Examen - 2013 03 15

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Exam: Aeronautical structures and vibrations Date: Name:

Instructions: 1. The student may bring any documentation he considers in electronic or paper format. 2. The exam has a maximum duration of 3 hours. 3. The student may use a scientific or programmable calculator. If he/she chooses to use the calculator from the mobile, he should pay attention to the points 5 and 6. 4. The exam must be solved by the student without any external support. 5. Mobiles must have the flight mode activated and laptops must disable wifi during the exam. 6. If the student is found while exchanging information with other person (students or others) (it includes phone calls, instant messaging, mail, etc) the exam will finalize automatically with a FAILED grade. The same rule applies is there is a breach in point 5.

Exercise 1
We have a fluid high pressure deposit that is attached with articulations to four horizontal cantilever beams, as shown in the top view figure. a) Calculate the natural frequency of the vertical oscillation of the deposit if it has a mass of 100 Kg and each of the beams has the following values: L=02 m EI=50 Nm2 b) One of the beams is suddenly released from the wall and it does not impose any constraint to the movement of the deposit. What is the new natural frequency of the system? c) After the event described in b) we need to return the system to the initial natural frequency. But we can only modify the mass of the deposit. Calculate the new mass that returns the system its the initial natural frequency. Note: You can consider that the beam tip movement (in the articulation) is only caused by bending moment and that the beams do not contribute to the kinetic energy of the system.

Exercise 2
The following structure is composed by two beams AC and BC joined by an articulation in C, and attached to the wall with an pinned union in B and a clamped union in A. The beam BC is loaded with a vertical uniform load of value p=11547 kN/m (per length unit) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Calculate the hyperstatic degree of the structure. Calculate the support reactions. Calculate the bending moment distribution in all the beams. Calculate axial forces in all the beams. Calculate the moment of inertia of the cross section. Identify position of the maximum stress in the beams and its value. Calculate deflection of the point C.

Note: Energy, stress and displacements due to shear forces can be ignored in any beam. Displacements due to axial deformation can be supposed much smaller than be ones generated by bending moment. Information: Structure dimensions: L1= 866 m, L2= 5 m and LAC= 10 m (The angle between the beams is 30) Material: aluminum E=70000 Mpa, =0.3

Cross section of the beams: Diagram dimensions are in milimeters. The orientation of the cross section in the structure is the one that provides the minimum stiffness

Exercise 3
Given a beam of length L, pinned at its both edges, a) Calculate the rotation of the extreme B as a function of EI, L and the applied moment on it M b) Calculate the required compression load that, if applied on the beam (without removing the bending moment M in the extreme B) doubles the rotation that appear in this extreme B. (Load must be expressed as a function of EI and L) c) Calculate the needed temperature increment in the beam in order to achieve the previous calculated deflection with the beam length fixed by its supports. The material has a thermal coefficient =10-5 (C)-1


L =1m E = 70 GPa I=


A = r2 r = 10 2 m
Mathematical help:

x 2 2 x +1 = 0 tan x 3

x1st solution = 2'4605...

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