is for single-pass welds on rusty or oxidized carbon steel. Since both manganese and silicon can be combined in the ux, these elements tend to build up in the weld deposit during multipass welding. As the manganese or silicon content increases, the strength and hardness of the weld metal increase, but the toughness decreases. Alloy uxes are used with carbon steel electrodes to deposit alloy steel weld metal. Because alloying is added, these types of uxes are more applicable to low alloy steel welding, not carbon steels. Crushed slags that are produced by crushing the slag formed during SAW may also be used as ux. Chemical reactions, electrode inuences, and base metal dilution during welding affect the chemical composition of the crushed ux. If crushed slag is used as ux, or if it is mixed with new ux to form a blended ux, the letter S must appear in the ux classication. For example, the classication F7A2-EM12K would change to FS7A2-EM12K to indicate used ux. SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M: Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding This specication covers carbon steel welding electrodes and rods for GMAW, GTAW, and PAW. The ller metal can be composite stranded or composite metal cored, or it can be produced as a solid wire or a rod. Electrodes and rods in this specication are classied based on their chemical composition and mechanical properties. Chemical analysis of the solid or product form is acceptable for classifying the bare wire; however, the weld deposit must be analyzed to classify the composite stranded electrodes and composite metal cored electrodes. Mechanical properties are determined for all classications from the weld metal deposit. The method for identifying welding materials in this specication is similar to that of other specications except for designators for solid versus composite electrodes. The letter E designates a composite electrode; the letters ER, a bare wire electrode or rod. Only the number 70 is used in the classication to designate a minimum tensile strength of 70 ksi (70,000 psi). The letter following this number is either S for solid wire or C for composite wire, and the number (-2, -3, etc.) that follows the letter indicates the chemical composition. Two common electrode classications are ER70S-2 and ER70S-3. In addition, some composite-stranded and metal-cored




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electrodes have either a letter M or C following the number to indicate the shielding gas used for the classication. Although these ller metal classications can be used with GTAW and PAW, it is GMAW that accounts for most of the usage for welding carbon steels. It can be dened by four modes of metal transfer: spray arc, pulsed arc, globular arc, and short circuiting arc. The advantages and disadvantages of each mode must be weighed when the GMAW process is selected for an application. All electrodes classied in this specication can be used on carbon steels, such as ASME SA-36 and SA-285, Grade C; SA515, Grade 55; and SA-516, Grade 70, all of which are grouped as P-No. 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. SFA-5.20/SFA-5.20M: Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for FCAW This specication contains the requirements for classifying carbon steel electrodes for FCAW. A ux cored electrode is fabricated by forming steel strips around granular core ingredients of ux and alloying elements. Electrodes covered by this specication are classied according to the aswelded mechanical properties, usability characteristics with a particular shielding gas, and the positional usability. Depending on the classication, the electrodes may be suitable for welding either with or without gas shielding. The rst designator of ux cored electrode classications is the letter E to denote an electrode. Next is a number (either 6 or 7) to designate a minimum required tensile strength of 60 or 70 ksi. A position-usability number (either 0 or 1) follows the tensile strength number; a 0 indicates that the electrode is intended for the at or horizontal position, whereas a 1 indicates all positions. All ux cored electrodes contain the letter T before the hyphen to denote that they are ux cored. The remaining designators (numbers 1 14 or the letter G with or without S) following the hyphen denote electrode usability. A letter J that follows the usability number denotes that the electrode meets the requirements for improved toughness. Optional designators may also be added for diffusible hydrogen (e.g., H4, H8, or H16). Figure 3.4.7 illustrates a typical carbon steel FCAW electrode classication. All of the electrodes classied in this specication can be used for welding carbon steels grouped as P-No. 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX, such as ASME SA-36 and SA-285, Grade C; SA-515, Grade 55; and SA-516, Grade 70. Each electrode has some differences in the core ingredients to make the chemistry and usability suitable for each particular application and base metal. SFA-5.21: Specication for Bare Electrodes and Rods for Surfacing This specication contains the requirements for bare electrodes and rods used for surfacing. Included are bare wires in straight lengths and covered composite rods for OFW, GTAW, and atomic-hydrogen welding (AHW). This specication also includes welding electrodes for SMAW. Composite electrodes or rods are classied based on the chemical composition of their undiluted weld deposit. One exception, how ever, is that the tungsten-carbide rod or electrode is classied based on the carbon steel tube and the tungstencarbide gran ules that is, the mesh size and distribution of the granules with in the carbon-steel tube. The primary use for most of the welding materials in this specication is in hard-facing or surfacing appli cations for abrasion, wear, or galling resistance, with impact resist ance varying from light to heavy. SFA-5.22: Specification for Stainless Steel Electrodes for FCAW and Stainless Steel Flux Cored Rods for GTAW This specication contains the requirements for stainless

steel electrodes for FCAW and ux cored rods for GTAW. Classications are similar to those found in SFA-5.4 and SFA-5.9. Electrodes and rods produced to this specication are commonly used to weld materials grouped as P-No. 8 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Flux cored welding rods are also included for welding the root pass in stainless steel piping using GTAW without a purge or backing gas. As with the stainless steel ller metals classied in SFA-5.4 and SFA-5.9, this classication is based primarily on chemical composition. Although tensile testing is required to classify the electrode, the classication does not include a minimum tensile strength designators. As an example, the classication E308LT1-1 is dened as an electrode (E) of type 308L chemical composition (308L), with a ux core (T), for all position (1) welding and classied with CO2 (-1) gas shielding. Chemical composition is determined by chemical analysis of undiluted weld deposit. These stainless steel electrodes fall within the A-Nos. 69 composition ranges in QW-442 of Section IX for welding procedure qualication. All ux cored electrodes in this specication are designated F-No. 6 in QW-432 for welding procedure and performance qualication. Ferrite in the weld deposit is an important factor when welding is done with stainless steel ux cored electrodes, just as it is for other types of stainless steel welding materials. Ferrite in the weld deposit reduces the tendency for hot-cracking and also strengthens the nal weld. Although ferrite is not present in all classications in this specication, it is especially benecial when highly restrained joints or heavy sections are welded. Some slight ferrite variations in the deposit can be expected when the same ux cored electrode is used with different shielding gases. Ferrite determination is not required to classify electrodes in this specication. However, the purchaser may impose ferrite controls when ordering electrodes to ensure sound welds for the selected welding procedure and application. As explained in the discussion of SFA-5.4, ferrite can be determined by chemical analysis of the undiluted weld deposit or it can be measured with various magnetic instruments. Varieties of stainless steel ux cored electrodes are classied in this specication for welding the different types of stainless steel base metals available for ASME Code fabrication. Discussed in the following text are the various groups of ux cored electrodes. Austenitic Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes The E308TX-X ux cored electrodes are used extensively for welding the Type 304 series stainless steels. Type 304 (UNS S30400) or Type 304L (UNS S30403) stainless steels can be welded with either E308TX-X or E308LTX-X, respectively. These two P-No. 8 base metals are listed in ASME Material Specications SA-182, SA-213, SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-336, SA-358, SA-376, SA-403, SA-409, SA-430, SA-479, SA-666, SA-688, SA-813, andSA-814. The L grades are generally selected for improved corrosion resistance because the maximum 0.04% carbon content of weld metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. The E309TX-X ux cored electrodes contains more chromium and nickel than the Type 308 series. Flux cored electrodes in this group are used to weld base metals of similar compositions, such as UNS S30900, S30908, S30909, S30940, and S30941. Base metals of these compositions are generally listed in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. Both E309TX-X and E309LTX-X are commonly used for applying the rst layer of stainless steel corrosion-resistant overly; E308TX-X or



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E308LTX-X are typically deposited with the remaining layers. Because of their richer chemical composition, electrodes in this group are also well-suited for joining dissimilar metals, such as Type 304 stainless steel, to carbon or low-alloy steel. The E310TX-X ux cored electrodes are used to weld highalloy heat and corrosion resistant stainless steels of similar composition, such as UNS S31000. These base metals are listed in ASME Material Specications SA-182, SA-336, and SA-403. Welds deposited by E310TX-X are fully austenitic. The E312TX-X ux cored electrodes are high in chromium; the resulting weld deposit is high in ferrite. These electrodes are good choices for dissimilar metal welding because the welds are highly resistant to weld metal cracking. The EX316TX-X ux cored electrodes are generally used for welding base metals of like designations, such as 316 and 316L. Molybdenum strengthens these stainless steels and provides creep resistance at elevated temperatures. Type 316 base metals are typically listed in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. E317LTX-X ux cored electrodes deposit weld metal with a slightly higher alloy content than type EX316 for improved resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion. The E347TX-X ux cored electrodes have columbium added as a stabilizer. Type 347 stainless steels are known as the stabilized grades. Columbium reduces the possibility of intergranular chromium carbide precipitation for increased intergranular corrosion resistance. If tantalum is present, it provides similar results. These electrodes are usually used for welding stainless steels of similar composition that have been stabilized with columbium or titanium, such as Type 347 stainless steel (UNS S34700). Type 347, P-No. 8 base metal is listed in the same ASME Material Specications as UNS S30400. Ferritic Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes The E409TX-X ux-cored electrodes produce ferritic stainless steel weld deposits and are typically used for joining 12% chromium alloys. E430TX-X ux cored electrodes are also ferritic and are used for similar applications. Welding ferritic stainless steels usually requires both preheat and postweld heat treatment to obtain optimum mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. P-No. 7 base metal Types 405 (UNS S40500) and 430 (UNS S43000), listed in ASME Material Specications SA-240, SA-268, and SA-479, can be welded with these ller metals. Martensitic Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes The E410TX-X flux cored electrodes deposit a 12% chromium (12Cr) martensitic alloy-weld metal. Both preheat and postweld heat treatment are generally recommended. They can be used to weld alloys such as UNS S41000 or S41008, listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-240, SA-268, and SA479. E410NiMoTX-X is modified to contain less chromium and more nickel than EX410TX-X. It is used for welding castings such as Type CA6NM, listed in ASME Material Specification SA-487. E410NiTiTX-X is modified to contain less chromium but more nickel than EX410TX-X and contains added titanium as a stabilizer. Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes The E630 ux cored electrodes are designed for welding Type 630 (UNS S17400) precipitation-hardening stainless and similar steel. The nal weldment may be used as-welded, or welded and precipitation-hardened, or welded, solution-treated, and precipitation-hardened (depending on the application).

Precipitation-hardening stainless steel materials are not listed in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Duplex Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes The E2209TX-X and E2553TX-X ux cored electrodes deposit duplex stainless steel weld metal that has an austeniticferritic (duplex) microstructure. E2209TX-X is used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels such as UNS S31803, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-240. E2553TX-X is used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels containing approximately 25% chromium. Flux Cored Rods for GTAW The ux cored rods for GTAW are designed to complete the root pass on a stainless steel pipe weld without a purge or backing gas. The four rod classications are R308LT1-5, R309LT1-5, R316LT1-5, and R347LT1-5. These rods are typically used for welding the root pass of base metals with corresponding compositions. SFA-5.23/SFA-5.23M: Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for SAW This specication contains the requirements for low-alloy steel electrodes and uxes for SAW. Both solid and composite (cored-wire) electrodes can be classied in SFA-5.23. This specication is similar to other low-alloy steel electrode specications except that the solid and composite wires are classied by chemical composition and by mechanical properties with a particular ux. The classication system for electrodes follows the same pattern as that used in SFA-5.17 for carbon steel SAW electrodes and uxes. The main difference is that the chemical composition of the weld metal from the wire and ux combination is at the end of the classication. Strength and chemical composition determine most of the lengthy ux classication. If impact or hydrogen testing is to be part of the classication, additional designators are added. An example of a low-alloy ux classication F8A4-ENi4-Ni4 shows that the classication has three distinct parts: The rst, F8A4, indicates the mechanical properties; the second, ENi4, indicates the wire or electrode chemical composition; and the third, Ni4, indicates the weld deposit chemical composition. In the rst part, the letter F stands for ux, the number 8 designates 80 ksi minimum tensile strength, the letter A indicates the as-welded condition, and the number 4 indicates a minimum impact energy of 20 ft lb at 40F. The second part of the ux classication is a denitive explanation of the chemical composition of the bare electrode. Solid or bare electrodes are classied based on their chemical composition. However, composite electrodes (EC) must be used with a particular ux to deposit an undiluted weld pad to determine the chemical composition. In the example, the electrode designation ENi4 has the letter E to denote electrode as well as the letternumber combination Ni4 for an NiMo electrode chemical composition. The nal designator of Ni4 indicates the weld deposit will also be of NiMo chemical composition. It is readily evident for most low-alloy ux classications that a redundancy exists between the electrode chemical composition and the welddeposit chemical composition. A ux can be used in many classications. The number of ux classications is limited only by the number of electrode classications and the as-welded or postweld heat treatment condition. The ux container must list one classication, although it may list all classications that the ux will meet. For example, the ux used for the ux classication F7A2-EA2-A2 can also be used to produce the ux classications F8A4-ENi4-Ni4 or F10P2-ECF2-F2.



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When low-alloy steels are welded with the available ux combinations, both the chemical composition and the mechanical properties should be considered. As discussed in the summary of SFA-5.17, SAW ux can be described as neutral, active, or alloy. The main difference between low-alloy steel welding and carbon steel welding is that more alloying elements must be provided by the electrode when a neutral ux is used. In addition, an alloy ux can be used to obtain the desired weld deposit chemical composition, in which case the Flux Manufacturers recommendations should be followed; changes in the SAW-welding parameters can greatly inuence the deposit chemistry. The large variety of low-alloy steels requires a selection of welding materials wider than that of carbon steels. In choosing an electrode for low-alloy steel SAW, it is important to consider the alloying elements required to meet the intended properties. Usually an electrode is selected to closely match the composition of the base metal. However, mechanical properties, such as impacts and tensile strength with or without postweld heat treatment, also need to be considered. Additionally, as with carbon steel welding electrodes, the manganese and silicon contents are important in determining the requirements for single-pass or multipass welds. A certain minimum manganese content is required to avoid longitudinal centerline cracking, depending on the welding conditions. Silicon is especially useful as a deoxidizer to reduce porosity in the weld deposit and to provide good wetting. The following text discusses the electrode chemical compositions and some specic electrode applications. The EA1, EA2, EA3, EA3K, and EA4 (CMo steel) electrodes are similar to many carbon steel electrodes classied as SFA-5.17 except that 1 2 % molybdenum is added. ASME Material Specication SA-204, Grade A plate (UNS K11820) and SA-335, Type P-1 pipe (UNS K11522) are typically welded with these electrodes. These base metals are grouped as P-No. 3 in QW/QB422 of Section IX. The EB2, EB2H, EB3, EB5, EB6, EB6H, EB8, and EB9 (Cr Mo steel) electrodes produce deposits of 21 2 % 9% chromium and 1 2 % 1% molybdenum. They are typically used for Section I high-temperature service power boiler applications. Cr Mo welding generally requires both preheat and postweld heat treatment. Base metals that can be welded with these electrodes are grouped as P-Nos. 4, 5A, 5B, and 5C in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. The EB9 (9Cr 1Mo V) is a 9% chromium 1% molybdenum electrode that is modied with columbium and vanadium to provide improved creep strength, toughness, fatigue life, oxidation, and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. Base metals of this composition have replaced components made with dissimilar metals of steel and stainless steel. The 9Cr 1Mo V (UNS K91560) steels are listed as P-No. 5B in QW/QB-422 of Section IX; in the ASME Material Specications, they are listed as SA-182, SA-199, SA-213, SA-234, SA-335, SA-336, SA-369, and SA-387. The ENi, ENi1K, ENi2, and ENi3 (Ni steel) electrodes are pro1 duced to have nickel contents with ve nominal levels of 1, 22 and 1 32 % nickel. A typical nickel steel is UNS K32018, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-203 and in QW/QB-422 of Section IX as P-No. 9B, Group 1. Other nickel steels are UNS J31550, listed in ASME Material Specication SA-352 (P-No. 9B, Group 1), and UNS J41500, in SA-352 (P-No. 9C, Grade 1). The ENi4, ENi5, EF1, EF2, and EF3 (NiMo steel) electrodes 1 1 contain 1 2 % 2% nickel and 4 % 2 % molybdenum. Typical applications include the welding of high-strength, low-alloy, or microalloyed structural steels. EF4, EF5, and EF6 (Cr Ni Mo steel)

electrodes are used in similar applications. Both groups have good combinations of strength and toughness. Base metals that can be welded with these electrodes are grouped as P-No. 11 in QW/QB422 of Section IX. The EM2, EM3, and EM4 (high-strength, low-alloy steel) electrodes may contain a combination of chromium, nickel, molybdenum, titanium, zirconium, and aluminum to produce high strength deposits. They are typically used to weld high yield strength steels not subject to postweld heat treatment. The EW (weathering steel) electrodes deposit welds that match the corrosion resistance and coloring of the ASTM weathering type structural steels, such as ASTM A242 and A588. As with other specications, an EG classication also exists for classifying electrodes to meet specic purchaser or supplier requirements. SFA-5.24/SFA-5.24M: Specication for Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods This specication denes the requirements for classifying zirconium and zirconium-alloy electrodes and rods for GTAW, GMAW, and PAW. Zirconium and zirconium alloy ller metals are classied based on chemical composition, which is determined by chemical analysis of the ller metal or the stock from which the ller metal is made. Either columbium or tin is added as an alloying element to produce the zirconium alloys. Because the ller metals are used as both electrodes in GMAW and rods in GTAW and PAW, the classication starts with the two letters, ER. The chemical symbol for zirconium, Zr, follows the letters to identify the ller metal as zirconium and zirconium base alloy. The numeral portion of the designation identies the chemical composition. Therefore, the classication ERZr3 is a bare wire electrode or rod (ER) that is zirconium based (Zr) and contains 1% 2% tin (3) as the nominal alloying content. Zirconium, like titanium, is a reactive metal; as such, it is sensitive to embrittlement by oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Therefore, a good protective atmosphere is required during welding, which can be provided by high-purity-inert-gas shielding in air or in a chamber or provided by welding in a vacuum. Filler metals are grouped as F-No. 61 in QW-432 of Section IX and are usually matched to the chemical composition of the base metal being joined. Zirconium can also be welded to dissimilar metals of titanium, tantalum, columbium, and vanadium. Zirconium and zirconium alloys are grouped as P-Nos. 61 and 62 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Two grades of zirconium, UNS R60702 (P-No. 61) and R60705 (P-No. 62), are listed in ASME Material Specications SB-493, SB-523, SB-550, SB-551, and SB-658. Only three electrodes or rods exist in the zirconium and zirconium-alloy group. ERZr2 ller metal is a commercially pure zirconium that deposits a weld metal with good strength and ductility. These electrodes can be used to weld all zirconium alloys. ERZr3 ller metal has 1%2% tin as an alloying element and can be used to weld UNS R60704. ERZr4 ller metal contains columbium as an alloying element and is typically used to weld UNS R60705. SFA-5.25/SFA-5.25M: Specication for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Electroslag Welding (ESW) The AWS denition of ESW is as follows: A welding process producing coalescence of metals with molten slag which melts the ller metal and the surfaces of the work to be welded. The molten weld pool is shielded by this slag which moves along the full cross section of the joint



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as welding progresses. The process is initiated by an arc which heats the slag. The arc is then extinguished and the conductive slag is maintained in a molten condition by its resistance to electric current passing between the electrode and the work. SFA-5.25 includes all welding materials necessary for ESW on various types of carbon and low-alloy steels. Included are the requirements for the classication of both solid and composite metalcored electrodes and uxes. The classication for ESW electrodes, like others, starts with the letter E for electrode. The remainder of the designation is similar to that of SAW materials. For example, FES60-EH14-EW is a typical ux classication for an ESW. The prex FES indicates an electroslag ux, the number 60 designates 60 ksi minimum tensile strength, and the designation EH 14 is a denitive explanation of the chemical composition of the bare electrode. The classication ends with the letters -EW, which indicates solid wire. Solid or bare electrodes are classied based on their chemical composition. Composite electrodes must be used with a particular ux to deposit an undiluted weld pad for the determination of chemical composition. A ESW ux can be used in many classications. Unlike SAW uxes, these uxes are conductive and are specic to ESW. The number of ESW ux classications is limited only by the number of electrode classications. SFA-5.25 contains carbon steel ESW classications EM5K-EW, EM12-EW, EM12K-EW, EM13K-EW, and EM15K-EW. The high manganese and low-alloy electrodes are EH14-EW, EWS-EW, EA3K-EW, EH10K-EW, and EH11K-EW. ES-G-EW is a general ux classication. The requirements for these electrodes are usually those to which both the purchaser and the supplier agree. SFA-5.26/SFA-5.26M: Specication for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Electrogas Welding (EGW) The AWS denition of EGW is as follows: An arc welding process which produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a continuous ller metal (consumable) electrode and the work. Molding sheets are used to conne the molten weld metal for vertical position welding. The electrodes may be either ux cored or solid. Shielding for use with solid electrodes is obtained from a gas or gas mixture. Shielding for use with ux cored electrodes may or may not be obtained from an externally supplied gas or mixture.

SFA-5.26 species the requirements for EGW electrodes for carbon and low-alloy steels. Included are the classications of solid wire, ux cored, and metal cored electrodes. Flux cored electrodes are classied as either gas-shielded or self-shielding. Electrogas electrodes in this specication are classied based on their chemical composition and mechanical properties. Chemical analysis of the solid or product form is acceptable for classifying the bare wire; however, the weld metal deposit must be analyzed to classify the metal cored or ux cored electrodes. The mechanical properties are determined for all classications from a weld metal deposit. The classication starts with the letters EG to designate an electrogas electrode. A number (6, 7, or 8) follows that designates a minimum tensile strength of 60, 70, or 80 ksi. The next number or letter designates the impact properties; this is followed by the letter T or S to indicate a solid (S) or composite (T) electrode. The classication has a numerical ending that indicates the chemical composition. Therefore, the classication EG72S-6 is an electrogas electrode (EG) with a minimum tensile strength of 70 ksi (7) that meets the impact requirement of 20 ft lb at 20F (2) and constitutes a solid electrode (S) and a carbon steel with high manganese content (-6). Electrodes can be also classied as EGXXS-G, which is a general classication that meets the requirements to which both the purchaser and the supplier agree. The electrodes in this specication are similar to the classications for GMAW carbon steel electrodes in SFA-5.18. SFA-5.28/SFA-5.28M: Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding This specification covers low-alloy steel electrodes and rods for GMAW, GTAW, or PAW. The ller metal can be produced as solid wire, rod composite stranded, or composite metal cored. Electrodes produced to this specication are commonly used to weld low-alloy steels grouped in P-Nos.1, 3, 5, 9, 10, and 11 in Section IX. Electrodes and rods in this specication are classied based on their chemical composition and mechanical properties. Chemical analysis of the solid or product form is acceptable for classifying the bare wire; however, the weld deposit must be analyzed to classify the composite stranded electrodes and composite metal cored electrodes. Mechanical properties are determined for all classications from a weld metal deposit. The method for identifying welding materials in this specification is similar to that of SFA-5.18. The main difference is that the low-alloy classification ends with number or letter combinations (e.g., -D2 and -Ni2) to indicate the chemical composition. Figure 3.4.8 illustrates a typical filler metal classification of low-alloy steel. Although these filler metal classifications can be used with GTAW and PAW, it is GMAW that accounts for most of the usage for welding low-alloy steels. GMAW can be defined by four modes of metal transfer: spray arc, pulsed arc, globular arc, and short circuiting arc transfer. Each mode has both advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when one selects the GMAW process for an application. SFA-5.28 contains many low-alloy steel electrodes of varying chemical composition and mechanical properties. From these classifications, electrodes can be selected for the appropriate welding process and procedure to deposit weld metal that closely matches the chemical composition and the mechanical properties of the base metal. The following text gives brief descriptions of low-alloy steel electrodes and rods.




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64 Chapter 3 CarbonMolybdenum (CMo) Steel Electrodes The ER70S-A1, ER80S-D2, ER90S-D2, and E90C-D2 are classications for carbon steel electrodes with the addition of approxi1 mately 2 % molybdenum for increased strength, especially at elevated temperatures. Electrodes with the -D2 designator contain additional deoxidizers for welding with CO2. ASME Material Specication SA-204, Grade A plate (UNS K1 1820) and SA-335, Type P-1 pipe (UNS K1 1522) are typically welded with these electrodes. These base metals are grouped as P-No. 3 in QW/QB422 of Section IX. ChromiumMolybdenum (CrMo) Steel Electrodes The ER80S-B2, E80C-B2, ER70S-B2L, E70C-B2L, ER90S-B3, E90C-B3, ER80S-B3L and E80C-B3L electrodes pro 1 1 duce deposits of 2 % 24 % chromium and 1 2 % 1% molybdenum. These electrodes are typically used for Section I power boilers that are designed for high temperature service. Welding with CrMo electrodes generally requires both preheat and postweld heat treat ment. Base metals that can be welded with these electrodes are grouped as P-Nos. 4 and 5A in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. The ER80S-B6 electrodes have a nominal 5% chromium and 1 2% molybdenum chemical composition and are typically used for welding Cr Mo steels, such as the base metals grouped in P-No. 5B, Group 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. UNS K41545 is 5Cr1 2 Mo steel and is listed in SA-182, SA-213, SA-234, SA-335, SA-336, SA-369, and SA-691. Welding with these Cr Mo electrodes generally requires both preheat and postweld heat treatment. The ER80S-B8 electrodes have a nominal 9% chromium and 1% molybdenum chemical composition. They are used for welding Cr Mo steels such as the base metals grouped in P-No. 5B, Group 1 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. UNS K81590 is a 9Cr-1Mo steel listed in ASME Material Specications SA-199, SA-213, SA-335, and SA-336. Another similar base metal is UNS K90941, listed in ASME Material Specications SA-182, SA234, and SA-369. Welding with these Cr-Mo electrodes generally requires both preheat and postweld heat treatment. The ER90S-B9 (9Cr 1Mo V) electrodes have 9% chromium and 1% molybdenum and are modied with columbium and vanadium to provide improved creep strength, toughness, fatigue life, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. Base metals with this composition have replaced many com-

ponents previously designed with dissimilar metal combinations of steel and stainless steel. The 9Cr 1Mo V (UNS K91560) steels are listed as P-No. 5B, Group 2 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. In the ASME Material Specications, they are listed as SA-182, SA-199, SA-213, SA-234, SA-335, SA-336, SA-369, and SA-387. Nickel Steel Electrodes The ER80S-Ni1, E80C-Ni1, ER80S-Ni2, E80C-Ni2, ER80S-Ni3, and E80C-Ni3 electrodes 1 have nickel contents with three nominal levels of 1, 21 4 , and 34 %. They are intended for applications that require good notch toughness at low temperatures. The ER100S-1, ER110S-1, and ER120S-1 electrodes are designed to weld the high yield strength base metals. Welds made with these electrodes have excellent toughness at low temperatures. SFA-5.29/SFA-5.29M: Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for FCAW This specication contains the requirements for classifying low-alloy steel electrodes for FCAW. Flux cored electrodes are fabricated by forming steel strips around granular core ingredients of ux and alloying elements. Classication is based on the as-welded or postweld heat treatment mechanical properties, usability characteristics with a specic shielding gas, the positional usability, and the weld metal chemical composition. Depending on the classication, the electrodes may be suitable for welding either with or without gas shielding. Flux cored electrodes produced to this specication are commonly used to weld low-alloy steels grouped in P-Nos. 1, 3, 5,9, 10, and 11 in Section IX. Classications of low-alloy steel ux cored electrodes follow a format similar to that used for carbon steel electrodes in SFA-5.20 except that the classication ends with the chemical composition of the weld deposit. Figure 3.4.9 illustrates a typical low-alloy steel ux cored electrode classication. Another example E91T1-K2 can be described as an electrode (E) that meets a minimum of 90 ksi tensile strength (9), is usable in all positions (1), is ux cored (T), has certain core characteristics and usability (1), and is of a nickel steel (-K2) chemical composition. The following text gives brief descriptions of the low-alloy steel ux cored electrodes. CarbonMolybdenum (CMo) Steel Electrodes The EXXTX-A1 ux cored electrodes are carbon steel electrodes with the addition of 1 2 % molybdenum for increased strength, especially at elevated temperatures. ASME Material Specication SA204, Grade A plate (UNS K11820) and SA-335, Type P-1 pipe (UNS K11522) are typically welded with these electrodes. These base metals are grouped as P-No. 3 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. ChromiumMolybdenum (CrMo) Steel Electrodes The EXXTX-BX, EXXTX-BXL, and EXXT-BXH ux cored 1 electrodes produce deposits of 2 % 9% chromium and 1 2 % 1% molybdenum. These electrodes are typically used for Section I power boiler applications that are designed for high temperature service. FCAW with CrMo electrodes generally requires both preheat and postweld heat treatment. Base metals that can be welded with these electrodes are grouped as P-Nos. 4, 5A, 5B, and 5C in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. ManganeseMolybdenum (Mn Mo) Steel Electrodes The EXXTX-DX ux cored electrodes deposit welds 1 2 with a nominal l1 2 % manganese and 3 % 3 % molybdenum. These electrodes are designed to match the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of low-alloy steels, such as ASME Material Specication SA302, Grade B.




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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE 65 NickelMolybdenum (NiMo) Steel Electrodes The EXXTX-K1 ux cored electrodes contain approximately 1% nickel and 1 2 % molybdenum. Typical applications include the welding of high strength, low-alloy, or microalloyed structural steels. Nickel Steel Electrodes The EXXTX-NiX and EXXTX-K7 ux cored electrodes are produced to have nickel con1 tents with three nominal levels of 1, 24 , and 31 4 %. Welds deposited by these electrodes have good notch toughness at low temperatures. Base metals of these nominal compositions are listed in ASME Material Specications SA-203, SA-352 (LC2 and LC3), and SA-350. Section IX, QW/QB-422 groups these materials in P-No. 9A and 9B. EXXTX-K8 is also a nickel containing steel alloy that is designed for welding API 5LX80 pipe that is grouped as S-No 1, Grade 4 in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. Other Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes The EXXTXK2, EXXTX-K3, EXXTX-K4, and EXXTX-K9 ux cored electrodes are designed for welding high yield strength base metal. Welds made with these electrodes have excellent toughness at low temperatures. The EXXTX-K5, EXXTX-K6, EXXTX-WX, and EXXT-G ux cored electrodes are designed for specic applications. EXXTX-K5 is designed to match mechanical properties for AISI 4130 and 8630 steel. Welds in these materials are generally quenched and tempered after welding. EXXTX-K6 produces welds having high toughness and lower strength. EXXTX-WX ux cored electrodes are designed to deposit weld metal that matches the corrosion resistance and coloring of the weathering type structural steels, such as ASTM A242 and A588. EXXT-G is a general classication for low-alloy steel ux cored electrodes. The requirements for these electrodes are usually those to which both the purchaser and the supplier agree. SFA-5.30: Specication for Consumable Inserts Consumable inserts are included in this specication based on design and chemical composition. Standard shapes, styles, and sizes are specied for use on the root pass when welding is done with GTAW or PAW. Chemical compositions include carbon steel, chromium-molybdenum steel, stainless steel, and nickel alloys. The type and style of insert is based on the particular applications or joint design selected during fabrication. When consumable inserts for pipe welding are ordered, all details describing the insert must be specied, including the pipe size and schedule to be welded. A typical consumable insert ordering description could be as follows: IN82 consumable insert Class 1, Style C for 21 2 NPS Schedule 80 pipe. This order designates a nickel-base (IN82) insert with an inverted T-shaped cross section (Class 1) and is a preformed ring for an open butt joint (Style C) that will be used on a 27 8 in. diameter pipe with a nominal 0.276 in. wall. SFA-5.31: Specication for Fluxes for Brazing and Braze Welding Fluxes are classied in this specication for use with the brazing or braze welding processes. Flux classication is based on the ux form, the applicable ller metal, and the activity temperature range. These uxes are typically used with the brazing materials classied in SFA-5.8. Brazing uxes are mixtures of chemical compounds that provide cleaning action and protection to the base metals during brazing or braze welding. Numerous classications of brazing ux exist, each having a par ticular application for which it is recommended. For example, the ux FB3-A is a general-purpose ux in the paste form. The letters FB indi-

cate a ux for brazing or braze welding, the number 3 indicates the base metal group, and the letter -A that follows indicates form and composition. The paste is usually applied to the joint, such as the pipe lap joint, by brushing. Generally, FB3-A is used with BCuP or BAg brazing-ller metals on a variety of base metals and base metal combinations. SFA-5.32/SFA-5.32M: Specication for Welding Shielding Gas Gases classied in this specication are for use with the gas shielded welding processes, including GTAW, PAW, GMAW, FCAW, and EGW. Gases can be either liquid or gaseous. The gas classication starts with SG to denote a shielding gas; then it is followed by one or more letters to indicate the type of gas. Therefore, SG-A would be an argon shielding gas. If the gas were classied as a mixture, the gas types would be followed by the percentage of the minor gas. For example, SG-HeA-25 would be a helium-argon gas mixture composed of 75% helium and 25% argon. The latter classication might be used with GTAW to increase the heat input for better fusion. SFA-5.32, is a relatively new specication that should prove useful for designating the type of shielding gas in a welding procedure specication or welding procedure qualication. SFA-5.34/SF A-5.34M: Specication for NickelAlloy Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding The specication for Nickel-Alloy ux cored electrodes is a new specication form AWS. It recognizes the rapid growth and development in the nickel alloy welding. Previously, ux core arc welding electrodes were only classied for low alloy and stainless steel. This is also the rst specication to use both the ISO and US Customary designation in the classication. Other AWS specications have been updated to include Metric (SI) designations, but those are not necessarily ISO recognized standard classications. Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Classications AWS classication, TNi 6082-xy (ISO Format) or ENiCr3Tx-y (Traditional) and AWS classication, TNi 6082-xy (ISO Format) or ENiCr3Tx-y (Traditional), are used to weld UNS N06600 base metal that is in SB-163, SB-166, SB-167 and SB168. Nickel-chromium-iron (N06600), 9% nickel steel and dissimilar metal combinations can be welded with TNi 6133xy/ENiCrFe2Tx-y. The TNi 6182-xy/ENiCrFe3Tx-y electrodes are suitable for welding UNS N06600 and N08800 base metals. Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum and NickelCobalt-Molybdenum Classications Electrodes designated TNi6002-xy/ENiCrMo2Tx-y are used to weld UNS N06002 base metal that is in specications: SB-435, SB-572, SB-619, SB-622 and SB-626. TNi 6625-xy/ENiCrMo3Tx-y can be used for welding both UNS N06625 and N08800. Base metals designated UNS N10276 are typically welded with TNi 6276-xy/ENiCrMo4Tx-y ux core electrodes. TNi 6622-xy/ENiCrMo10Tx-y is typically used to weld nickel-chromium-molybdenum UNS N06022 base metal. The high cobalt classication electrode, TNi 6117-xy/EniCrCoMo1Tx-y, would be applicable where higher temperature oxidation resistance is required such as for UNS N06617 base metal.

The newly released SFA-5.34/SFA-5.34M: 2007 Specication for Nickel-Alloy Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding shows the trend of that AWS plans on following for future specication and specication revisions. The drive is to tailor the classications to meet the world wide market for welding consumables. SFA-5.34 includes



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identical requirements for an electrode classied in traditional (U. S. Customary) and the ISO format. This varies from the other AWS specications that are limited to metric (SI) equivalents and ISO comparisons. Since the nickel-alloy ux core electrodes were not previously classied, the creation of a new specication allowed the requirements to be standardized into one classication. Ideally welding consumables could eventually have just one ISO designation and the dual formats could be dropped. This is possible within some specications, but more difcult in other specication due to differences in chemistry ad properties between U.S. Customary classications and Metric (SI) classications. Some work is being done is this area by expanding or modifying the chemistry requirements and properties to encompass slight variations of the same alloy. Where consolidation is not possible, a dual system of classication will continue to exist. However, the overall trend toward a unied system will continue and be driven by the world wide market.

4. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036-8002. 5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX, Qualication Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 edition. 6. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section II, Part C, Specications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metal, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 edition. 7. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Division I, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Part NB Class 1 Components, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 edition. 8. The Aluminum Association, Inc., 900 19th Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006. 9. WRC 342, McCowan, C. N., Siewert, T. A., and Olson, D. L. (1989). Stainless Steel Weld Metal Prediction of Ferrite, Welding: Research Council, Bulletin 342, New York. 10. Kotecki, D. J., and Siewert, T. A., WRC-1992 Constitution Diagram for Stainless Steel Weld Metals: A Modication of the WRC-1988 Diagram, Welding Journal, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 171s178s, 1992.



1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 edition. 2. AWS Standards, The American Welding Society, 550 Northwest Lejune Road, Miami, FL 33126. 3. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19103.



The 2007 Edition of this Code contains revisions in addition to the 2004 Edition with 2005 and 2006 Addenda. The revisions are identied with the designation 07 in the margin and, as described in the Foreword, become mandatory six months after the publication date of the 2007 Edition. To invoke these revisions before their mandatory date, use the designation 2007 Edition in documentation required by this Code. If you choose not to invoke these revisions before their mandatory date, use the designation 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda in documentation required by this Code. The BC numbers listed below are explained in more detail in List of Changes in BC Order following this Summary of Changes Changes given below are identied on the pages by a margin note, 07, placed next to the affected area. Page 73104 105153 213235 423 Location SFA-5.4/5.4M SFA-5.5/5.5M SFA-5.9/SFA-5.9M SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M Change (BC Number) Revised in its entirety (BC06-676) Revised in its entirety (BC06-943) Revised in its entirety (BC06-944) (1) In second tabular material with Fig. A2, Note reference for Standard size corrected by errata (BC07-212) (2) In second tabular material with Fig. A2, Resulting current, DCEN corrected to readNominal current, DCEN; and all values to the right of that entry corrected by errata (BC07-212) (1) Table 1 corrected by erraa (BC06-1525) (2) In Table 7, under Preheat and Interpass Temperature, fth entries for F and C corrected by errata (BC06-1524) Table 1U corrected by errata (BC06-327)

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BC Number BC06-676 BC06-943 BC06-944 Change Adoption of AWS A5.4/A5.4M:2006 Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding in Section II, Part C. Deletion of AWS Classication EXXX(X)-15 from Section IX, Table QW-432. Adoption of AWS A5.5/A5.5M:2006 Specication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding into Section II, Part C. Addition of E(X)XX45 as F-Number 4 in Section IX, Table QW-432. Adoption of AWS A5.9/A5.9M:2006 Specication for Bare Stainless Steel Electrodes and Rods as SFA-5.9 in Section II, Part C.



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Subpart 1: Stress Tables


Section II, Part D of the ASME B&PV Code contains properties of ferrous and nonferrous materials adopted by the Code for the design of boiler, pressure-vessel, and nuclear-power-plant components. This includes tables of maximum allowable stresses and design-stress intensities for the materials adopted by the various Codebook sections, the yield strength and tensile strength at various temperatures, external-pressure charts, and other physical and mechanical properties for the design of items covered by the various Codebook sections. Materials: Section II, Part D is divided into the following subparts: Subpart 1, Stress Tables Subpart 2, Physical Properties Tables Subpart 3, Charts and Tables for Determining Shell Thickness of Components under External Pressure It also includes the following mandatory and nonmandadotry appendices that explain the Code criteria and provide additional guidance to Code users:

Subpart 1 of Section II, Part D contains tables, some that provide the maximum allowable design stresses and stress intensities for ASME materials at various design temperatures and others that provide tensile strength and yield strength values at various temperatures to establish the maximum allowable stresses and design-stress intensities for items covered by the various Codebook sections. Subpart 1 includes the following tables: Maximum Table 1A (Maximum Allowable Stress Values S for Ferrous Materials): Section I; Section III, Classes 2 and 3; Section VIII, Design Division 1; and Section XII Table 1B (Maximum Allowable Stress Values S for Nonferrous Materials): Section I, Section III, Classes 2 and 3; Section VIII, Division 1; and Section XII Classes TC and SC Ferrous Table 2A (Design Stress Intensity Values Sm for 1, Materials): Section III, Class 1 Table 2B (Design Stress Intensity Values Sm for Nonferrous Materials): Section III, Class 1 Design Table 3 (Maximum Allowable Stress Values S for Bolting Materials): Section III, Classes 2 and 3, and Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2. (Use with Appendix 3 of Section VIII, Division 2.) for Bolting Table 4 (Design Stress(Use Intensity Values with Part S 5 Annex 5.F of m and Materials): Section III Classes 1, TC, and SC, and Section Section of Section VIII,VIII, Division) Division 2. Table 5A (Section VIII, Division 2 Maximum Allowable - Section VIII, Stress Values Sm for Ferrous Materials). Table 5B (Section VIII, Division 2 Maximum Allowable Stress Values Sm for Nonferrous Materials). Table U (Tensile Strength Values Su for Ferrous and Nonferrous Materials) Table U-2 (Tensile Strength Values Su for Ferrous Materials): Section VIII, Division 3 Table Y-1 (Yield Strength Values Sy for Ferrous and Nonferrous Materials) Table Y-2 (Factors for Limiting Permanent Strain in Nickel, High-Nickel Alloys, and High-Alloy Steels) Tables 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5A, and 5B Tables 1A, 2A, and 5A list the maximum allowable stress values and designstress-intensity values (as applicable) for ferrous or iron-base materials. Ferrous materials are those that contain, by weight, more iron than any other single element, contain a carbon content generally less than 2%, and contain other elements in the composition; they are covered by ASME SA Specications. Nonferrous materials are those that contain some other element in amounts more than any other element, including carbon, and are covered by ASME SB Specications. Tables 1B, 2B and 5B list the maximum allowable stress values and design-stress-intensity values (as applicable) for nonferrous alloys. Tables 3 and 4 include the maximum allowable stress values and design-stress-intensity values for ferrous and nonferrous bolting 1/2materials. All stress tables in Subpart 1 have the same general format. They include columns for nominal composition of the material (carbon steel, C 12Mo, etc.), the product form (plate, pipe, etc.), the specication number, type, or grade (e.g., SA-516, Grade 60), the Unied Numbering System (UNS) number (K02100, etc.), the size/thickness (in.), the ASME P-number and Group number (e.g., P-No. 1, Group 1), the specied minimum tensile-strength and yield-strength properties, the applicable Codebook section and the maximum temperature limits for the material type/grade/class adopted by that Codebook section,



Mandatory Appendix 1, Basis for Establishing Stress Values in Table 1A and 1B (shown here as Table 3.5.2 for Section II, Part D, Table 1-100). Mandatory Appendix 2, Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values for Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, and Allowable Stress Values for Table 3 [shown here as Table 3.5.2 for Section II, Part D, Table 2-100(a), Table 3.5.4 for Section II, Part D, Table 2-100(b), and Table 3.5.5 for Section II, Part D, Table 2-100(c) Table 2-100(c)] Mandatory Appendix 3, Basis for Establishing External Pressure Charts. Mandatory Appendix 4, submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. Mandatory Appendix 5, Guideline on the Approval of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Mandatory Appendix 7, Guidelines on Multiple Marking of Materials. Mandatory Appendix 9, Standard Units for Use in Equations. Nonmandatory Appendix A, Metallurgical Phenomena. Nonmandatory Appendix B, Locating Materials in Stress Tables and in Tables of Mechanical and Physical Properties. Nonmandatory Appendix C. Guidance for the Use of U.S. Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Much of the information in the foregoing subparts and appendices was included in the earlier editions of the Codebook sections. Now, it is compiled in Section II, Part D to reduce the length of the Codebook sections, to avoid duplication, and to facilitate the use of the Codebook sections. Appearing in the 2007 Edition, in the front of Section II, Part D, is the new Guideline Locating Materials in Stress Tables of Mechanical and Physical Properties. This helps the Code users understand the logic in placement of materials in the various tables of Section II, Part D.

Mandatory Appendix 10, Basis for Establishing Maximum Allowable Stress Values for Tables 5A and 5B.



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SECTION 1; SECTION II, CLASSES 2 AN 3; AND SECTION VIII, DIVISION 1 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES FOR PERROUS MATERIALS (Insert the rst four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D)

TABLE 3.5.1

Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.



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Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.



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Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.



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Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.



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Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150 152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.



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Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.



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Replace this table with the first four pages of Table 1A. pages 69, and NOTES to Table 1A, pages 150 152 from 2007 Edition of Section II, Part D; See the Sample pages of Table 3.5.1 provided.

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the applicable external-pressure chart and notes, and the allowable maximum stress values or allowable stress-intensity values (as appropriate) at various temperatures. This data is presented on four-page sets for each material listed in the stress tables. (See Table 3.5.1 for an example of typical allowable stress tables in Section II, Part D.) The rst page of the four-page sets in the stress tables lists nominal composition of the material, product form, specication number, type/grade, UNS number, and the ASME P-Number and group number. A guideline placed at the beginning of Section II, Part D, entitled Locating Materials in Stress Tables of Mechanical and Physical Properties was intended to help the user nd materials more quickly. The nominal compositions help to dene the general chemical composition of the materials. For carbon, low-alloy, and highalloy steels, the nominal carbon or iron content does not appear in the nominal composition. The nominal composition for these materials generally includes the nominal values of the three most signicant alloying elements, followed by other minor alloying elements, but without the nominal numerical amounts of these 1 1 elements (e.g., CMnCb, 11 4 Cr2 Mo, and 24 Cr1MoV). The nominal compositions are not listed in Stress Tables 1B and 2B for aluminum and copper alloys because of the various nominal combinations available for these materials. Flat products in the tables include sheets, plates, and strips. Tubular products include a variety of forms (e.g., seamless pipe, welded pipe, forged pipe, cast pipe, seamless tubes, welded tubes, and drawn seamless tubes). Other product forms listed in the tables are forgings, die-forging ttings, welded ttings, castings, bars, rods, shapes, and wires. The type or grade designations within a particular Material Specication identies a specic material within that specication with chemical composition or strength requirements that differ from the other types or grades within that specication. In some

cases, the type or grade may also indicate a product form, such as the following: B: bolting F: forged alloy P: pipe T: low-alloy Cr-Mo steel tubes CF: cast austenitic stainless steel (e.g., CF8 is Type 304 stainless steel) CP: centrifugally cast pipe FP: forged pipe TP: high-alloy-steel pipes and tubes Some materials in the tables also include the appropriate class, condition, or temper. For example, SA-387, Grade 11 plates may be supplied to Class 1 properties (60 ksi minimum tensile strength) or to Class 2 properties (75 ksi minimum tensile strength). Aluminum alloys and copper alloys covered by the SB Specications have various temper designations, depending on heat treatment and work hardening. For example, SB-209, Alloy A95083 may be supplied to 0 temper (annealed temper that is generally used for welded construction), F temper (as fabricated), various H tempers (strain-hardened and followed by one or two letters, depending on the degree of strain hardening), and various T tempers (thermally treated to produce stable tempers other than F, O, and H). Nickel-base alloys generally have one of the following alloy conditions or tempers: annealed solution-annealed solution-treated cold-worked cold-drawn/annealed hot-nished



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hot-nished/annealed hot-rolled hot-rolled/annealed welded/annealed

equipment to be designed for use at temperatures above those previously permitted for Division 2 construction. Tables U, U-2, Y-1, Y-2, and Table U consists of two-page sets for each of the materials listed in this table. The rst page lists the Material Specications, the nominal composition, the product form, the specication number, the type or grade, and the UNS number. The second page lists the tensile strength values, Su , as a function of temperature up to 1000 F (538C) for some materials and lower temperatures for some other materials. The tensile strength values in Table U at ambient temperatures are based on the published values in the appropriate Material Specication; those at elevated temperatures, on the other hand, are determined by the trend-curve-ratio method, described in Section 3.5.5. At temperatures above the ambient temperature, the values are increased up to 10% as long as they do not exceed the specied minimum tensile strength. Table U-2 lists the room-temperature tensile-strength values for SA-232 wire for Section VIII, Division 3 vessels in high-pressure service. and nonTable Y-1 lists the yield strength values Sy for ferrous SA-231 ferrous materials at temperatures up to and including l000F (538C). It is organized in four page sets for each material, the rst two pages describing the material in the same manner as the stress tables and the last two pages listing the yield strength values as a function of temperature for each specication, type, grade, or class of the material, and, for non-ferrous materials, the condition or heat treatment. In Table Y-1, the yield strength values at ambient temperatures are based on the published values in the appropriate Material Specication. The yield strength values at elevated temperatures are determined by the trend-curve-ratio method. The yield strength values in Table Y-1 do not include the 10% factor (in Table U). Table Y-2 contains multiplying factors for limiting permanent strain in nickel, nickel alloys, and high alloy steels that (when applied to the yield strength values in Table Y-1) give a yield strength value that results in lower levels of permanent strain. A previously appearing Table Y-3 listed yield strength values for materials used in Section VIII, Division 3 construction. All that information can now be found in Table Y-1.

Tables 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B, list the appropriate ASME P-numbers and Group numbers for each material type and grade (Tables 1B and 2B also contain P-numbers). These P-numbers and Group numbers are found in ASME Section IX, Tables QW/QB-422 for the various materials in Section II, Part D. The Group numbers within the same P-number are used for ferrous materials to further group like materials with similar tensile properties (e.g., SA-516, Grade 70 and SA-537, Class 1 are P-No. 1, Group 2 materials). The P-numbering system reduces the number of welding procedure qualications required. The second page of the four-page sets (Tables 1A and 1B) or three page sets (Tables 2A and 2B) in the stress tables lists the specied minimum tensile strength and yield strength, the applicability and maximum temperature limits, the applicable external-pressure chart, and notes for each specication, type, grade, or class. Beginning with the 2004 Edition, Tables 1A and 1B have four Code sections for applicability: Section I; Section III, Classes 2 and 3; Section VIII, Division 1; and Section XII. Starting with the 2007 Edition, Tables 2A and 2B now only apply to Section III, Classes 1, TC, and SC. Tables 5A and 5B will be included in Section II. Part D starting with the 2008 Addenda. The temperatures listed on any given line are the maximum permissible design temperatures for the specication, grade, type, class and size limit of the material for the applicable Code section. The letters NP indicate that the material is not permitted in that type of Code construction. The last column on the second page of each four-page or threepage set lists the applicable notes for the specication, type, grade, or class of the material. These notes contain important information regarding the use of the materials in Section II, Part D and are combined into the following general groups: GXX, General Requirements HXX, Heat-Treatment Requirements SXX, Size Requirements TXX, Time-Dependent Properties WXX, Welding Requirements EXX, Experience (Tables 2A and 2B only)



See Table 3.5.1 for the notes listed at the end of Table 1A in Section II, Part D. The maximum allowable design stress and design stress intensity values (as applicable) are listed on the last one or two sheets of each three- or four-page set for any material in the stress tables. The maximum allowable design-stress and stress-intensity values are based on the criteria given in Appendices 1 and 10 of Section II, Part D and are calculated from the tensile strength values in Table U and the yield strength values in Table Y-1. The maximum allowable stress and design stress-intensity values in the stress tables are given at ambient temperature (20F to 100F or 29C to 54C) and at 100F (54C) intervals up to 600F (316C) and then at 50F (28C) intervals up to and including the maximum temperature permitted by the appropriate Codebook section. The design-stress intensity values for Section III, Class 1 construction are limited to temperatures below the temperature range where the creep and stress-rupture strength govern the selection of design stresses. With the 2007 edition of Section VIII, Division 2, the stresses listed in Tables 5A and 5B allow the

Subpart 2: Physical Property Tables

Subpart 2 includes information on the coefcients of thermal expansion at various temperatures, the moduli of elasticity, the moduli of rigidity, the Poissons ratio, and the typical physical properties (density, melting range, and specic heat) for nonferrous materials. This information appears in the following tables: TE-1, Thermal Expansion for Ferrous Materials TE-2, Thermal Expansion for Aluminum Alloys TE-3, Thermal Expansion for Copper Alloys TE-4, Thermal Expansion for Nickel Alloys TE-5, Thermal Expansion for Titanium Alloys TCD, Nominal Coefcients of Thermal Conductivity (TC) and Thermal Diffusivity (TD) TM-1, Moduli of Elasticity E of Ferrous Materials for Given Temperatures TM-2, Moduli of Elasticity E of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys for Given Temperatures TM-3, Moduli of Elasticity E of Copper and Copper Alloys for Given Temperatures



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FIG. 3.5.2 EXTERNAL-PRESSURE CHART FOR DETERMINING FACTOR B for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Specified Minimum Yield Strength 30,000 psi and over, except for Materials within this range where other Specific Charts are referenced) and Type 405 and T1 Type 410 Stainless Steels. (Source: Fig CS-2, Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 of the ASME B&PV Code)

Note 1: See Tables 1A, 2A, and 5A for applicable specification numbers)
TM-4, Moduli of Elasticity E of High-Nickel Alloys for Given Temperatures TM-5, Moduli of Elasticity E of Titanium and Zirconium for Given Temperatures NF-1, Typical Mechanical Properties of Materials NF-2, Typical Physical Properties of Nonferrous Materials Beginning with the 2004 Edition, there was an Introduction to Subpart 2 that provided background of the property values depicted therein. The 2008 Addenda to Section II, Part D, will reect a replacement of Tables NF-1 and NF-2 with a new single table providing Poissons ratios and densities for the nonferrous materials (previously provided in Tables NF-1 and NF-2) and ferrous materials (not previously addressed). A survey of design groups within the various Code committees revealed that Modulus of Rigidity, approximate melting range, and specic heat information was not necessary in the design process, but Poissons ratios and densities were important and were needed for ferrous materials as well.

TRD, Poisson's Ratio and Density of Materials.



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Subpart 3: Charts and Tables for Determining Shell Thickness of Components under NFT-2 External Pressure

Subpart 3 includes external pressure charts and tables for obtaining the allowable compressive stresses (factor B) in cylindrical and spherical pressure components. Figure G (Geometric Chart for Components Under External or Compressive Loadings) incorporates geometric parameters L/Do and Do/t and is used to determine factor A for all materials. Figures CS-1 through NFT-1 are external pressure charts and are used to obtain factor B. Enter Factor A on the horizontal line (abscissa) at the bottom of the external pressure charts, then move vertically up to intersect the elastic modulus line Figures CS-1 at the appropriate design metal temperature and move horizontally through NFZ-2 to obtain factor B at the right side of the external pressure charts. Factor B is used with the appropriate formulas in the Codebook sections for shells and tubes under external pressure. NFT-1 are external pressure charts used to obtain factor B. (Figure CS-2 is given here as Fig. 3.5.2.) Enter factor A on the horizontal line (abscissa) at the bottom of the external pressure charts; then move up vertically to intersect the elastic modulus line at the appropriate design metal temperature and move horizontally to obtain factor B at the right side of the external pressure charts. Factor B is used with the appropriate formulas in the Codebook sections for shells and tubes under external pressure. Figures CS-1 through CS-6 in Section II, Part D apply to carbon and low-alloy steels, Figs. HT-1 and HT-2 apply to highstrength quenched-and-tempered steels, and Figs. HA-1 through HA-8 apply to stainless steels. (Figure HA-1 is given here as Fig. 3.5.3.) Other gures are provided for cast iron (Fig. CI-1), cast-ductile iron (Fig. CD-1), aluminum alloys (Figs. NFA-13 through NFA-14), copper and copper alloys (Figs. NFC-1 through NFC-8), nickel and nickel alloys (Figs. NFN-1 through NFN-25), titanium (Figs. NFT-1 through NFT-5), and zirconium alloys (Figs. NFZ-1 and NFZ-2). Tabular values for these charts are provided in the corresponding tables that follow the charts.


Basis for Tensile- and Yield-Strength Values

When they are at or near ambient temperatures, the tensile strength and yield strength values for establishing the Code allowable stresses or stress intensities are based on the specied minimum tensile and yield strength values in the ASME Material

Specications or in the Code Cases for materials not listed in Section II, Parts A and B. The tensile and yield strength values, however, decrease at higher design temperatures (depending on the particular material). The ASME does not require elevated-temperature tensile testing of each material heat used in the construction of pressure-vessel or -piping components. It has adopted the trend-curve-ratio method to develop the material properties at temperatures greater than the room temperature. The tensile strength values at each temperature of interest are divided by their corresponding room-temperature values to determine the ratio. A best-t curve is drawn through these ratios to establish the trend curve. The ratio values at temperature are multiplied by the specied minimum room temperature value for that material. Thus the trend curves are derived from ratios of elevated-temperature tensile test data to room-temperature tensile test data for each material heat; the trend curves are statistical best ts to these ratio curves. The trend curves are anchored to the specied minimum properties at room temperature for each type or grade of material to establish the values to which the allowable stress factors are applied. At temperatures greater than room temperature, the tensile strength values are increased up to 10% as long as they do not exceed the specied minimum room temperature tensile strength values. These tensile strength values are listed in Table U at temperatures up to l000F (538C), or a lower temperature, depending on the material. The yield strength values at temperatures greater than the room temperature are determined in the same manner as the tensile strength values. The trend curves are thus developed for yield strength values as well, but the 10% factor is not applied to them. The yield strength values thus determined are listed in Table Y-1 at temperatures up to 1000F (538C), or a lower temperature, depending on the material. At the elevated temperature range in which the tensile properties become time-dependent, the data are analyzed to determine the stress that will cause a second-stage creep rate of 0.01% in 1,000 hours and the stress needed to produce rupture in 100,000 hours. These data must be from material that is representative of the product specication requirements for melting practice, chemical composition, heat treatment, and product form. The data are plotted on log-log coordinates at various temperatures. The 0.01%/1000-hour creep stress and the 100,000-hour rupture stress are determined from such curves by extrapolation at the various



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temperatures of interest. The values are then plotted versus temperature on semilog coordinates to show the variation with temperature. The minimum trend curve denes the lower boundary for approximately 95% of the data.


Mandatory Appendix 1: Basis for Establishing Allowable Stress Values in Tables 1A and 1B

(a) At temperatures below the range where creep and stress rupture govern the selection of stresses, the allowable stress value is the lowest of the following: (1) the specied minimum tensile strength at room temperature (ST) divided by 3.5; (2) the tensile strength at temperature divided by 3.5; (3) two-thirds of the specied minimum yield strength at room temperature (SY); and (4) two-thirds of the yield strength at temperature. In these criteria, the Code Committee considers the yield (SY) strength at temperature to be SYRY and the tensile strength to be 1.1 STRT where SY the specied minimum yield strength at room temperature RY the ratio of the average temperature-dependent trend-curve value of yield strength to room-temperature yield strength ST the specied minimum tensile strength at room temperature RT the ratio of the average temperature-dependent trend-curve value of tensile strength to room-temperature tensile strength. Tables 1A and 1B give two sets of allowable stress values for austenitic steels and certain nonferrous materials. The higher allowable stress values (identied by Notes to the tables) exceed two-thirds, but do not exceed 90% of the minimum yield strength at temperature. These higher stresses are not recommended for

From the mid-1940s to 1998, the maximum allowable design stresses for Section VIII, Division 1 were based on a factor of 4 on the ultimate tensile strength of the material. In 1998, several Code Cases were issued that reduced the factor on tensile strength from 4 to 3.5 for Section I and Section VIII, Division 1 components. This reduction was based on improvements in the Code rules and the successful experience with existing Code rules over the last 4050 years. The 1999 addenda to Section II, Part D incorporated the maximum allowable design stresses based on the 3.5 factor into Tables 1A and 1B. Appendix 1 provides the basis for establishing the maximum allowable design stress values in Tables 1A and 1B for Section I, Section III (Classes 2 and 3), Section VIII (Division 1), and Section XII components except bolting. The maximum allowable design stress values in Tables 1A (for ferrous materials) and 1B (for nonferrous materials) are based on the following criteria:



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the design of anges and other components where potential distortion, leakage, or excessive strains may be objectionable. (b) At temperatures in which creep and stress rupture govern the selection of stresses, the maximum allowable stress value for all materials is established to not exceed the lowest of the following: (1) 100% of the average stress to produce a creep rate of 0.1% in 1000 hours; 1000 hours (Sc); (2) 100Favg% of the average stress to cause rupture at the end of 100,000 hours (SRavg); and (3) 80% of the minimum stress to cause rupture at the end of 100,000 hours (SR min). From the preceding list, Favg the multipier applied to the average stress for rupture in 100,000 hours. At 1500F (815C) and less, Favg 0.67; at greater than 1500F (815C), it is determined from the slope of the log time to rupture versus the logstress plot at 100,000 hours so that log Favg 1/n but may not exceed 0.67. n a negative number equal to log time to rupture divided by log stress at 100,000 hours The Code criteria for the maximum allowable design-stress values in Tables 1A and 1B is summarized in Table 1-100 (given here as Table 3.5.2) of Section II, Part D, Appendix 1.

in Tables 2A and 2B, this value may be as large as 90% of the yield strength at temperature but not more than the specied minimum yield strength at room temperature). The Code considers the yield strength at temperature to be SYRY and the tensile strength to be 1.1STRT. The Code criteria for the Sm values in Tables 2A and 2B is summarized in Table 2-100(a) (given here as Table 3.5.3) of Section II, Part D, Appendix 2. Section III (Class 2 and 3 rules) and Section XII. Bolting The allowable stress values for bolting are somewhat lower than those for other components. Table 3 in Section II, Part D lists the maximum allowable stress values of bolting materials for use with Section VIII, Division 1; Section VIII, Division 2 (Part 4.16 rules); and Section III (Class 2 and 3 rules). The maximum allowable stress values in Table 3 are based on the lesser of the following: (a) For all materials in which the strength has not been enhanced by heat treatment or by strain hardening at temperatures below the creep range: (1) one-fourth of the specied minimum tensile strength at room temperature; (2) one-fourth of the tensile strength at temperature; (3) two-thirds of the specied minimum yield strength at room temperature; and (4) two-thirds of the yield strength at temperature. The yield strength at temperature is considered to be SYRY and the tensile strength at temperature to be 1.1STRT. (b) For materials in which the strength has been enhanced by heat treatment or by strain hardening at temperatures below the creep range: (1) one-fth of the specied minimum tensile strength at room temperature; (2) one-fourth of the tensile strength at temperature; (3) one-fourth of the specied minimum yield strength at room temperature; and (4) two-thirds of the yield strength at temperature. The annealed values shall be used if the values in Table 3 result in values lower than annealed values. (c) At temperatures in which creep and stress rupture govern the selection of stresses: (1) 100% of average stress to produce a creep rate of 0.1% in 1000 hours; (2) 100Favg% of the average stress to cause rupture at the end of 100,000 hours (SRavg); and 0.01%



Mandatory Appendix 2: Basis for Establishing Design-Stress-Intensity Values for Tables 2A, 2B, and 4, and Allowable Stress Values for Table 3 Tables 2A and 2B Appendix 2 provides the criteria for establishing the design stress intensity values Sm in Tables 2A and 2B for Section III, Classes 1, TC, and SC components, except bolting. Appendix 2 also gives the criteria for establishing the maximum allowable stress values in Table 3 for Section III, Classes 2 and 3 and for Section VIII, Division 1 bolting, and also for establishing the design stress intensity values Sm in Table 4 for Section III, Class 1 and Section VIII, Division 2 bolting. The Sm values in Tables 2A and 2B are based on the following criteria: (1) one-third of the specied minimum tensile strength at room temperature (ST); (2) one-third of the tensile strength at temperature; (3) two-thirds of the specied minimum yield strength at room temperature (SY); and (4) two-thirds of the yield strength at temperature (but for austenitic steels and certain nonferrous materials, as indicated

Table 3, for use with Section III (Class 2 and 3 rules); Section VIII, Division 1; Section VIII, Division 2 (Part 4.16 rules); and Section XII. Table 4, for use with Part 5 and Annex 5.F of Section VIII, Division 2; and Section III, Subsections NB and WB.

and Table 4 for the following bolting materials:



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Part 5


(3) 80% of the minimum stress to cause rupture at the end of 100,000 hours (SRmin). The Code criteria for the maximum allowable stress values for e Table 3 is summarized in Table 2-100(b) (given here as Table 3.5.4) from Section II, Part D, Appendix 2. Table 4 lists the design stress intensity Sm values for bolting materials for use with Appendices 4, 5, and 6 of Section VIII, Division 2 and Section III, Subsection NB (Class 1) and (WB) components. These design stress intensity values are based on the following criteria, with credit granted for the enhancement of properties by heat treatment or strain hardening. (1) One-third of the specied yield strength at room temperature, and (2) one-third of the yield strength at temperature. See Table 2-100(c) (given here as Table 3.5.5) from Section II, Part D, Appendix 2.

where Er the tangent modulus of the stressstrain curve for the material under consideration that has been normalized to the specied minimum yield stress. E the modulus of elasticity a a knockdown factor to account for the difference between the theoretical buckling stress and the stress determined from buckling tests (this difference is caused mainly by imperfections of the shape) sP theoretical elastic buckling stress for a cylinder or sphere with no imperfections The charts in Subpart 3 are constructed from stress-strain curves typical of the materials under consideration for determining Ocr. The two external-pressure-chart parameters A and B are dened as follows:


A =


Mandatory Appendix 3: Basis for Establishing External-Pressure Charts

scr ase = Er E scr B = 2

(3.2) (3.3)

where scr the stress corresponding to the point on the stress-strain curve where the Er was determined Design Basis

D0 /t

3.5.2 Basis of Subpart 3 Charts Subpart 3 of Section II, Part D includes charts and tables for determining the allowable external pressure on pressure components with a wide range of geometries, materials, and design temperatures. These charts provide a means for determining factors A and B, which are used with the instructions and formulas in the appropriate Code section. They incorporate realistic safety factors for components under external-pressure loads. The chart parameters and stresses are those at the design temperature of the material. The geometric chart, Fig. G (given here as Fig. 3.5.1) of Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, is applicable only to uniform external pressure on cylindrical shells. It incorporates the geometric parameters L/Do and D0 /t and is used to determine factor A for all materials. Factor A is obtained from Fig. G in Section II, Part D by entering this gure on the vertical axis at the left of Fig. G for the appropriate length/outside diameter (L/Do) ratio, then moving horizontally to the appropriate Do/t ratio and down to the horizontal axis (abscissa) to determine factor A. Parameters L/Do and D0 /t are independent of material properties. The materials charts, Figs. CS-1 through NFZ-2, are pseudostresspseudostrain curves for the various materials in the Code and incorporate the moduli of elasticity and allowable stress limits at the temperature of the material. Factor A is a strain term and is also related to geometric considerations (thickness, diameter, and length) of the pressure part in question. The material chart in Section II, Part D for the material under consideration is entered with the appropriate factor A on the abscissa of the materials chart. Moving up vertically to the appropriate material/temperature line and then horizontally to the right, the factor B value is obtained to the right of the chart. (See Figures CS-2 and HA-1, given here as Figures 3.52 and 3.5.3.) Theoretical Background The critical buckling stress (failure stress), crcr, in a cylindrical or spherical shell under compression can be determined from the following equation: Er asP E External Pressure on Cylinders Factor A is determined from Fig. G, and factor B is determined from the appropriate material chart in Part D, Subpart 3 for the material under consideration. These chart parameters are used with the externalpres sure-design formulas in the applicable Codebook section at the specified design temperature. For external pressure on cylinders, the following applies: (1) Factor A is determined from Fig. G in Subpart 3 of Section II, Part D. In this chart, A = se/E, where se is determined from Bulletin 329 (University of Illinois, 1941) entitled A Study of the Collapsing Pressure of Thin-Walled Cylinders and written by R. G. Sturm, which assumes that pressure acts on the ends and radial to the cylindrical shell and also assumes that the ends of the cylinder are simply supported. No allowance is made for any reduction in the buckling stress caused by shape imperfection. The value of a is 1.0 and scr = (E r/E)se. (2) All parameters and stresses are at the design temperature. (3) The tangent modulus is used for buckling stresses above the proportional limit. The point at which creep or yield governs (beyond the transition) is chosen at a high value of factor A (i.e., t/R). (4) The allowable shape tolerances are based on empirical relationships and are intended to limit the critical buckling pressure to not less than 80% of that for a perfectly uniform vessel. External Pressure on Spheres Factor B is determined from the appropriate material chart in Part D, Subpart 3 for the material under consideration and is used with the externalpressure design formulas in the applicable Code section at the specied design temperature. The maximum allowable compressive stress, Sa, in spherical shells is B/2. For values of factor A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line on the

scr =




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external-pressure charts in Subpart 3, the allowable compressive stress is calculated from the formula Sa = a E t ba b 32 Ro (3.4)

(3) The allowable tolerances are based on empirical relation ships intended to limit (along with reduction factors based on tests) the critical buckling stress to that obtained with the above formula for various R/t ratios. Criteria for Allowable Stresses The external-pressure charts in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 are based on short-term tensile properties and may not adequately account for the effect of creep, which reduces the critical buckling stress. In evaluating new material, the Code Committee also gives consideration to test data and service experience for similar materials. The allowable stresses for preparing external pressure charts are based on the following factors and properties: Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure (1) 33% of the assumed buckling stresses dened in 3-500(a)(1) of Section II, Part D (based on the aforementioned Bulletin 329), but limited by allowable tolerances, defined in 3-500(a)(4) which are based on empirical relationships intended to limit the buckling pressure to not less than 80% of that for a perfectly uniform vessel. (2) 33% of the specied minimum yield strength and yield strength at temperature. (3) 66% of the average stress to produce a creep rate of 0.01% per 1,000 hours. (4) 100% of the allowable stress in tension. Spheres and Spherical Portions of Heads under External Pressure 3-500(b)(4) (1) 25% of assumed critical buckling stress, based on the formula scr = 0.125(E r/Ro) as dened in 3-500 (b)(1), which is limited by allowable tolerances, dened in 30500(b)(4) based on empirical relationships intended to limit (along with reduction factors based on tests) the buckling pressure to not less than 60% of that obtained by the aforementioned formula. (2) 25% of the specied minimum yield strength and yield strength at temperature. (3) 50% of the average stress to produce a creep rate of 0.01 per 1,000 hours. (4) 100% of the allowable stress in tension. Cylindrical Shells under Axial Compression (1) 50% of the assumed critical buckling stresses, based on the formula scr = 0.125(E r/Ro) as dened in 3-500 (c)(1) which is limited by allowable tolerances, defined in 3-500(c)(4) based on empirical relationships intended to limit (along with reduction factors based on tests) the critical buckling stress to not less than that obtained by the foregoing formula. (2) 50% of the specied minimum yield strength and yield strength at temperature. (3) 100% of the average stress to produce a creep rate of 0.01% per 1,000 hours. (4) 100% of the allowable stress in tension.

For external pressure on spherical shells, (1) Factor A = 0.125/(Ro/t) (3.5)

where Ro the outside radius of the spherical shell t the thickness of the shell (2) The assumed critical buckling stress scr, including reduction for tolerance, theory versus tests, and so forth, is based on scr = 0.125(E rt/Ro) where E the elastic modulus (the tangent modulus is used for buckling stresses above the proportional limit) (3) The parameters and stresses are those at the design temperature. (4) The allowable tolerances are based on empirical relationships intended to limit (along with reduction factors based on tests) the buckling pressure to not less than 60% of that obtained using the foregoing formula for scr. This procedure gives results similar to those for cylinder in the elastic range. However, the present material charts give more restrictive results for spheres than for cylinders in the plastic range. Axial Compression on Cylindrical Shells The same equation for spheres is used to determine factor A for axially compressed cylindrical shells. Factor A is then used with the appropriate material chart to determine factor B at the material design temperature. Factor B is the allowable axial compressive stress for cylindrical shells, Sc. For values falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line in the external-pressure charts in Subpart 3, the value of the allowable axial compressive stress for cylindrical shells B is calculated from the following formula: E t AE B = = a b 2 16 Ro (3.7) For axial compression in cylindrical shells: (1) The assumed critical buckling stress, including reduction for tolerance and imperfections, theory versus tests, and so forth, is based on scr = 0.125 Et Ro (3.8) (3.6)

The tangent modulus is used for bucking stresses above the proportional limit. (2) The parameters and stresses are those at the design temperature.

Mandatory Appendix 5: Guideline on the Approval of New Materials under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Appendix 5 in Section II, Part D outlines the Code requirements for the approval of new materials. The inquirer shall furnish to



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AU: As per call out Table 331.1.1 changed 3.5.6 please check and suggest.

MARVIN: I think this comment from ASME Copy Editor is irrelevant since the table itself is eliminated. Please confirm. - KR (2-6-09)



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(Source: Table 10-100, Section II, Part D, Appendix 10 of the ASME B&PV Code)

Table 3.5.6



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AU: As per call out we have changed Table A1 to 1A Please check, and Table 1B is missing plese provide.

MARVIN: I think this comment from ASME Copy Editor is irrelevant since the table itself is eliminated. Please confirm. - KR (2-6-09)



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the Code Committee the appropriate Material Specification and the data specied in the guideline to enable the Committee to evaluate the material and to assign design-stress values over the range of temperatures for which the material is to be used. However, the material cannot be used for Code construction until it is adopted by one of the Codebook sections, such as Section I or Section VIII, Divisions 1 or Division 2. Guidelines for the approval of new materials are also included in Parts A, B, and C of Section II. The Guidelines in Parts A, B, and D are the same, except that Part D includes additional provisions for the following:

specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature. The factor on yield strength remains as before at 2/3 of yield strength at temperature. Another signicant change is extending the allowable design stresses into the time-dependent temperature range. The criteria used are the same used in Section II, Part D, Appendix 1 for establishing stresses in Tables 1A and 1B. Criteria for Bolting Materials The criteria used to establish design stresses for bolting materials are the same as described earlier for Section II, Part D, Mandatory Appendix 2 (see Guideline paragraph


New Materials Checklist Requirements for Requests for ASME Acceptance of Material Specifications of Recognized National or International Organizations other than ASTM or AWS Requirements for Recognized National or International Specications Publication of Recognized National or International Specications The New Materials Checklist is provided to assist the inquirer seeking Code coverage of new materials or an extension of coverage for existing materials. The additional paragraphs regarding Material Specications of Recognized National or International Specications state the Code policy regarding requests for the approval of specications from recognized national or international organizations other than the ASTM and the AWS, such as (but not limited to) the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and the Japanese Standards Association (JIS). Material Specications for entities other than national or international organizations, such as material producers or suppliers, are not considered for acceptance. Section 3.2.5 provides a summary of the Code requirements for approval of new materials. However, the inquirer should read and become familiar with the guideline in Section II, Part D in its entirety 1; etc.)before submitting a request for Code approval of a new material. The material cannot be used in Code construction until it is adopted by one of the Codebook sections for Code construction (e.g., Section I; Section VIII, Divisions 1 or 2; Section III, 3.5.13 Division 1; etc.


Nonmandatory Appendix A: Metallurgical Phenomena

The properties and service performance of ferrous and nonferrous materials are inuenced by the processing history, the heat treatments, the melting practice, the cold-forming strains, the composition, the level of residual elements, and the exposure to certain environmental conditions while in service and during fabrication. Appendix A to Section II, Part D includes information on certain metallurgical phenomena that may affect properties of the materials and service performance. Appendix A includes comments on the following metallurgical phenomena: Creep-Rupture Properties of Carbon Steels Structure of High Alloys and Stainless Steels Intergranular Corrosion of Austenitic Steels Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steels Sigma-Phase Embrittlement in Austenitic, Ferritic, Martensitic, and Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steels Heat Treatment of Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steels [for optimum corrosion resistance] 885F Embrittlement of High Chromium Steels and Austenitic and Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steels Cold-Forming of Austenitic Materials Magnetic Properties of Nonferrous Alloys Elevated Temperature Effects on Nonferrous Alloys Low-Temperature Behavior of Nonferrous Alloys Corrosion (of Nonferrous Alloys) Special Comments on Aluminum, Nickel, Titanium, and Zirconium Microbiologically Inuenced Corrosion and Fouling



Appendix 7: Guidelines on Multiple Marking of Materials



Multiple marking of materials was previously discussed in as Appendix B to Section II, Parts A and B. Appendix 7 of Section II, Part D is identical in format and content. Materials Other Than Bolting The maximum allowable stress values for materials listed in Tables 5A and 5B of Section II, Part D (to be published in the 2008 Addenda) will be the lowest obtained from the criteria shown in Table 3.5.6 (Section II, Part D, Appendix 10, Table 10-100). In the timeindependent temperature regime, the factor on tensile strength is 1/2.4 (compared to 1/3 before the 2007 Edition), based on the

1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section II, Part D, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007 edition. 2. Moen, R. A., CASTI Guidebook to ASME Section II (Materials Index), 2008. 3. WRC 435, Upitis, E., and Mokhtarian, K. (1998). Evaluation of Design Margins for Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Welding Research Council, Bulletin 435, New York. 4. WRC 406, Miller, C. D., and Mokhtarian, K. (1995). Proposed Rules for Determining Allowable Compressive Stresses for Cylinders, Cones, Spheres, and Formed Heads, Welding Research Council, Bulletin 406, New York.


Mandatory Appendix 10: Basis for Establishing Maximum Allowable Stress Values fo Tables 5A and 5B



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