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Caisson Floating and Sinking Study

Sl. No. Parameter Unit Value 1. Caisson Condition during Floating (Water inside inner sheel and annular space empty) 1 Inside Dia, Din m 21.984 2 Outside Dia, Dout 3 Total Height, H 4 Sea Water density, seawater 5 6 7 8 9 10 Concrete Mass Caisson Mass Outer Shell Mass Inner Shell Mass Top Shell Mass Total Mass of Caisson m m kg/m3 T T T T T T 25.016 16 1020 230.39953 319.7 74.402787 65.384989 29.082189 718.96949 6.6885639

Height of water column inside Caisson, 11 Hsubmerged m

12 Height of Caisson above sea level, Htop m 9.3114361 2. Caisson Condition during Grounding (Ballast Valve opened and Annular Space started filling) 13 Height of Caisson base from sea bed m Height of water column inside annular 14 region, x m 3.6514361 5.791073

Corresponding submersion of Caisson, 15 y m 3.6514361 3. Caisson Condition after Height raising, Ballast Valve Closed full and annular space dewatered full as planned for lifting 16 Buoyancy Force Required T 790.76446 Water Height available for Buoyancy 17 force m 10.34 Buoyancy Force available 18 T 1411.6854 19 Additional Buoyancy Force Available T 620.92093

Note: The anchors could not be fastened properly due to rough sea. Few people were on Caisson top to position it properly through win sea level, caisson started rippling slowly. It was difficult for the people on top to work. Ballast valve opened hurriedly. Uncontrolled wate Caisson. At the same time the diesel engine driven dewatering pump failed to start. Thus Caisson grounded and sunk into bed.


e inner sheel and annular space empty) As per drawing As per drawing

Concrete build-up of 1m height at the inside triangular annular base of Caisson was done to enable floating. As per available drawings

Applying archmedies principle: Weight of water Volume displaced by Caisson = Buoyancy Force = Wt. of caisson

Valve opened and Annular Space started filling)

To ground the caisson

Let us assume that, if Caisson has to be sunk for y m, the water should be filled in annular space to x m. Applying the same principle, Additional weight of water in annular space = Addittional Weight of volume of water displaced This desired level had to be such that the Caisson legs should have touched the ground. But, as the ballast valve opened hurriedly and the dewatering pump failed, the annular space fiiling was uncontrolled and it filled full.

Valve Closed full and annular space dewatered full as planned for lifting Required Buoyancy force is equal to Wt. of the Caisson Equal to Mean Sea Water Height Available seawater * Hsea * Vannular cylinder / m If this additional force is capable enough to loosen the caisson part inserted into sea bed, it shall float again.

y due to rough sea. Few people were on Caisson top to position it properly through winch. Due to swell and sink of ifficult for the people on top to work. Ballast valve opened hurriedly. Uncontrolled water inrush started sinking n dewatering pump failed to start. Thus Caisson grounded and sunk into bed.

Caisson During Floating

Cylindrical Height, Hcyl, 13620 mm

Total Height, H, 16000 mm

H, cone2

H, cone

H, cone3

H, submerged, 6.88m
No Fill

H, seabed, 10.34m

1500m m

D, cone3 D, cone2 D, in = 21984 mm D, out = 25016 mm

Triangular Height, Htri, 2380 mm

H, concrete, 1000mm

H, above, 3.46m

Bed Level

Empty Sea Water Concrete

The concrete filling is done in the annular section in the triangular base, from bottom to 1m above. Sl. No. 1 Din 2 Dout 3 Annular Width, W 4 Total Height, H Triangular Scetion Height, 5 Htriangular 6 Cylindrical Height, Hcyl 7 Vinner cylinder 8 Vouter cylinder Height of concrete fill, 9 Hconcrete 10 Half Angle, Tan 11 Hcone 12 Hcone2 13 Dcone2 14 Vcone 15 Vcone2 16 Vtruncated cone 17 Vconcrete cylinder 18 Vfilled triangle Density of Concrete, 19 Parameter m m m m m m m3 m m m m m m3 m
3 3




21.984 As per Drawing 25.016 As per Drawing 1.5 As per Drawing 16 As per Drawing 2.38 13.62 5167.2586 Din2/4* Hcyl 6690.8686 Dout2/4* Hcyl 1.360567 0.6302521 Htriangular/W 19.846027 Dout/2Tan 18.846027 Hcone - Hconcrete 23.301 Dout - (2* Hcone2 * Tan) 3249.808 1/3* * Dout2/4 * H 2677.425 1/3* * Dcone22/4 * Hcone2 572.38307 Vcone - Vcone2 668.38288 * Dout2/4 * Hconcrete 95.999802 Vconcrete cylinder - Vtruncated cone 2.4 Assumed 230.39953 Vfilled triangle * 21.984 Din 2208.7978 1/3* * Dcone32/4 * Hcone3 128.17233 * Dout2/4 * Htriangular - (Vcone - Vcone3) 1523.61 Vouter cylinder - Vinner cylinder 111.86564 Vannular cylinder / Hcyl 8 8 8

m3 m3 m3 T/m3 T m m m3 m3 m3 m3 mm mm mm T/m T T T T T


20 Mass of Concrete, Mconcrete 21 Hcone3 22 Dcone3 23 Vcone3 24 Vfull traingle 25 Vannular cylinder 26 Vannular cylinder / m 27 Outer Shell Thickness, T out 28 Inner Shell Thickness, Tin 29 Top Shell Thickness, T top 30 Steel Density, steel 31 Outer Shell Mass, Mshellout 32 Inner Shell Mass, Mshellin 33 Top Shell Mass, Mshelltop Caisson Structural Mass, 34 Mcaisson 35 Total Caisson Mass, Mtotal


17.466027 Hcone - Htriangular

7.4 74.402787 2 * * Dout/2 * H * Tout * steel 65.384989 2 * * Din/2 * H * Tin * steel 29.082189 * Dout/22 * Tout * steel 319.7 As per Drawing 718.96949 Mconcrete + Mcaisson + Mshellout + Mshellin + Mshelltop 1 13.62 21.984 Hcylinder Larc * Din (Approximating the section to rectangular)

Central Section Arc Length, 36 Larc m Height of Central Scetion 37 Empty Arc, Harc m

Volume of Central Section / 38 m, Vcentral / m m Volume of Central Section Arc Length, Vcentral

Larc * Din * Hcylinder (Approximating the section to rectangular) m 299.42208 Applying Archemedes Principle, Wt of water displaced = Total Wt. of Caisson. This gives, [{(Hsubmerged - Htriangular) * (Vannular cylinder /


+Vcentral / m)}+ Vfull triangle] * seawater = Mtotal This gives, Hsubmerged

40 Hsubmerged 41 Vdisplaced Mean Sea Level from Sea 42 Bed, Hsea Caisson Base from mean 43 sea bed

m m3 m m

= [{(Mtotal / seawater)- Vfull triangle} / (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)]+ 6.6885639 Htriangular 704.87205 (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)* (Hsubmerged - Htriangular) + Vfull traingle 10.34 3.6514361 Hsea - Hsubmerged

Additional Water Required to be displaced for Caisson m3 44 Grounding, Vadditional Annular and Central Space Water Colum Height to Ground Caisson, Hground 45

488.74341 (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)* (Hsea - Hsubmerged)


Htriangular + [{Vadditional - (Vfull triangle - Vfilled triangle)} / (Vannular cylinder / m + V central / m)]

Additional Mass of the 46 Raising material, Madditional Composite Mass After 47 Height Raising, Mfinal 48 Buoyancy Force Required Water Height available for 49 Buoyancy force 50 Buoyancy Force available Additional Buoyancy Force 51 Available

T T T m T T

71.794965 (Hadditional / H) * (Mcaisson + Mouter shell + Minner shell) 790.76446 Mtotal + Madditional 790.76446 Required Buoyancy force is equal to Wt. of the Caisson 10.34 Equal to Mean Sea Water Height Available 1411.6854 seawater * Hsea * (Vannular cylinder / m + V central / m) If this additional force is capable enough to loosen the caisson 620.92093 part inserted into sea bed, it shall float again.

Caisson After Sinking in wrong Position

sea Level

H, seabed, 10.34m


13620 mm

16000 mm

Bed Level H, underbed, 4.66 m



Triangular Height, Htri, 2380 mm


D, in = 21984 mm

D, out = 25016 mm
No Fill Empty Sea Water Sand Concrete

Drag Force Calculation

Sl. No. Parameter Drag due to Wind 1 Wind Speed in KMPH 2 Wind Speed in m/sec, Vair 3 Air Density, air 4 Equivalent Pressure, Peq 5 Accln due to gravity, g 6 Outer Dia, Dout 7 Eposed Height, Hexp 8 Total Surface Area equivalent to exposed height Unit km/hr m/sec kg/m N/m
3 2 2


Remarks 40 Assumed

11.111111 1 61.728395 1/2 * air * Vair2 9.81 25.016 9.3114361 H - Hsubmerged 731.41554 2 * * Dout/2 * Hexp 365.70777 1/2 * 2 * * Dout/2 * Hexp 22574.554 Peq * Aexp 2.3011778 Feq / g 3 Assumed 0.8333333 1020 354.16667 1/2 * water* Vwater2 6.6885639 Hsubmerged 525.3883 2 * * Dout/2 * Hexp 262.69415 1/2 * 2 * * Dout/2 * Hexp 93037.511 Peq * Aexp 9.4839461 Feq / g 11.785124 Fdrag air + F drag water

m/sec m m m m N T km/hr m/sec kg/m N/m m m2 m2 N T T

3 2 2 2

9 Exposed surface area, Aexp 10 Equivalent Force, Feq 11 Force converted to mass, Fdrag air Drag due to Water 12 Water Speed in KMPH 13 Water Speed in m/sec, Vwind 14 Water Density, weter 15 Equivalent Pressure, Peq 16 Eposed Height, Hexp 17 Total Surface Area equivalent to exposed height

18 Exposed surface area, Aexp 19 Equivalent Force 20 Force converted to mass, Fdrag water 21 Total Force

Buoyancy Force, F(B) =V(displaced) * (seawater) *g

Bollard Pull Force, F(P) =P(Engine) / v(Caisson)

Drag Force, F(D) =F(Drag, water) + F (Drag, Air)

Gravitational Force, F(g) =M(total) * g

Caisson Sinking Calculation

Sl. No. Parameter 1 Vdisplaced 2 Mean Sea Level from Sea Bed, Hsea Unit m3 m Value 704.87205 10.34 3.6514361 Hsea - Hsubmerged 488.74341 (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)* (Hsea - Hsubmerged) Remarks (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)* (Hsubmerged - Htriangular) + Vfull traingle

3 Caisson Base from mean sea bed m Additional Water Required to be 4 displaced for Caisson Grounding, m3 Vadditional Annular and Central Space Water 5 Colum Height to Ground Caisson, m Hground caisson


Htriangular + [{Vadditional - (Vfull triangle - Vfilled triangle)} / (Vannular cylinder / m + V central / m)]

Caisson Refloating Calculation

Sl. No. Parameter 1 2 Additional Mass of the Raising material, Madditional Composite Mass After Height Raising, Mfinal Water Height available for Buoyancy force Unit T T T m T T Value Remarks 71.794965 (Hadditional / H) * (Mcaisson + Mouter shell + Minner shell) 790.76446 Mtotal + Madditional 790.76446 Required Buoyancy force is equal to Wt. of the Caisson

3 Buoyancy Force Required 4

10.34 Equal to Mean Sea Water Height Available 1411.6854 seawater * Hsea * (Vannular cylinder / m + V central / m) If this additional force is capable enough to overcome 620.92093 the frictional forces offered by sea bed on Caisson, it shall float again.

5 Buoyancy Force available 6 Additional Buoyancy Force Available

Submerged Height Calculation

Sl. No. 1 Din 2 Dout 3 Annular Width, W 4 Total Height, H 5 Parameter Unit m m m m Value Remarks 21.984 As per Drawing 25.016 As per Drawing 1.5 As per Drawing 16 As per Drawing 2.38 13.62
2 5167.2586 Din /4* Hcyl 2 6690.8686 Dout /4* Hcyl

Triangular Scetion Height, m Htriangular m m3 m3 m

6 Cylindrical Height, Hcyl 7 Vinner cylinder 8 Vouter cylinder 9 Height of concrete fill, Hconcrete

1.360567 0.6302521 Htriangular/W

10 Half Angle, Tan 11 Hcone 12 Hcone2 13 Dcone2 14 Vcone 15 Vcone2 16 Vtruncated cone 17 Vconcrete cylinder 18 Vfilled triangle 19 20 Density of Concrete,

m m m m

19.846027 Dout/2Tan 18.846027 Hcone - Hconcrete 23.301 Dout - (2* Hcone2 * Tan)
2 3249.808 1/3* * Dout /4 * H 2 2677.425 1/3* * Dcone2 /4 * Hcone2 572.38307 Vcone - Vcone2 2 668.38288 * Dout /4 * Hconcrete 95.999802 Vconcrete cylinder - Vtruncated cone

m3 m3 m3 m3 T/m3 T m m m3 m3 m3 m3 mm

Mass of Concrete, Mconcrete

2.4 Assumed 230.39953 Vfilled triangle * concrete 17.466027 Hcone - Htriangular 21.984 Din
2 2208.7978 1/3* * Dcone3 /4 * Hcone3 2 128.17233 * Dout /4 * Htriangular - (Vcone - Vcone3) 1523.61 Vouter cylinder - Vinner cylinder

21 Hcone3 22 Dcone3 23 Vcone3 24 Vfull traingle 25 Vannular cylinder 26 Vannular cylinder / m 27 Outer Shell Thickness, Tout

111.86564 Vannular cylinder / Hcyl 8 8 8 7.4 74.402787 2 * * Dout/2 * H * Tout * steel 65.384989 2 * * Din/2 * H * Tin * steel 29.082189 * Dout/22 * Tout * steel 319.7 As per Drawing

28 Inner Shell Thickness, Tin mm 29 Top Shell Thickness, Ttop mm 30 Steel Density, steel T/m3

31 Outer Shell Mass, Mshellout T 32 Inner Shell Mass, Mshellin 33 Top Shell Mass, Mshelltop 34 T T

Caisson Structural Mass, T Mcaisson

35 Total Caisson Mass, Mtotal T

718.96949 Mconcrete + Mcaisson + Mshellout + Mshellin + Mshelltop


Central Section Arc Length, Larc


Height of Central Scetion m Empty Arc, Harc Volume of Central Section 3 m / m, Vcentral / m Volume of Central Section 3 m Arc Length, Vcentral

13.62 Hcylinder 21.984 Larc * Din (Approximating the section to rectangular) 299.42208 Larc * Din * Hcylinder (Approximating the section to rectangular)



Applying Archemedes Principle, Wt of water displaced = Total Wt. of Caisson. This gives, [{(Hsubmerged - Htriangular) * (Vannular 40 Hsubmerged m 6.6885639
cylinder / m

+Vcentral / m)}+ Vfull triangle] * seawater = Mtotal This gives,

Hsubmerged = [{(Mtotal / seawater)- Vfull triangle} / (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)]+ Htriangular m3 704.87205 (Vannular cylinder / m + Vcentral / m)* (Hsubmerged - Htriangular) + Vfull traingle

41 Vdisplaced

Caisson During Floating

Cylindrical Height, Hcyl, 13620 mm

Total Height, H, 16000 mm

H, cone2

H, cone

H, cone3

H, submerged, 6.7 m
No Fill

H, seabed, 10.34m

1500m m

Triangular Height, Htri, 2380 mm

H, concrete, 1360mm

D, cone3

D, cone2

D, in = 21984 mm

H, above, 3.65m

D, out = 25016 mm

Bed Level
Empty Sea Water Concrete


Empty No Fill Sea Water

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