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womens health west

annual report 2008-2009

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 Who We Are Overview: List of Services Mission, Vision, Goals Governance Partnerships Chairpersons Report Chief Executive Officers Report Family Violence Intake Service Outreach Service After Hours Services, Intensive Case Management (ICM) and Disabilities ICM Court Support and Crisis Accommodation Service Victims Assistance and Childrens Counselling Programs Girls Talk-Guys Talk and WELS Human Relationships Program Lead On Again and Sunrise Support Group for Women with Disabilities Power On and FARREP Building Capacity to Prevent Violence and Financial Literacy Advocacy Communications Professional Development Operations and Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Organisation chart Staff Financial Reports Membership

Annual Report 2008/09 ISSN 1834-710X Publisher Womens Health West Printed November 2009 Printer Whirlwind Print Editor/designer Nicola Harte Illustrations Isis & Pluto Cover International Womens Day event, March 2009 Photograph by Georgia Metaxas Contributors Anna Vu, Belinda Hearne, Emma, Georgia Metaxas, Isis&Pluto, Jacky Tucker, Jan Collyer, Jo Harper, Joy Free, Julie Veszpremi, Katherine Koesasi, Kerryn Hynam, Kim, Kirsten Campbell, Lauren Eagle, Libby Jamieson, Lindy Corbett, Lisa Field, Lucy Forwood, Meriem Idris, Michelle, Reem Omarit, Robyn Gregory, Sally Camilleri, Sophie Campbell, Stephanie Raymond, Tammy Vu, Veronica Garcia, Wan Chi

Womens Health West

317-319 Barkly Street Footscray VICTORIA 3011 Phone: 03 9689 9588 Fax: 03 9689 3861 Email: Web: ABN: 24 036 234 159


The seven local government areas that comprise WHWs catchment are Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Melton, Moonee Valley and Wyndham

Womens Health West (WHW) is committed to improving the health, safety and wellbeing of women in Melbournes diverse western region. We support individual women and communities, and work collaboratively with government and other agencies across the west and statewide. This means providing and improving access to excellent quality, appropriate and responsive services, while working towards improving the status of women, giving women voice through our projects, programs and activities, and paying particular attention to the multiple factors that contribute to gender - and other - inequities. WHW regards health as much more than the absence of illness or injury. We believe that health and wellbeing are determined by a range of environmental, economic, social, political and cultural factors including gender, ethnicity, class, age and ability. Despite some advances, womens specific health needs are still too often played down, under-researched, overmedicalised and under-funded. Women make up the overwhelming majority of adult victims/survivors of family violence. Statistically, women are also more likely to suffer reproductive and mental health problems, including depression and stress, especially that associated with family violence and their role as carers for children and older people. A range of social factors impact on womens health and wellbeing, these include sexual and family violence, social isolation and poverty. Additional factors such as racism, dispossession, homophobia and discrimination affect the health of particular groups, such as immigrant and refugee women, Indigenous women, lesbians and women with disabilities.

OVERVIEW: Womens Health West Services

Womens Health West is staffed and run by women. Since 1988 we have worked for the health, safety and wellbeing of women in Melbournes western region in a variety of ways: Our health information activities include workshops for schools and community groups. We encourage women and girls to make informed choices by providing tailored health information, perhaps delivered in their first language or by members of their own community. We strengthen women's connections with each other through community development and health promotion projects. We work for women's right to live without violence, hosting the region's largest family violence support program. We can refer women and children experiencing family violence to a range of services offering crisis and short-term support, including court support, crisis housing for women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and a children's support program. We conduct research into regional health needs and related issues. Our publications include a regular newsletter and a range of kits and resources (some in community languages) on women's health and family violence. We conduct public advocacy, including media campaigns, and organise events related to women's health and family violence. We work collaboratively with government and a range of agencies, and provide professional development and secondary consultation for health, community and other service providers on topics such as the needs of women with disabilities or from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Photograph: Sally Camilleri

I felt hopeful stirrings againduring this week when footballers are being stood down for their abuse of power and sexual exploitation/abuse of women - I looked for someone to share my joy and sorrow for the justice that may emerge and the trauma and shame yet again inflicted. It was hard to find others that noticed this momentous occasion - I felt old and irrelevant like I was part of a past era. My social justice voice felt muffled by new and stronger privileged discourses. Your paper brings joy to my heart -- it is clear and grounded in what it means to me to be a social worker in community health... I hope that there are others who begin to find their vision and lift their heads through the murky mist of the health promotion discourse and refocus their energies -- out of confusion and back to what is a fundamental core value of social justiceimplicit in the social model of healthand also a central value of social work. This paperprovides a clear articulation of what social justice contributes to health promotion and I love it -- thank you for a wonderful gift! Belinda Hearne, Isis Primary Care May 2009
Planning for Equity health promotion framework presentation feedback


Equity and justice for women in the west

We partner with others to change the conditions that cause and maintain womens oppression, to deliver family violence services and to undertake health promotion actions

Strategic Goals
This strategic plan is about developing a strategic thinking organisation so that we can ensure that our chosen priorities are based on current and future needs. These goals will be acted upon and kept alive in the governance and the operations of the organisation

Delivering and advocating for accessible and culturally appropriate services and resources for women across the region
Womens Health West (WHW) will engage in actions such as advocacy, research, organisational capacity building, direct service delivery and community development to influence those factors that restrict womens access to resources and services

Improving the conditions in which women live, work and play in the western region of Melbourne
We will undertake direct service provision and health promotion actions that recognise the important influence of, and aim to improve the social, economic and political factors that determine the health, safety and wellbeing of women and their children in the western region

Putting womens health, safety and wellbeing on the political agenda to improve the status of women
Because gender is a critical factor in improving conditions for women, we will particularly focus on the structural factors that cause and maintain the conditions under which women and their children face discrimination, and undertake actions designed to change those factors

Values Guiding Principles

We work within a feminist framework, respecting human rights We act to support women to take control over their decisions and their lives We recognise that the conditions in which people live, work and play are shaped by political, social and economic forces that we must understand and take action on to achieve better outcomes for health, safety and wellbeing We value the diversity of our region and work to actively recognise and respect womens diverse strengths, experiences and goals We value transparency and accountability in our operations, practices and relationships with others We recognise that childrens health, safety and wellbeing is intrinsically connected to that of women We recognise the importance of being responsive to the changing needs of our community We recognise and value the expertise of others and the vital importance of working together to achieve our goals

Recognising that good health, safety and wellbeing begins in our workplace
We will identify all the components required to operate a service that is responsive to our vision and mission valuing our workforce, ensuring financial sustainability and organisational accountability, understanding our limits, and developing and learning from experience and use our resources intelligently and creatively to achieve our strategic goals

Working with others to achieve our goals

We value the skills, knowledge and expertise of individuals, organisations and communities in our region and aim to work in collaboration with them, sharing what we learn along the way and identifying where we each fit in achieving our ambitious goals


WHW Board of Directors, 2008-09

L-R Gainore Atkins, Georgie Hill, Lisa Field, Megan Bumpstead, Michelle Towstoless, Ruth Marshall, Naomi Raab, Karen Passey ABSENT: Selvi Kannan
Meetings Attended


Qualifications/Experience Coordinator, Planned Activity Groups, Gateway Social Support Options

Grad. Cert. Health Promotion, Dip. Managing Health and Community Services

Working Groups
Performance management and succession planning task group Strategic planning task group Performance management and succession planning task group Finance and risk committee Industrial relations task group Finance and risk committee

Lisa Field Chair



Georgie Hill Deputy Chair

Co-opted June 2007

Coordinator, Safer Communities and Health Promotion, Maribyrnong City Council

BA, Postgrad. Cert. Social Science


Karen Passey Treasurer

Co-opted April 2008

CEO, SIDS and Kids Victoria

RN, RM, Grad. Dip. (Management), Cert. Finance, Cert. Emergency Nursing, Paediatric Cert.


Ruth Marshall
Co-opted March 2007

Senior Business Analyst, Western Health

Chartered Management Accountant


Gainore Atkins
2006 - 2009

Mark Dohrmann and Partners

Cert IV Training and Assessment

Performance management and succession planning task group Strategic planning task group


Michelle Towstoless
2005 - 2009

Executive Dean, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science, Victoria University

B.Science (Physiology), PhD


Megan Bumpstead
Co-opted Dec 2006

Health Sector Management Consultant

B.App.Science, Grad. Dip. Advanced Clinical Nursing ICU, Undertaking MBA

Strategic planning task group Industrial relations task group Industrial relations task group Performance management and succession planning task group Strategic planning task group


Naomi Raab
Co-opted May 2008

Consultant and Researcher, Raab Organisational Dynamics, Womens Group Facilitator

B.Economics, MBusiness


Selvi Kannan
Co-opted Jan 2008 RESIGNED 2009

Academic, School of Management and Information Systems, Victoria University

M.Comm and AICD


Photograph: Erin Slattery


1 July 2008-30 June 2009

AMES Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society Australian Services Union Australian Womens Health Network Barwon South Western Regional Womens Health Bendigo Bank Berry Street - Victoria Brimbank Council (formerly Sunshine) Carers Victoria - Respite Connections (formerly Carer Links West) Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health City of Melbourne Deakin University Department of Human Services Department of Justice Department of Planning and Community Development Djerriwarrh Health Services Domestic Violence Victoria Doutta Galla Community Health Service Elizabeth Hoffman House Aboriginal Womens Service Family Planning Victoria Footscray Community Legal Service Gippsland Womens Health Service HealthWest formerly Brimbank Melton PCP and the Westbay Alliance Hobsons Bay City Council (formerly Williamstown and Altona) Immigrant Womens Domestic Violence Service Isis Primary Care Key Centre for Womens Health in Society Laverton Prep-12 (formerly Laverton Secondary College) MacKillop Family Services Maribyrnong City Council (formerly Footscray) McCaughey Centre Melton Shire Council Metro West Transitional Housing Services Mollys House Moonee Valley City Council (formerly Essendon) Moonee Valley Melbourne PCP Moreland Community Health Centre Multicultural Centre for Womens Health Municipal Association of Victoria New Hope Foundation North West Metropolitan Region Community and Womens Health Managers Network North West Migrant Resource Centre North West Victim Assistance and Counselling Program Norwood (formerly Norwood Association) OAMPS Insurance Brokers Office for Womens Policy PapScreen Victoria ParentLink Point Cook Community Centre Public Health Association of Australia (Victorian Branch)

Queen Victoria Womens Centre Relationships Australia Royal Womens Hospital Salvation Army Crossroads Network Salvation Army Social Housing Service South Kingsville Community Centre Spire Sunshine Magistrates Court The Gathering Place The R E Ross Trust The Reym Fund The Stan Willis Trust The William Buckland Foundation Tweddle Child and Family Health Service United Somali Womens Organisation in Victoria University of Melbourne VicHealth Victoria Police Victoria University Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Victorian Community Health Association Victorian Council of Social Services Victorian Local Governance Association Victorian Magistrates Court Victorian Women and Mental Health Network Werribee Magistrates Court Werribee Support and Housing Group West CASA Western Division of General Practice Western English Language School Western Health Western Independent Young Persons Network (WYPIN) Western Region Football League Women in Football Foundation Western Region Health Centre Western Regional Disability Network Wingate Avenue Community Centre Women with Disabilities Network Womens Domestic Violence Crisis Service Womens Health Association of Victoria Womens Health East Womens Health Goulburn North East Womens Health Grampians Womens Health in the North Womens Health in the South East Womens Health Information Centre Womens Health Loddon Mallee Womens Health Tasmania Womens Health Victoria Womens Information and Referral Exchange Wyndham City Council (formerly Werribee) Wyndham Financial Counselling Service

Zonta Club of Melton


Womens position in society is changing and there have been improvements to the status of women since this organisation first opened its doors twenty-one years ago. However, women continue to be over-represented in statistics relating to family violence, low status jobs, as well as working long hours in unpaid and undervalued work. Sadly the prevailing attitudes and beliefs that contribute to the social and structural inequities experienced by women remain. While there is growing community and government recognition of the importance of womens health and freedom from violence, the fact remains that intimate partner violence is the leading contributor to death, disability and illness in Victorian women aged 15-44. My own search for social justice for women is what drew me to become a member of WHW and, three years ago, I joined the board of directors. As chairperson for the past two years I have enjoyed being part of a team of dedicated and committed women working towards a common goal with and for women. During the past year, the board has joined WHW staff and many community partners in planning,

consultation and brainstorming to develop the relevant and aspirational vision: equity and justice for women in the west. Our mission is to partner with others to change the conditions that cause and maintain womens oppression. WHW recognises that to be effective in making a difference to the lives of women living in the west, we need to target our efforts to multiple sections of the community, including the government, service agencies, schools, councils and future generations of young people. It is timely in our milestone twentyfirst year, to have this new vision, mission statement and strategic goals to assist us with a simple, clear and dynamic strategic direction to focus our collective efforts. This year the board has continued to work effectively as a team in our governance role. Aside from strategic planning, board members worked with staff to prepare for accreditation in May 2009 and to develop a collective agreement that is still in progress. The board also worked hard in the usual areas of finance and risk management, policy, and CEO and board performance and succession planning. I think the boards culture and commitment to the organisational vision has strengthened this past

year and I look forward to aligning our governance work with the new strategic goals firmly in mind in 2010. I would like to congratulate WHW staff and board of directors for their efforts these past twelve months. The tremendous work that has been achieved, particularly in the areas of strategic planning and accreditation, is a testament to the passion and drive of the staff, the strong leadership of the CEO, Robyn Gregory, and a motivated and engaged board of directors. Our work continues, but the progress made by WHW these past twenty-one years is worthy of celebration. I think the founding members of WHW would be pleased that womens justice and equity is as central to our work today as it was then. So lets celebrate the achievements of WHW! I hope you enjoy this wonderful snapshot of the women associated with WHW, its services and programs.

Lisa Field Chairperson, Board of Directors


NAME OF TASK GROUP Strategic Planning Industrial Relations Performance Management and Succession Planning Finance and Risk Committee Total No. of Meetings PRIMARY FOCUS 2008-09 Develop 2009-12 Strategic Plan Draft an Employee Collective Agreement Review, develop and implement relevant policies and procedures Oversee the financial and risk management aspects of governance NO. OF MEETINGS 10 20 10 8 48
Photograph: Erin Slattery



chronic disease and health inequity in the western region are all topics for celebration. Similarly, the list of submissions and presentations by WHW staff this year are both reflective of the current political environment with state and federal governments consulting widely in the development of plans to tackle major problems such as chronic disease, family violence and homelessness and a testament to the passion and commitment of our staff to ensuring western womens voices are heard. As the annual report reflects, staff have also continued with the business of delivering direct client services, developing programs and undertaking projects. This report highlights the objectives, strategies employed and impressive outcomes achieved across these areas. Two new projects this year include the Financial Literacy project a six-week program for South Sudanese, Karen and Somali women to assist them to gain power and control over their financial decisions and the Disability Intensive Case Management project, designed to develop service and system capacity to respond to women with disabilities who experience family violence. These areas have both long been gaps in service delivery and so we are particularly pleased to report this work. As CEO I am in the privileged position of working with colleagues from our partner agencies, including members of parliament, local government councillors and staff, senior police officers, government bureaucrats, academics, and other womens and community health services managers. I am consistently impressed and heartened by their responsiveness to the problems facing women and children from disadvantaged communities and their generosity in supporting Womens Health West. I would also like to thank our board of directors for their active, supportive and challenging governance over the last year. The contribution of a board can sometimes be invisible given their after-hours meeting schedule. As you can see from their participation in subcommittees as well as in board meetings, though, we are privileged to have such a committed and generous group of women overseeing our organisation. To quote one of our directors, Gainore Atkins, they are clear that they want to come out of board meetings with a sense that they have done their bit to make the world a more just place for women. Similarly, I am in the privileged position of working with a highly competent, accountable, collegial and dedicated management team who have coordinated impressive achievements this year. Your diligence and support over the past year is greatly appreciated. And finally, to our professional, responsive, passionate, reflective, creative and hard-working operations, family violence and health promotion staff you are each a delight to work with. Thank you for your work this year your well-articulated vision for our service, your commitment to realising that vision, your respectful and playful approach to working together, and your energy in building a culture of openness and responsiveness to the expressed needs of women and children in the western region. Looking back over the last year, I am struck by the extraordinary amount of work undertaken by WHW and the commitment to women that continues to be the centerpiece of our efforts. Talking to our staff, seeing and reading about their work and hearing feedback about our projects, staff and services from other sources, I cannot help but think that our sisters who wrote the first submission to establish WHW would be proud to see what has been achieved and continues to be achieved 21 years down the track. I hope this annual report inspires you to do your bit too.

It is with a great sense of pride that I report on Womens Health Wests achievements for 2008-2009 our 21st year of service to women in the western region. Over the last year our staff and board of directors have worked consistently to achieve significant outcomes in tandem with our community, clients and partners, placing us in good stead for the coming years. We began this year with two main organisational goals to achieve accreditation as a family violence and health promotion service, and to develop a three-year strategic plan that is reflective of a strategic-thinking organisation. In each case we wanted to ensure that those who deliver the services own the plan and the means for implementing it. We also wanted to ensure that our programs clearly reflect the expressed needs of the women and children we work with, and the social, political, economic and cultural context in which we work. In reality, this meant staff and directors committing to a year-long program of consultation, analysis, brainstorming, evaluation, policy development and reflection in addition to their usual work. The collaborative, diligent and responsive way in which this was approached was remarkable, resulting in a clear and focused plan that is currently being implemented throughout the organisation; and a three-year post- accreditation plan that promises to bring even further improvements to our work. Alongside our broader organisational development, we have worked in tandem with our colleagues in a range of other agencies to achieve some significant wins. The decriminalisation of abortion, the passing of the Assisted Reproductive Technologies Bill giving single women and same-sex couples increased access to fertility treatment, and the development of Healthy Communities, Healthy Lives a collaborative framework for tackling

Robyn Gregory CEO



No. of secondary consultations



Provide a first point of entry to family violence services that prioritise womens choice, safety and confidentiality and assist women to navigate their options



Conduct a preliminary and comprehensive assessment of a womans risk of being harmed Develop a clear and practical safety plan to ensure women can continue to reside safely in their home and remain in their community Provide advocacy and information to services in the integrated family violence service system including high security refuges, police, courts, housing services, Centrelink, and the Department of Human Services Provide vital emotional support to clients who have experienced significant and often recent trauma as a result of physical and emotional abuse Identify the best and most relevant service and actively support referrals to those agencies


78 78 78 71 68



39 18 18 7

Responded to 3,112 women the majority contacted the service independently (1,916) or were referred via police faxback (1,385) by the 13 police stations in the western region Conducted an additional 956 consultations with external agencies, bringing total contacts to 4,068 Strengthened protocols and referral pathways across our programs in childrens counselling, case management and outreach services, as well as externally with Magistrates Court Support Program, Western Region Health Service counselling and Victims Assistance Counselling programs, Western Domestic Violence Crisis Service, Victoria Police and including the many family support agencies and services throughout the western region.

Future Directions
The intake service is funded through the outreach case management service and we continue to advocate to DHS that intake be recognised and funded independently of case management outreach. Because of increased demand, WHW has increased staff resources to intake from 1 EFT in 2006/07 to 2.8 in 2007/08. Unfortunately, while we continue to report increasing demand on the intake service, this redirection of resources has resulted in our case management support capacity dropping over the same period, from 566 women supported in 2006/07 to 373 women in 2008/09. We expect demand for family violence intake services to increase with the implementation of Opening Doors (homelessness access services reforms) and the Think Child protocol. WHW are concerned that the continued redirection of outreach funds will jeopardise our capacity to improve outcomes for woman and children. A strong intake service is critical to the success of the integrated family violence reforms but must not come at the expense of outreach case management support.
 Case management support has been defined here as support longer than one day

TOTAL NO. WOMEN ACCESSING FAMILY VIOLENCE SERVICES (2003-09) YEAR 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 No. of WOMEN 1107 2466

No. of STAFF (EFT)


3306 4259

11.7 15.6 18.7 20.5



Other FV Providers Family Support/Child First Police Housing Child Protection Other Centrelink Hospital Court Family Friends Western Region Health Centre Lawyers/Legal Services Education
Agencies seeking secondary consultations

I am very happy with myself now. Ive got my confidence back. I feel safe in my home as I didnt have to leave it behind and start somewhere else. WHW family violence services client
Local Government Area


Brimbank Hobsons Bay Maribyrnong Melbourne Melton Moonee Valley Wyndham Other 0
14 37 138 15 64 69 84 154

Case Management and Place-Based Support Objectives
Provide comprehensive, coordinated and holistic support to assist women and children navigating the myriad of services and responses to family violence, including police and justice systems Make it as easy as possible for women experiencing family violence to access information, support and assistance


No. of clients




WHW family violence workers: Meet women for appointments at mutually agreed safe locations to assess their safety needs, identify appropriate options and develop an agreed support plan to attain safety and independence from violence Accompany women as advocates and support workers when clients are accessing other services, e.g. housing, child protection and legal appointments. Organise face-to-face meetings with women at locations across the region because of the support of other western region community organisations that provide us with space. These locations are often closer or more convenient for women to access than coming into our Footscray office.
Women with a Disability

Women with a Disability Anglo-Australian Anglo-Australian CALD CALD Aboriginal

This chart Aboriginal represents women with a disability in addition to clients cultural backgrounds so comes to a total of 112%

Outreach service provided case management support to 373 women and their 545 children One worker place-based at Werribee Support and Housing in Wyndham for one day per week One worker place-based at Djerriwarrh Family Support Services in Melton for one day per week

Women, especially women with children, cite financial difficulty as a major barrier to escaping their family violence situation, and establishing and sustaining a new violence-free life. As a result WHW appreciate the support of the Lord Mayors Charitable Fund, Victorian Magistrates Court Relief Fund, City of Melbourne, Vic Relief and various other funding programs to enable WHW to provide emergency relief, food vouchers, crisis accommodation, rental assistance, and other essential services such as locksmiths and removalist services. We thank Werribee Support and Housing and Djerriwarrh Health Services in Melton for their continuing support.

Future Directions
We look forward to extending our place-based outreach locations over the next year to include the local government areas of Hobsons Bay and Moonee Valley. Develop a model of service delivery to respond to the needs of women with disabilities who experience family violence, in particular, focussing on accessibility Incorporate a more child-focused framework and other risk-management strategies to better meet the needs of the children accompanying our clients.This is in alignment with our Think Child partnerships Continue to build stronger networks with local services and government agencies to ensure family violence remains on the agenda, and women and children continue to receive timely and appropriate responses


Intensive Case Management

Work withwomen who have multiple and complex needs who have experienced family violence, including women and children with a long history of family violence and those with the highest levels of risk to their safety There is help and people to guide you through the messy bits. To help you see things more clearly even though your world feels like its crumbling. WHW family violence services client

Offer women an extended support period of up to 6-12 months to achieve long-term safety outcomes,overcome barriers and start to work on the effects of exposure to chronicviolence and abuse. For many of these women, the experience of family violence intersects with other challenging concerns such as child protection, sexual abuse and/or assault, mental health, recurring homelessness, substance abuse and various disabilities. As a result we work closely with government agencies and community organisations, including the high risk notification board, police family violence units, Department of Human Services, housing services, counsellors and other support services

After Hours Service

Support women and children who experience family violence outside of working hours

Strategies Outcomes
Provided case-management services to 21 women and their accompanying children Provide face-to-face support Provide relevant regional and state-wide information, advocacy and referral

Future Directions
Continue building onwomens existing resourceswhile exploringadditional interventionstoassistin both breaking the cycle of violence and improving womens sense of self through intensive support and psycho-education

Responded to 104 women Responded to the reduction in numbers of women accessing the after hours service reported in 2007-08 by opening referral pathways between emergency departments of the Western and Werribee hospitals and WHW after hours service Developed referral cards and posters to encourage local police to refer women directly to WHW after hours service for face-to-face support

Disabilities Intensive Case Management

A substantial body of evidence indicates that women with a disability are at greater risk of family violence and sexual assault than other women. Supporting women with disabilities who have experienced family violence continues to require additional effort on the part of the family violence services system. Currently, there is no model of best practice for the delivery of ICM services to women with a disability.

Future Directions
Continue to work actively with the statewide Womens Domestic Violence Service to enhance after hours responses in the region

In 2007, DHS provided new intensive case management funding to regional family violence outreach services, targeting women with a disability. The goal of the funding is to develop service and system capacity to respond to women with disabilities who are experiencing family violence; this has been identified as a statewide priority action area to further the aims of the Integrated Family Violence Service Reform. WHW negotiated with DHS to undertake a project to identify, develop, and implement a best-practice model for delivering family violence services to women with disabilities.

In June 2009 WHW employed one full time project worker

Future Directions
Improve service provision and integration for women with physical and intellectual disabilities experiencing family violence in Melbournes western metropolitan region



Crisis Accommodation Services

Provide specialised case management and advocacy support to women and children escaping family violence

Court Support
Provide court support to women and children attending court to obtain an intervention order as a result of family violence, at Sunshine, Werribee and Melbourne Magistrates Courts

Reduce the experience of anxiety at court for women and children through the provision of information and emotional support around court processes Explain the intervention order and its conditions, liaise with police and court staff in our clients interests Link women and their children to essential services within and outside the court / legal system including WHW case management support, family violence counselling and Victims Assistance Counselling Program (VACP)

Develop individualised case plan with each woman to respond to housing, legal, emotional and other needs Provide co-case management with ethnospecific services to respond to womens particular immigration, legal and/or culturally-specific needs Develop case plan for each child residing in refuge in collaboration with mother and child Apply for funding for additional recreational activities

Provided direct assistance to 376 women at the courts

Future Directions
Promote WHW court support program by updating our brochures Upgrade facilities available to WHW clients at court e.g. provide tea/coffee facilities at Werribee Court

A total of 92 women were referred to CAS in 2008/09. Of those, 60 percent were from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and most required interpreters. Around 5 percent were Aboriginal and 35 percent identified as Anglo-Australian. 283 children accompanied their mother to refuge Two wildlife trips organised to Phillip Island resulted in 12 women and 28 children experiencing recovery-focused fun. WHW thank RE Ross Trust for the grant that enabled these trips.


PROGRAMS OUTREACH Intake One-off Support Intake Police Faxback/e-back Intake Support Short Term Case management SUBTOTAL Intake Secondary Consults Court Support Case Management Accompanying Children CRISIS ACCOMMODATION Refuge Accompanying Children CALD Housing Program COUNSELLING Counselling (Children) VACP OTHER PROGRAMS After Hours Intensive Case Management Private Rental Brokerage Housing Options WOMEN 0809 1702 1385 25 3112 956 376 373 1338 92 283 55 WOMEN 0708 1688 1066 N/A 2754 760 360 394 1367 66 242 57 WOMEN 0607 1411 708 N/A 2119 696 389 566 1432 91 280 67 6 (MayJun07)

Future Directions
Continue to provide support for women and children escaping violence Larger families and single women often require long-term accommodation in refuge because public and private housing options are limited. WHW accepts single women and have a large number of multi-children families affecting the number of women we are able to assist. WHW plan to advocate for increased housing options for these groups.

99 92 104 21 29 5

118 114 58 16 25 6

132 128 18 31 7


victims assistance and childrens Counselling

Provide high quality counselling and support to children, young people, women and women-headed families who have experienced family violence Run creative arts therapeutic groups for children, to help strengthen childrens self esteem, confidence and understanding about their lives. This also involves mothers enhancing their connections with their children Co-facilitate a therapeutic support group for women in the western region in partnership with Western Region Health Centre

To work therapeutically with women and children they need to feel and be safe. This is often compromised by the unpredictable and fraught nature of family violence To keep childrens health, wellbeing and safety central, while working within broader systems (family court, child protection and the justice system) in which outcomes for children can seem compromised by many complex and competing priorities To achieve timely counselling services for clients via the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal, when magistrates have many demands on their time and the system is sometimes slow to respond To stay abreast of new research and practice approaches emerging from advances in neuroscience in our work with traumatised individuals To continue to provide accessible and timely services to clients across the whole of the western region despite the small size of our team -- two part-time childrens counsellors and one part-time VACP counsellor

Client Feedback Project

Improve WHW Family Violence services according to client feedback, complaints and compliments

Employ a project worker to collate 48 feedback surveys collected from January to December 2008

Provided counselling to 92 women referred through the Victims Assistance Counselling Program Ran 2 childrens therapeutic arts group with 8 children attending each. Each group has 8 sessions, 4 involve mother and the child/ children and 4 sessions involve just the children. Provided counselling to 99 children through the childrens counselling program

Clients were extremely satisfied with the respect, fairness, emotional and practical support from WHW workers Many clients indicated their situation had changed after contacting WHW including greater awareness of family violence, access to resources, comfort and empowerment Clients recommended we advertise our services in everyday places women might go, to raise awareness of family violence and our service. In response, WHW created and distributed a poster promoting the message that family violence is unacceptable in any culture and included our family violence service contact details. We translated the message into Vietnamese and Arabic and distributed it widely around the western region.

Future Directions
We plan to run two childrens groups, the first at Tarneit Community Centre, with nine kids and their mothers. We continue to refine the shape of this group as we build our understanding about successful responses to the impacts of relational trauma and family violence.

Future Directions
Continue to distribute client surveys, collate information and act on client feedback

health promotion, research and development

Girls Talk-Guys Talk

Employ a whole-school approach to sexual health Work with students, school staff, parents and involve local organisations and practitioners in the development of policy, curriculum, knowledge and healthy relationships

WHW Girls Talk-Guys Talk project worker works with one school at a time for approximately one year An initial needs-analysis is conducted with year nine students via student assessments of sexual and reproductive health issues and some small group discussions. The assessments help us develop a picture of what is happening for students and informs the implementation of the project. This method results in meaningful and relevant programs and assists the host school to develop future policy and curriculum. Student groups are set up to assist with the direction of the project and most students in the group are fourteen or fifteen years old

Photograph: Joy Free

School nurse and teachers learnt to deliver the course in following years Laverton P-12 Girls Talk-Guys Talk students presented a talk and short film at the November 2008 Womens Health West Annual General Meeting

Conducted sexual and reproductive health needs assessment with all year nines Formed student wellbeing committee Project members developed a sexual and reproductive health policy Students wrote and presented a play that they performed on Parents Night and invited a speaker to discuss how to talk to your teenager about sex Developed and delivered ten week sexuality education course for year nines

Now that I know all this stuff I will make different decisions about going to parties, getting drunk and having sex. Girls Talk-Guys Talk student participant

Future Directions
Laverton students continue to seize opportunities for improvement for themselves as well as for other young people by running information sessions for the year five to seven students and organising a major community event Girls Talk-Guys Talk began at Hoppers Crossing Secondary College in February 2009

WELS Human Relations Program

Enhance students knowledge and understanding of human relationships and sexual and reproductive rights to encourage young women to become more confident in taking control over sexual and relationship decisionmaking

The program was delivered to both girls and boys twice this year; WHW deliver the girls program Approximately 20 girls and 10 boys participated in each program, reaching approximately 60 students this year

In partnership with Western Region Health Centre and Maribyrnong City Council Youth Services, deliver a fiveweek human relations program to newly-arrived young people attending the Western English Language School Involve interpreters in the delivery of the program to aid student comprehension

Future Directions
The program is undergoing evaluation by an external evaluator recruited by Western Region Health Centre. The program will be revised to incorporate recommendations that result from this evaluation.


Lead On Again
Run Lead On Again in 2009 in partnership with Western Young Peoples Independent Network (WYPIN) using the resource we developed over 2004-2008 to run similar programs

Photograph: Sally Camilleri

Obtain funding Run a five-day program, train peer educator, link participants with ongoing mentoring after the program, and engage participants in planning a celebratory event after the program

WHW provided resources and consultative support on leadership for young CALD women to four Victorian agencies Presented a paper at the Australian Health Promotion Association conference in Perth in May 2009 Delivered presentations to the Moonee Valley Melbourne and HealthWest Primary Care Partnership Three out of nine participants continue to be heavily involved in leadership initiatives via WYPIN Peer educator continues to engage in leadership initiatives within and beyond her community

Funding secured from VicHealth and held by WYPIN Young women reported skill and knowledge development in public speaking, confidence, listening and reducing social isolation Peer educator reported knowledge and skill development in time management, conflict resolution and controlling nervousness, increased confidence and independence

Future directions
In 2010, we will partner with Melton Youth Services to deliver the program in Melton, in response to an identified need to engage emerging CALD communities in the outer west Develop capacity of Melton Youth Services to deliver the program independently in 2011 Run program in 2011 with a new partner in a different outer west location where emerging CALD community needs have been identified

Sunrise Women with a Disability support Group

Run two Sunrise Women with Disabilities groups in the outer west of Melbourne - one in Laverton and one in Werribee Focus on health information and fun relevant to women with disabilities, with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of participants

Both groups met 10 times Laverton group swelled to 8 regular participants and enjoyed a relaxing lunch at the Racecourse Hotel Werribee group conducted health information sessions on topics including skill sharing and stress management Evaluated Laverton group. One participant said she feels less isolated and [more] supported and remarked that she had learnt lots of things, which I stick on my window, such as how to eat well and relax. Developed fact sheet for people working with women with a disability outlining the Sunrise program model

Using the principle that women are the experts in planning their own health programs, women involved in the project lead the project. Women attending the Sunrise groups identify the topics that they want to cover. Undertake evaluation with Laverton group Form questions with assistance of Sunrise working group who meet regularly to discuss all aspects of the program Conduct telephone interviews with regular participants

Future Directions
Conduct detailed evaluation of Werribee Sunrise group

Power On
Deliver Power On, a peer education program designed to encourage women who experience mental illness to access information and develop skills that enable them to enhance their wellbeing, identify and engage with their health needs and gain support from family, friends and service providers Deliver Power On for Carers to women in collaboration with Carers Respite Connections

Through Power On, I learned that I have a right to speak up and be heard, my opinion is just as important as any other person I no longer leave an appointment feeling like I have been given the run-around. Stephanie Raymond Power On for Carers participant Provided extensive support to the four agencies that delivered Power On in the region (Western Region Health Centre, Western Region Health Centre Outer West, Norwood Association and Mental Illness Fellowship) Provided two days of facilitator training to ten staff from Womens Health Tasmania and Spire (a Tasmanian mental health service)

Maintain integrity of Power On model by training mental health agencies to deliver the program in a sustainable way Secure funding from the Victorian Womens Trust Form partnerships with Womens Health Tasmania and Aspire Mental Health Services to deliver Power On across Tasmania

Funding obtained from the Victorian Womens Trust Commenced training staff at Carers Respite Connections to deliver Power On for Carers Developed a process to resource mental health service providers to deliver the program themselves. As a result, almost fifty women have participated in the program. Trained thirteen facilitators across the western region of Melbourne and six facilitators in Tasmania

Future Directions
Power On is being implemented in Tasmania Continue to recruit, train and support peer educators Advocate for funding for Power On Explore sustainable funding for the region as well as develop further partnerships so that Power On could be funded and implemented across Victoria as well as Tasmania

Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program

Produce a second edition of Mama and Nunu (Mother and Baby), a resource for service providers who work with African women affected by female genital mutilation (FGM) Ensure that the resource is readily accessible, contains up-to-date information and can be updated regularly

Launched in June 2009 at WHW and is now available at Promoted to service providers in the western region through the WHW website (web links sent via email), the WHW newsletter (1200 newsletters, three times a year) and a fact sheet on how to use Mama and Nunu 2

Information in Mama and Nunu 2 was gathered through consultations with Eritrean, Ethiopian, Somali and South Sudanese communities as well as the newly arrived Burundian and Liberian communities. Mama and Nunu 2 contains information from current literature and insight gained through our work in FARREP Link readers to a wide range of online references and include easy to access fact sheets Attach feedback form to help evaluate and update the resource Develop an online rather than printed resource to enable the resource to be updated regularly and easily

Future Directions
Update regularly and incorporate new information as the need arises Continue to promote the resource to service providers

Photograph: Kirsten Campbell

Building capacity:
Of organisations in the western region to prevent violence against women
Research, develop and implement a strategy to engage and sustain a whole-of-organisational commitment to the primary prevention of violence against women in the region Support participants to implement planned projects Identify effective, strategic and appropriate methods of working with local government

Photograph: Sally Camilleri

Evaluate the first stage of the project Provide consultation to local governments in the region and chair the Western Region Local Government Network Continue to engage with Moonee Valley Melbourne Primary Care Partnership around primary prevention of violence against women in the region Active involvement in the development of the State Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women

Financial Literacy Program:

A program for south Sudanese, Karen and Somali women Objectives
Deliver a six-week program in nominated communities Program is relevant and assists women gain power and control over their financial decisions

Evaluation completed by Melbourne University Involvement in Hobsons Bay City Council awarenessraising sessions led to the council planning a policy for preventing violence against women Facilitated workshops at community health centres, resulting in prevention of violence against women being prioritised in more health promotion projects and encouraged new projects to be developed Delivered four presentations on Safe, Well and Connected to mayors and councillors, asking local governments to partner with WHW to develop a western region strategy for violence prevention

Convene a steering group of women with a range of skills to assist in program development Partner with community leaders and agencies with common objectives and who had connections with the communities we planned to work with Conduct consultations within the nominated communities to deliver a program that was relevant to their needs Deliver a six-week financial literacy program in each of the nominated communities Financial services providers deliver relevant aspects of the program in order to facilitate service access

Outcomes Future Directions

In June 2009, HealthWest made prevention of violence against women a priority area for 2009-2012. WHW is the lead agency, convening the Prevention of Violence Against Women Working Group, which aims to develop a high level strategy for primary prevention by June 2010 Develop a violence prevention strategy for the whole western metropolitan subregion Link with Melbournes northern region, particularly in partnership with Womens Health in the North, to develop a primary prevention strategy for the north-west region Thankyou for your professional presentation at the Maribyrnong Preventing Violence Against Women Forum, showcasing projects from the west. The vegetable garden analogy spans people and culture and is truly inclusive. Congratulations - the program is a credit to yourself, and the leadership of your CEO, Dr Robyn Gregory.
Kerryn Hynam, Inspector Community Development, Victoria Police May 2009

South Sudanese group in Melton with 15 women Karen group in Werribee with 23 women Somali group in Braybrook with 14 women 100% of women who completed evaluation agreed that they had made changes in the way they manage money as a result of completing the program 89% of participants strongly agreed, while the remainder agreed that they were more confident to deal with their finances since completing the program

Future Directions
Hold a forum for Somali women who would like to establish their own business The financial literacy program was funded by the Office of Womens Policy in 2008-09. Unfortunately funding is not available in 2009-10. WHW plan to advocate for ongoing funding for this important initiative to enhance the financial literacy of new arrivals to Australia, recognising this as a tool to enhance settlement and wellbeing more generally. We will also advocate for more financial counsellors in the western region who are accessible to diverse communities.



Victorian women won the right to control, without criminal sanction, our bodies and our lives this year. The right to legal abortion has been a long struggle and this outcome is a crucial reminder of the importance of working together to achieve change for women. Our CEO, Robyn Gregory, had the privilege of being in parliament when the bill to decriminalise abortion was passed, unamended, through both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. We can be proud of many of our local MPs, who spoke strongly, and with courage, on behalf of all women. In December 2008, the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Bill to give single women and same-sex couples increased access to fertility treatment also passed through parliament. WHW wrote three submissions in the lead up to the bill (2004-2006). We supported the work of grassroots activists who held a Prams and Grans community gathering on the steps of Parliament in 2008 and included an article about the success of the campaign in our newsletter.

Local Government Capacity Building Project

In November 2008, for the first time in Victoria, local government elections were held simultaneously. WHW worked with other womens health organisations across Victoria to ask council candidates to commit to the Safe, Well and Connected: Victorian Local Government Action Plan for Womens Health 2008-2012 developed by the Womens Health Association of Victoria. The plan outlines nine actions for local councils to improve womens health in their community. These include the development of a womens health and wellbeing strategy within their municipality, involvement in a prevention of violence against women strategy, consideration of mental illness, physical and intellectual disability in council disability strategies, and support of family friendly workplace practices. Forty candidates in the western metropolitan region declared their commitment to womens health and wellbeing in their communities prior to the election. Councillors in Maribyrnong, Moonee Valley, Brimbank and Hobsons Bay invited WHW to present further information for their consideration.

Womens Health Matters from Policy to Practice

A 10 Point Plan for Victorian Womens Health 2006 - 2010 The 10-Point Plan for Victorian Womens Health 20062010 was developed to provide a framework for action. As a determinant of health, gender must be reflected in mainstream health policy and in health programs and services. This plan recognises the impact of gender in health and health inequalities and seeks to address these. Setting an Agenda is a background paper that complements the 10-Point Plan, providing a context for the plans initiation and advocating for fulfilment of its objectives. This plan ensures a common commitment to health promotion across the state, enhancing collaboration between the regional and statewide womens health services through the Womens Health Association of Victoria (WHAV). WHAV members plan to update this document in the coming year to reflect achievements and changes that have occurred since it was first developed.

Photograph: Sarah Marlowe

Advocacy continued
Indigenous Family Violence 10-year plan and prevention framework Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families, Towards a safer future for Indigenous Families and Communities Fed Govt National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission Fed Govt Towards a National Primary Health Care Strategy Fed Govt National Preventative Health Strategy and Taskforce DHS Primary Care Strategy Complements the development of the OWP State Plan to prevent Violence Against Women WHW coordinated funding submission on behalf of WIFV partnership to bring family violence service funding to the west (March 2009) Established by Council Of Australian Governments (COAG) in December 2007 to develop a long-term reform plan. Due to report June 2009 on long-term reform plan. WHW submitted (March 2009) Reform community based primary health care delivery and review Medicare rebates. Report due mid-year. WHW submitted (February 2009) Federal Minister for Health announced April 2008. Listed priorities are obesity, alcohol and smoking. WHW submitted (December 2008) DHS Primary Care Branch includes responsibility for womens health program. Development of this new strategy commenced April 2008 WHW participated in regional consultations (December 2008) Examined maternity needs such as breastfeeding, home birth, rate of caesarean section, service access in rural areas, distribution of provider type. Government developing a response. WHW submitted (October 2008) Department of Human Services released on 19 March. Guiding principles include social model of health and equity and responsiveness to diversity. WHW submitted (July 2008) Announced February 2008 and established mid 2008. National Council active in development of policy. WHW submitted (July 2008) Family violence is the single largest reason that people seek governmental housing assistance. WHW submitted (June 2008) Guidelines listing policies that need to be adhered to in order to maintain health promotion funding. WHW had input through the Womens and Community Health, Health Promotion network WHW project, Girls Talk-Guys Talk, featured in action plan

Fed Govt Maternity Services Review

Because Mental Health Matters Victorian Mental Health Reform Strategy 2009-2019 Office of the Status of Women National Council for Prevention of Violence against Women and Children National Plan Fed Govt Which Way Home? Green Paper on Homelessness DHS Primary Health Branch Policy and Funding Guidelines 2006/7 to 2008/9

Victorian Womens Health and Well Being Strategy Annual Action Plan 2009/10 VicHealth Respect, Responsibility, Equality: Prevention of Violence Against Women Program 2007 to 2011

Initial 25 funded projects included WHW capacity-building project. Current 5 funded projects, include Maribyrnong Council project in collaboration with Preventing Violence Against Women Taskgroup, chaired by WHW WHW funded for initial project, which we continue unfunded Intended to encompass actions across 5 priority settings: education, workplaces, local government and community settings, sports and media. Work groups established for each setting and auditing current work. WHW participating in development through audit of prevention initiatives in our region and representation on local government subcommittee The HealthWest partners worked in collaboration in 2008-09 to fund consultants and guide a project to develop a conceptual framework for a new model of care in the west. The framework connects planning, prevention, early intervention and chronic care. WHW sat on project reference group and contributed to project funding

Office of Womens Policy State Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women

Healthy Communities, Healthy Lives - Model of Care in the West



Brochures with practical advice on collecting evidence
Womens Health West and Victoria Police collaborated to produce English, Vietnamese and Arabic brochures that show women how to collect evidence if their intervention order has been breached. Courts issue intervention orders against perpetrators of violence to protect women and children who have experienced family violence. The brochure was adapted into a script for a short YouTube film to be launched in the next reporting period. James (Chair) said he heard the program [Victoria] presented on behalf of Womens Health West and was very impressed with the program. He found the content interesting and it was very well presented congratulations.
Libby Jamieson, 3CR Station Manager regarding 3CR International Womens Day radio program March 2009

Strategic Plan 2009-2012

The latest strategic plan is shorter and clearer than its predecessor. Its a double-sided A4 handout that neatly and concisely sets the vision, mission and strategic goals for the organisation over the next three years.

Fact sheets
WHWs Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP) launched a set of fact sheets for service providers on topics including female genital mutilation (FGM), working with African women to address their health needs and a summary of the themes and findings from the African womens cross cultural exchange day. I am responding to the well presented andinformative Family Violence Resource Manual. It is so user-friendly, I found it a breeze to use.
Sophie Campbell, CAS Coordinator June 2009


International Womens Day falls on 8 March and is a wonderful way for us to connect with a long history of active outspoken women. In 2000 WHW started to organise International Womens Day events in the west. Each year we choose a theme to highlight and invite local women to speak, dance, eat and have a good time. This year we successfully obtained $11, 500 from the Reym Foundation to run two events and produce a history book. On 5 March 2009 at our International Womens Day lunchtime forum, Key to the Future: Unlocking 21 Years of Womens Stories, 44 women told their stories through a series of interactive workshops. There were four articles in local papers about the event. We employed a historian to collate these and more stories, plus photos and snippets of our work, to write the 21 year history of Womens Health West. The book will be launched in the next reporting period at our 21st birthday celebrations.

WHW News
We produced three editions of our colourful newsletter to keep our members up to date with WHWs projects, planning and achievements.

Family Violence Resource Manual

This year our information and administration worker collated an impressive manual of local resources, contact details and instructions for the family violence team that not only looks amazing but is invaluable to family violence staff.

Women in Melbournes West: A Data book
The WHW data book provides a comprehensive gender-specific profile of the health, safety and wellbeing of women living in the western region. The data will assist WHW in our analysis and advocacy and provide planners with downloadable data they can add to their own submissions. It is available at au/research/databook2.php WHW have been active in the local media this year, proactively commenting on key topics that impact on womens health and wellbeing in the western region including abortion, local womens activism and African womens health. Over the past 12 months, we distributed 19 media releases resulting in 11 news stories in local papers and online.


Professional Development
Professional development opportunities are a high priority at WHW.

Advanced Strategy and Governance Masterclass Advanced Word Becoming a Resilient Practitioner Best Interests of the Child Better Use of Emails CEOs Forum Changes to Family Violence Legislation Coach Skills for Managers Communities in Control 2009 CPR Training (annual) CRAF Training - Risk Assessment Family Violence Protection Act FARREP Training FGM Public Forum From Local to Global - Using the UN to achieve local change for women Getting Media Coverage Go West Conference Handle with Care, Managing Violent and Potentially Violent Situations HASS Training for Internal Contacts Housing Applications How to Raise Funds from Philanthropic Trusts and Foundations How to Survive and Thrive - PD Program Seminar HPR&D Team Development Day Impact of Abuse and Neglect on Children Cross Cultural Awareness Working with Indigenous Women Intermediate PowerPoint International Islamic Conference: Challenge to Social Inclusion in Australia the Muslim Experience Introduction to Domestic Violence Accreditation Training Male Violence Against Women - Forum Managing Projects Successfully Mind in Action Minute Takers Course Narrative Therapy Conference Occasional Counsellor Course Play Therapy Training Course Quality Workplan Preparations QuickBooks Certificate for Bookkeepers Senior Managers and Executive Forum Strategic Planning Made Clear Telling Stories / Child Abuse and Neglect Think Child Partnership Forum Traditional Practices Affecting Young Immigrant and Refugee Womens Health Assisting Victims Through Court Process Web 2.0 for NFPS What About the Children - Book Launch Working with Southern Sudanese Women 2 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 28 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 24 2 9 1 1 7 1 24 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1

WHW provides supervision for staff, tailoring the type of supervision to the needs of the work area: External clinical supervision for counsellors and intensive case manager Fortnightly internal supervision for direct service staff Monthly internal supervision for all other staff External group supervision for CAS and outreach teams Monthly management supervision for managers and coordinators, with occasional external supervision Bimonthly external supervision for CEO

QICSA (Quality Improvement and Community Services Accreditation) conducts an accreditation and quality improvement program to the health and community service sector in Victoria under license from the national Quality Improvement Council (QIC). WHW underwent the accreditation process over 2008/09 to meet industrybased standards as part of new funding prerequisites. Standards are divided into five general practice sections: consumer rights, access to services, service delivery, case management and working within the community. QICSA collected this information about WHW by reviewing documents, inspecting facilities and conducting interviews with staff and management. Assessors found that WHW met all requirements except one that we were deemed to have met in part to develop a more comprehensive risk management framework and staff worked hard to rectify this situation in order to receive our first QICSA accreditation.

Board Builder Conference Communities in Control Conference Nonprofit Masterclass in Advanced Strategy, Risk and Governance Strategic Planning made clear



I am always impressed by the WHW reception staff - when I come in, they are always friendly and attentive, they know who I am, they know about the meeting Im coming for and they make me feel welcome. Naomi Raab WHW Board Director

Occupational Health, Safety and Environment

Maintain an environment that protects health, safety and wellbeing and actively encourages safe working practices

Representatives of each area of the organisation to meet quarterly to ensure OHS&E is on the agenda of all teams Document, rate and treat OHS&E risks Develop policies, procedures and work practices to identify potential risks and implement regular audits Respond to staff requests to relieve stress by offering group relaxation activities Actively involve staff in identifying strategies to improve our environment

Maintain all operational assets and ensure a safe and responsive working environment Provide a friendly and responsive front of house reception service

Developed new terms of reference to define role of OHS&E committee Used risk management framework to identify hazards and treated. e.g. installed convex mirrors to treat blind corners and replaced hazardous worn carpet Installed white board for staff greening ideas that go to OHS&E committee for discussion. As a result of staff suggestions, WHW have implemented the following green solutions: All tea and coffee is Fair Trade Computers are donated to a recycling depot that remodel and distribute to those in need All photocopy and printer toner cartridges are recycled Purchase carbon credits to offset the output of fleet vehicles Electronic diaries remind staff to turn off their screen before meetings Initiated 14 WHW subsidised yoga and Tai Chi workshops for staff during working hours. Yoga attracted 14 participants and Tai Chi 10.

Coordinate the planning and implementation of building and refurbishment works Coordinate the documentation of policies and procedures including for accreditation process Monitor IT systems and support effective use across the organisation Provide administrative support to staff using clear process for requesting and responding Provide a reception service to service users and visitors of WHW, including provision of information and referral as appropriate

Additional building refurbished for occupation by growing number of staff Initiated document management system to monitor review dates of new policies and procedures Installed server with 300 Gb capacity, backup system upgraded to external hard drive system, installed dedicated spam server on network and upgraded virus detection software Responded to approximately 200 requests for administrative support with PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets, graphs, reports and collated data Provided reception service 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, responding to approximately 13,000 phone calls

Future Directions
Continue to identify, evaluate and treat occupational health, safety and environment risks

Environmental Sustainability
As well as implementing changes recommended by staff above, WHWs waste management and environmental care procedures aim to minimise our environmental impact. WHW comply with disposal regulations and environmental and waste legislation to avoid risk to health, safety and the environment.

Onsite Recycling Office Paper Other Waste Syringes Sanitary Waste

Material that can be re-used or reprocessed is recycled using appropriate recycle bins 100% (or nearest standard) recycled office paper Dynon Road Recycle Centre, Footscray Syringe containers throughout buildings Sealed sanitary waste bins provided in all toilets

Future Directions
Develop five-year IT plan Ongoing contribution to risk management framework

Organisation Chart



Robyn Gregory Chief Executive Officer Julie Veszpremi Executive Assistant


Jacky Tucker Family Violence Services Manager Michelle Vranic Intake and After Hours Coordinator Emma Intensive Case Manager Deborah Armour Disability Intensive Case Manager


Monica Benney Outreach Coordinator (Locum) Cath Kerr CAS Coordinator (Locum) Sophie Edwards, Vincci Law Family Violence Project Worker Rebecca VACP Counsellor Chantal Boorman Project Worker Angela Cole Quality Project Worker

Jo Harper Coordinator Operations and Personnel Systems Justine Carter, Poppy Mihalakos Receptionist/Administration Support Worker

Lauren Eagle Accounting and Finance Manager Meriem Idris Bookkeeper/Senior Administrative Officer

Tammy Vu Outreach Coordinator Victoria, Irene, Batsi, Christine, Luise, Hatice Outreach Workers Phuong CALD Housing Worker

Alfina Sinatra CAS Coordinator Jennie Child Outreach Coordinator Linda Refuge Worker Karina Childrens Counsellor Aurora, Edna, Sophie Outreach Workers


Nicola Harte Communications Coordinator Veronica Garcia Information/Admin Worker Esther Singer History Project Worker

Kim VACP Counsellor / Counselling Coordinator Ana, Rebecca Childrens Counsellors

Devika, Branca, Katheryn, Faduma, Tuyet After Hours / Intake Workers Rowena Refuge Worker Lynn Intake Casual Josephine Maria Power On Peer Educator Katie Clements Receptionist


Katherine Koesasi Health Promotion, Research and Development Manager Catherine Mayes Sexual and Reproductive Health Coordinator Anna Vu Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Worker Sally Camilleri, Kirsten Campbell, Lucy Forwood Health Promotion Workers Lindy Corbett Sunrise Group Project Worker Joy Free Researcher Reem Omarit, Rumia Abbas FARREP Workers Roslyn Beer, PatriciaChalmers, Jenny Hickinbotham Power On Peer Educators Wendy Burton Attendant Carer


Sophie Campbell CAS Coordinator Fabian, Samar, Leah Refuge Workers Wan Chi Childrens Support Worker Melissa Administrative Worker


Maureen Smith Regional Integration Coordinator

Tribute to Aurora McLean

It is with great sadness that the staff and board of WHW inform our colleagues of the death of Aurora McLean. Aurora passed away on Thursday 8 October 2009 after a long struggle with ovarian cancer. Aurora worked with WHW for a number of years in our family violence team and her hard work, team spirit, warm smile and cheeky humour will be greatly missed by her friends, colleagues and the women she supported.

Maeve Browne Reception/Administration Reqik,Zuleyha, JoyLee, Allice, Tania, Miriam After Hours / Intake Workers Shensev, Lucia, Gwyneth Refuge Workers

financial reports
DECLARATION BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD The members of the Board declare that: 1 The financial statements and notes: (a) comply with Accounting Standards and Australian equivalent of the International Reporting Standards (AIFRS) as detailed in Note 1 to the financial statements; and (b) give a true and fair view of Womens Health West financial position as at 30th June 2009 and of its performance for the year ended on that date in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the financial statements. (c) are, in the Boards opinion, in accordance with the Incorporated Associations Act of Victoria 2 In the opinion of the Members of the Board there are reasonable grounds to believe that the organisation will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Members of the Board by:

Lisa Field Chairperson 6 October 2009

Karen Passey Treasurer 6 October 2009


Retained Earnings $ 356,638 3,342 359,980 General Reserve $ 78,680 3,309 81,989 Total $ 435,318 6,652 441,970

Balance at 30 June 2008 Profit attributable to members Balance at 30 June 2009


Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Current Liabilities Payables Provisions TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES Non-Current Liabilities Provisions Other TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS EQUITY Retained Surpluses Reserves TOTAL EQUITY 7 6 5 8


Note 2009 $ 1,103,822 9,036 1,112,859 2008 $ 908,381 42,167 950,548

Note Dept. of Human Services Other grants Other income Interest Profit/loss on disposal of assets Total Income 2


2009 $ 2,645,812 130,296 81,112 72,123 42,013 2,971,356 2,237,135 66,195 4,965 35,754 44,188 73,380 11 12 173,597 92,728 94,041 146,032 2,968,014 2008 $ 2,356,199 140,161 209,945 69,125 24,249 2,799,679 2,060,685 75,312 6,138 27,708 44,035 87,676 132,177 15,123 90,317 246,793 2,785,963


234,715 234,715 1,347,573

162,497 162,497 1,113,046 408,207 233,924 642,132

Employee benefits expense Administrative expenses Board expenses Professional support Motor vehicle expenses Depreciation expense Occupancy expenses

4 5

598,117 258,666 856,783

48,820 48,820 905,603 441,970 359,980 81,990 441,970

34,333 1,263 35,596 677,728 435,318 356,638 78,681 435,318

Refurbishment expenses Other operating expenses Direct program expenses Total Expenses Net Surplus from ordinary activities




Note CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from grants etc Interest received Payments to suppliers and employees Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from (payments for) property, plant and equipment Net Cash used in investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Borrowings (repayments) for leased equipment Net Cash used in financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash held Cash at the beginning of the financial period Cash at the end of the financial period 9(a) 355 355 195,442 908,381 1,103,823 -227 -227 -156,041 1,064,422 908,381 38,188 38,188 -12,195 -12,195 9(b) 2,933,265 72,123 -2,848,489 156,899 2,700,127 69,125 -2,912,871 -143,619 2009 $ 2008 $

NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 1 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES This financial statement is a general purpose financial statement that has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and the requirements of the Incorporated Associations Act of Victoria. They are compiled on a going concern basis adopting the principles of historical cost accounting and do not reflect current valuations of non-current assets except where stated. This financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis.

Are you a member?

All women living, working or studying in the western metropolitan region of Melbourne are eligible for membership of Womens Health West, as are organisations whose client base includes the western region. Membership is free and includes a great newsletter and invitations to events like our AGM. Most importantly, our members help to strengthen the voice of an organisation working to bring equity and justice to women in the west. To find out how to join call us on 03 9689 9588, email or complete an online membership form at

Womens Health West receives funding from the State Government but we rely on grants and donations to help us extend our services. Any support that you provide will have a very real impact on our ability to meet the needs of women in the west.

$7 $30

allows us to purchase a metcard for a woman escaping violence allows us to provide an information manual to healthcare providers about reproductive health services for refugees from the Horn of Africa or to give a toiletry pack to a woman or a childrens pack to a child who has had to leave home without their belongings

Donations to WHW are tax deductible. To find out more about making a donation please call 03 9689 9588 or visit www.

$150 $1,000

allows us to pay accommodation for a woman and her children when there are no beds available in overcrowded refuges would assist us to run a financial literacy program for Karen women

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