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Welcome t Th Gift - a Siml Pattern tht is Both Anint Wll Modern With a thousand and n u, tht can mk the

wrld a diffrnt place for you, for th l u lv, fr th people u dn't love, and fr those wh you hvn't even mt t. It may be that the act of giving Th Gift n mk hng t a fr widr lvl too; more nd mr mind become involved in this wonderful r, w might wll hv the rtunit t rmnntl influn mttr n a rfund ln f rlit. Hving wrkd rfinll with Energy Thri for mn years, I m very aware tht we riv fr mr information and inight but the ntur of reality around u than w could consciously vr understand, or evaluate, r even rnd t. Much f thi infrmtin i invisible - but u n still fl it nd it certainly h the wr t mk u h nd bright, r t bring you dwn; it i thi information r knowledge tht makes th hir n your neck ri n ntring specific building; that giv u a strange fling in th it of ur stomach bfr the telephone has vn rang, and tht accounts fr "gut lvl rn" to l, itutin, rl nd id. When you are engaged with another in n kind f hling rltinhi, nd this could b bth a professional therapist r just litning to a friend wh i in trubl and you are trying to hl thm mhw, both u nd I hv th wr to hl in a most profound way - if only w knw how t trnfr ur inviibl nd unkn understandings int action in some w. The Gift is th bridge vr whih ur deep and unspoken undrtnding nd ur knwing but hw to help can trvl to th other rn. It is t giv, n human alive can do thi - hildrn r especially gd t it - and you will knw that a hng has occurred whn you hv givn Th Gift. Wht xtl happens when u giv The Gift is a mtr. It h bn suggested tht you uld be mking a healing djutmnt t th thr' energy tm, r mb tht u djut the flw f the meridians through thir bdi, r rh lign a hkr r tw in jut th right w. I'm nt sure what happens, nl tht something happens, tht it fl wndrful nd right, nd tht it creates positive hng both fr th giver nd for the rivr. I invit u to tr it fr urlf. It' a iml thing t ndll libl in its very simplicity nd profoundly uful nd hlful in mn itutin.

Hw T Giv The Gift Very iml, w are going to k fr a mthril rrnttin of ur unique ntributin t th person t whm w are ging t giv Th Gift. The nm mthr mn a container - nd in th f The Gift, our mthr will "ntin" whatever th person nd from u t thi ri mmnt in time nd space. It uld be n understanding, a special vibrtin of lv, mthing tht might remove a certain ngtiv nrg, mthing tht could unblk something, r rvid nourishment in some way, urt, an embrace, a of silence r rh sanctuary r utnn. W do nt need to niul understand wht it i that w r giving; and I am ing "niul understand" bu when u have givn The Gift, u will have a diffrnt kind f undrtnding - you will knw tht it w the right thing to giv, bu it "feels right". Yu might nt be bl t explain in wrd hw it w th right thing - but then, metaphor nd intuition r from th unkbl rlm, whr wht xit is bnd wrd, nd that's jut fin. So, fr a mmnt, nidr a person to whom u might like t give The Gift. Allow yourself t consider them in ll w, and beyond the face they may be wearing, bnd their social ttu and lth, bnd thir rblm nd u, bnd any lv or jlu u might hv fr them. Cnidr thm nd thn ask urlf thi question: At this tim, at thi mmnt, I k wht gift I can give t thi rn. Rlx nd lt an idea or image bubbl u in ur mind. Thi img, und, fling r id i th container that will carry ur uniu gift t th thr. Here are m examples of gift that appeared when the utin w kd:

Now, take ur tim t consider the rn and find a gift fr them. Dn't rgu with ur hi nd t whtvr ring t mind; ur conscious mind dn't knw enough to knw what would be th perfect gift but ur unniu mind d, nd that is th l frm whr the metaphor ri.

Most l mr than rdil can think f mthing. Should ur mind go blnk, u can ithr lv th request t k wrking n it nd nd it t u a "flh of insight" t any tim within th nxt few d; r u m consider whih lur might b gd fr this rn, and then jut imagine a gift bx with a mthing ribbon on t in tht colour nd trust tht your rft gift will b inid tht bx. Nw, imgin the rn and imagine ffring the gift t them. This rt f the ttrn rt the trnfr frm u t them nd represents ur intention to be f hl. Tht i all you hv t do. Frm thn n, whatever hn nxt, will hn undr it wn r th intrtin unfolds nd th changes r md. Some things u might notice r come r whn u giv Th Gift r fllw: Sometimes whn u think of the rn, they appear vr diffrnt t what th nrmll lk lik - th m appear older, ungr, m b dressed diffrntl thn in "rl lif", r may be xring emotions thrugh their bd tur tht u r nt nrmll wr f. This i perfectly nrml and it i a ign tht you r seeing wh th really are. Oftn, u might xrin trng mtin urlf whn The Gift h m t ur mind. Agin, this is in a w th rrt rtin t this process and it tll u tht it i working. Emtin nd nrgti tt r inxtribl linkd in a single tm. S fr, vr rn who w offered a gift rivd it most grtfull m with tr, m with tnihmnt and gratitude nd m with hildlik delight. It is nivbl hwvr tht a gift might b rjtd. Shuld this hn, u uld k wht th wuld rfr t hv from u instead - there i mthing that i absolutely unique t u fr thm, tht th nnt gt frm nn or nwhr l. If u fl you n fill the request, go hd; but you l have th right t not fill it if it seems inappropriate r fl l thn gd t you. P ttntin t ur lf whn sending The Gift. It is ftn profound an xrin t giv it it i t receive it. It i nt necessary t tll people about the Gift, lthugh with gd frind it dd nthr dimension to th r nd if u can diu th ntur f th gift, gin trmndu insights int many thing.

You n give The Gift jut while talking to someone and without thm knwing nthing but it. Brifl fu n a l bnd thir hil body, nd u m be bl t imgin n trl copy of th person t whom u will give th gift. When you do this, ttntin t hw the other rn rnd when The Gift is given. Some people lose thir train f thought, m lk vr thir huldr; th r wr tht mthing h hnd whih, indeed, it h. Note l how after a giving f The Gift th ntur f th whl intrtin m t change fr th bttr. Rmmbr that The Gift rrnt n nrgti exchange, in it of th ftn seemingly iml r mundn metaphorical object that rri ur intntin r. Enrgti exchanges are felt nt hrd r murd with a Geiger counter; l ttntin t ur feelings nd ur mtin when giv Th Gift because tht is how you will knw that u hv done mthing imrtnt. The original ttrn f Th Gift was dvld fr hlr nd therapists wh were uffring frm xtrm vrwhlm whn fd with deeply unh, hill nd mntll scarred l wh wr suffering frm a liftim of nglt, terrible trauma nd lvln. Th Gift rt a trightfrwrd mthd fr their uniu hling energies and intntin to go the right l fr tht individual, and mt imrtntl, helped thm t no lngr fl overwhelmed and helpless. Th negative mtin f helplessness and niu overwhelm dir whn u u The Gift to hl others, and in ding, r a gift t u. A Gift Fr Yu Intrtingl, sometimes it happens tht a person t whm u have givn The Gift, will offer n in rturn t u - and I dn't mn people wh u hv tld about hving sent them a gift and who will nrl lw rirt likwi utmtill, but th u imgind ffring a gift t. Ndl to , l receive it in grtitud. As we have said before, thi i n energetic xhng nd nrg needs to flw freely bth frm you to thm, nd frm thm t u. Yu n l give yourself a gift in th same w u wuld t nthr rn. Thi is n interesting exercise n many levels nd it i intrinill very diffrnt frm other l' gift it will b ur wn nrg u are uing instead f a diffrnt flvur whih m frm nthr rn.

Yu m consider gift fr "past selves" - perhaps thr w a tim in your lif that w very trumti, or you "ud to b a diffrnt rn" which uull mn, a worse rn. To giv th rt f urlf gift n help t r-lign them, thir uffring nd t hl thm grow nd hl. It is ibl that there are rtin "t u'" that nnt be healed b nn thr than you yourself. Th Mirrr Gift A it i th case that people u in ur lives in order t b a mirrr to us nd ur wn rblm, and it i l th case tht m itr-in-lw lw gives m rnt h wuld liked to hv rivd, u might nidr whn you have givn a fw gift to your lvd ones, which n f th gift u would lik to have rivd wll, and giv urlf th same n, t. Gifts Fr Strngr A m intuitin inr, I used to find it hrdr and hrdr to trvl n ubli trnrt r b in crowded l, iml bu f th general unhin, lnlin nd uffring tht was mnting from the people rund m. Fr xml, I w an Indin lady with many hv bg t a train ttin. Although I helped hr carry th bags onto th trin, there w much dn nd hil uffring rund hr lik a drk gr fog that h hrdl md to notice me. I gv hr a tropical garden, nd h tk a d, deep breath and md t bm liv nd wr f hr surroundings. I thn wnt through ll th ngr f th train compartment, n b n nd flt myself gtting lightr nd more comfortable with h gift givn and hungril rivd. I received a numbr f gift in rturn also and lft th train full f energy and brightr thn I hd been in r. What I bliv i tht Th Gift is a ting stone, a lrning r tht will llw us to d thi t of wrk automatically nd withut u hving to even give ttntin t it once w are fully fmilir with it wrking. I wuld invit u to tr it for urlf, nd nt wht difference it makes t u and ur individul dling with trngr and r b. Gift Fr Animals

Animl (wild animals nd domesticated niml) are xtrml wr f nrgti shifts f ll kind, nd th t n riv Th Gift. Further, their feedback t riving th gift i immediate and clearly viibl in thir physiology, their body tur and thir subsequent behaviour. Here are a fw examples of gift for niml: - a gift bw (fr a dog whih ltr turnd out to hv bn "n unwntd gift"); - a foal (fr a mr wh w highly trung - n as the wnr thought f the fl the mare stopped dead, rlxd right ut nd td very uitl, with her hd drooping); - a blu grn blanket (fr a dg wh then m int th room fr "n gd reason" l down, at full trth, xtl in the t th blnkt "hd appeared" t the owner). A Gift Fr Th World If u remember, th riginl gift ttrn w designed to help with overwhelm. Wht n be mr overwhelming thn global issues such wrld llutin, world hungr, th suffering of ll th children, ll th niml, glbl wrming, wr nd fmin, and so frth? What u depression nd overwhelm i th thought "There is nthing I n do".

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