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COMING OUT S01E03 "Parallels" By Mike Veino & Mario Portillo

Mike Veino Mario Portillo

EXT. JIMMYS HOUSE - AFTERNOON Sarah, upset, has cell phone to ear. JIMMY answers. SARAH Hey. Are you home? I had a bad day, and I need to talk to you about some things. JIMMY (V.O.) Babe, Id love to have you over, you know that, but my mom came home from work early. Shes really sick; Im taking care of her and I dont want you to catch anything. Sarah looks at the driveway. A young mans car. No minivan. SARAH (suspicious) Okay, I have to go. I love you. JIMMY I love you, too. How about we meet up later and Ill make you forget about everything. SARAH (annoyed) Yeah...sounds like fun. Sarah hangs up. Walks down the driveway. A window. Jimmys bedroom. Another girl. Only a bra on. Jimmy kisses her. He pushes her onto the bed, out of sight. Jimmy, 18, wears a white beater to show off his muscular physique. Sarah leaves the driveway. Stops at the end. Turns towards the house. She becomes determined. Moves to the door. Unlocks it with her key.

INT. JIMMYS HOUSE - HALLWAY ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Sarah storms towards his room. SARAH (loudly) Hows your mom doing? She opens his door.


BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Jimmy jumps to his feet. The girl covers herself. JIMMY Babe, ISARAH You fucking idiot! What are you doing?! After everything Ive done for you? After what I did today?! What if I had gotten caught?! God! Sarah takes a video game case off the shelf. Throws it at Jimmy. SARAH (CONTD) You... Another. SARAH (CONTD) ...fucking... Another. SARAH (CONTD) ...asshole! Girl gets up. As she grabs her clothes: GIRL I should go. Girl exits. SARAH How many times? How many times have you done this? Jimmy hesitates. JIMMY How could you even ask me that? SARAH Im an idiot. I kept telling people, you dont know him, hes a sweet guy. Turns out everyone does know you better than I do!




JIMMY Wheres that coming from? Andrew? That little faggSARAH NO! Shut up. You want to know what I was doing last night? I was with him, and I kissed him! JIMMY I knew you liked him, you little sluSARAH Slut?! Oh yeah, Im the slutty one here. Sarah grabs his laptop. Throws it to the ground. Smash. Stomps on it. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. SARAH (CONTD) It was a happy fucking birthday, wasnt it? Sarah leaves the room, only allowing a tear to come once she leaves. 4 INT. CHRISTIANS HOUSE - BEDROOM - EARLY EVENING Christian lies in bed, smirking. His cell phone RINGS. 5 CHRISTIANS CALL SCREEN has a photo of Andrew. His status update: "Andrew is not gay, please stop messaging me." Answers on speakerphone. Places phone next to him. CHRISTIAN I heard about biology, but this is not a gANDREW (V.O.) Christian. I dont know what just happened. Im not even sure it did happen.




CHRISTIAN Listen, I was a little concerned you hadnt called yet and I do care, butINTERCUT BETWEEN ANDREW AND CHRISTIAN 6 INT. ANDREWS CAR - AFTERNOON Andrew sits in the drivers seat, shaking. ANDREW I just had sex with Ms Lowell. Christian closes his mouth. Stares at ceiling, shocked. ANDREW (V.O.)(CONTD) Dude? CHRISTIAN Im sorry, I thought you said something epic. ANDREW I had detention and it just got out of hand really quickly. CHRISTIAN Andrew, I want you to focus because this is critical: what did you say that made it happen? ANDREW I have no idea! I tried flirting with her just like you said. CHRISTIAN Just like I said? I was very vague, I need details. ANDREW I thought we were talking about my problems with Sarah and the next thing I know were awkwardly cleaning our lab station. Christian lay in disbelief. Deadpan.




ANDREW (CONTD) You still there? CHRISTIAN (veiled anger) Yeah. ANDREW I cant go home right now. My moms gonna ask how my day was, and I cant keep a secret. You know how she is, shell make this an issue. CHRISTIAN Come over in like an hour, and well chill in the basement. Give me some time, go get some ice cream and brownie mix, or something. ANDREW Okay. CHRISTIAN I got to go. Ill see you later. Christian hangs up. Tosses phone. Relaxes. Harvey emerges from Christians lower half. Lays next to Christian. HARVEY I knew she was a slut. Harvey laughs. Christian sighs. CHRISTIAN Alright, we only got an hour left, lets do this. Christian rolls on top of him, kissing his neck. Harvey giggles. 7 INT. ELLENS HOUSE - BEDROOM - EARLY EVENING Ellen and Sarah sit on the bed. Sarah holds a small glass bong in her lap as she exhales a plume of smoke. Ellen eats from a tub of brownie ice cream. They watch TV. Ellen tries to hand Sarah the ice cream.




ELLEN (mouthful) Want some? Sarah turns to face Ellen. SARAH (reluctantly) Did you know? Ellen turns to face Sarah. Pauses. Ellen puts the ice cream down. ELLEN Kind of. SARAH Why didnt you tell me? ELLEN Because I never knew for sure. SARAH But you had heard something, right? And you didnt tell me. A tear falls down Sarahs face. She looks away. ELLEN (dismissive) Sarah, please... Sarah turns back to face Ellen. ELLEN (CONTD) Do you remember that rumor about Jimmy cheating on you about a month after you two were dating? SARAH Yeah.. ELLEN When it turned out to not be true you wouldnt talk to me for a month. SARAH Youre right, Im sorry. Still, I wish somebody had told me. I feel like an idiot.


CONTINUED: ELLEN I tried dropping hints. You always seemed content; thats why we thought everything was fine. SARAH We? Ellen stares at Sarah. Turns away. Grabs ice cream.


Sarah stares at Ellen, who looks at Sarah out of the corner of her eye as she shovels ice cream into her mouth, pretending to watch TV. SARAH Ellen? ELLEN (mouth overflowing) Yes? Ellen starts laughing. Covers her mouth with her hand. SARAH What did you mean when you said "we?" ELLEN Me and Andrew. Sarahs mouth drops. SARAH What? ELLEN And Christian, but thats it. SARAH Did everyone know? ELLEN Yeah...well, one ever knew. Andrew never had a doubt, but no evidence. SARAH And he never told me? ELLEN (giggling) I think he tried to tell you today. Sarah frowns at Ellen. (CONTINUED)



ELLEN (CONTD) Would you have believed him? SARAH Probably not, but I would have liked to be aware. ELLEN Well maybe he didnt want to ruin his chances. SARAH What do you mean? ELLEN Obviously hes in love with you. SARAH Maybe he has a crush on me, but hes never done anything about it. I wouldnt say love. ELLEN Well, he would. Christian did. SARAH (shocked) You hung out with Christian? Without Andrew? Ellen smiles devilishly. Giggles. SARAH (CONTD) (gasps) You didnt! ELLEN There was an afternoon where we spent a few hours doing some things that included talking. Hands were used more though. SARAH ELLEN Or mouths, those were used too. SARAH I thought you hated him for being so...manwhorey.


CONTINUED: ELLEN I do, I do. Okay, I dont. Youve seen his hands, right? Ive slept with a drummer, its basically the same thing. SARAH Wait, Christian said Andrew loves me? ELLEN He did indeed. SARAH Why didnt he say anything. ELLEN Probably afraid youd reject him. Sarah groans. Drops head into hands. SARAH He hates me now, like, theres no way I can ever face him again. ELLEN I know, that was kind of gross. Getting sperm all over his face. Sarah groans again. ELLEN (CONTD) (mocking) Dont worry, theyre probably eating ice cream and watching chick flicks. 8 INT. CHRISTIANS HOUSE - BASEMENT Andrew stares off into space. Lost in himself. CHRISTIAN (O.S.) I got a big, old bowl of ice cream for you, buddy. Andrew looks to Christian. Leans head down. A bong is heard being hit off screen. WIDER ON ANDREW sitting on a dirty couch with a long, acrylic bong in his hand.





Christian puts a tray of brownies down on a coffee table. Andrew holds in the smoke. Christian sits in a recliner. Andrew exhales. ANDREW How do you keep your mom from trying these? CHRISTIAN When shes drunk, I tell her the truth. When shes sober, I ask her what the ladies at Weight Watchers would think. (BEAT) Hand that to me. Andrew passes the bong. Leans back. Covers face with hands. ANDREW I cant believe I fucked a teacher. CHRISTIAN (calm) I was going to avoid the elephant in the room, but now that you bring it up: (angry) I cant believe you fucked a teacher! ANDREW Jesus, are you okay? CHRISTIAN I had one rule, Andrew. One. You broke my one rule. ANDREW Im not sure I remember what youre referring to. CHRISTIAN You cant be cooler than me. ANDREW Okay...




CHRISTIAN You slept with a teacher. My mental award is lost. Everyone will tell their children about that guy that banged the hot bio teacher. Not the guy who had sex with a quarter of the school. ANDREW People wouldnt tell their kids abou-- wait, how much of our school? CHRISTIAN Dont concern yourself with it. (BEAT) We need to find a way to save my reputation. 9 INT. ELLENS HOUSE - BEDROOM ELLEN You cant. SARAH He needs to know that I didnt know. ELLEN Yeah, that doesnt change the whole semen on his face thing. Sarah hops off bed. Takes out phone. Ellen follows suit. Tries to wrestle phone away. ELLEN (CONTD) Dont call him. Let him be mad, hell get over it in like a day. Ellen gets the phone. Wrestling stops. Give each other space.




SARAH What if I text him? ELLEN Please dont. That wont go well. SARAH Youre right, youre right. Ellen returns cell to Sarah. Sarah starts to text. Ellen tries to interfere. Sarah blocks her with her body. SARAH (CONTD) That doesnt mean I dont make bad decisions. SMS CONVERSATION shows Sarahs latest text: "hey i wanna talk" 10 INT. CHRISTIANS HOUSE - BASEMENT HEAVILY INSTRUMENTAL, TRIPPY MUSIC plays in the background. Andrew and Christian veg out. Andrews phone, on the table, PINGS. Andrew leans forward to check it. ANDREW Fuck. Its Sarah. CHRISTIAN Obviously if I fucked a different teacher itd look desperate. ANDREW (groan) I forgot all about that. CHRISTIAN It was the hottest teacher in school no less. (BEAT) Okay, maybe thats arguable.




ANDREW Are you even listening anymore? CHRISTIAN Im sorry...its just that you FUCKED A TEACHER! ANDREW SHHHHH...shut the fuck up, dude. Ceiling creaks. Footsteps on the stairs. A middle aged woman with fiesty eyes and a lighthearted smile, CHRISTIANS MOM, enters. CHRISTIANS MOM Boys, whats going on? Is someone yelling? CHRISTIAN My bad, mom, lost control of the volume. ANDREW Sorry, Mrs. Notch. As Christians Mom approaches the boys: CHRISTIANS MOM Sweetheart, I havent been Mrs. Notch for a while. Christians Mom stops next to Christians recliner. CHRISTIANS MOM (CONTD) You kids need anything? Im thinking of making cookies. ANDREW You know I love your cookies more than anything, but I filled up on brownies. Christian scowls. Points his finger at Andrew. CHRISTIANS MOM Oh, you two. If there wasnt so much weed in those Id try one. Or if I was younger. Christians Mom laughs. (CONTINUED)



Christian stops pointing. Looks at his mother. CHRISTIANS MOM (CONTD) You two have fun, just dont get into any trouble. Christian stares off into space, confused. His mom leaves. CHRISTIAN (to himself) That changes a lot. It also raises a few questions. Christian jumps out of the chair. Grabs a pillow. Thwap! Thwap! Thwap! CHRISTIAN (CONTD) And dont flirt with my mom. ANDREW You told me to flirt with everyone! Christian falls back into the recliner. CHRISTIAN Its not that Im mad, its just, what was over the top? A teacher. Now, whats over over-the-top? A mother, or father or something. Hand me the bong. Andrew hands over the bong. Christian packs it. Hits it. He sucks the smoke up. Lies back, exhales upward. CHRISTIAN (CONTD) You broke my one rule, Andrew. Why hast thou forsaken me, thy teacher? ANDREW Wow, this is really bothering you, isnt it? CHRISTIAN I got over it a while ago, now Im just giving you shit. Theres a plan in the works.

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