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This is a list of the files contained within the 'examples' directory. There are five text files.

These represent output data from a program which form s geological models from drill-hole sampling and the like Output Data.txt - This is the simplest model. It is in IJK format, with an econo mic block value. Random Output Data.txt - This is the same as 'Output Data', but this time the ro ws have been randomised. Created to test improvements in the transformation algo rithm 3D Random Output Data.txt - Again similar to the first two, but contains data fo r three sheets. Created to test the ability of the transformation algorithm in w riting to multiple sheets, with randomised data. Output Data (xyz).txt - In this format, the ijk data has been replaced by xyz. I n order to translate this, you'll need to put in the block dimensions, and the m inimum and maximum of the data area. This can be determined by looking at the da ta file. Output Data (grade).txt - This is the same as the first file, but the economic v alues for the blocks has been changed to a grade value. To convert, enter the ec onomic data required (and the block size) in the 'Transformation Options' window .

There are also several Excel spreadsheets which can be used to determine the ult imate pit limit. Moving Cone.xls - a simple block model which will work for all the pit limit alg orithms Overlapping cones.xls - Here is a case of two overlapping cones. The moving cone will work for this case. Now swap the 10 and the 7 around. What happens? Moving Cone - failure.xls - A classic case of the overlapping cone failure for t he Moving cone algorithm. Try this with the different algorithms and see what ha ppens. Pure3d.xls - a pit which is meant to be used with the Moving Cone's 3D mode. Dem onstrates how UPL creates a 3D cone, using the moving cone algorithm. Korobov.xls - a classic example of a pit which fails with the moving cone, but s ucceeds with the Korobov algorithm Korobov2.xls - another similar examplu. This one is extremely clear. Korobov - failure.xls - Here is the case of a 'failure' for the Korobov algorith m. This pit has a total value of zero. No optimal pit is found for the Moving Co ne or the Lerchs-Grossman algorithms, yet Korobov mines the pit, for a total val ue of zero. 3D - 2.xls - a slightly larger and more complex 3D pit which will work will all algorithms. 2D - Large (LG,1965).xls - A nice larger block model used for validation of the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm

LG problem.xls - This spreadsheet gave me a big scare when it caused a bug with my LG algorithm. Now fixed. For interest, see how the ultimate pit differs with the Korobov.

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