Hcbs Org Clearinghouse Clips - July 11 - 2013

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Don't Miss this year's National HCBS Conference The nation's long-term care system is in the midst of an historic shift from institutional care to individualized home and community services for older adults and people with disabilities. You are invited to attend one of the year's most important national conferences, the National Home and Community Based Services Conference (HCBS), which showcases innovative national, federal, state and local delivery and policy developments vital for assuring Americans of all ages and abilities receive the highest quality community living supports, care, and services possible. Due to the overwhelming success of last year's conference, many groups have decided to host special Pre-conference Intensives at this year's conference. NASUAD is working closely with the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to develop content for both the Pre-conference Intensives and HCBS conference. The pre-conference intensives and HCBS conference are designed to meet specific federal grant requirements. Review the Registration Information

A Profile of Older Amercians: 2012

Summary: This annual summary uses information from the US Census Bureau, the National Center for Health Care Statistics, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to display the demographic shift, as well as the health, geographic distribution and economic changes of those over 65 in the United States. This report found that 13.3 percent of the population is 65 and older, but this demographic is expected to grow to 21 percent by 2040. Changes from previous summaries are analyzed and projections are made. Topic(s): Aging Issues, Financing HCBS, Housing, Older Americans Act (OAA), Physical Disabilities, State/Agency Information, Sustainability Source: Administration on Aging, Administration for Community Living More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4079

Aging and Disability Information and Referral/Assistance Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
Summary: Review a new survey of organizations that provide services within the I&R/A Network. The following themes emerged from the survey: aging and disability networks continue to integrate; the use of technology in I&R/A service delivery is slow to develop; the role of I&R/A organizations is expanding; and there are opportunities for improved coordination and quality service delivery. Review the recommendations that address these themes. Topic(s): Quality, Resource Center, State/Agency Information Source: NASUAD More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4077

Basically CDBG - Course Training Manual

Summary: This training manual guides Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grantees in the implementation of local CDBG programs. This manual covers essential topics ranging from CDBG's national objectives to the details of administration. The manual includes 20 topical chapters that clearly delineate the application process, eligible grant activities, various CDBG programs and their standards, as well as performance measurement and reporting.

Topic(s): Accessibility, Employment Programs, Housing, Quality, Resource Center Source: HUD More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4080

Health Equity and LGBT Elders of Color

Summary: Ethnic minorities and LGBT older adults will continue to become more represented among the older adult population. A lifetime of discrimination has often adversely affected LGBT elders of color in a myriad of ways, including greater likelihood of financial instability and heightened health disparities. This report offers policy solutions to support the wellbeing of this growing population. Policy solutions include strengthened outreach and community supports to LBGT elders of color. Topic(s): Accessibility, Affordable Care Act (ACA), Aging Issues, Consumer/Participant Direction, Employment Programs, Housing, Long-Term Care, Medicaid, Mental Health, Older Americans Act (OAA), Quality, Resource Center Source: SAGE- Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4084

Health Home Information Resource Center

Summary: The Affordable Care Act authorized the Medicaid Health Home State Plan Option, which allows states to design health homes to provide comprehensive care coordination for Medicaid beneficiaries with chronic conditions. States will receive enhanced federal funding to support the rollout of this new integrated model of care. This link directs to the Health Home Resource Center that provides technical assistance services for states as they submit their proposals for these health homes to CMS. Topic(s): Accessibility, Affordable Care Act (ACA), Aging Issues, Housing, Long-Term Care, Medicaid, Physical Disabilities, Quality, Resource Center, Sustainability, Transition/Diversion from Institutions, Waiver, Workforce/Direct Care Source: CMS, Mathematica Policy Research, Center for Health Care Strategies More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4083

Keeping Up with the Times: Suporting Family Caregivers with Workplace Leave Policies
Summary: Curious about issues of family caregiving and the workplace? This report highlights three public policy solutions to extend protections for working caregivers and reduce worker turnover: unpaid family and medical leave, paid family and medical leave insurance, and earned sick time. It presents an overview of each policy area, explains why workplace leave policies matter, and highlights states and localities that have adopted these protections. Topic(s): Aging Issues Source: AARP Public Policy Institute More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4088

Long-Term Care: Perceptions, Experiences and Attitudes Among Americans 40 or Older

Summary: A representative sample of 1,019 adults ages 40 or older were interviewed regarding their experiences and beliefs about their need for long-term care services, what such care would cost, and how such issues fit into their concerns about growing older. This report outlines survey findings. Findings include, 58% of participants underestimate the cost of nursing homes, 41% have discussed long-term care preferences with family and 51% support a government sponsored long-term care insurance program. Topic(s): Accessibility, Aging Issues, Consumer/Participant Direction, Financing HCBS, Long-Term Care, Medicaid, Mental Health, Physical Disabilities, Quality, Sustainability, Transition/Diversion from Institutions Source: The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4082

Medicaid: A Program of Last Resort for People Who Need Long-Term Services and Supports
Summary: This report examines the importance of Medicaid as a safety net for financing long-term services and supports (LTSS). Most older adults will require some form of LTSS, but paid LTSS can be very expensive. Unpaid, family caregiving has enormous economic value and currently accounts for the greatest portion of LTSS provision. However, if an individual needs paid LTSS, and can't afford LTSS insurance, Medicaid is often needed after an individual spends down their assets. Topic(s): Aging Issues, Financing HCBS, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Source: AARP Public Policy Institute More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4078

Olmstead Cases: The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

Summary: This Clearinghouse links to documents for various Olmstead litigation cases. The Olmstead decision refers to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that set certain precedents for individuals with disabilities and their right to access community-based treatment options. Legal debate around participation in the many areas of community life have created an entire category of litigation and a wide array of this litigations supporting documents are archived here. Topic(s): Accessibility, Aging Issues, Children and Family Services, Consumer/Participant Direction, Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities, Employment Programs, Financing HCBS, Housing, Long-Term Care, Medicaid, Mental Health, Money Follows the Person, Olmstead, Physical Disabilities, Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness, Resource Center, Transition/Diversion from Institutions Source: University of Michigan Law School More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4085

State and Local Governments' Fiscal Outlook: April 2013 Update

Summary: An updated fiscal outlook of state and local governments projects an ever increasing gap between receipts and expenditures through 2060, absent any policy changes. The report found that this decline in the state and local government sectors' operating balance is primarily due to rising health related costs of state and local expenditures on Medicaid and the cost of health care compensation for state and local government employees and retirees. Topic(s): Affordable Care Act (ACA), Deficit Reduction Act (DRA), Medicaid, State/Agency Information Source: Government Accountability Office More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4081

State Roadmap to Peer Support Whole Health and Resiliency

Summary: SAMHSA has updated its definition of recovery as it pertains to substance use and mental disorders. This working definition and set of guiding principles reflects the increased role peer supports and Peer Specialists have been playing in mental health programming. This document provides a summary of SAMHSAs new definitions, as well as a checklist for effectively using peer supports in a variety of mental health programs. Topic(s): Medicaid, Mental Health, Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness, Quality, Resource Center, State/Agency Information, Workforce/Direct Care Source: National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4086

The Continuity of Medicaid Coverage: An Update

Summary: This report describes research conducted on the continuity of enrollment of Medicaid beneficiaries. Continuous enrollment in a health insurance plan promotes chronic disease management and is more cost-effective. The research found that Medicaid beneficiaries are on average enrolled in the program for just 9.7 months out of the year. This disruption in enrollment leads to higher monthly medical costs and interferes with efforts to measure quality of care delivered through Medicaid.

Topic(s): Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid, Quality, State/Agency Information Source: ACAP- Association for Community Affiliated Health Plans More Info: http://www.hcbs.org/moreInfo.php/nb/doc/4087

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