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awieet wa nate mast as fre ava di fire ary wate ~s atbaaer aa (‘acai drat em) at eet fret ata Reararare OWT T Trey} fn anita ten gy 6 Boe Ras, aT Paaat Wea ge ORS H ceR TRL waRtah atta cltartate gat sa 9a, aretteaPahh art aa a | SALT Fa set sea, Tat tat aT wT aT ares warts ares aah aves ante aa ax | RR GR CAR aR aT A TET Il Rei tw Ww tal eer STs ETT II wt gt aaa aT lat aig aT ga aarti seater fare araPe-eee | atideiae arava oa area a7 ferme laa =| cera I vant wat om cal aan =| dae (naw deme Rereo ] Approved by the Directors of Public Instruction, United Provinces, Bihar and Orissa, Assam, ‘ Bombay Presidency and Central Provinces. Be aa Aeros dada ee a wae wea TE Pgrra aa BIe | wera wears eo 7 FF sean aaretaarer aH ATE | ais ™ S| Semester este ene [fecxer a Perot rawr ah TR ARTA TT oH! ara fre ora rend Lit aa waa It Raat ane) (Ge Pafien) Edited by L. N. Garde ard Hanumanprasad Poddar. p.(indel Printed and Published by Ghanshyamdas Jalan at the Gita Press, Gorakhpur U-P. shatter atte THT TATE atarataftet saat ast atten afea attee fram Tr areaees feahara B10 GRE oes SARA HCI” were’ & Gierg'st es aft Reger are? & afafata atspameredt Rex ver eh awe Peat a 18 foe & fe ‘ca thereat ae era abe aitey srhfeer one Beie Pratt nh P ewe rar sidan Bp arcana atk Pravit eeat fear ona @ | sflarer weet Fae are an gerarat ce8 fad ®, aaa staan aaa oft @ | eeifes Safe at Feary ata sant fet sige Z| ar et reer af sears Fe AT ai we frederiine steal, fait aril 3k Perittacen feat txt & xe fer sift ater sa ee a 1 A ae safe eB aera ah ae saa erat let “ete aat 8 | Shar ad sfrs sear ow ue me Rb warar, wnat, Ga ay fra epee ae RG eaRAIG, wera, Pee, A ah Saat eater aiet eR Te adi cen wie | ae sa ara wit fraraite gets arnt Bh RR shmaarass aad seeders ate orara ath er Borie Et ak welt eres ere a eh ara a org sa wd we a oem) gedit wilt areran 2 sab cenit aft we fede waier 2, saver aera, ova af Bawa aaret afte & aati frerrma start sre, aa eon enfin og sroeaget Pret ee war wate et Efron’ star tke godt aa settee aera fran ar RA eee wderafii? ott Gftrarurercatifa? at maser BE aA ator aero arr go TT em ates ater at at cr 2 1 ear alata weer apft Bae aiherer sara 8 ait gaat TAT ET Mae Gai yey seat ag aha aD, are af ag ay ore Goo wdherelf weber AE ay aft sfararmaer det meat asa anit 20 dtercarsis om fae woe age HS shy ores etre A Beet sab afafea cal exer wr at ce artst fra aga at aaar 21 fae mar fx aa afk orcs wea Fark- at aneeaaat &, set amr Shit arena Frac seré eft aererramet fare oar shee fants stat enaersar® | attarararamt- tt ages ease A career et ares | tar di & ancia gest ak anak that wat oredias Gam wet ak opt fares ened Ht agt werzar SEA | ara 8 fe wh freer abafta ar aero rar meme GST aa eae eared waa Fa | wa ohiiedier sited ares’ aor aan 2, ras Pramrach orf en fe vacua Pr eer waar Re | weet sR sere vit aes as are | date, Artiaretaratite a ATTRA So mes (ciieeay ) ARNE “Calpana-Kaipatara” The Bliss. (English Bdition of the “Kalyan” ) ‘The “Kalyana-Kalpataru” has been im existence for over a year and a half and during this short space of time it has been able to commend itself to the notice of eminent scholars, journalists and lovers of religion almost all over the world, thanks to the unstinted help and ungrudging co-operation received at the hands of its generous contributors, who include saimts and savants of this country a well as abroad and represeuting various faiths and nationalities The “Kalyana- Kalpataru”, like its Hind: prototype, issues, at the beginning of each year, a voluminous and profusely sllustrated Special Number dealing with one main theme. ‘The maugural number for the first year was a "God Number” and that for the second year, a “Gita Number”, both of which have been highly appreciated in all ‘quarters for the broad outlook of their contributors, the Ingh standard and variety of thei articles, the eacellence of their getup and the attractiveness of their pictures The following are the tames of some of our contributors — His Holiness Jagadguru Sr Sankaracharya of Puri, St Aurobindo of worldwide fame, Pandit Malaviya, Mahatma Gandhi, Sadi Vaswani, Pandit Bhawant Shankar, Sex Anandsarup ( Sahebyr Maharaj), Dr Ganganath Jha, Principal Dhruva, Pruncipal Gopinath Kabiraj, Sri Keishnaprema Blukhati (whilom Prof. Nickson ), Rev J.T Sunderland, Rev Arthur E Massey, Rev Edwin Greaves, Prof F Otto Schrader, Dr Hemnich Lueders, Prof Otto Stratiss, Prof Helmuth Glassenapp, Prof Ernest P Horrwstz, Swami Abhedanand, Syt Hirendra Nath Dutt, Snamt Asanganand, Swamt Yoganand, Swamt Stvanand, Syt Nolinikanto Gupta, Svt Antlbaran Ray, Mrs Sopina Wadia, Dr I] S Taraporewalla, Dr M H. Syed, Prof ¥iroze Cowast Davar, Dr Radhakamal Mukenee, Principal Seshadn, ete, ete ‘The “Kalyana-Kalpatasu” supplies about £00 pages yearly and is printed on fuck 40 Ib paper. ‘The price of ats annual Special Numbers 1s Rs 2/8/- each Subscribers for the whole year will get the Special Number along with eleven grdimary numbers (contanine 48 pages and two ‘multicoloured pictres. each) for Rs 4/8/- only, which 15 very“cheap looking to the quality and quantity of t matter supplied, sean of the ‘Subsertbers are cnrolled from the beginning of the y« File fe first year, including the "God Number" can be had for Re 4/8/- pou un beautiful cloth, can be had for Rs. §/4/~ He same, bound SS nl attefte Ww pnt ee ee ' afte ct oRere ae 2, Ratt i - Reet | Ste te ttt tte ated wier areata 7 otteamratiar ai — strata (ara etorde sae fear anh at (koe sare geretdett aera) 7 8 soafiedtr oc meorateiiaar Seer (sheniatenioagersrta sage siveramrergaenerar are ah eediammarant aris aaa) wy gamer o ( srertare ) OR net sedis weer BR a freara aaah em aims ara fra Are aaa Bar . safe? (ae gerare sister araistt marr Pray, ae—oltatreret ) coaaifdta ( sftrearest aveast ) cae | (Amreerrtart enifre-orhie-aieararaart sara ean settee ae) 22 ocsfaltemoaiedin (aa aan do atrmremrenortt serra, water) by zie (ae stata ‘fare mere) asieaatat + armas (traeaiestl Dacor ) oeaiin sg Saen ( sree tie 2 Be fe ve Ww Xe usin (die sitregent ate) tone Feaa-sfeaa ( neritarer Sar AAR ss, we {ce fifore mine cera ras eet Losin Se areas a 2e-faifrerant ak Prema (agied- rad nate sforserarg ahrerh sifaarserstt weeach ) wet s-sterer att ( siearast ai) ay Renweatat ( ‘fara? ) + ae Renata at (ato strona te, He fez) Re Rar ole da (aio aera BHI Ee To, MTHS Fe) 88 esa er 2 (at stateraret eae te) wm aegumecae (sfenarererstt Serta ner qaTeART aRT) “8 Re Rala der ( said aRarseiat, Rania, ater ert airguns aera ) ae Re-tata ereTet maar (ge * sotast sue, Rete, set at) * oe Rocathiaatit asst (0 shegsarast at, Ure Zo, enfeeirard ) 8k ae-safeat dat (ames setae of carremmzrarard alt tee mult ahagaararést erat) 208 ae-aeat dia (steeafaerd) din axe we, ate se) + tok donshinzraaet aaaal (ve ahastact ‘SareTy THe Go, atheeaay ) + kos, 2e-aftrnfegt a (site gfe site srast sia, ame co, tte Re) te Rott Ger exe (shee frend) * ae secant aa aie ont (

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