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A headline of national unity among races in Malaysia always appeared in a local newspapers and magazines nowadays. According to the definition ,national unity is a condition in which all citizens from the various ethnic groups live in a peace as one united nationality giving full of commitment to national identity based upon the federal constitutions and Rukun Negara. Malaysia has a diverse community consisting of three major ethnic groups Malay, Chinese, Indian plus several other indigenous tribes. This ethnic and cultural diversities results to a wide variety of language spoken and religion practiced in Malaysia. There are many ways to strengthen national unity among this different ethnic groups such as through campaign, education and social activity. The Malaysians government can promote national unity through campaigns like Open house,1 Malaysia concept and advertisement. Open house usually held during major festivals in the country. This program has served to promote unity among Malaysians when they visit each other in their home. The government can also organise national-level open houses for the major festivals. In addition,1 Malaysia concept is the path that can lead to political stability, economic growth and social enhancement for all Malaysians and the country. The purpose of this concept is to complement the existing approach to strengthen national unity. The core elements of unity are the attitude of acceptance among races and peoples and have the sense of belonging together. Advertisement through radio, television and newspapers are one of the best way in promoting unity. Most of people can be affected virtually to be united among races because of slogans about unity that they heard and saw in radio and television. Newspapers that read by all the ethnics must publish unity material that helping citizens understand the important and advantages when they united. Thus,the government can promote national unity through campaign like open house, 1Malaysia Concept and advertisement. National unity also can be fortified via education such as vision school concept, teachers role at the school and the education system. Vision School concept involves putting a national school and one or two another vernacular schools together at the same site to share common facilities such as the school canteen and sports ground. The close proximity between the students of various races as well as organised activities between the schools will encourage greater interaction between them and foster national unity. Students who have been a part of a vision school can contribute more to the country when they grow up because of their strong bonding among each other. Moreover, students nowadays spent most of their time at the school rather than house. Teachers, especially, play a significant role in encouraging racial understanding outside the home.In this situation, teachers must play their important role to educate and nurture the spirit of unity among them. Teachers also must show the good attitude because they are role model for their students.In addition,with a unified education system, the government could use education as a tool to build the nation and foster unity through a common syllabus and curriculum. This could be further achieved with a single national language as the main medium of instruction in schools and university.Teachers also must be provided with a standardized form of training in teachers' training colleges.Hence, , national unity can be strengthen via education such as vision school concept, teachers role at the school and the education system.


Social activities like gotong-royong programme, sports and community service can contribute to the improvement of national unity in Malaysia. The gotong-royong programme such as to clean up particular areas like mosque, church and graveyard will make the neigbourhood cooperative and more unite. This programme also can make the resident become more closer and helping their neighbour when in difficulty such as house burning and home robberies. The resident also can develop a watch groups to protect the community from intruders and make the neighbourhood harmony. On the other hand, sports is another way to spread unity. Sports are all forms of physical activities that contribute to fitness, mental well-being and social interaction. In sports, there is no racial segregation as the people will become one when they participate as a team or when they support a team. All the Malaysian citizens did not support the national teams based on skin colour, race or religion, there was no racial borders in sports where different races joined hands to form teams to compete. Its automatically make the athletes and fans unity. The community service means a work that people do to help other people without payment. In this case, all the Malaysians must have the spirit of unity because there is no wage when they did this work. Community service also can led the unity when all the citizens get together to help the needy people.Thus, the social activity for instance gotong-royong programme, sports and community service can improve the unity among Malaysians.

As a conclusion, national unity can be strengthened through campaign, education and social activity. The Malaysian government can promote national unity through campaign like open house, 1Malaysia Concept and advertisement. Furthermore, national unity can be fortified via education such as vision school concept, teachers role at the school and the education system. Moreover, the social act ivity for instance gotong-royong programme, sports and community service also can improve the unity among Malaysians. Thus, all people must play their important roles actively to ensure the unity among Malaysians can be strengthen.

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