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The oating potential of cylindrical Langmuir probes

Francis F. Chena) and Donald Arnushb)
Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095-1594

Received 29 May 2001; accepted 15 August 2001 The oating potential of a cylindrical probe is computed numerically, and the results are tted to analytic functions. They differ signicantly from the plane approximation. 2001 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.1409346

The formula normally used to calculate the space potential V s from the measured oating potential V f is derived for plane probes and is erroneous when applied to cylindrical probes in the low-density plasmas ( n 1012 cm3) used in industrial plasma processing. The plasma potential V s is of interest because it determines the sheath drop which governs the energy of ions bombarding the walls or a silicon wafer, for instance. Since V f is easily measurable, being the potential at which no net current is drawn, it is often used to estimate V s . The difference V s V f can be calculated from the theory of plane probes, in which a sheath edge articially separates the plasma from the sheath region. If A p is the probe area, n 0 the density in the body of the plasma, and the potential V s there is dened as 0, the electron ux A p to a oating probe is I e A p n 0 th exp V f / KT e ,

the ions which orbit the probe; and the Allen BoydReynolds2 ABR theory, which neglects orbiting, so that ions move only radially and axially. Chen3 has recently shown that the BR theory overestimates the ions angular momentum in partially ionized plasmas because of collisions in the presheath. Hence, for plasma processing purposes, we shall employ the ABR equation as modied by Chen4 for cylindrical probes:

J 1/2 e ,

eV / KT e ,

r/D ,

D 0 KT e / n 0 e 2 1/2.

th KT e /2 m 1/2.

The normalized ion current J is dened by J Ii 1 . 2 & n 0 Dc s 1 6

Note: I total particle current for plane probes and current per unit length for cylindrical probes; the electrical current eI is not used here. Following the so-called Bohm criterion, the sheath edge is dened as the plane where eV 1 1 2 KT e and n n s n 0 exp( 2), so that the ions, having fallen through this potential, have a velocity c s . The ion current is therefore I i A pn sc s 0A pn 0c s , c s KT e / M 1/2,
1 2

M being the ion mass and 0 exp( )0.61. A spread in ion energies can bring 0 closer to the convenient value of 0.5. Setting I i I e yields the usual formula for the oating potential: eV f 1 M ln KT e 0 2m

The unknown current J has to be assumed beforehand and Eq. 4 integrated to yield ( J , ) for all . The J or I V curve is then found by varying J. The constraint that the probe be oating can be expressed as follows. The radius p of a oating probe that corresponds to the assumed J can be found from the condition I i I e at the probe surface, where I e 2 R p n 0 th exp f . 7


5.18 in argon.

If the proper area is substituted, this Maxwellian formula is valid for all f 0, regardless of the probe shape. Substituting Eq. 7 into Eq. 6 gives J so that 1 &

The ion collection area for a cylindrical probe, however, depends on the radius R sh of the sheath, which is not known a priori. In this case, there is no need for the artice of a sharp sheath edge, since solutions of Poissons equation can be extended to innity, but it is no longer possible to solve for V f analytically; numerical solutions of a differential equation are required. Two collisionless theories are available for calculating V ( r ): the BernsteinRabinowitz1 BR theory, which takes into account the angular momentum of

M 2m


e f ,

f ln

p M J 4m

Integration of Eq. 4 is nontrivial, and care must be taken to join smoothly to the quasineutral solution at large radii. This procedure yields the potential distribution

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2001 American Institute of Physics


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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 2001

F. F. Chen and D. Arnush

oating probe, and the ratio / 0 expresses the expansion of this area as p is decreased. The functions and / 0 are also shown in Fig. 2. There is no need to dene a sheath 1 , as edge, but if one is dened at the radius R sh where 2 in Fig. 1, conservation of current requires I i 2 R shn s c s . However, n s is not 0.61n 0 as in the plane case, since quasineutrality has not been assumed at R sh , and n i n e there. Using Eqs. 11 and 6, we can conveniently express the ion current to a oating probe in terms of the function ( p ): I i 2 R p n 0c s , 12 with acting as an effective Bohm coefcient. The following analytic ts to the computed curves may be useful for probe analysis:
FIG. 1. The radial potential prole and the oating potential condition f ( ) for the case J 10, p 15 in argon. The dashed line 1 indicates the sheath edge where 2 , but for cylinders the plasma is not quasineutral there.


1 1 , 6 A ln p B C ln p D 6


where A 0.583, B 3.732, C 0.027, and D 5.431; and

This curve is insensitive to the presence of a probe at r R p . The curve simply terminates at R p , whatever its value, and is unaltered for all r R p . This is because no ions return from the probe, and the ion distribution depends only on V ( r R p ), while the electron distribution is assumed Maxwellian and depends only on V ( r ). For each J, Eqs. 9 and 10 give two curves whose intersection yields a pair of values ( f , p ), as illustrated in Fig. 1, where p is the normalized radius of a oating probe collecting the assumed current J. Varying J generates the function f ( p ), shown in Fig. 2 for argon, which approaches the plane limit of 5.18. If we now dene

R sh 1 E exp F G p , 0 Rp


&J/p ,


Eq. 9 takes the same form as Eq. 3, with in place of 0 . Thus, from Eq. 2, A p is the effective collection area of a

where E 4000, F 7.01, and G 0.096. In the plane probe limit p , f approaches the value of 5.18 for argon, and and / 0 approach 0.61 and 1, respectively. In the range p 1 10 commonly encountered in rf discharges, f is of order 3.7 4.6 for argon, signicantly less than the usual value of 5.2. The reason is that the sheath thickness at V f causes a cylindrical probe of given area to collect more ion current than a plane probe, and thus the sheath drop has to be lowered to permit more electron ow. The difference in V s calculated from the plane and cylindrical formulas is therefore of the order of KT e , or 25 V in most rf discharges. This is not a large effect, but the popular misconception on the use of Eq. 3 should be corrected. More important is the effect of inadequate rf compensation, which could increase the apparent value of KT e and of V f . Non-Maxwellian electron tails would also increase V f . Electron collisions do not affect our results as long as the electrons are Maxwellian, but ion collisions in the sheath could. However, that effect would not be noticeable below about 1 Torr. Finally, the use of the ABR theory needs to be justied. For low-pressure plasmas with a few collisions, it has been shown3 that the BR theory overestimates the effect of ion orbiting around the probe, while the ABR theory underestimates it. The ABR theory is more accurate than the plane approximation, though at the lowest densities orbiting does occur and does affect the results. Evidence for this is deferred to a full-length paper.
I. B. Bernstein and I. N. Rabinowitz, Phys. Fluids 2, 112 1959. J. E. Allen, R. L. F. Boyd, and P. Reynolds, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, Sect. B 70, 297 1957. 3 F. F. Chen, Phys. Plasmas 8, 3029 2001. 4 F. F. Chen, J. Nucl. Energy, Part C 7, 47 1965.
1 2

FIG. 2. Decrease of oating potential f with decreasing p R p / D due to the increase in sheath area as measured by and / 0 . The line through the f points is an analytic t.

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