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Encouraging Reading Level Improvement in H.S.

Teachers Name: Justin Keith Lesson Title: Using Cutting Edge Technology to Improve High School Student Reading Skills Subject/Course: Reading Grade Level: 9-12th grade

Approximate Time Frame: 6 hours over 3 Weeks Stage 1 Desired Results

Competency/Objectives: The learner will understand that high school student reading skills is a gap that needs to be closed, become familiar with cutting edge technology that can help high school students improve their reading skills, understand how to use cutting edge technology to improve the reading skills of high school students regardless of class/course/subject. The ISTE NETST states that all classroom teachers should be prepared to meet the following standards and performance indicators. 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-toface and virtual environments. 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

Established Goals:
Understandings Learners will understand that... Essential Questions: high school student reading skills is a gap that needs to be closed

1. What is the current average reading level of Effingham High 1

Learners will know Learners will be able to

School Students? 2. What are some cutting edge technologies that can help high school students improve their reading skills? 3. How can reading be taught in all classes/courses/subjects utilizing technology? That reading can be taught in all classes/courses/subjects utilizing technology. determine cutting edge technology that they feel comfortable utilizing in their classroom and then utilize that technology in their classroom.

Brief Summary of the Unit:

The instructor will introduce the high school students reading skill level according to CCRPI, research supporting the use of technology to improve reading skills in high school students, and cutting edge technology that can help high school students improve their reading skills. The instructor will explain how cutting edge technology can improve the reading skills of high school students regardless of class/course/subject. Learners will be responsible for altering one of their current lesson plans in their subject area to utilize technology that will help improve the reading skills of high school students. Learners will present their altered lesson plans to the class.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task: Learners will examine selected research articles, videos, and websites to better understand how technology can be used to improve the reading skills of high school students. Learners will also alter one of their current lesson plans in their subject area to utilize technology that will help improve the reading skills of high school students. Learners will also present their altered lesson plan to the class. Performance Task Statement: Learners will work independently and collaboratively to complete a unique lesson plan for their subject area utilizing technology that will help improve the reading level of high school students. Learners will technology to help improve reading skills can be used as part of understand a lesson that the learner would usually teach without much alteration. Learners will be able to alter existing lesson plans to incorporate technology that will help improve the reading skills of high school students.

G.R.A.S.P.S. Goal(s):
(Scenario for Assignment/Project)

Identify a current lesson plan that can be altered Alter the lesson plan to include technology that will help improve the reading skills of high school students. Present their altered lesson plan to the class Work independently on a unique lesson plan while collaborating with others in the class. Teacher, supervisor/department head, and students

(Learners role)

(Who will see this information? It can be the teacher only.)

(How individually, partners, groups the goal will be accomplished.)

collectively as a class individually collaborator Learners will examine selected research articles, videos, and websites to better understand how technology can be used to improve the reading skills of high school students. Learners will alter one of their current lesson plans in their subject area to utilize technology that will help improve the reading skills of high school students. Learners will present their altered lesson plan to the class. group participation-group discussions, on task behavior, helping others and listening comparison between original lesson plan and altered lesson plan observed teaching of the altered lesson plan

(What will the learner do?)

(The criteria for success and how it will be assessed.)

Key criteria to reflect Performance Tasks:

Checklist (comparison between original lesson plan and altered lesson plan) 4

Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc. Other Evidence Summarized (tests, essays, work sample(s), etc.

work samples peer evaluation self evaluation

Stage 3: Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:

UbD Lesson Plan

TEACHER: Justin Keith CLASS: Professional Development DATE: Summer 2013 UNIT: Reading Skills

LESSON TITLE: Using Cutting Edge Technology to Improve High School Student

Reading Skills
Information from Stage 1: Desired Results Unit & Competency The learner will understand that high school student reading skills is a gap that needs to be closed, become familiar with cutting edge technology that can help high school students improve their reading skills, understand how to use cutting edge technology to improve the reading skills of high school students regardless of class/course/subject. The ISTE NETST states that all classroom teachers should be prepared to meet the following standards and performance indicators. 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-toface and virtual environments. 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Teachers continuously improve their professional 5

practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Enduring Understanding(s): Essential Question(s): Learners will understand that high school students reading skill level is a gap that needs to be closed 1. What is the current average reading level of Effingham High School Students? 2. What are some cutting edge technologies that can help high school students improve their reading skills? 3. How can reading be taught in all classes/courses/subjects utilizing technology?

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements The Instructor will The Learner will lead a discussion on the current learn what the average current W
Where are we going? What is expected?

reading level of ECHS students and how using cutting edge technology can help improve reading skills.

reading level of ECHS students is and how utilizing technology can help improve reading skills. examine the CCRPI results on the GADOE website and reflect on how reading impacts scores across all areas. gain a better understanding of how cutting edge technology to improve reading skills can be used by altering an existing lesson plan. consider other existing lesson plans that may be easily modified. complete peer and self evaluation forms.

How will we hook (Introduce this to) the learners?

examine the CCRPI results on the GADOE website.

How will we equip learners for expected performances?

use selected research articles, videos, and websites

How will we rethink or revise?

review altered lesson plans and offer suggestions and discussion prepare peer and self evaluation forms.

How will learners self-evaluate and reflect their learning?

How will we tailor learning to varied needs, interests, and learning styles?

use videos, individual work, group work, and lecture.

work independently while collaborating with other learners in the class. complete the desired steps of the Instructors activities.

How will we organize the sequence of learning?

presentation of research and videos, presentation of altered lesson plan project, project completion, and project evaluation/reflection

Information from Stage 2: Other Evidence Sufficient and Revealing Evidence of Understanding: Briefly explain if and how it will be used. Informal Check: question/answer session monitor progress while working on project Observation/Dialogue: Offer suggestions Quiz/Test: Academic Prompt: Performance Task/Project: Other: Special Needs: Modifications: as needed group discussion about videos and research complete lesson plan alteration project present lesson plan alteration project

Accommodations: work with students at different technological skill levels

Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete: Encourage alteration of more existing lesson plans to include technology that can help improve reading skills. Target model learners to act as future spokespersons, examples, course leaders, etc Reassess reading scores based on a variety of information to gauge improvement and/or need for continued professional development. Resources Used: Websites, books, film clips, etc. References Biancarosa, G., & Griffiths, G. G. (2012). Technology tools to support reading in the digital age. Retrieved from Byrne, R. (July 2013). Android 4 schools: Apps and devices for schools. Retrieved from Byrne, R. (July 2013). Free technology for teachers. Retrieved from
7 Byrne, R. (July 2013). ipad apps for schools: the best ios apps for students and teachers. Retrieved from (2013). Cartoon presentations are taking over the boardroom with the help of powtoon. The Business Journals, Retrieved from Chen , B., & Bryor, T. (January 2012). Investigating instructional strategies for using social media in formal and informal learning. Retrieved from (2013). 80% of recent NYC high school graduates can't read. Retrieved from GADOE. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Georgia educational technology fair: Project categories. Retrieved from (2013). Georgia end of course tests (EOCT) results. Retrieved from (n.d.). Georgia student media festival: Production types Retrieved from Hazari, S., Moreland, D., & North, A. (n.d.). Investigating pedagogical value of wiki technology. Retrieved from Pedagogical Value of Wiki Technology.pdf (2010). How the U.S. education system fails kids. Retrieved from

International Society for Technology in Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from (2011). Introducing skype in the classroom. Retrieved from Malcolm, W. (August 2010). Comics in the classroom online tools. Retrieved from Shearing, L. (September 2012). Web 2.0: Cool tools for schools. Retrieved from (2013). The magic of QR codes in the classroom - Karen Mensing. Retrieved from (2008). Top 10 reasons to use a blog in the classroom. Retrieved from (2011). Top 10 reasons to use technology in education: iPad, tablet, computer, listening centers. Retrieved from (n.d.). 20 ways to use edmodo. Retrieved from (2013). 2012 college and career ready performance index (CCRPI) Retrieved from Upson, M., & Hall, C. M. (2011). Zombie attacks: How they can contribute to the success of your library. College & Research Libraries News, 72(7), 390-393. Retrieved from html (2011). Using QR codes in the classroom. Retrieved from v=mjE6ko_WOfc (2009). Using wikis in the classroom. Retrieved from

v=1pR5yogCmkA (2012). Video conferencing used for education: A virtual field trip. Retrieved from (2011). What is a virtual field trip?. Retrieved from v=ahIE6g0M9TA (2013). WVU college of education & human services second life island orientation. Retrieved from


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