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siddharth DOB: 28:07:1980 ; TOB: 02:59:00AM ; POB: Pune (INDIA)

Astrological Particulars

Date of Birth : Time of Birth : Place of Birth : Longitude : Latitude : Time Zone : War/Daylight Corr.: GMT at Birth : LMT Correction : Local Mean Time :

28 July 1980 (Monday) 02:59:00AM Pune , INDIA 073:50:00E 018:31:00N -05:30:00 hrs 00:00:00 hrs 21:29:00 hrs -00:34:40 hrs 02:24:20 hrs Sidreal Time : Sun Rise Time : Sun Set Time : Aynamsha : Vikram SamvatSaka SamvatSamvatsarSamvatsara Lord: 22:47:10 hrs 06:13:46AM 07:08:32PM N.C.Lahiri (023:35:09) 2037 1902 Shrimukha Brihspati

Avakahad a Chakra
Lagna (As cend ant) : Lagna Lor d : Rashi (Moon-sig n) : Rashi Lord : Nakshatra (Co nstellatio n) : Nakshatra-lord : Nakshatra Cha ran : Paya (Pos ture) : Ritu (Seas on) : Masa (Month) : Paks ha : Tithi (Mo on's elongation) : Tithi Class : Tithi Lord : Karana (Ha lf-T ithi) : Karana Class : Karana Lord : Gana (Sp iritual inclination) : Varna (Ego develo pme nt) : Yo ni (Nature) : Surya Sid dhanta Yo ga : Rajju (P rone part) : Vashya (Com patibility) : Tatwa (Elem ent) : Tatwa Lord : Vihaga (Sym bol) : Nadi (Health) : Nadi-pad a (C ons titutio n) : Ad yakshar a (Firs t letter) : Taurus Venus Cap ricor n Saturn Shravana Moon 1 Rajata Vars ha Shravana Kris hna Pratip ada Nand a Sun Balava Chara Brahma Deva Vais hya Monkey(F) Preeti Kantha JalaChara Vayu Saturn Kukkuta Antha(Shleshm a) Ad i(Vata) Khi Rashi : Masa : Tithi : Day : Nakshatra : Prahar : Lagna : S S Yog a : Karana:

Ghatak Chakra
Sim ha Bais hakha 4,9,14 Tuesd ay Rohini 4 Kumb ha Ganda Shakuni

Ruling Planets (as per K.P. System)

The W eekday Lord : Asc end ant Sig n-lord : Asc end ant Star-lord : Asc end ant Sub-lord : Moon Sig n-lord : Moon Star-lord : Moon Sub-lord : Pars Fortuna (K.P.) : K.P . Ayanams ha V alue : Moon Venus Mars Venus Saturn Moon Venus 238:22:32 023:29:21

Western Astrological Particulars

Sun-sign (Wes tern) : Decanate : Face : Moon-s ign (W estern) : Asc dt-sign (W estern) : Ter m-lord of Sun : Ter m-lord of Moon : Ter m-e xchange : Leo 1

Aq uarius Gem ini Saturn Mercury ---

Ved ha (Inco mp atib ility with) : Arid ra

Mangalik blemish is not present in the chart.

Anand Soni ( India , Pune ) .Website - No 9822660231

siddharth DOB-28:07:1980 TOB-02:59:00AM POB-Pune

Planetary Positions & Dispositions

Planets Signs SignL
Ven us Moon Satu rn Mercu ry Mercu ry Sun Ven us Mercu ry Moon Satu rn Ven us Mars Mercu ry Ju piter

027 :14 :14 011 :22 :57 012 :47 :58 016 :17 :18 022 :56 :44 017 :14 :49 029 :37 :53 000 :04 :09 027 :15 :03 027 :15 :03 027 :55 :09 026 :38 :09 025 :37 :15 030 :00 :00

Mrigash ira- 2 Push ya- 3 Shravana-1 Hastha- 2 Punarvasu -1 PurvaPhalguni- 2 Mrigash ira- 2 UttraPhalguni- 2 Ashlesha-4 D hanishtha-2 Vis hakh a-3 Jyestha- 3 Chitra-1 Revathi- -10 4

Mars Satu rn Moon Moon Ju piter Ven us Mars Sun Mercu ry Mars Ju piter Mercu ry Mars Mercu ry

-- Jn yati Apatya Matri Amatya Bhratri Atma D ar a -- -- -- -- -- -- -

-- Friend 's House O wn N aks htra Neutral's H ou se O wn H ouse Friend 's House O wn H ouse Neutral's H ou se Neutral's H ou se Friend 's House -- -- -- -- -

-- W ith Malefic W ith Malefic W ith Malefic -- -- -- W ith Malefic W ith Malefic W ith Malefic -- -- W ith Malefic -- -

= 0 1 4 2 5 3 6 < N 7 8 9 :

Ascendant Sun Moon Mars Mercu ry Ju piter Ven us Satu rn Rahu R Ketu R Uran us R Neptun e R Pluto Chiron

a c i e b d a e c i f g e k

Tauru s Cancer Capricorn Vir go G em ini Leo Tauru s Vir go Cancer Capricorn Libra Scorpio Vir go Pisces

Lagna Kundali
Mer 22:56 Asc Sun 11:22 Rah 27:15 Jup 17:14

Navamsha Kundali (Trad itional)

Sun 11:22 Asc

Ven 29:37

1 12 8

Jup 17:14 Ven 29:37

Ket 27:15

2 5 8 11 9

6 3 12 10
Moo 12:47 Ket 27:15 Sat 00:04

Mar 16:17 Sat 00:04

6 7 9

10 11

Rah 27:15

2 1
Mer 22:56 Moo 12:47

Mar 16:17

Degree-Distances between Planet to Planet & Planet to Ascendant

Asc Asc Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto

--316 134 251 334 280 358 267 300 120 209 181 242


--179 295 18 324 42 311 344 164 253 225 286

226 181

--117 200 146 223 133 166 346 75 46 107

109 65 243

--83 29 107 16 49 229 318 290 351

26 342 160 277

--306 23 293 326 146 235 206 267

80 36 214 331 54

--78 347 20 200 289 261 322

2 318 137 253 337 282

--270 302 122 212 183 244

93 49 227 344 67 13 90

--33 213 302 273 334

60 16 194 311 34 340 58 327

--180 269 241 302

240 196 14 131 214 160 238 147 180

--89 61 122

151 107 285 42 125 71 148 58 91 271

--331 32

179 135 314 70 154 99 177 87 119 299 29


118 74 253 9 93 38 116 26 58 238 328 299


0,1,359 - Co njunction 119,120,121,239,240,241 - Trine

59,60,61,299,300,301 - Sextile

89,90,91,269,270,271 - Sq uare

149,150,151,209,210,211 - Quinc unx 179,180,181 - Op pos ition

Anand Soni ( India , P une ) .Web site - www.anand m.Contact No 9822660231

siddharth DOB-28:07:1980 TOB-02:59:00AM POB-Pune

Observations from Sarvashtakavarga

SarvashtakaVarga (337)
Signs Houses Arie Taur Gem i Cncr Leo Virg Libr Sco r Sag i Cp cn Aq ua Pis c

XII 3 3 5 7 4 4 2 28 3 3

I 3 4 4 4 7 6 3 31 3 2

II 3 5 4 4 5 8 4 33 7 1

III 5 4 4 4 4 4 6 31 5 5

IV 3 4 1 3 5 4 3 23 2 6

V 0 7 3 2 3 3 3 21 6 4

VI 3 6 4 7 1 5 4 30 3 4

VII 4 5 3 3 4 3 5 27 5 5

VIII 1 1 4 3 5 5 2 21 5 1

IX 5 4 1 2 5 2 6 25 3 7

X 5 7 1 3 5 3 6 30 4 1

XI 4 6 5 6 4 7 5 37 3 5 39 56 39 48 52 54 49 337 49 44

6 Saturn 5 Jupiter 4 Mars 0 Sun 3 Venus 2 Mercury 1 Moon


= <

Ascndt Rahu

Tatwa Chakra
SAV Dots In Agni Trikona Prithvi Trikona Vayu Trikona Jala Trikona Optimum
84.25 84.25 84.25 84.25

72 77 93 95

Favorable Direction
East South W est North

[ N.B. : The highest numb er of d ots indic ate the mo st favourable directio n (E, S, W or N). If two sec tio ns have eq ual or near-eq ual numb er of d ots, then the directio n will be s omewhere in-b etween (NE, NW, SE or SW ); it m ight even b e com pletely changed -- in case o f diametrically op posites (N/ S to E o r W ; E/ W to N or S) -- d epending o n which of the two p ossible o ptions has m ore num ber of dots. ]

Bhubana Chakra
SAV Dots In Kendra House-signs Panaphara House-signs Apoklima House-signs Optimum
112.33 112.33 112.33

111 112 114

Actions & End eavour s Financial po sition W asteful expenses

Disha Chakra
Bhaga Bandhuka Sevaka Poshaka Ghataka SAV Dots In Optimum Obtained 84.25 77 Bhagya Trikona 84.25 93 Karma Trikona 84.25 95 Labha Trikona 84.25 72 Vyaya Trikona Indications
Help from relatives/ friends Gains fr om s ervice Ad vantages & W ealth Misf ortunes & Lo sses

Yoga from Sarvashtakavarga

Dam ruka Yoga : Since the middle zone (f rom 5th to 8th house-signs) c ontain the le ast numb er of benefic dots in Sar vashtakavarg a, Dam ruka Yog a is present in your chart. You will enjoy m ore pro sperity d uring the fir st part (till about 24 years) and the third p art (ap prox 48 to 72 years) of lif e, in com parison to the sec ond part (appr ox 24 to 48 year s).

Anand Soni ( India , P une ) .Web site - www.anand m.Contact No 9822660231

General Predictions Related to Native

General Characteristics: Your Ascendant falls in sign Taurus. This sign has been classified as an
earthy, fixed or grave sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is fruitful, bestial by nature. For being born in this Ascendant, you are likely to have a proud, somewhat obstinate, passionate, and very determined nature. You will be a very industrious person, and become an embodiment of patience and perseverance. Lady luck will smile on you, and you will enjoy a prosperous life. You may inherit the gift of parental property. You will be fully aware of your goal, and with the help of your skills, you will shoot it perfectly. You will have very good understanding of trade and business, and be successful in business transactions. As regards to your inner nature, you are likely to have a somewhat effeminate, pleasure-seeking, and sensuous nature. Although you may be amorous to some extent, in your private life you will be extremely possessive and very demanding. You are likely to have a rather melancholic temperament, and may not trust new acquaintances easily. Normally, you will be slow to anger; but at times under provocation, you can suddenly become furious like a mad bull, and promptly charge forward to destroy or demolish your adversary. People around you may have mixed notions for you; while some close people will consider you to be dependable for your fixity of purpose; at the same time some others may consider you to be rough and unpolished for your manner of expressions. Since Venus is a female planet, you will love your wife and daughter(s) very much. You will be religious, honest and truthful. You will be justice loving and will never tolerate any unfair act. You will be very cool minded and will not loose your temperament without any reason. You will have fascination for watery places and love to reside near the river or sea bank. You will be helpful to the needy persons.

Physical Appearance: You are likely to have a relatively short, quite corpulent, and well-set
physical structure. You may have a swarthy complexion with full face, broad forehead, well developed chest strong neck and shoulders, and a wide mouth with heavy jaws and thick lips.

Mental Characteristics:In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Capricorn; it is the negative
sign ruled by the stern planet Saturn. It is a movable and earthy sign; among all the signs, this sign probably imparts the most materialistic outlook, and the natives become chiefly concerned about the mundane affairs only. The mental characteristics of the people born under this sign are very difficult to assess. You are likely to have a high ambition, which you would try to achieve with your masterful ways; but at the same time, your mind might be beclouded with a series of doubts - which can impart in you a distrustful nature. Your disposition is likely to be reserved and austere; you may be somewhat cold-hearted, lacking grace, and having narrow sympathies. As you will give utmost importance to your personal interests above all, you are likely to develop a forceful and self-asserting nature. But you are likely to become imprudent and exceed your limits, which may and can ultimately lead you on the verge of having a sudden reversal. You are likely have a large circle of acquaintances and many friends, who might be quite powerful in some way or other; they would actively support you whenever necessity arises; but their background and status may be suspicious enough that can cause twisting of eye-brows - not only to the other observers, but also to your close relatives. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with the Moon or aspects it, then by virtue of its benign modifying influences, you will become gentler and more humane; but if a natural malefic planet exerts its influence instead, then you may become troubled by disturbing circumstances, and may even turn to be unusually despotic, tyrannical or cruel. For possessing two very prized qualities - commanding nature and administrative ability - you may wish to move in a sphere, where you may be able to attract the attention of the people in general including the people of low socio-economic strata. You may be guided by the burning desire to become 'well-known' in your own sphere; but whether you will achieve popularity for your meritorious deeds,

or instead end up attaining notoriety for some gross misdeeds - will have to be judged from the influences of all the planets in your horoscope, and not from the Moon alone. Your innate nature might be cold and quite selfish - for which you might be very cautious and calculating in monetary dealings. You will have little or no concern for the interests and feelings of others, yet you will know it very well how to influence and motivate them for deriving your own benefits, and fulfilling your own objectives. You may have the uncanny ability to preach something, while practice precisely its obverse. 'The end justifies the means' may become your motto. Yet, for your special abilities, you might attract the attention of-, and win the confidence of-, some very powerful and influential people - from whom you are likely to receive much of benefits.

Qualities: You will have control over your emotions and they cannot force you to act against your
will. You will be a highly ambitious person. You will be fond of literature, art, drama, dance and music. You will appreciate creativity. You will be endowed with the qualities of tolerance, charity and sacrifice. You will be ready to give up the things for the interest of others. Due to this reason people will trust you and pay due respect to you. You will respect your elders and preceptor and love every one. You will follow the path of truth and justice.

Negative Traits: At times, you may be selfish and ravenous. You may take hold of others property
without paying them genuine return. You may be sumptuous and sluggish.

Special characteristics:
1. 2. 3. 4. You You You You will will will will be a dutiful and accountable person. You will be devoted to your job and responsibilities. be daring, dauntless, patient and sacrificer. have inclination towards worldly pleasures and will enjoy the luxuries of life. be a man of principles.

Profession: You may be involved in the job where mental abilities are required. You may become a
lawyer, doctor, art dealer, banker, financer, accountant, poet or philosopher. You can also gain from the business of hotel, cinema, and food grain vehicles.

Benefic and malefic Planets:

1. 2. 3. 4. Saturn, Lord of the 9th & 10th house, is most benefic and yogkark planet. Venus and Mercury are benefic planets. Sun, Moon, Mars are neutral. Jupiter, lord of the 8th and 11th house, is malefic planet.

Important personalities belonging to Taurus Ascendant:

Omar Khyaam - Poet, M.S.Oberoi - hotelier, Jagdish Chandra Bose - Scientist, Dilip Kumar - Film Star, Mohammed Zaheer, Saurav Ganguly - Cricketer, Rahul Bajaj, Nulsi Wadia - Industrialist, Dr. S. N. Rao - Astrologer, Gyaneshwar - Saint.

General Predictions from Various Astrological Constants

Results of birth in Barahaspatya 'Samvatsara'(60 Jovian Years):
You have been born in Jovian year (Samvatsar) Shrimukha. The results of birth in the Jovian year (Samvatsar) 'Shrimukha' is as described hereunder: You have been born in the auspicious Jovian year 'Shrimukha'. The indications are highly favorable. You will possess sharp intelligence and gain renown as a learned person. By virtue of possessing good health and sound physique, you will be energetic, active, valorous, and ever optimistic. You will be successful in your endeavors, and become fairly wealthy. You will be kind to the poor, generous to friends, and above all truthful and honest. For your praiseworthy qualities, people will consider you as a source of inspiration and hold you in high esteem.

Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':

You have been born in Sun's Dakshinayana (or Yamyayana). If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. You might be endowed with a somewhat proud and haughty nature, or intolerant disposition. Conditions will be improved for the better if some favorable 'Ravi-yogas' are present in your chart (Subha-Kartari, Ubhayachari, Vesi, Vosi, etc). But if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic planets in the next 'occupied' sign, then you might be hard-hearted or even deceitful; you might earn your living through agriculture and/ or cattle rearing; alternately, you may remain engaged in doing some such jobs - where the remuneration is not at all in consonance with the amount of efforts expended.

Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):

You have been born in Varsha Ritu (or Rainy Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be endowed with courage and valor; you may gain proficiency in martial arts, and enjoy participating in adventurous sports like horse riding and fast racing. You may have a phlegmatic and windy constitution, and at times may suffer from minor ailments owing to climatic variations. You will be highly intelligent, diplomatic, and farsighted as well; you will be successful in public dealings and foreign affairs, earn fabulously, and enjoy all comforts of life.

Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):

You have been born in Shravana Masa (July/ August). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are highly favorable. You will be fortunate in respect of your father, and remain very obedient to him. the goddess of wealth will bless you with plenty and abundance, and you will always be engaged in doing righteous, virtuous, and philanthropic deeds. Your relatives will be wealthy and worthy as well, and they will always be very helpful to you. You are likely to have a big family consisting of grandparents in early age-periods, and grandchildren in late age-periods; and your family will be a source of pride and happiness to you. Besides, socially you will be very popular and people in general will treat you with respect. You are likely to go to many pilgrim centers.

Results of Birth in 'Paksha':

You have been born in Shukla Paksha. If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a person of amiable disposition and optimistic nature, and possess broadness of mind and a good moral character as well. With your clarity of thought and expression, you will be able to impress your contemporaries. You will be blessed with good longevity, and enjoy a peaceful and happy family life with your spouse and children. Your state of health may appear to be a bit delicate, but you will have strong resistance to disease. As Rahu (or Ketu) is conjoined with the Moon in your chart, your thinking might be somewhat confused, and you may tend to exaggerate trifles. You may develop some differences with your own people - who might forsake you at last. You may feel better in company of people of different caste, community, or religion. You may have some fear from poison, poisonous- chemicals or insects, etc; besides, your married life may not be very peaceful or happy.

Results of Birth in Weekday :

You have been born on a Monday. As the lord of the weekday, Moon acquires special importance in your chart; its results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are favorable. You will be a learned person of peaceful disposition - besides being soft-spoken and having equanimity of mind. You will remain unperturbed by the ever-changing external conditions, and know the ways for fulfilling your own objectives. You will be very popular, and enjoy many direct favors and indirect benefits from the authorities.

Results of Birth in Day or Night :

You have been born during night time. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then You might be somewhat lethargic, and fond of sleeping during daytime. You may be somewhat secretive, and may wish to keep some of your desires or intentions latent. Besides, you may be a bit lustful - for which you might be subdued by your spouse. However, if a planet is situated in your Ascendant or aspects it, then you will be active, energetic, optimistic, and beaming with enthusiasm.

Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :

As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Priti yoga. This yoga belongs to favorable category. By virtue of being born under this yoga, you will be endowed with attractive appearance, winning behavior, and pleasing manners. You will possess sharp intelligence, and gain academic distinction. You will come up in life by expending your own efforts in a desired direction. You will enjoy social popularity, and be a center of attraction in a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

Results of Birth in Tithi :

You have been born on 'Pratipada' (or the 1st) tithi. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results will be favorable. You will be endowed with a beautiful/ handsome appearance and good moral character - besides being learned and possessing the sense of discrimination. You will be wealthy and honored by the people from higher walks of life. But if a natural malefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the reverse might hold hood. You may have a large family to support, and your earnings may not be significant - as you might be bereft of desirable qualities. Your credibility and honor could be at stake, and popularity on the wane.

Results of Birth in Karana :

You have been born in 'Balava' Karana. It is the second Karana of the 'Chara' category. You will be fortunate in many respects; you will possess sound physique, attractive features, and beautiful/ handsome looks. Besides, you will be intelligent, wise, and adept in various subjects; you may acquire some proficiency in a branch of fine arts. You will be blessed in respect of wealth and possessions, and always remain surrounded by your relatives, friends and well-wishing people. If a natural malefic planet afflicts Moon by conjunction or aspect, then you may acquire a sensuous nature, and revealing of some of your close encounters of an intimate kind might add some psychedelic colors to your 'heroic' personality.

Results of birth in Nakshatra :

In your horoscope, Moon is situated in Shravana Nakshatra. For being born in Moon's own nakshatra, you will be fortunate in certain respects. You may be a sensitive and emotional person with vivid imagination. You will be liberal minded and virtuous, but might be somewhat indolent. At the time of dealing with unknown persons, you might become suspicious and even mistrustful; but while in the circle of your intimate friends, you may enjoy yourself by being a quite frivolous prankster. At heart, you will be a clean person - fond of orderly living in a mild, placid, and peaceful environment. You will have due regard for tradition and festivities, and interst in doing social work.

Results of Birth in Lagna :

You have been born in Taurus Ascendant. This is the second sign of the zodiac; constitutionally it is a fixed sign of fiery element - the negative sign of the ruling planet Venus. Together with the influences of the planet/s situated in this sign (if any) and the planet/s aspecting this sign (if any), you will be endowed with the natural characteristics and specific attributes of the rising sign Taurus and its lord planet Venus. The allegorical significations of this sign are stability and security. The parts of the body under governance of the sign are the neck and throat; you may suffer from some problems affecting one of these. You will be fond of pink color, and favorite flower is lily of the valley. You are a symbol of concreteness and fixity of purpose - a down-to-earth person with a very practical outlook and plodding nature. Lack of flexibility, unusual stubbornness, and gross dislike for having changes might be your notable characteristics. However, you will be endowed with profound artistic inclination, and prove your worth in successive steps. On the positive side, you will be an open-minded person of patient nature. Even if you may not agree, yet you will attentively listen to others. And, although you will be a rather slow thinker, you will still have a tendency to think first and act afterwards. You will make it a habit to rest only after completion of any task ever undertaken. You will be an ardent lover of beauty, peace, and harmony. However, on the flip side, you may acquire an out and out unyielding nature; you may straightaway refuse to accept any change regardless of its beneficience. Your thoughts may become shallow, mind closed, and physical instincts over-emphasized. In extreme cases - particularly if your security or safety is at stake - you may start uttering bombastic words, and tend to become a greedy hoarder. The cumulative effect of planetary influences operating in your chart, and the way you wish to excercize your will-force will determine which way you prefer to follow and what kind of results you would actually derive.

Results of Birth in Hora :

In your horoscope, the Ascendant falls in the 1st hora of sign Aries - which corresponds to Leo hora. Owing to this combination, you will be endowed with a tall figure of bright appearance. But you may have an irascible temper, and fond of company of people of ruffian type. You may have the pecuiliar habit of rolling your eyes unnecessarily, and believe that you are cleverer than others.

Results of Birth in Drekkana :

In your horoscope, the Ascendant falls in the 3rd drekkana of sign Taurus - which corresponds to Capricorn drekkana. Owing to this combination, you may have an oscillating fortune and turbid mental condition. At times you may become overjoyed while at some other times you might appear to be quite confused. You should therefore try to straighten yourself by conditioning your mind. Although you will be dextrous and skilful in your work, yet success might elude you during the early stages of your career, and you may feel disheartened. If you wish to start a business venture of your own, then you should curb your over-optimism, and keep adequate provisions for contingencies; otherwise, you may find yourself badly stuck up. You should think before, not after.

Results from Position of Pranapada :

In your horoscope, Pranapada is situated in the 6th-house (Ari-bhava). This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are not very favorable in certain respects. You might be subdued by your (maternal) relatives and troubled by your enemies. You may suffer from digestion problems, become sickly, and develop an irritable temperament. Although affluent, you may be engaged in doing unworthy deeds.

Results from Position of Gulika :

In your horoscope, Gulika is situated in the 10th-house (Karma-bhava). This is a highly auspicious combination. You will be exceedingly fortunate, and successful in all your undertakings. You will be endowed with physical prowess, exemplary courage, and mental strength as well. Lofty ambition, high

ideals, and adroitness will be your hallmark. Your religious inclination will be profound, and you will practice yoga and meditation. You will gain renown for praiseworthy deeds.

Result of Deha Rashi (= Body)

Your Deha Rashi (= Body) is Cancer. As the Sun is present in your Deha Rashi (= Body), you will be endowed with a dignified personality, cheerful appearance, happy disposition, and optimistic outlook. You are likely to be of athletic build, have a tall figure, fair complexion, and sparkling eyes. If you are a male person, then you may have a receding hairline from sometime around your middle age. You are likely to be in government service, and/ or you would receive favors and benefits from government authorities. As Rahu is present in your Deha Rashi (= Body), at times you may tend to feel somewhat confused owing to sudden changes resulting from some circumstantial developments. However, you will be very clever and will be able to find out your way through all by yourself. You may have some unconventional views, and may feel more at home in company of people hailing from other communities/ religions. You will have good earnings, but your state of health may become somewhat delicate. As the influences of malefic planets are predominant in your Deha Rashi (= Body), you may not remain in good health. If some modifying influences are not present in your chart, then you may suffer from some acute or long-lasting ailments. Alternately, during sometime in your life, you may face a serious accidental mishap or untoward happening, or may have to undergo a major surgical treatment.

Results of birth in 'Gana':

By virtue of being born in a 'Deva' (Divine) Gana Nakshatra, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will be endowed with attractive features, beautiful/ handsome appearance, pleasing manners, and gentle disposition. You will be devoted to God, reverential to elders, teachers, and preachers. You will have a melodious voice, and be soft spoken. Your appetite would be less, and you will be fond of taking 'satwic' foods. You will be wealthy and virtuous; you will also be able to appreciate the meritsand discern the virtues- of others.

Results of birth in 'Varna':

By virtue of being born in a 'Vaishya' (Trader) Varna Nakshatra, you will be fortunate in certain respects. You will belong to the third category of spiritual development; you might be chiefly concerned about financial gains and accumulation of wealth. You may not have much of respect for academic accomplishments and spiritual attainments; you would be more impressed by standard of earnings and level of material acquisitions. You will be tactful and very clever - always desirous to further your own interests; your morale may not be high, and principles flexible. You will be very wealthy, and love your spouse and children very dearly; still you may not be very happy - as you will feel the void of missing something somewhere. For your obsession with money and acquisitions, even your own people might think you to be similar to a mechanical device.

Planetary Combinations (Yoga) Applicable in Kundali (Chart)

Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in a favorable house, and the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord is also situated in a favorable house. This overall combination is exceedingly favorable, as it goes by the term Safala-Kama Yoga. You will be a born-fortunate person, and successful in all your endeavors; people may consider that you have been born with the legendary 'Midas-touch', as whatever you will lay your hands upon will turn into proverbial 'gold'. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires will be fulfilled. In your horoscope, a particular planet is situated alone in a sign, four planets are situated anywhere in its preceding six signs, while the remaining four planets are situated anywhere in its succeeding six signs. This constitutes a very favorable combination, termed as Anivahuppu Yoga. By virtue of presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be a person of distinguished caliber, and is sure to rise to a commanding position. You will receive active support from the superiors/ authorities on one hand, while on the other hand you will have a large number of devoted followers. (However, if the lone planet causing Anivahuppu Yoga becomes afflicted by receiving aspect of more than one natural malefic planets, the strength of this yoga will become consequently reduced; in such case, instead of a commander or managing director, you may then be reduced to a mere captain or an ordinary supervisor). In your horoscope, there is no planet in the 7th-house (or a natural benefic planet is situated in it); and the 8th-house is also similarly disposed. Besides, one or more angular (kendra) house(s) is/ are occupied by natural benefic planet/s. This overall combination is highly favorable - and is termed as Parvata Yoga. Owing to the presence of this auspicious combination, you will be very fortunate, learned in ancient religious scriptures and sacred classics, gifted with eloquence, and of charitable disposition. Besides, you will be splendorous and mirthful, and become a very important and highly respected person in the city/ town/ village/ society. In your horoscope, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord is in exaltaion or in own-sign; besides, it is situated in an angular (kendra) or a trinal (trikona) house. This overall combination is highly auspicious - and is termed as Parvata Yoga (as per Mantreswara's Phala Deepika). By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be very fortunate, learned in ancient religious scriptures and sacred classics, gifted with eloquence, and of charitable disposition. Besides, you will be splendorous, mirthful, a very important and highly respected person in the city/ town/ village/ society. In your horoscope, natural benefic planets are situated in the angular (kendra) houses - i.e., in the Ascendant-, the 4th-, the 7th- and the 10th- houses - while there is no planet situated in the 8th- or the 12th-house either. This overall combination is highly auspicious - and is termed as Parvata Yoga (as per Vidyanatha's Jataka Parijata, and Somayaji's Jataka Deshmarga). By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be very fortunate, learned in ancient religious scriptures and sacred classics, gifted with eloquence, and of charitable disposition. Besides, you will be splendorous, mirthful, a very important and highly respected person in the city/ town/ village/ society. In your horoscope, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord is strong - as it is in exaltation or in own-sign; besides, it is situated in an angular (kendra) or a trinal (trikona) house. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Kahala Yoga (as per Mantreswara's Phala Deepika). By virtue of being born with this combination, you will become very energetic, crafty, and courageous. You will occupy a position of authority and power, and you will be the ruling person in an allocated area; you may become a police officer/ S.D.M./ Tehsildar/ Collector (District Magistrate). In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is in exaltation-sign, and it is occupying an angular (kendra) house; besides, the Ascendant is associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Chaamara Yoga (as per Mantreswara's Phala Deepika). By virtue of being born with this combination, you will be well versed in arts and literature, and endowed with gift of eloquence. You become a very renowned scholar, and receive due acclaim and patronage from the highest authorities of the state/ country.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the said sign-lord, and also the lord of the Navamsha-sign of the same sign-lord - all are in exaltation or are situated in angular (kendra) or trinal (trikona) houses. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Kalpadruma Yoga. By virtue of presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be a pious and virtuous person, although you will be very strong and powerful. You will not at all be afraid in case of opposition or conflict, and in the event of such a development, you will tend to step forward for fighting to the finish; nevertheless, you will be merciful and have a forgiving nature. You will enjoy limitless wealth and influence, and your name and fame will be widespread. In your horoscope, natural benefic planet is associated with or aspected the Ascendant. The Ascendant-lord is situated in a favorable house (i.e., other than the trika-houses - the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th), and also in its exaltation or in own-sign. This overall combination constitutes a highly favorable combination, termed as Chamara Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this auspicious combination in your horoscope, you will be a person of virtuous disposition, and your value and importance will be increasing day by day. You will possess leadership qualities, and will be endowed with plenty and abundance. Your longevity will be high, and reputation will be ever-waxing. In your horoscope, a natural benefic planet is associated with or aspects the 2nd-house. The 2nd-lord is situated in a favorable house (i.e., other than the trika-houses - the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th), and is situated in its exaltation or in own-sign. This overall combination constitutes a highly favorable combination, termed as Dhenu Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this auspicious combination in your horoscope, you will be a very learned person, and will be endowed with abundance and plenty. You may have a large family, or you may live in a joint-family. The circle of your friends and acquaintances will also be very large. In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination, you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault of your own. In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is a natural benefic planet, it is associated with- or aspected by- or situated in the sign of- a natural benefic planet, and Saturn is situated in the 5th-house. Besides, the 5th-lord is not debilitated or combust or eclipsed. This is a really very favorable combination, termed as Buddhimaturya Yoga. Owing to the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will possess sharp intelligence and be endowed with a retentive memory. You will have excellent formal education and informal studies as well, be a learned person, and leave your mark by dint of some overt intellectual pursuit. In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord is conjoined with the 9th-lord or is aspected by it, while none of these two planets are combust or eclipsed. This is a favorable combination, known as Pitri-Moolat Dhana Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, you will have financial gains from your father. In your horoscope, the three natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury) - either jointly or severally - are situated in the Ascendant or the 2nd- or the 4th- or the 5th- or the 7th- or the 9th- or the 10th- house. Besides, Jupiter is situated in exaltation, or own-sign, or own-nakshatra, or friendly sign. This overall combination is especially favorable, termed as Saraswati Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you may be a favored person - blessed by the goddess of learning. You will be a highly learned person, endowed with excellent proficiency in literary pursuits and/ or fine arts. You will be praised by one and all, and your name and fame will be widespread. Your family-life will be very joyful and happy. In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in a fixed (sthira) sign or Navamsha; and, it is associated with one or more natural malefic planet/s - while no natural benefic planet is conjoined with it or aspects it. Besides, the lord of shashtiamsha of the 3rd-lord is a natural malefic planet. The overall combination is very favorable, termed as Pashchat Roodha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this yoga, you will never lose courage and determination on the face of a challenging situation; rather, you will become dogged and adopt ruthless measures for fulfilling your objective and achieving your goals.

Applicable Dhana Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :

The lord of the 2nd house (= wealth) is strongly placed in your horoscope, and an exalted/ own house planet is also situated in your 2nd house. These have made your 2nd house very strong. You have been born in a wealthy family, have good upbringing and ever-waxing fortune. A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives, and friends. As your 11th house coincides with a watery sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the northern direction from your native/ birth place.

Applicable Nabhasha Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :

A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Damini Yoga is present in your horoscope. This is a praised planetary combination. You will be very affluent, have a thoroughly gentle nature, be endowed with fortitude, and will be very learned. You will possess generous instincts, and always have compassion for others. You will be kind to animals, and may even serve them in some way. You will perform traditional religious rites, enjoy a peaceful and happy married life, and have worthy and dutiful children. Your name and fame will be widespread.

Applicable Anishta Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :

In your horoscope, one (or more) malefic planet/s is/ are situated in the 5th house while no benefic planet is situated in it. The malefic planet/s is/ are neither exalted nor situated in own house or nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination - termed as Anishta Yoga. If modifying combinations are not present in your horoscope, then you may be unhappy on account of children. In your horoscope, Mars is situated in your 5th house; it is neither exalted, nor in own house or nakshatra. There is no benefic planet situated in the same house. This is an unfavorable combination termed as Anishta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then in your case birth of children might prove to be very problematic. In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in your 5th house (or aspects it); it is neither exalted, nor in own house or nakshatra. There is no benefic planet either situated in or aspecting the same house. This is an unfavorable combination - termed as Anishta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then in your case birth of second child might prove to be very problematic.

Exception :
As Jupiter is exalted (or situated in own nakshatra) in your horoscope, there is a silver-lining present in your horoscope; as such, in spite of the presence of Anishta Yoga, the situation will be considerably improved, and you may not face much of difficulties.

Applicable Ravi Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :

As a planet (excepting Moon) is present in the 2nd from the position of Sun and such a planet is also situated in the 12th from Sun, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Ubhayachari Yoga. Besides, as both of these two planets are natural benefic planets, the combination becomes very auspicious as Sun is under Subha-Kartari Yoga in your horoscope. The overall combination is termed as Ubhayachari-SubhaKartari Yoga. As the yoga is indicative of many favorable results and auspicious happenings, you have been born in a wealthy family, and are sure to rise to prominence at

a fairly early age-period in your life. You will receive benefits from government sources, enjoy all kinds of pleasures and comforts of life, and your name and fame will be widespread.

Applicable Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas in Kundali (Chart) :

In your horoscope, Venus is situated in an angular sign from your Ascendant; besides, it is strong as it is situated in exaltation-sign (or own-sign). This combination, known as Malavya Yoga, is one of the so-called Pancha-Mahapurusha Yogas. Although the generic name of this class of yogas is apparently somewhat misleading, it nevertheless is a good yoga; it indicates increase of material possessions and assures general prosperity. You will be a resolute person, possess a stout physique and balanced mind, endowed with family and children, and enjoy all sorts of pleasures. As Venus is not combust (or eclipsed or retrograde) in your horoscope, the beneficial effects of the yoga will be quite significant.

Predictions of Planets situated in Various Signs and Houses

Results from Position of Sun :
In your horoscope, Sun is situated in sign Cancer. Owing to this reason, you will be fortunate in certain respects. You may have a changeful nature and wavering mind - for which the goings on in your undertakings may not be steady. Your relationship with your paternal relatives may not be very cordial. Although you will be fairly good-looking, your spouse may not be so; if Moon is also in Cancer, then she/ he might tend to gather weight. Your health might be affected owing to imbalance of phlegm and bile, and also due to strains of overwork. You will be a virtuous person having principles, and possess the gift of eloquence. Your profession may have some connection with fields like geography, surveying, geology, meteorology, space exploration, etc. If you are a male person, and the sign Cancer is afflicted by two malefic planets, then you may acquire some addictive bad habits. In your horoscope, Sun is situated in the 3rd-house. As your Ascendant is Taurus, the position of Sun in sign Cancer is a favorable combination in certain respects; your younger sibling(s) may not remain in good health in early childhood, but one of them is likely to proceed far and receive acclaim. Among your children, the eldest will become highly prosperous. You will be very fortunate in respect of material progress during the period when the Dasha or Bhukti of Sun operates. Your handwriting will be very beautiful, and your informal studies may cover a wide range of interesting subjects. You may have friends in high places, and will receive many favors and benefits from them.

Results from Position of Moon :

In your horoscope, Moon is situated in sign Capricorn. Owing to this reason, you are likely to be susceptible to cold; therefore, you should avoid such articles. You may have a somewhat emaciated body-structure, yet your appearance will be quite attractive with fine expressive eyes. You may gain some proficiency in some branch of fine arts, or become distinguished by dint of high academic accomplishments. You may however lack refined taste, and be a rather down-to-earth person. Although you might be libidinous and appear to be unkind, yet you will be a truthful person with charitable disposition. You will be a very industrious person and be a strict disciplinarian. You will earnestly wish to be a living example to your own people so that they follow your ways; but your people may have ideas of their very own. For this, you might feel alone even when people are around. In your horoscope, Moon is situated in the 9th-house. For this, you will be endowed with a very fanciful nature and romantic disposition; besides, you will be exceedingly changeful and always on the lookout for variety. Distant foreign lands will attract you greatly, and you are likely to go to a developed foreign country - from where you will gain many benefits, and valuable experience as well. If Moon is situated either in sign Taurus or in Cancer, then you will be very fortunate; but if it is in sign Scorpio, then you may meet with some misfortune in a distant place. You may face some troubles from wood or weapon; or you may possibly undergo a minor surgical treatment.

Results from Position of Mars :

In your horoscope, Mars is situated in sign Virgo. Owing to this reason, although you will be fortunate in certain respects, you might be unhappy in certain other respects - if some modifying influences are not present in your chart. If Mars is free from affliction, then you may be a well-educated person, and learned in sacred ancient classics. But if it is afflicted, then you may suffer from some disease, and your education might be only modest owing to disruption; in such case, you may learn a practical art or craft. Although you might be worthy of honor, you may not have that much of spirit - for which the aggressive persons in advantageous circumstances might surpass you. In your horoscope, Mars is situated in the 5th-house. For this, you are likely to have an irascible nature and somewhat cruel disposition. You may have some worries and pains owing to receiving injuries in your right leg through fire, weapon, poison or canine animals; alternately, you may face some accident and have to undergo a surgical treatment. Your mother might be in the habit of speaking harsh words - which might affect domestic peace. In respect of childbirth also, you may not be fortunate - more so if you are a male person. However, if Mars is situated in sign Aries or Scorpio,

then the situation will be considerably modified for the better, and you will be fortunate in many respects.

Results from Position of Mercury :

In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in sign Gemini. Owing to this reason, you will be very fortunate in many respects. It will be more so if Mercury is free from affliction; otherwise, it will be less so for obvious reason; however, either way you will be very intelligent, and your academic proficiency and intellectual accomplishments will be remarkable. You will possess an uncanny ability to see the both sides of things, and the capacity to think extremely fast; you will understand human nature very well, and seldom make any major mistake - which you cannot independently rectify. You will be an able speaker, and a prolific writer. Your circle of friends and acquaintances will be very large. If Mercury bears affliction, then you may not be very fortunate in respect of your mother. In your horoscope, Mercury is situated in the 2nd-house. For this, you will be fairly good-looking, softspoken - having the gift of eloquence as well. You will be fairly wealthy, but your fortune may be somewhat unsteady or it may remain under the control of a close relative for quite a long duration; there is also some chance that you may incur some losses owing to theft or sharp practices. You will have good gains through your communications and publication of writings, and also from purchase and sale of handicrafts or other hand-made goods. If a natural malefic planet is conjoined with Mercury or aspects it, then you might suffer from toothache, and your teeth may start becoming decayed or discolored from a fairly early age-period.

Results from Position of Jupiter :

In your horoscope, Jupiter is situated in sign Leo. Owing to this reason, you will be fortunate in many respects; however, if Saturn or Mars is situated in either Sagittarius or Aquarius, then you may run the risk of suffering from loss of mental equilibrium during sometime of your life - if some modifying influences are not present in your chart. You will be endowed with an impressive physical structure, abundant wealth, prosperous relatives, and influential friends. With your lofty ambition and leadership qualities, you will be able to motivate others, gain support, and have a large number of followers. However, you should remain careful that you might have some powerful sworn enemies. In your horoscope, Jupiter is situated in the 4th-house. If Jupiter is situated in sign Sagittarius or Pisces or Cancer, then you will be very fortunate - as you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Hamsa Yoga' (a 'Pancha Maha-Purusha Yoga' combination). For this, you will be intelligent, wise, and an embodiment of virtues - with profound religious inclination; you will be successful in all your undertakings. You will be fond of water resorts, but might be somewhat libidinous. You will always remain engaged in doing worthy deeds, and be helpful to others. People in general will treat you with respect and honor. You will visit many holy places. If Jupiter is situated in some other sign, then you will be fortunate in respect of parents, and gain through inheritance. You will find your fortune in your place of birth or the native place itself.

Results from Position of Venus :

In your horoscope, Venus is situated in its own-sign Taurus. Owing to this reason, you will be fortunate in many respects. You have been born in a wealthy family, and may have good gains from agriculture and cattle rearing. You will be endowed with attractive appearance, and fond of beautiful things that enliven life. You will be a very intelligent and learned person of virtuous disposition, and enjoy the company of your relatives and friends. You will occupy a position of rank and status, and gain fame and renown at a relatively early age-period. For your qualitative worth, humane nature, and generous instincts, people from all walks of life will treat you with great respect. In your horoscope, Venus is situated in the Ascendant. If Venus is situated in sign Taurus or Libra or Pisces, then you will be very fortunate - as you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Malavya Yoga' (a 'Pancha Maha-Purusha Yoga' combination). For this, you will be endowed with many desirable qualities, and enjoy all the comforts and paraphernalia of life; you may have a pleasure-seeking nature, but you will be successful in all your undertakings. Your spouse will be healthy, passionate, cooperative, and conjugate to you. You will always remain engaged in doing worthy deeds, and donate liberally for good causes. You will have friends in high places, and people will always hold you in high


Results from Position of Saturn :

In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in sign Virgo. Owing to this reason, you are likely to be guided by the benign influence of Saturn on the natural significator Mercury in respect of acquiring education for having success in intellectual pursuits. Often Saturn tends to draw one to some such applicationoriented field - which can find fruitful utilization in the person's sphere of profession; it may be agriculture, mining, technology, or engineering - wherein labor/ laborers are also involved. Alternatively, it may be some practical art or craft. Often the person's abilities are perfectly honed by continuing the study and practice for a long duration at a relatively grown-up age-period. You will be endowed with the rare quality of seriousness; by virtue of being an embodiment of patience and perseverance, you will surely leave your own mark in your field of specialization and win laurels. In your horoscope, Saturn is situated in the 5th-house. If Saturn is not well placed in the chart, then the influences will not bring in any good at all. You may have disappointments in love affairs in early age-periods, and suffer grief and pain. In respect of game of chances and speculative investments, you may not be lucky at all, and even incur big losses. If you are pursuing education in an applicationoriented field, then you may have break in education - which might even be terminal. You may work in private organizations, and your rank and remuneration might only be very modest; in spite of possessing the requisite abilities, you might be denied a promotion - which is rightfully due to you. Your spouse might be sentimental, unreasonable, and even quite obstinate. After a lot of delays you may have a child born to you; but the child might be sickly. However, if Saturn is situated in sign Aquarius or Capricorn or Libra, it will produce beneficial results.

Results from Position of Rahu :

In your horoscope, Rahu is situated in the 3rd-house. For this, you will be courageous, but you might remain troubled by many small worries and vexations. This position is however not favorable for the health and well being of your younger sibling(s), and if Moon is also situated together with Rahu, then your mother's thinking might become somewhat confused. If you are dealing in handicrafts or handmade goods, then your earnings will be quite substantial.

Results from Position of Ketu :

In your horoscope, Ketu is situated in the 9th-house. For this, at times there could be outbreak of quarrels in your family for silly reasons; your in-laws or the spouses of your younger siblings could be the harbinger of troubles completely unnecessarily. If a natural malefic planet afflicts Ketu, then your father's health might be affected; but if a natural benefic planet influences Ketu, then your religious inclination will become profound, and you may visit many holy places.

Results from Position of Uranus :

In your horoscope, Uranus is situated in sign Libra. For this, you are likely to have a rather large wellproportioned body-structure of tall stature with sloping forehead, and long hair. You will be endowed with an excellent balance between your thoughts and actions - for which you will be successful in your undertakings. However, in case of romance, you may tend to be somewhat hasty; new ties could be quickly made and soon broken. But you will be endowed with a magnetic charm, and have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. You may suffer from ailments like affection of reins, inflammation of kidneys, retention of urine, diabetes, spasms of the bladder, scurvy, etc. In your horoscope, Uranus is situated in the 6th-house. For this, you may not be in good health - for which you should take not only proper care, but also all sorts of preventive and precautionary measures. You may suffer from nervous diseases owing to excessive worries. You should be very careful and cautious in respect of choosing your domestic servant(s) or selecting your employees - as some of them can deliberately and willfully cause you some big losses through theft, pilferage, or some other fraudulent means.

Results from Position of Neptune :

In your horoscope, Neptune is situated in sign Scorpio. For this, you are likely to be endowed with somewhat coarse physical form and gypsy-like appearance - although you will have the uncanny ability to fascinate people. If a natural benefic planet influences Neptune, then your psychic capacity will be accentuated and you will have the capacity to foretell the future; but if a natural malefic planet influences instead, then you may have a jealous nature with a short-fuse temper. You are likely to suffer from affections of the generative organs and reproductive system: the iliac regions, groins, prostrate gland, gall bladder, rectum, testicles (if male), uterus (if female), etc. In your horoscope, Neptune is situated in the 7th-house. For this, you may have an insidious nature for which you may run the risk of outraging the norms of the society by resorting to dishonorable or immoral practices. If some counteracting combinations are not present in your chart, then your married life might go to the rocks owing to illicit relationships or sheer neglect of duties. Alternately or in addition, your spouse might suffer from some wasting disease of neurotic type.

Results from Position of Pluto :

In your horoscope, Pluto is situated in sign Virgo. For this, you are likely to have a rather slim, squaretype body-structure of average stature with dark hair; if you are a male person, then you may sport sideboards. You may have an exalted view about your self-importance, and acquire a characteristic tendency of hurting anyone - whoever disagrees with your views and opinions - without any hesitation. If a natural malefic planet afflicts Pluto, then you may gradually become unpopular, and tend to live like a lord in a fool's paradise. You may suffer from ailments like black fever, cramps in wrists and fingers, food poisoning, loose motion, diarrhea, dysentery, etc. In your horoscope, Pluto is situated in the 5th-house. It is not at all a beneficial influence, and you must have to remain very careful and cautious. If you are a male person, then your spouse may have an abortion or an incitement to this effect; but if you are a female person, then by freak of fortune a maniac may try to outrage your modesty. For speculation and investment, you should keep your fingers crossed. However, on the bright side, you may have creative ability in some field of fine arts like acting, or have some capacity for scientific invention.

Planetary Placements Related Predictions (Western)

The position of Ascendant indicates that you will be a highly ambitious person, have a fearless nature and possess leadership qualities. You will be quick-witted, ingenious and endowed with special oratory skill - with these you will be able to influence people by creating lasting impressions in their minds. You will enjoy the goodwill and whole-hearted support of the majority of people in your circle. The position of Sun indicates that you may have a proud nature and possess self-esteem in a high degree. If Sun is not well placed in your chart, or if a natural malefic planet influences either the Ascendant or 8th-house, you may have a daring nature coupled with a boastful disposition. But if Sun is well placed, you will secure a position of rank and honor. The position of Moon indicates that if some counteracting combinations are not present in your chart, you may possess some undesirable characteristics, for which you may gradually lose your popularity. You are likely to have a dogmatic disposition and a suspicious nature; if contradicted, you are likely to adopt an aggressive stand - which no one is expected to appreciate. The position of Mars indicates that you will be known for your discretion and farsightedness, and always have the desire to do the right thing in the earnest. Your religious inclination will be profound, and your concern for fellow men will be sincere. You are very likely to work for a cause, and participate in philanthropic and humanitarian activities. The position of Mercury indicates that if neither Moon nor Jupiter is well placed in the chart, you may have an irritable and repining nature. You likely to be considerably affected by your surroundings, and may be very much fond of show and approbation. You should try to remain alert - so that your fair weather friends do not have any chance to mislead you. The position of Jupiter indicates that you will be fortunate in many respects. Although you may appear to be quite discriminative, you will actually be a lover of justice. Even without much of effort, you will be successful in all your undertakings. You will easily win the trust and confidence of the people around you, and people will treat you with due respect. The position of Venus indicates that unless Mercury is well placed in your chart, you may have a dual nature and may even acquire hypocritical tendencies. You may not be able to understand your own nature - for which you may in fact deceive yourself first and others afterwards. You may lose the trust and confidence of your friends. The position of Saturn indicates that you are likely to have a pensive mood and thoughtful disposition. You will be really sincere in your approach, attentive to details and unusually very contemplative. You will also be very tactful and diplomatic. With your superior qualities, you are destined to go far - by leaving most of your contemporaries behind. The position of Rahu indicates that you will be an honest person, having a sincere nature and sympathetic disposition. You will develop good mutual understanding with the people in your circle, earn their trust and confidence, and have lasting relationship with them. You would also remain dutiful and loyal to your near and dear ones for ever. The position of Ketu indicates that unless some counteracting combinations are present in your chart and you are morally well developed, you may not have adequate control over your desires and is more likely to become somewhat selfish. But if you are able to exercise control in an effective manner, then you would receive due rewards for some of your praiseworthy accomplishments.

Various Parts of Body and their functions

Appearance, Physical Structure & Skin-Complexion
Any of these is dependent on a host of factors, where every factor might be subjected to various modifying influences : the Ascendant-sign, planets situated in the Ascendant (if any), planets aspecting the Ascendant (if any), planets situated in the Moon-sign (if any), planets aspecting the Moon-sign (if any), the krishamsha of the Ascendant, sign-positions of the planets, house-position of the Ascendant-lord, etc.

Estimating the possible height (when grown-up) :

Your Ascendant-sign happens to be Taurus (Vrishabha), and there are not many planets situated in the Ascendant. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may have a relatively small stature. In your birth-horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is situated in an angular (or kendra) house-position from the Ascendant. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may have a fairly tall physical stature. In your birth-horoscope, the 'Sayana' (or Tropical) longitude of the Ascendant falls within about the second or third quarter of the sign. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope then you are likely to be endowed with a medium stature.

Estimating the possible skin-complexion :

Venus is situated in your Ascendant; but your Ascendant is Taurus (Vrishabha). As such, you are likely to be somewhat dark-complexioned. In your birth-horoscope, Sun is conjoined together with Rahu. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then owing to its influence, you are likely to be quite faircomplexioned.

Cumulative effect of planets on skin-complexion :

By considering the cumulative influence of all the planets (from Sun to Saturn), it appears that you are likely to be endowed with moderately dark-complexion.

The Eyes & Eye-Sight

In your birth-horoscope, Sun is situated very close to the position of the fixed star Praesepe Nebula (Asselli)/ North Asselus (G Cancri); this region is very sensitive for eyesight; besides, there Sun is in conjunction with Rahu also. This is a very unfavorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you must take more care of your eyes. There are some chances that your eyesight might become adversely affected during sometime in your life - it may result either from internal disease or from external causes.

Teeth, Tongue & Speech

In your birth-horoscope, the 2nd-lord is a natural benefic planet; it is in exaltation (or situated in own sign or in own nakshatra), but it is associated with- or aspected by- Sun or Mars or Saturn, or is closely conjoined with- Rahu or Ketu. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may not have very attractive sets of teeth, or those may not remain pearly or sparkling for long - as you may not take proper care of them. It is also possible that one or more of your front tooth/ teeth (particularly of the upper row) might be broken due to some accidental causes like impact and/ or fall.

In your birth-horoscope, the 2nd-lord is involved in 'Sign-exchange' with another planet. Owing to its influence, you are very much likely to become a very talkative person - up to the extent that your own people may wish to fix adhesive tapes on your lips. However, your natural ability might be quite beneficial for you in your profession - where it may prove to be a rather desired quality than a handicap. You may also possess an exceptional ability for convincing people. You may have a business venture of your own - which you would be able to run briskly. In your birth-horoscope, the 2nd-house happens to be a 'sign of voice'. A natural benefic planet (Mercury or Venus) is situated therein, and it is free from affliction from any natural malefic planet by association or aspect either. This is an excellent combination. If there is no counteracting influence present in your birth-horoscope, then you are very much likely to be endowed with the gift of eloquence - which you would be able to efficiently utilize for securing benefits and advantages. As in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 8 dots in sign of the 2nd-house. It indicates something highly favorable. Owing to its influence, you will be a gifted person and unassailable in speech; besides, you will be a capable writer. You will be endowed with the ability of convincing others and obtain support for your views and opinions. If a natural benefic planet is well-disposed in your birthhoroscope, and the 5th-house is also strong, then you may even become a poet or literateur. In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in the sign of the 2nd-house. Mercury has contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha, while one (or more) benefic planet has also contributed dot in the same house-sign. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you will possess pleasing manners; your speeches will be very logical and witty during conversations. In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in the sign of the 2nd-house. Jupiter has contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha, while one (or more) benefic planet has also contributed dot in the same house-sign. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you will possess pleasing manners; your speeches will be intelligent, clear and very edifying during conversations. In your birth-horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are 4 (or more) dots in the sign of the 2nd-house. Venus has contributed 1 dot in its own kaksha - while one (or more) benefic planet has also contributed dot in the same house-sign. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you will possess charming manners; your speeches will be interspersed with lofty ideals and interesting anecdotes during conversations.

The Arms, Hands & Shoulders

In your birth-horoscope, the 3rd-lord is strong - as it is in exaltation or in own-sign or in ownnakshatra. The 3rd-lord denotes the arms and the shoulders. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then these portions of your body will be quite well developed. As the 3rd-house also governs over the food-pipe, wind-pipe, nervous system, and respiratory process, all these parts of your body will remain in perfect order.

The Heart & The Back

In your birth-horoscope, the 5th-lord is strong - as it is in exaltation or in own-sign or in ownnakshatra. The 5th-lord governs over the heart and the back. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then these portions of your body will remain in perfect order. Sun - who is the lord of the 5th-sign in the natural zodiac, is in conjunction with one or more natural malefic planet/s in your horoscope, and no natural benefic planet is situated with it or aspects it. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the heart and the back of your body may not be fairly strong; alternately, you may feel some congenital discomfort around these portions of your body.

The Stomach & Digestion System

The sign Cancer (Karkata) and its lord Moon have governance over the very important internal body organ - the Stomach. In your birth-horoscope, Moon (who is the lord of sign Cancer (Karkata)) is strong - as it is in exaltation, or in own-sign or own-nakshatra. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the functioning of your stomach will remain fairly problem-free, and you will be endowed with good appetite. The sign Cancer (Karkata) has governance over the very important internal body organ - the Stomach. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are situated in this sign whereas no natural benefic planet is situated therein. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are present in your birth-horoscope, then the functioning of your stomach may not be free from minor problems, and you may not be endowed with good appetite. The sign Cancer (Karkata) has governance over the very important internal body organ - the Stomach. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are aspecting this sign whereas no natural benefic planet aspects it. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are present in your birth-horoscope, then the functioning of your stomach may not be free from minor problems, and you may not be endowed with good appetite. The 4th-house has governance over the very important internal body organ - the Stomach. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural benefic planet/s is/ are situated in this sign - whereas no natural malefic planet is situated in it. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are present in your birth-horoscope, then the functioning of your stomach is likely to be fairly problemfree, and you will be endowed with good appetite. The 4th-lord has governance over the very important internal body organ - the Stomach. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are in conjunction with the 4th-lord whereas no natural benefic planet is situated with it. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the functioning of your stomach may not be free from minor problems, and you may not be endowed with good appetite. The sign Virgo (Kanya) and its lord Mercury have governance over the very important internal body function - the Digestion system. In your birth-horoscope, Mercury (who is the lord of sign Virgo (Kanya)) is strong - as it is in exaltation, or in own-sign or own-nakshatra. This is a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the digestion system of your body will be quite problem-free - which will make you fairly healthy. The sign Virgo (Kanya) has governance over the very important internal body function - the Digestion system. In your birth-horoscope, one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are situated in this sign whereas no natural benefic planet is situated therein. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may at times suffer from some problems affecting your digestion system - which in turn may affect your health to some extent.

Generation, Circulation & Elimination System

In your birth-horoscope, Moon is strongly placed - as it is in exaltation or in own-sign or in ownnakshatra. The indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birthhoroscope, then the fluidic circulation system and the glandular processes of your body will remain trouble-free . In your birth-horoscope, Moon is afflicted - for being associated with-, or aspected by-, one or more natural malefic planet/s. The indications are not favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may often suffer owing to some problems in connection with the fluidic circulation system and/ or the glandular processes of your body. In your birth-horoscope, Venus is strong - as it is in exaltation or situated in own-sign or ownnakshatra. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birthhoroscope, then you are not likely to face any problem in connection with your internal generative

organs. In your birth-horoscope, Mars is not strong - as it is neither in exaltation nor situated in own-sign or own-nakshatra. It is further afflicted for being associated with-, or aspected by-, two or more natural malefic planets. This is not a favorable combination. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then you may face some serious problems in connection with your external generative- and excretory- systems.

Thighs, Knees, Shanks, Feet & Toes

In your birth-horoscope, two or more natural malefic planets are situated in sign Capricorn (Makara) while no malefic planet is situated in it. The 10th-sign of the zodiac has governance over the portion of the body around the knees. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then this portion of your body will be may not be very well-developed; alternately, you may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of your body. Saturn, who is the lord of the 10th-sign in the natural zodiac, is in conjunction with one or more natural malefic planet/s in your birth-horoscope - whereas no natural benefic planet is situated with it or aspects it. This is not a favorable combination. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the portion of the body around the knees may not be fairly well-developed; alternately, you may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of your body. Saturn, who is the lord of the 10th-sign in the natural zodiac, is a natural malefic planet; it is also a functional malefic planet in your horoscope. Besides, it is in conjunction with- or aspected by- one or more functional malefic planet/s in your horoscope. This is not a favorable combination. Its indications are not at all favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the portion of your body around the knees will not be well-developed; alternately or in addition, you may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of your body. Saturn, who is the lord of the 11th-sign in the natural zodiac, is in conjunction with one or more natural malefic planet/s In your birth-horoscope, whereas no natural benefic planet is situated with it or aspects it. This is not a favorable combination. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the portion of your body around the shank portion - below the knees and above the ankles - may not be fairly well-developed; alternately, you may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of your body. Saturn, who is the lord of the 11th-sign in the natural zodiac, is a natural malefic planet; it is also a functional malefic planet in your horoscope. Besides, it is in conjunction with-, or aspected by-, one or more functional malefic planet/s in your horoscope. This is not a favorable combination. Its indications are favorable. If some modifying influences are not present in your birth-horoscope, then the portion of your body around the shank portion - below the knees and above the ankles - may not be fairly well-developed; alternately, you may feel some congenital discomfort around this portion of your body.

Checking the Prospect Of Education

Informal studies (from 3rd House)In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is strongly placed - for being situated in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-constellation. It indicates that you will be endowed with a high degree of patience, and pursue informal studies for several years in various subjects of your interest.

Hand-writing (from 3rd House)In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is strongly placed - for being situated in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-constellation. It indicates that you will be endowed with an impressive personality, possess writing ability of extra-ordinary kind, and your hand-writing will be quite attractive; it may even be termed as 'beautiful'. In your horoscope, Sun is situated in the 3rd-house. It indicates that you will be endowed with an impressive personality, possess writing ability of extra-ordinary kind, and your hand-writing will be quite attractive; it may even be termed as 'beautiful'. In your horoscope, Sun and the 3rd-lord are involved in mutual aspect. It indicates that you will be endowed with an impressive personality, possess writing ability of extra-ordinary kind, and your handwriting will be quite attractive; it may even be termed as 'beautiful'.

General Education - (from 4th-house) In your horoscope, one or more natural benefic planet(s) is/ are situated in the 4th-house. Its indications are favorable for receiving good education. You will not only successfully complete your graduation, you are also very much likely to pursue your education further; you may opt for receiving some professional education/ post-education training from an institution of repute for enhancing your worth.

Intelligence, memory, merit - (from 5th-house) In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is strongly placed - for being situated in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-constellation. Its indications are favorable for receiving good education. You will be endowed with keen intellect and retentive memory; you may even be exceptionally meritorious. You will not only easily complete your graduation, but also like to pursue your education further; you may pursue higher education in general stream, or acquire some professional qualification from an institution of repute for enhancing your prestige and improving your professional status.

Application-oriented education - (Inter-relationship between the other angularand trinal- lords)In your horoscope, the 7th-lord is situated in the 5th-house. This is a favorable indication for having some application-oriented education. You will be very intelligent and endowed with a retentive memory. With least of efforts, you will easily be able to complete any professional course of your choice. The subjects of humanities stream: like language, literature, etc and study of law might attract you greatly. Besides, you might be grossly interested in fine arts or entertainment fields. In your horoscope, the lords of the 7th- and the 9th- houses are conjoined together. This is a very favorable indication for having some application-oriented education like technology or engineering. You will be endowed with keen intellect and retentive memory. With least of efforts, you will easily be able to complete any professional course of your choice. The subjects like business management and study of law might also attract your attention. Besides, you might be grossly interested in export/ import business or foreign affairs. In your horoscope, the 10th-lord is situated in the 5th-house. This is a favorable indication for having some application-oriented education. You will be very intelligent and endowed with a retentive

memory. With least of efforts, you will easily be able to complete any professional course of your choice. You might be very much eager to learn the modern techniques - which find useful application in large-scale industrial production; as such, you may opt for technology or engineering. Besides, the subjects like business management and study of law might also attract your attention. In your horoscope, the lords of the 10th- and the 9th- houses are conjoined together. This is a very favorable indication for having some application-oriented education like technology or engineering. You will be endowed with keen intellect, retentive memory, profound nature and divine wisdom. With least of efforts, you will easily be able to complete any professional course of your choice. You might be grossly interested in diplomatic functions, foreign affairs or export/ import. Besides, you might be greatly interested in religion, philosophy, etc. You may go to distant inland- or even foreign- places on a religious or cultural mission.

Higher-/ Professional- education & Research - (from 9th House)In your horoscope, the lords of the 4th- and 9th- houses are involved in 'star-exchange'. This combination is a highly favorable indication for having excellent education - as the 4th signifies education, while the 9th indicates higher education. You will be endowed with very good proficiency and acquire a high level of education; you may also be engaged in conducting research in a field of your choice. As the 4th indicates home and 9th signifies distant inland- (or even foreign-) place, in connection with your general education or higher education, you may have to go to such a place. In your horoscope, the 9th-lord is situated in the 5th-house. This is a fortunate combination for having excellent education - as the 5th signifies merit, while the 9th indicates higher education. You will be endowed with very good proficiency and acquire a high level of education; you may also be engaged in conducting research in a field of your choice. For having your higher- or professional- education (and/ or in respect of your profession), you may have some direct- or indirect- foreign-connection.

Study of Occult subjects/ Mysteries/ Research - (from 12th House)In your horoscope, the 12th-lord is situated in the 5th-house. As the 12th is the 9th from the 4th (or the 4th from the 9th), in connection with your professional education, you may go to a distant inlandor even a foreign- place and stay there for a fairly long duration. However, if you do not have to go to a distant place, then there are chances that you may have to stay in a hostel/ boarding house of school/ college/ university.

Prospect of Education and Areas of interest - (from Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury)In your horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are a good number of (7 or 8) benefic dots in the 2nd-house. This is a favorable combination, and you will be endowed with good aptitude for education and academic proficiency; you will possess the gift of eloquence, and will be very dependable in respect of financial dealings. In your horoscope, in Mercury's Bhinna-Ashtakavarga, there are a good number of (7 or 8) benefic dots in the 11th-house. This is a favorable combination; you will have profound interest in a wide range of subjects, in which you will gather knowledge and information. This will help you to become the center of attraction in the circle of your friends and acquaintances - who will value your opinions, and occasionally seek your advice on some important matters.

Considerations from the 10th-house : For Acuired Knowledge, which can be utilized in profession In your horoscope, the 10th-lord is situated in the constellation of the 4th-lord. As 10th-house signifies knowledge while 4th-house indicates education, its indications are very favorable. It ensures that you will have good education and informal studies as well - which will have effective utilization in your profession throughout your working life.

Considerations from the Divisional Chart Chaturvimshamsha : The quality- and

extent- of education As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) the lord of an angle (kendra) house is situated in a trine (trikona) house, it indicates that you are likely to pursue education in an application-oriented field; there are chances that it might be technology or engineering. As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) the lord of a trine (trikona) house is situated in an angle (kendra) house, it indicates that you are likely to pursue education in an application-oriented field; there are chances that it might be technology or engineering. As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) the lord of an angle (kendra) house is conjoined with the lord of a trine (trikona) house, it indicates that you are likely to pursue education in an application-oriented field; there are chances that it might be technology or engineering. As in your D-24 Divisional chart (which is considered specially for education) Mercury is situated in the 11th-house from your Ascendant, you will be very fortunate in respect of education. You are likely to acquire a higher educational- or professional- qualification from a highly reputed and prestigious institution. It is possible that your education might have some connection with the fields like science, technology, journalism, commerce, foreign trade, etc.

Considerations from the total number of dots in Bhinnashtakavarga In your horoscope, in the Ascendant, the total number of benefic dots (contributed by the planets favorably disposed for education) is found to be very good. This is a favorable combination, and it will make you intelligent, suave and alert - in respect of gathering useful information, and you will be capable of utilizing them in an effective way and purposeful manner. In your horoscope, in the 2nd-house, the total number of benefic dots - contributed by the planets favorably disposed for education - is found to be very good. This is a favorable combination, and you will be endowed with good aptitude for education and academic proficiency; you will possess the gift of eloquence, and will be very dependable in respect of financial dealings. In your horoscope, in the 11th-house, the total number of benefic dots (contributed by the planets favorably disposed for education) is found to be very good. This is a very favorable combination; you will have profound interest in a wide range of subjects, in which you will gather knowledge and information. This will help you to become the center of attraction in the circle of your friends and acquaintances - who will value your opinions and occasionally look forward to you for advice on some important matters.

Checking Prospect of Profession

Since Jupiter is aspecting the 10th from your Ascendant, you will be highly fortunate as this is one of the best auguries for having a prosperous, happy and contended life. You will earn through various means, acquire wealth by dint of mental pursuits, receive high honors and patronage from the government authorities. You will rise in your sphere of life, gain credit and renown, and will have a lasting reputation. You will possess leadership qualities, will be a virtuous person with strong religious inclinations and will be a law-abiding citizen. You will be greatly respect by the people of the society. Since your 10th-lord is associated with Mars, in connection with your profession, you may have to remain in direct contact with the police department, defence establishments or electricity board. Or you may earn your fortune from real estate and your younger brother may actively assist you in running your business. Dealing in surgical items, chemicals, acids, fuels, fire fighting equipment, etc could be highly favorable for you. Since Mercury is the secondary significator for profession in your chart, you will remain engaged in intellectual pursuits. Your profession may have connection with teaching, laboratory, scientific research, mathematics, accountancy, journalism, advertising, printing, publishing, books, stationery items, courier service, broker's business, etc. You may have some connection with tannery, footwear or leather items. You may also have some connection with oxygen, health club, yoga, meditation, etc and may even be a health, fitness or lungs specialist. If Mercury is well-placed in your chart, you will have special interest in Astrology and allied subjects. If Mercury is afflicted in your chart, then you may resort to unfair practices like falsehood, trickery, cheating, etc. Since Jupiter is the primary significator for profession in your chart, you will have much of interest in money matters; as such, your profession may have some connection with banking, insurance, taxmatters, speculation, investment, etc. If Venus is well-placed in your chart, then you may study law and if Mercury is well-placed in the chart, then you may work in an advisory capacity or become a consultant. You will be learned in Astrology and allied subjects like Mantra, Tantra, etc and may become an author. You will have strong religious inclinations and might be attracted to spiritualism; you may become a priest or monk. You might also be the interested in Gynaecology or Meteorology.

Observations from K.C.D Jeeva-Rashi and Amsha-Rashi

Your KCD Jeeva-Rashi : Sagittarius ( #9) Your KCD Amsha-Rashi : Scorpio ( #8) As Mars aspects your Jeeva Rashi (= Life), you may have a very high opinion about yourself, and expect that the people in your circle should treat you with due respect. You are likely to be quick to take offence, and wish the offender be adequately punished. If a natural benefic planet is with Mars or aspects it, then the condition will be improved for the better. But if another natural malefic planet is with Mars or aspects it, then the situation may worsen further. As Mercury aspects your Jeeva Rashi (= Life), you may have a somewhat restless nature. You will be intelligent and studious, and will remain on the lookout of useful information on a wide range of subjects of interest. You will have great interest in latest technological developments, and computer field might attract you greatly. You might be in business and your profession may have some connection with publishing of books and/ or newspaper/ magazines; Alternately, you might be engaged in the academic field, or follow a highly respectable intellectual stream of profession. As Jupiter aspects your Jeeva Sign, you will an honest person of jovial disposition and optimistic outlook. You will posses profound religious inclinations and will study the sacred religious classics. You will regularly perform the religious rites, and will be extremely fond of little children. Your earnings will be very good, and your family-life will be peaceful and happy. You may be in business of your own, or might be employed in a major financial institution of repute. As in your chart, the Jeeva Rashi (= Life) is jointly influenced by both of the natural benefic planets -

Jupiter and Mercury - you will surely be very intelligent and meritorious. You will have excellent education and will also have informal studies in various subjects of interest. You will be endowed with the power of discretion, for which you will be specially suited for some highly intellectual avocations where the special abilities to think fast and to promptly conclude are the prime requisites. Your KCD Amsha falls in sign Scorpio. This is not a fortunate position. If some modifying combinations are not present in your chart, then you might had been born under adverse circumstances. Alternately, by freak of fortune you may face financial setback more than once in your life. This is a 'negative' sign of the lord of the Amsha sign (Mars); you may get into difficulties with your superiors or authorities quite a number of times in your life. In your sphere of profession also, you may have to struggle hard, and your earnings may not be very significant.

Checking Prospect of Marriage

In your chart, in Jupiter Bhinna Astakavarga, there are 5 (or more number of) benefic dots in the 7th from Venus. This is a highly fortunate combination. You will be very fortunate in respect of your spouse. She/ He will be kind-hearted and generous, hail from a very decent family; she/ he will be prudent, well mannered and dutiful as well. Your married life will be very fruitful and happy, as you will be endowed with abundance and plenty. In your chart, in the Bhinna Ashtakavarga of Venus, there are 4 (or 5) dots in the 7th from Venus. This is a favorable combination. Your spouse will be a very considerate person; she/ he will give due importance to your likes and dislikes, and value your opinions. Your married life will be joyful and happy. In your Navamsha chart, a natural malefic planet is situated in the 7th - which is neither exalted nor in own house or in own nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination. If some benign modifying influences are not present in your chart, then your married life is likely to be unhappy owing to misunderstandings even owing to silly reasons, and frequent emotional outbursts resulting from these. In your chart, a natural benefic planet is situated very close to the Ascendant-cusp. This is a favorable combination. If some strong counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then you are very much likely to get married at a fairly early age-period. Your spouse is very much likely to come from a wealthier family. Your Ascendant is Taurus. In your chart, Venus is situated in sign Scorpio (in the 7th-house), while the 7th-lord (Mars) is neither exalted nor in own house nor in own nakshatra; besides, no other natural benefic planet is situated in the 7th-house. This overall combination is not at all favorable. If some strong benign modifying influences are not present in your chart, then you may not be very fortunate in respect of your spouse; it is quite possible that the your married life may not be peaceful, and its tenure may also not be very long.

Checking Health & Disease

As Sun is under some affliction in your horoscope, you are liable to suffer from some sort of organic disorder. Your radical constitution may not be very sound, and you may inherit some disease by way of hereditary transmission - probably from your father. As Moon is under some affliction in your horoscope, you are prone to suffer from some functional disorder. You may not remain in good health for long, and tend to acquire diseases stemming from external causes like variations in climatic and environmental conditions. As the Ascendant is under some affliction in your horoscope, you may not have good resistance to disease. You are liable to at times suffer from some disease or other. As the 6th-lord (6th = disease) is situated in the Ascendant in your horoscope, you are liable to suffer from some disease for a long duration. Possibly you have had badly suffered from some disease in your early childhood. As Sun is situated in sign Cancer, and afflicts Moon in your horoscope, you are liable to suffer from ailments like measles, stomach disorder, hoarse voice, dropsy, and swelling in the feet. As Moon is situated in sign Capricorn, and afflicts Sun in your horoscope, you are liable to suffer from ailments like sprains, bruises and weakness in the knees or legs, tired feeling, stomachache, etc. As the 8th-lord aspects it's own house - the 8th-house itself - in your horoscope, you are not likely to face any serious accidental mishap in your life; you are also not likely to undergo any major surgical treatment. As two (or more) natural benefic planets aspect the 8th-house in your horoscope, you are not likely to face any serious accidental mishap in your life; you are also not likely to undergo any major surgical treatment. Since the two dire malefic planets Mars and Saturn afflicting the same sign in your chart and the afflicted sign happens to be Virgo. The part of body corresponding to it is prone to affections owing to accidental mishaps or in some other way, in which respect you should remain very careful. As the sign Virgo bears the combined influence of Mars and Saturn in your horoscope, the parts of your body prone to affections owing to external or internal causes are: the belly and bowels (and the uterus and ovaries, in case of female natives). As Uranus is situated in sign Libra, and afflicts Ascendant in your horoscope, you may suffer from ailments like affection of the lumber vertebrae of the spine, diseases of the reins, inflammation of the kidneys and ureter, retention of urine or diabetes, floating pain in the lumbar region, etc.

Travels, Tours, & Foreign Journey

In your horoscope, the Ascendant falls in a fixed (sthira) sign, while the Ascendant-lord is also situated in a similar position. This indicates that normally you will not be interested to move around a lot unless owing to circumstantial necessities or compulsions, you might have to travel. You are likely to undertake only a few journeys to long-distance places, and that too only if some counteracting combinations are present in your horoscope. In your horoscope, the Moon is situated in the 9th-house. You are destined to have many journeys to long-distance places. Alternately, your profession itself might command undertaking journeys to longdistance places - although it might be occasionally only. In your horoscope, Mars is situated in the 5th-house. It is neither the 10th-lord nor the 5th-lord; besides, it is neither exalted nor situated in own house. This is not a favorable combination. You may not be in good terms with your superiors/ authorities, or the circumstances may not be favorable for you. You may have changes in profession quite a number of times. But as Mars is not retrograde, such changes are less likely to occur all on a sudden, and you will have adequate time for making necessary preparations. In your horoscope, a majority of planets (5 or more) are situated in movable (chara) and common (ubhaya) sign. This indicates that you will travel quite a lot and will have many short-distance as well as long-distance journeys. This inclination will become more pronounced if the majority of planets are situated in charardha or half adjacent to movable signs. In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in a movable (chara) sign. This indicates that you will have many changes, and frequent journeys to short-distance places. In your horoscope, the 8th-lord is situated in the 4th-house or aspects it, and the 8th-lord is neither exalted nor situated in own house or own nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination indicating possibility of having sudden 'dislocation'. Unless counteracting combinations are present in your horoscope, you may have change of residence a few times, and may not remain in the same place for long. Alternately, it is also possible that you may have a transferable job or job-changes a few times which may in turn command change of place of residence. In your horoscope, the 11th-lord is situated in the 4th-house or aspects it, and the 11th-lord is neither exalted nor situated in own house or own nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination indicating possibility of having sudden 'dislocation'. Unless counteracting combinations are present in your horoscope, you may have change of residence a few times, and may not remain in the same place for long. Alternately, it is also possible that you may have a transferable job or job-changes a few times which may in turn command change of place of residence. In your horoscope, a faster moving planet (which is not retrograde) is involved in close 'square' aspect with another planet in 'applying' posture. This indicates the possibility of your shifting to a longdistance place (from your place of birth or native place) owing to some sudden and unexpected development, and you may stay there for a fairly long duration. If some counteracting combinations are not present in the horoscope, then sudden setback in profession may be the probable cause.

Favorable Direction - Where to Go ?

If some counteracting combinations are not present in your horoscope, the favorable direction for you will be SOUTH-WEST.

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