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Paris, July 8th 2013 Portraits of o Women by b Kantar M Media: a mor re rational re elationship with brands s e consumer rs in Europe

e have comp pletely changed their re elationship w with brands in light Female of th he socioeconomic conte ext and the explosion of o the socia al web in th he last six years. y Kanta ar Media TG GIs Consum mer Insight e experts look ked at France, Spain, Ge ermany and Great Britain to understand u the t change through the e new Portr raits of Wom men study. . rational bra and is winning out over r the emotio onal brand d - The r Female consumers in Europe ar re tending to o question th he emotional register of t their relationship with ations based on emotion ns and value es are no longer sufficie ent. In 2013, , 13% of brands. Communica oducts on the basis of f shared val lues, compa ared with 26 6% in 2006. We are women bought pro ng behaviour rs and a rela ationship wit th brands tha ored in a at are ancho witnessing a return to purchasin ational appro oach, where products ca an no longer r be monetis sed. Some 48% of women are more ra opting f for the leas st expensive e products compared with 43% in n 2006, and d whilst 57% of them liked anything that was w new in 2006, 2 that fig gure has now w dropped to 46%. They y are less in nclined to re for a product that is free from add ditives, which h makes their life easier o or even beca ause it is pay mor good quality (57% in n 2006 compared with 52 2% in 2013). r their fe emale consu umers is also o fading. Jus st 11% of Eu uropean wo omen are Brands capacity to retain yal to the brands b they y like (comp pared with 14% in 2006). Although the beauty products now loy sector is s one where brand identi ity remains i mportant, it is still affecte ed by the tre end, with only 39% of women paying attention to it (com mpared with 51% in 2006 6). eing their Paid Media s strategy challenged by European E wo omen. Now that they Brands are also see ng a more rational r approach, they a are no longe er swayed by y former com mmunication ns codes. are takin They ar re now free to a very large extent t (52% compared with 46% in 200 06) from adv vertising messag ges, which th hey see as pr rompting unr realistic desir res. - Female e consumer rs are becom ming the new w experts of o choice With We eb 2.0, inter rnet users ha ave access to a multitud de of sites that give the em the opportunity to express themselves s in large numbers, to in nfluence and be influenc ced. At the s same time, the credit o consumer experience e has increa ased. The in nternet has become the e primary so ource of given to informa ation and 58 8% of European women use it for preference p when w researc ching, compa ared with 30% in 2006. The e influence of reviews s on the web w is therefore beco oming increasingly ant, rising from 8 to 18% % in four ye ears. significa Although h advice from m specialists s is still reass suring and acts a as a ben nchmark, con nsumer expe erience is now ov vertaking expert opinion ns. In 2006 6, 39% of women w said d they were e influenced d by the recomm mendations made m by spec cialists; the f figure has no ow dropped to t 30%. Con nsumer experts are in cess of cha anging camp p. The era of vertical communica ations is beiing put to the test. the proc Coopera ation betwe een consum mers is driv ving horizon ntal communications, w which are therefore less con ntrolled by the t brands. Raffatin, Ma arketing Director at K Kantar Media a TGI conc cludes: We e are saying g a rapid Muriel R accelera ation in these e phenomena a, which are more pronounced in European wom men, although h we also

see them in men. Brands therefore need to reinvent the way they communicate and their relationship with consumers by incorporating the changes into their Paid-Owned-Earned media strategies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Portraits of Women study is carried out with 20,720 women aged 18 to 60 living in France, Germany, Spain and Great Britain. It is derived from the TGI Europa database (carried out twice a year with 59,000 interviewees), which provides both quantitative and qualitative insights into 25 consumer sectors across all media. Consumer Insight from Kantar Media TGIs expertise relies on questionnaires which are updated regularly to offer solutions and analyses that meet the needs of advertisers, media and advertising agencies and media sales agencies. The TGI network operates in over 60 countries, enabling us to respond to media and marketing issues at a local and international level.

Kantar Media provides critical information that helps our clients make better decisions about communications. We enable the worlds leading brands, publishers, agencies and industry bodies to navigate and succeed in a rapidly evolving media industry. Our services and data include analysis of paid media opportunities; counsel on brand reputation, corporate management and consumer engagement through owned media; and evaluating consumers reactions in earned media. As the global house of expertise in media and marketing information, Kantar Media provides clients with a broad range of insights, from audience research, competitive intelligence, vital consumer behaviour and digital insights, marketing and advertising effectiveness to social media monitoring. Our experts currently work with 22,000 companies tracking over 4 million brands in 50 countries. For further information, please visit us at Follow us on:

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