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Kimberly King July 7, 2013 Internet in Schools Mobile Learning Activity Lesson Tile: Favored by the Greeks Lesson

Standards: ELACC9W1 ELACC9W7 Lesson Objectives: Build background through researching Greek Mythology as an Introduction to The Odyssey Develop positive self-awareness of personal strengths and weakness Collaborate with classmates through social media Express finding in written form through digital media Apps to Use: Socrative, Greek Gods, MyBigCampus Other sources used: Theoi website Lesson Opening: Students will complete a teacher created assessment using Socrative (more info at: They may use their mobile device to access the assessment via web app or downloaded app. The quiz will help students activate any prior knowledge of Greek Mythology. Students who do not have devices will make use of the iPod Touches that are available for this purpose. Lesson Work Session Self-Reflection: On a group discussion thread in My Big Campus (More info at:, students respond to the My Attributes thread. Students will post a list of their personal strengths and weaknesses. Classmates will chose 1 peer and post additional strengths only to their classmates original post. Research: Students will then use the Greek God App (more info at: to gather information on the primary Greek Gods and myths surrounding them. For those who are not working on an ios device, they will use this site to gather their data: Assessment: Students will select the qualities they like the most about themselves. They will collect images, these can be personal images if they choose, that represent these talents and abilities. Based on their research, they will determine which god or goddess reflects these qualities and would have bestowed them with these gifts if they had lived in ancient Greece. With these images, students will begin developing a product, using a multimedia app or program of their choosing. Recommend apps or program: Glogster, Microsoft Publisher, VoiceThread, Microft AutoCollage, or other similar item. The creation of product will be completed at home.

Once the product is complete, they will post it to the appropriate My Big Campus thread. There post will also include a detail explanation of their product and justifications of their selected gods and/or goddesses. Finally, each student will review the product of at least two classmates and access their explanation and information. They will provide a post explaining if they agree or disagree with their classmates justifications providing evidence from the data collection process to support their responses.

Lesson Closing/Reflection Using 140 characters or less, students will post their lesson takeaways in the appropriate discussion thread.

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