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List of conditions - proposed dye-house

1) All other necessary permits/clearances from relevant authorities shall be obtained & all conditions attached therewith shall be scrupulously observed. 2) Development shall be undertaken as per mitigating measures stated in EIA report, additional information and amended plan submitted unless as otherwise advised herein. 3) In accordance with EPA 2002 section 18 2(l) proponent shall submit an Environmental Monitoring Plan for proposed development to Department of Environment for approval prior to start of works. Proponent shall thereafter submit report on implementation, accordingly. 4) Department of Environment shall be informed in writing of date of commencements of all works on site for monitoring purposes. 5) Height of chimney stack shall be as per good engineering practices. Provisions shall be made for apertures/ portholes of appropriate size & locations as well as climbing platforms shall be provided in chimney stack for purposes of monitoring. 6) An automatic monitoring unit shall be installed for flue gas analysis. Results of flue gas analysis shall be submitted to the Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment on last day of each month. 7) Stack emissions shall be as per standards for Air Regulations made under Environment Protection Act. 8) Operation of dyeing plant & associated activities shall not give rise to any noise, odour & dust nuisances to the nearby residents, public & surrounding environment. 9) Boiler & other noise generating motors shall be housed in sound proof building so that noise emanating there from be within permissible limits of standards for Noise as per Environment Protection (Environment Standards for Noise) Regulations promulgated under Environment Protection Act. 10) Boiler shall be operated by a trained boiler operator. 11) Working platform and bases of fuel tanks shall be made impermeable. 12) All solid waste shall be disposed of to satisfaction of Local Authority & Ministry of Local Government. 13) All wastewater generated shall be disposed to public sewer lines. Promoter shall submit to WMA, for approval, detailed design report & drawings of onsite treatment facilities & sewer pipeline to be connected to existing sewer network. Promoter shall liaise with House Connection Unit of WMA to finalize connection point. Promoter shall ensure that effluent entering public sewer system shall meet limits for discharge into sewer system, as stipulated in Section 47 of 14) Wastewater Management Authority Act, Government Notice No 182 of 2004.One week after start of operation the Promoter shall apply for an Industrial Discharge Permit at the WMA. 15) No waste of any type shall be disposed of or have access directly or indirectly to any watercourse including drains. 16) An adequate drainage network shall be provided for disposal of storm-water. Complete drainage layout including contours, spot levels & detailed calculations showing capacity of existing drain along main road shall be submitted to the RDA for approval prior to implementation. 17) Water drainage from oil-contaminated areas shall be treated through an oil/water separator prior to discharge from site. 18) Proponent shall obtain clearance from Fire Services to combat any fire outbreak. Necessary fire fighting devices shall be made available at all times. 19) Proponent shall prepare a contingency plan as stipulated under section 30(3) of Environment Protection Act 2002 & shall submit same for approval to Director of Environment prior to operation of plant. 20) A buffer zone of at least 10m, properly landscaped with tall trees & decorative plants, shall be observed along site boundary fronting VRS / 1200 Arpents Scheme sites. 21) No hazardous activities shall be carried out near morcellement sites. Production Area, Fabric Storage Area, Boiler Room, Maintenance Workshop & any area within building whose activity is likely to cause noise & odour nuisances shall be located furthest away from residential zone. Part of building located near residential zone shall be meant for office & storage area only. 22) Any proposed deviation shall be subject to an application to Director of Environment. No deviation or part thereof shall be executed prior to the determination of application by Director.

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