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Divan svet Nikijevih pomagala (specijalno za Stolarsku radionicu)

Table of Contents Divan svet Nikijevih pomagala (specijalno za Stolarsku radionicu) ............................................................1 Hi from Poland, drugi put..........................................................................................................................2 Do you have a "SawBoard"..... ..................................................................................................................3

Hi from Poland, drugi put

Na moj upit na Ridgid forumu, gospodin Avrahami Nissim niki mi je ljubazno odgovorio i podrao na sajt. Evo i njegovog pisma:

Dobar den Slobodan I visited your forum but I could not understand so much the language I was born in Bulgaria and left when I was 3 years old but, my parents were talking to me in "Bulgarski" so I could understand a few words in Yugoslavian but not to communicate. I live in Poland but I'm not "Poljak"...originally, I'm an Israeli...I live in Poland only 4 years. Don't worry about "overstepping my bounds", as you can see, I'm posting in many forums and even on Italian and Brazilian forums... My aim is to share my ideas with every woodworker in the world - especially with the amateurs that cannot buy every jig and tool. I have seen the links that you posted here- and I see it as a great honor But, they are not all...I have a few more jigs and "Work in Progress" that I think, that it may help to amateurs like me to see my working techniques. If you like you can post them in your forum As for the PDF files, they are made by a British guy (I'm member also in the UKWorkshop forum) but they also does not include all the jigs... (sledi spisak Nikujevih novih pomagala koji je poslao u svom e-mailu, a za koje je smatrao da ih jo nismo postavili na na sajt. Od itavog spiska ja sam pronaao samo jedan i on se nalazi u ovom dokumentu) Best Regards Pozdraviam niki

Hvala mu!

Do you have a "SawBoard".....

Good day ....If you don't have the SawBoard, you can make this jig from Plywood/Melamine/MDF. I have one and instead of making a special board for cutting tapers, I used it as "double function" (you know that I love them cheap, easy and fast) The idea is not new and has many versions...this one is my version... Well, enough have 34 pictures to see... Best regards niki












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