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Chapter 21 Forgiving is easy if its worth it 14th July 2010 _...

. I wasnt just gonna stand here and wait. Im strong enough to fight. I grabbed Sams arm before he could move. He stopped and looked at me. Youre not going to fight alone I said looking into his eyes. His eyes turned yellow and glowed brightly Trust me; you dont wanna see what Im going to do. Just stay in one corner. Please. His voice was like 2 different people speaking. I knew I should listen because this wasnt Sam. I moved back. All mens stopped in front of Sam. One of the men moved and tried to hit Sam but he was fast and moved out of the way. Sam fought and I watched him in amazement. He was like a blur, I couldnt see him properly but I knew it was him. Then suddenly all men started at him. He fought with every one of them but they were too many and we were outnumbered. I couldnt see Sam in the crowd but then suddenly I saw a flash of yellow light. They all stopped and moved backwards. I stood still in shock. I had never seen anything like this before. In the middle of the crowd was standing a beast. It was like a black dragon with sharp teeth and pointy scales at the back. His tail was scale pointy tail was long. Big yellow eyes and claws instead of hands but feet werent like a dragon, they were like human. And then I knew, I knew this was Sam. Even though my heart was thudding in fear I couldnt help but stare in awe. He was so beautiful, like black beauty. He growled at them and they all moved back in fear. The dragons hands were starting to light fire. Whoa, he started to throw fireballs at the mens. I watched in amazement as he killed them. Some ran away, some were burned and some were dead. I watched as all of them disappeared. Then he started towards me. My screamed was stuck in my throat and I felt like I would die of heart attack any moment. I moved back as he came forward. A twig at the back tripped me and I fell on my ass. He came and stood before me. His nose flaring with smoke and eyes swirling with fire. I closed my eyes for my death but then I felt something ticklish on my feet. I opened squinted through one eye and saw him sniffing my feet. I jerked as he growled and

moved towards me but he didnt harm me instead he laid his head on my lap and nuzzled his face in my stomach. Can he feel the baby? I hesitantly moved my hand and laid his on his face. He purred as I caressed his beautiful face. Youre so beautiful I whispered Then a flash of yellow light changed him back to Sam. He laid there naked on my lap. I quickly wrapped the shirt he gave me around him. He was shivering but wasnt conscious. I looked around for help but there was nothing there. But then I saw a small cottage at the end of the river. I laid Sam there and promised him to be back. I ran towards the cottage and I found an old man cutting woods in his lawn. I ran towards him Help!! I yelled running He stopped and looked at me. I nearly fell as I reached him but the old man caught me. He looked at me Whats wrong dear? He looked human; I guess theyre the blood donors. I panted heavily MyMy husMy husband, hes-hes injured, please help me I said panting. He nodded and dropped his woods. I took him with me where Sam was. I thought maybe he wouldnt be able to pick Sam up but the old man was strong. He picked up Sam and placed him on his shoulder. We headed back to the cottage. An old lady stood at the entrance with hands on her hips but when she saw us her face softened. Harold, whos this young lady and whos this injured man? She asked worriedly I guess the old man is Harold. He took Sam inside and I followed with the old lady behind me. He took him inside a small room and laid him on the bed and covered him with quilts. I sighed and sat next to him on the bed. Will he be alright? I asked the old man I hope so. Ill get some cloths for him. Well have to get him warm first, the poor boys ice cold. Said Harold and walked out. The old lady sat next to me and smiled Whats your name dear? She asked Scarlet But my eyes were on Sam. I just couldnt look away from him. And this is your friend? She asked.

I finally looked at her No...This is my husband Sam" She looked surprised probably because of my age. You look too young to be married I smiled at her It was an arranged marriage I couldnt tell her that I was raped by my husband who has a demon inside him. She smiled Well I hope he gets well soon. What were you doing in this forest anyway? She asked I sighed We just came by and got attacked by some peopledo you have a phone that I could use? She got up Yeah surewait Ill go get it for you She left Where are we I heard a groggy voice. I looked towards Sam who was looking at me with half open eyes. He looked tired Sam, youre awake I exclaimed and hugged him. I was so scared; I thought he would die any moment. Uhmyeah He said awkwardly I realized that I was hugging him so I quickly jerked back. He was shivering but he pressed himself tight in the blankets. Are you okay? I asked worriedly He looked at me as if hes shocked Youre asking about me? I was about to say duh but I didnt Of course I am But you hate me. Why would you ask about me? HE said shocked and shocking me too. I felt bad and guilty about what I had said to him since our marriage. How I insulted him and how I humiliated him, it was all making me feel bad. Anna was right; she told me that when I find out the truth Ill feel guilty and I really am. No I dont hate Sam; I hate the demon who did this. Maybe I cant will myself to forgive him just yet but I cant hate him for what he didnt do purposely. I looked away II dont hate you Sam You dont? He asked sounding like surprised No I looked at him I dont

Why? He looked suspicious I cant forgive you even though I know it isnt your fault, I just cant. I need some time for forgiving you. And the hate Ive been giving you these past days, you deserved none of it and Im sorry I treated you so badlyI just I didnt know what to say, all these new feelings towards him were different. He placed his hand on top of mine. I knowI understand and you dont have to apologize for what you did. If I was you, I wouldve done the same thing. Its not your fault I sighed It wasnt yours either, so how about I extended my hand forward How about truce? He smiled faintly Truce He agreed shaking my hand Just then the old lady walked in. She smiled at Sam and me. Oh youre awake She said to Sam. Sam frowned Where are we? I realized I hadnt answered his first question You were unconscious, they were the only people in the forest. They helped me Thank you Sam said taking the old ladys hand and squeezing it. It was a sonly gesture. She patted his hand Its not a problem dear. She handed me the phone After you have finished calling. I have set some cloths for you upstairs; you can get cleaned if you like I seriously was very grateful to the woman. I got up and hugged her Thank you so much She smiled Its ok dear then she left. I quickly dialed my dads number. Ring Ring Ring Hello? Dads voice was panicked.

Dad? Scarlet! He sounded relived Where are you? Dad, were ok. Can you come and get us? Us? Is Sam with you? Yes and hes injured. Can you just get here and take us please I said frustrated. Thank god hes with you, we were worried sick. Tell me the address, well come and get you guys I quickly gave him the address which I asked from the old lady. After I was done with the call, I went upstairs to change my cloths. I took a quick shower and saw the dress on the bed. It was a green summer dress, just about my size. I then went down and saw Sam all cleaned as well. HE was wearing a green jumper and slacks. At least he wasnt shivering anymore. His left foot was bandaged and a bandage on his head. He was sat on the sofa drinking soup. The old lady and Harold were talking to him. I sat next to him. My head was still aching with the hangover. I felt like throwing my head off my body. I held my head in my hands and groaned. Whats wrong? Sam asked Stupid Hangover I muttered Would you like some water dear? Asked the old lady. I keep calling her that instead of her name which I dont know. I nodded Yes please andwhats your name? She smiled Oh Im sorry, I forgot to introduce ourselves She pointed at Harold This is my husband Harold and I am Mary Ohyour human, how come youre living here? I asked confused. If a human is not with his master, they either get another master or they get sent back to human world but these two are living without their master. Yes well our master let us go but we didnt want to leave without our children so he gave us this house till our children serves him replied Harold

Mary got up and walked out of the room. She came back with a glass of water. _... Half an hour later there was a knock on the door. Harold opened the door and my father walked in with Lysander behind him. Dad! I ran up to him and hugged him You scared us He said hugging back Both of you scared us Im so sor- HE cut me off Well talk about this at home HE then looked at Mary and Harold Thank you so much for taking care of the kids. We are very grateful Harold waved it off It wasnt a problem My dad shook Harolds hand Thanks again. Well be leaving now I looked at Sam who was frowning. It confused me but I didnt ask. Saying my goodbyes to Harold and Mary, I walked out and sat in the car with Sam beside me. Lysander drove and my dad next to him. My dad turned around and looked at us or shall I say glared at us Sowould you both care to explain why in the middle of your sisters wedding were you both in this forest? I- Sam cut me off quickly I took her to the forestits not her fault. She was in the forest because of me I looked at him shocked. Why did he take the blame on himself? Dad narrowed his eyes on Sam Do you have any idea what you did? You were attacked twice now. You could be attacked again, how could you be so foolish? Dad I- -Shut up, You couldve been hurt, your pregnant. Anything could have been happened to the baby, anything could have been happened to you both. He kept lecturing us the whole way to the house. I kept my mouth shut but my anger was radiating off me. I didnt like the way he was treating Sam. It was wrong because it wasnt his fault. I wanted to tell the truth but whenever I tried, Sam would cut me off and

would give me a look to shut up. When we reached the house, everyone just jumped on us. Everyone hugged us, Sam told them the same story what he told to my dad. James glared at Sam. Do you have any idea how much trouble you were in? How could you be so foolish and irresponsible!! You not just put your life in trouble; you also had scarlet and your unborn child! He said angrily I looked at Sam who had his jaw clenched and fist tight. His knuckles were white. He was angry but he was controlling himself. I too felt angry. They had no right to speak to him like that. If something would have happened to my daughter I would have had your head, Sam! I thought you were clever but Im really disappointed Joined in my Father. They kept accusing him, blaming him, lecturing him but Sam stood there quiet. It wa over the limit. I didnt like the way they were blaming him. You sho- Shut UP!! I exclaimed cutting off my father Scarle- He tried again but again I cut him off. I said shut up! I snapped Scarlet! Thats your father who youre talking to My mum said angrily I glared at her And thats my husband hes talking to I said pointing at Sam. They all looked at me shocked but I didnt care. I wanted to tell them the truth. You! I said pointing at my father You trusted him enough to marry me to him. You trusted him enough to spend his entire life with me. So why are you making a bug fuss if he took me to the forest?! I exclaimed angrily And You! I pointed at James Even if he took me to the forest, you have no right to shout at him like this. I think you already have done enough to him, dont cause anymore. So dont blame him when he not the one to be blamed. I snapped I gave every single person a glare and went up the stair but I stopped half way and looked back FYI, Sam didnt take me to the forest. I was drunk and ran into the forest. If he hadnt been there for me, I would have probably been dead by now with that I turned my back on them and went into my room.

I sat by my window and clamed myself down. Can't people just mind their own business.I felt angry at them for all this. They blamed the wrong person. But what I did down there was weird. I never had disrespected my elders but today I did, only for Sam. Why? Why did I do that? I know it was wrong to blame Sam but it was nothing to be angry about. Why am I feeling so different? Should I forgive him? but it's not easy. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Sam. His face was grim "You shouldn't have done that" I scoffed "And you shouldn't have done that too. Why did you lie?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his black hair "It dosen't matter. You shouldn't have told them the that now your mother and father would be upset about you drinking." Oh so thats the reason. "I don't care" He sighed again "Thanks for standing up for me" I looked at him. There was a glint in his eyes, a glint I can't describe. I smiled and shrugged "You stood up for me too so thanks to you too" He nodded "Your welcome" "Your welcome" I said too He smiled and I smiled back. It wasn't really friendship but it felt like it. I guess it's a start of a new friendship. "Why don't you rest, we'll be leaving tomorrow." HE said and turned around. Before he could walk out, I stopped him "Sam?" He stopped at the door and turned around "Yes?" I knew I had made up my decision and no one in the world could change that, not even me. "I...I forgive you...I just wanted you to know that" I said nervously For a moment he stood there and watched me. Something yellow flashed in his eyes but they stayed blue. "You shouldn't....I shouldn't be forgived" I didn't expect that "I guess thats not your decision to make."

He sighed and looked at me sincerly "Thank you" I smiled at him. For the first time, I didn't look at Sam as my rapist. I looked at him like he was a normal guy, a guy who is my husband and now is my friend. Forgiving is easy...if it's worth it. ..._... I'm so sorry guys for not updating for so long. I hope you all remember, i told you guys that i have started working and my job hours are exhausting which is why i'm removing the schedule. I'll update whenever i can but i don't want to keep your hopes up every tuesday and frieday so i'm removing the schedule. I hope you are not angry at me. I hope you guys like this Chappy. It's my fav, hope its yours too. Do Review. R&R!!!

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