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English legend (N) to feel dizzy (V) Whats more (CONJ) boat spicy To tell; to explain To fear; to be afraid seasickness Coca-Cola Taste; flavor even clinic To blow wind Cool; cold Goddess Peak Sichuan Province Hubei Province Hunan Province Three Gorges of the Yangtze River To confuse; to enchant For A poem

To stop Cruise Night To come and go To point out Landscape painting Fruit tree To go fishing To fall Smile Very, quite To save; to economize For ones lifetime Century Times; multiples; -fold 1/2 Life Money Gold Even if.. Arduous; hard Simple; plain Hardworking and thrifty


Day; life To produce; production Economics To bother about; to mind To save; savings To provide or to ask for a loan; a loan Mad; crazy To borrow money Debt Absolute Difficult; difficulty To lose face Timely; promptly Credit (card) Stable To pay The other; the rest Nonsense Concept Times; era To change To realize Advantage; benefit

To enjoy; enjoyment High salary Disordered; messy; chaotic Season Climate Complicated Heater Sometimes To move Skirt Had better; it would be best Cool Except; besides Route; itinerary To select; choice Modern Great Poet In ones childhood To recite from memory Familiar Page Bird

To push To pull To pay a bill Dinner; supper The more.the more Dining hall; dining room Taste; flavor Bill To snatch; to make an efforts to be the first; to fight for To ask/ invite somebody in advance By somebody do something To understand; to realize To invite somebody (to dinner), usually with the intention to pay Joke To add; to increase Generous In advance; beforehand Final; last Mutton Class According to.. To lift; to raise To hold up; to raise

Hotel First of all; firstly To receive To respect; to honor To follow; to carry on Joyful; cheerful To discuss; to talk it over To get angry Important matter; major issue Neighbor To criticize To decide Cook; chef

School starts Semester One class Physics Chemistry History Major Different Perhaps; maybe; family To discover; to find out Interest From childhood Science To enter College Literature Quite; rather Difficult and overloaded (work, courses) Especially Professor

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