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On Sentences Which are True of Direct Unions of Algebras Author(s): Alfred Horn Source: The Journal of Symbolic Logic,

Vol. 16, No. 1 (Mar., 1951), pp. 14-21 Published by: Association for Symbolic Logic Stable URL: . Accessed: 25/06/2013 21:38
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Volume16,Number 1, March 1951



It is well knownthat certainsentencescorresponding to similaralgebrasare invariantunderdirectunion; that is, are true of the directunion whentrue of each factoralgebra.2An axiomatizableclass of similaralgebras, such as the class ofgroups, is closedunderdirectunionwheneach ofits axiomsis invariant. In this paper we shall determine a wide class of invariantsentences.We shall also be concerned with determining sentenceswhichare true of a directunion providedtheyare true of some factoralgebra. In the case whereall the factor In ?2 it will be shownthat algebrasare the same, a further resultis obtained.8 are the only ones of theirkind. Lemma 7 below may be of some these criteria independentinterest. and notationofMcKinsey2 withthe exception We adopt the terminology that the sign * will be used forconjunction.4 of the form'-'e, wheree is Expressions an equation,will be called inequalities. In accordancewiththe analogybetween we shall call conjunctionand disjunctionwith productand sum respectively, ... terms5 the of the disjunction a,, I an
al V V an

of the conjunction and thefactors l. 'an . Every closed sentenceis equivalentto a sentencein prenex normal form,
2 1

Qm S,

Qm are quantifiers, wherexi, *, x are distinct individual variables, Q, X and the matrixS is an open sentencein whicheach of the variablesx1, I - *, xm in either S may be written normal actuallyoccurs.The sentence disjunctive form: ai l.*
aiv1 v


cx 'ak,rk

whereai, i is eitheran equation or an inequality,or in conjunctive normal form:

(al,1 V * V al.71>) * ak, V

V ak,rk).

Received November 15, 1949. 1 The problem considered in this paper was suggested to the author by Professor Alfred Tarski'in his seminar of Spring 1947 at the University of California. 2 For the terminologysee J. C. C. McKinsey, The decision problemfor some classes of sentenceswithout quantifiers,this JOURNAL, vol. 8 (1943), pp. 61-76. By a factoralgebra of the direct union of algebras r,, we mean one of the algebras ri . ' A special case of one of our theorems was obtained by McKinsey, loc. cit., p. 65. 4 We shall not attempt to use a rigorous notation in the informal metamathematical language. In particular, quotation marks are omitted in most cases. 6 We shall not use the word termin McKinsey's sense in this paper. 14

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normal or a prenex conjuctive disjunctive In thesecases we shall speak ofa prenex formrespectively. to an algebra r- Suppose we fixan ordering Let S be a sentencecorresponding variablesand denotethemin thisorderbyxi, ** , x ,. If (al, * , a") ofitsfree ofelementsof r, we shall regardas knownthemeaningof m-tuple is an ordered inS and conoccurring S in r." WhenT is a sentence "(a,, * *, a.) satisfies * , am) satisfies write "(a1, we *, * * variables free taining only the xi,, xj, , in T r. satisfies * *, r" * in whenever T as,) (as,,

?1. Let A be the class of algebraswiththe sequence

R~n1),^ . ... XR(n)

of operation variables. If for each i in an index set I,

unionofthealgebrasri is meantthealgebra is an algebrain A, thenby thedirect the set of all functionsf with domain I such , 0,n), where K ism r = (K, O1, * overtheclass K: Iff1, - ^, fn operation thatf(i) is in K, , and 0i is an np-ary i are g of K such that for any ni membersof K, then O,(f1, * , f,,) is the member
all i in I
9(i) = Oi'i (Mib)..* * fnin(i))





f, If e is an equation in which m individual variables occur, and if f, I are elementsof r, it followsthat (fi, ***, fi) satisfiese in r if and only

if (fi(i),


e in ri for eachi inI. The sameis trueofanyconsatisfies f,,,(i))

such that no normalform LEMMA 1. Let S be an open sentencein disjunctive (i)) S in r, then (f1(i),** , fm inequalitiesoccur in S. If (fi , * , fn) satisfies satisfies S in rF for each i in I. S in r, then it satisfiesone of the termsof PROOF:If (fi , **, fin) satisfies since this termis a conjunction now follows immediately S in r. Our statement of equations. and suppose normalform LEMMA2. Let S be an open sentencein disjunctive S in r, each termof S containsat mostone inequality.If (ft, *, fin)satisfies S in ri forsome i in I. then (fi(i), *- , fm(i)) satisfies in r one of the terms S in r, then it satisfies satisfies PROOF:If (f', ***, mf) C has theform the resultis clear. Otherwise C ofS. If C containsno inequalities, ' where the es are equations. But (fi(i), , fr(i)) satisfies es ek y-ek+l, l, * in rF for some i in I. in rF for each i in I, 1 ! j i k, while it does not satisfy E-k+l
. ...

withthe freeindividualvariablesxi, *,x LEMMA 3. Let W be a sentence Suppose thatwhenever quantifier. (fi, * , fkc)satisfies and let Q be an arbitrary W in F, then (f1(i), ... fk(i)) satisfies W in Fi for each i in I. Then whenever (i, *... , fk,-) satisfies QZkW in r, then (fi(i), * * *, fk-,(i)) satisfies QXkW in rF

If r = (K, 01,I ** ) is an algebra, we shall for convenience write "x is an element of rvw when strictlyspeaking we should write "x is an element of K."

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foreach i in I. (In case k = 1, thenwhenever is trueof r, then QX1W is QX1W trueof ri foreach i in I.)7 PROOF: We first consider the case whereQ is the universalquantifier II. Suppose (fi, - - *, fkA-)satisfiesllXkW in r. Fix a particular value ofi and let a be any element of ri. Letfk be an element of r suchthat fk(i) = a. Then by hypothesis (fi, - - *, fk-, Ak) satisfies W in r. Hence (fi(i), - - *, fk-,(i), a) satisfies W in (fi(i), - **, fk~-(i))satisfies ri. Therefore in ri by thearbitrary natureofa. IlXkW Now consider the case where Q is replacedby S. Suppose(fi, ***,fkA-) satisfies * *, fk)satisfies XZkWin r. Then thereis an fk in r suchthat (fi, W in r. Hence W in ri foreach i in I. Therefore ((i), - *- , fk(i)) satisfies (fi(i), * , (i) satisfies .XkW in ri for each i in I.
LEMMA4. Let W and Q be as in Lemma3. Suppose thatwhenever (fi, * ,fk) satisfies W in r, then (Yi(i), - - *, fk(i)) satisfies W in ri forsome i in I. Then whenever(fi , -**, fkA-) satisfies * QxkWin r, then (f.(i), ..., fk-,(i)) satisfies in ri forsomei in I. (In case k = 1,thenwhenever is trueof r, then QXkW QxkW it is true of ri forsome i in I.) PROOF: In the case Q = II, suppose (fi, ***, A-i)satisfies IlkW in r. Assume that foreach i in I, (f.(i), ... ,fk-i(i)) does notsatisfy IlkW in ri. Then foreach i thereis an element ai ofri such that (fi(i), ... ,fk-,(i),ai) does not satisfy W in ri. Let fk be the element ofr forwhich fk(i) = ai foreach i in I. Since
(Yi (i X .. * *f k-1 (i) X fk (i) )

does not satisfy W in ri forany i in I, it follows by hypothesis that (fi, **, fk) cannot satisfyW in r. This contradictsthe fact that (fi, , fk-,)satisfies llxkW in r. When Q = :, suppose (fi, ***, fk-,) satisfies yxkW in r. Then thereis an satisfies W in r. Hence (fi(i), * - * ,fk(i)) satisfk in r such that (fi, - - ,fk-l ,Ak) fiesW in ri forsomei in I. Therefore forthisi (fi(i), * , fk-1(i))satisfies yZkW in ri.
THEOREM 1. Let T be a closedsentence whichhas a prenexdisjunctive normal formT' in whichno inequalitiesoccur.Then if T is trueof r, it is trueof ri for each i in I. PROOF: Let T' have theform

Q X:1

S. Qm

( fi .** ,,f) satisfies By Lemma 1,whenever S in r, then(fi(i), * ,fr(i)) satisfiesS in ri foreach i in I. By Lemma 3, whenever (fi, * , fm-')satisfies

Qm S

in r, then(fi(i), * ,frnl(i)) satisfies it in ri. Applying Lemma 3 repeatedly we reach the desiredconclusion.
author is indebted to Robert L. Vaught for pointing out that thepresent formulation of Lemmas 3 and 4 simplifiesthe proofs of Theorems 1 and 3.

I The

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normal whichhas a prenexconjunctive THEOREM 2. Let T be a closedsentence formT' in which all equations are negated. Then if T is true of ri forsome i in I, then it is true of r. PROOF: If T' is true of ri forsome i, then it is false that -.AT'is true of ri it is false foreach i. But -T' satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 1. Therefore that - T' is trueof r, and thus T' is trueof r.
THEOREM 3. Let T be a closed sentencewhichhas a prenexdisjunctivenormal formT' such that each termof the matrixof T' containsat most one inequality.Then if T is trueof r, thenit is trueof ri forsome i in I. is thesame as that ofTheorem1 exceptthatwe use Lemmas PROOF:The proof 2 and 4 insteadof Lemmas 1 and 3. THEOREM 4. Let T be a closed sentencewhichhas a prenexconjunctivenormal formin whose matrixeach factorcontainsat most one non-negatedequation. Then if T is trueof ri foreach i in I, thenit is trueof r. PROOF: This followsfromTheorem3 in the same way in which Theorem2 followsfromTheorem 1.

whose THEOREM 5. Let T be a closedsentence whichhas a prenexnormalform of equations.Then T is trueof r ifand onlyif it is true matrixis a conjunction of riforeachiinI. fromTheorems1 and 4. PROOF: This follows whose THEOREM 6. Let T be a closedsentence whichhas a prenexnormalform is a disjunction matrix Then T is trueof r ifand onlyif it is true ofinequalities. of rF for some i in I. PROOF: This follows fromTheorems2 and 3.
THEOREM 7. If forall i in I the algebras ri are the same algebra r', and if S is an open sentencewhichis true of r, thenS is true of F'. of , a PROOF: Suppose S is not trueof F'. Then thereexistelements am a,, F' such that (a,, ... , am) satisfies '-S in F'. Let fj be the elementof r forwhich -S in r, as is easily fj(i) = a3 fori in I, 1 < j ? m. Then (fi, *, fin)satisfies seen by puttingU-S in disjunctivenormalform.

THEOREM 8. If forall i in I the algebras rF are the same algebra r', and if S quantiin whichno universal is a closedsentence whichhas a prenex normalform fiers occur,thenifS is trueof F' it is true of r. PROOF: This is an immediate consequenceof Theorem7. consider As an exampleof a sentencewhich is not covered by our theorems, the closed sentence'



* I*** ... SA)





in S. whereS is a conjunctionof equations and e is an equation not occurring According to Theorem3, if (1) is trueof r, it is true of ri forsome i. But it is that if (1) is trueof F, it willbe trueof Pi forall i in I. easilyverified
I This exampleis due to Joseph L. Hodges,Jr.

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?2. Let T be a closedsentence in prenexnormalform withmatrix S, and suppose el, ... , ek are the distinctequations occurring in S. Let P be the formula obtainedfrom S by substituting variablespi forthe equationses . Theorems1-8 refer solelyto thenatureofP as a formula in thepropositional calculusand to the of T. We are goingto show that no othersuch theorems quantifiers can be obtainedby puttingrestrictions on the distribution of quantifiers of T and on the propertiesof P. Our firsttask is to determine in the propositional which formulas calculus have disjunctivenormalformslike the ones described in Theorems 1 and 3. Let P be a formula whosevariables are p, ... , (of P) we pIk. By a constituent understand a termof the forma, - ''- -ak, whereas is eitherp, or -pi. The distinguished disjunctive normal form9 N(P) of P is a disjunctionofdistinct constituents. It is unique (exceptforthe orderof the terms),and N(-'P) is the disjunction of all constituents of P whichdo not appear in N(P). A minorof a C is a constituent one or morenegationsigns constituent obtainedby removing fromC. An immediate minorof C is obtained when we remove one negation sign fromC.
LEMMA 5. Let P be a formula in the propositional calculus. A necessaryand sufficient conditionthat P be eithertautologousor have a disjunctivenormal formwithoutnegationsis that all the immediateminorsof each constituent occurring in N(P) also appear in N(P). PROOF: The formula P is tautologousif and onlyif all constituents appear in P' in whichno negationsoccur. N(P). Suppose P has a disjunctivenormalform Replace each termpi.p *. *Pirin P' by the term

(Pir+i v'Pir+1)



, wherePir+ X... pXj, are the remaining variablesof P. We obtainan equivalent formula P". Now N(P) resultswhenwe distribute out the termsofP" and drop repetitiousconstituents. Let C be any consistentoccurringin N(P) and let D be any immediate minorof C. If pi is the variable negatedin C but not in D, thenC musthave arisenfrom ofa termofP" having (pi vam.psj) the distribution as a factor.But thisdistribution also gives riseto D. in N(P) if each immediateminorof everyconstituent Conversely, occurring in N(P) also occursin N(P), then everyminorof everyconstituent occurring in N(P) may be replaced C occurring appears in N(P). Hence each constituent in N(P) by the disjunctionof C and all its minors.Now the disjunctionof a constituent C and all its minorsis eithertautologousor equivalent to a conjunction in which no negations occur, in fact to the conjunctionof all nonnegatedvariablesappearingin C. Hence P is eithertautologousor is equivalent to the formulaP' obtained by removingall negated factorsfromeach term of N(P).

and calculus. A necessary in the propositional LEMMA 6. Let P be a formula sufficient conditionthat P have a disjunctivenormal formP' in which each
I See D. Hilbert and P. Bernays, Grundlagen der Mathematik, Berlin 1934,vol. 1, p. 57. When -P is tautologous, the class of constituents of P which appear in N(P) is empty.

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in C appearing termcontainsat mostone negationis that givenany constituent or thereis a variablepi such that -pi occursin N(P), eitherC has no negations of C in which -pi occursalso appear in N(P). C and all minors is provedin the same way as in Lemma ofthe condition PROOF: The necessity the mannerin which C arises froma term of P'. 5; namely,by considering We may then replaceeach suppose N(P) has the stated property. Conversely, ofC whichcontain of C and all minors C in N(P) by the disjunction constituent equivalentto a termin whichpi is the only is evidently -pi . This disjunction negated variable. The proof is complete. the constitof two constituents By the composition CI, C2, we understand . ak, whereas is --pi if and onlyif pi is negated in either uent C = a C, or C2 . ClearlyC, and C2 are minorsof C. and calculus. A necessary in the propositional LEMMA 7. Let P be a formula conditionthat P have a disjunctivenormal formP' in whicheach sufficient term contains at most one negationis that the compositionof any two conofP whichdo not appear in N(P) also does not occurin N(P). stituents Let C1 and C2 be P' withthe stated property. PROOF: Suppose P has a form any two constituents not appearing in N(P) and let C3 be their composition. If C3 occursin N(P), thenC3 mustcontaina negated variablepi withthe propertystated in Lemma 6. But C, and C2 must be minorsof C3, and -pi must appear in C0 or C2. This is a contradiction. ofourcondition, suppose P' does notexist.By Lemma To provethesufficiency C whose negated variablesare PiI ... I Pi, 6, N(P) contains a constituent and C has minorsCi, **,. C, such that U-'psiappears in Ci and Ci does not the composition ofany twoconstituents occurin N(P), 1 _<i < r. By hypothesis not appearingin N(P) does not appear. But it is obviousthat C willresultwhen
we take the composition cumulatively of Ci, *

pletesthe proof.

, C,. This contradiction com-

Then thereexist two similaralgebras rl, r2, and a senarbitrary quantifiers. class whichhas the form to theirsimilarity tence T corresponding Q1 wZ
XI, ...

THEOREM 9. Let P be a non-tautologous formula in the propositional calculus which has no disjunctive normal formwithout negations, and let Qi, ... , Qmbe

s Qm m

whereS is the resultof substituting equations ei in the individual variables of r, and r2 but falseof r2 . PROOF: Suppose r1and r2 are similaralgebraswithdirectunion r. If C1 and ofsubstituting ofP withcomposition C2are constituents C3, let Si be the result
, Xmfor the variables pi of P, such that T is true of the direct union

xm for the variables pi of equations whose individual variables are xi, ... X f*m) satisSi in ri, i = 1,2,thenKfi Ci, i = 1, 2, 3. If (al , * , a") satisfies fies83 in F, where fr(i) = aX 1 < r ? m. By Lemma 5, N(P)contains a constituent C1 which has an immediate minor C2 not occurring in N(P). The composition of C1 and C2 is C1 . If we choose the

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algebras ri, r2 and equationses so that Si is trueof ri, i = 1, 2, thenS1, and hence T, will be true of r. Also since C2 is a termof N(,--P), T will be falseof r2. In constructing the algebras ri and r2, we may restrict ourselvesto two elementalgebras (since the operationsof an algebra needn't be distinct).
THEOREM 10. Let P be a non-tautologous formulain the propositional calculus which has no disjunctivenormal formsuch that at most one negation , Qm appears in each term,and let Qi, be arbitrary quantifiers. Then there I existtwo similaralgebras ri, r2, and a sentenceT corresponding to theirsimilarity class such that T has the form

S Qi".Qm Q1 .. Q S,

whereS is defined as in Theorem9, and such that T is trueof the directunion r of ri and r2 but falseof both ri and r2. Ci and C2 of P which do not PROOF: By Lemma 7 there exist constituents appear in N(P) and whose compositionC3 appears in N(P). Choose algebras as rl, r2 and equationses so that Si is trueof ri, i = 1, 2, whereSi is defined in the proofof Theorem9. Then S3 willbe trueof r. It now follows readilythat T will be true of r but false of ri and r2.
, Qm THEOREM 11. Let P be as in Theorem 10 and let Q,, be arbitrary quantifiers such that at least one of themistheexistential quantifier. Thenthere existsan algebra r', and a sentenceT corresponding to the similarity class of r' such that T has the form



whereS is defined as in Theorem9, and such that T is falseof r' but trueof the directunionr of r'and r'. of Theorem 10. Suppose PROOF: DefineCi and Si , i = 1, 2, 3, as in the proof in the sequenceQ1, existential quantifier Q,is the first Qm,.Let K be any , set having morethan one element.Divide K into two disjointnon-empty sets 0, over K and equationse in such a way that K1, K2. Defineoperations


*V_1 ZpV+



is satisfied in r' = (K, 01, ...) by each elementofKi, i = 1, 2. It is clear that v is then trueof r'. Therefore--S, and hence -T, is true of r'. Also, by S2 Si the remarkat the beginning of the proofof Theorem9,
Z1 *V-1 Z+1

II i





of r such thatf(i) is satisfied in r by thoseelementsf

= K,

1, 2. Therefore

H EI *v 1


S3 H I ]I I .II.] Zm

and hence T, is trueof r. as follows. Theorems1 and 9 may be summarized

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THEOREM 12. Let P be a non-tautologous formula in thepropositional calculus. Then the following are equivalent. (i) P has a disjunctive normalform without negations. (ii) For any system(ri) of similar algebras,and any sentenceT (corresponding to the ri) in prenexnormalform

Q ... Qm SI Zm

S is the resultof substituting whosematrix equationses (whoseindividualvariables are amongxi,I **, x") forthe variablespi of P, we have: If T is true of the directunion of the ri, then T is trueof ri foreach i.
THEOREM 13. Let P be a non-tautologous formulain the propositional calare equivalent. culus. Then the following (i) P has a disjunctive normalform in whicheach tern containsat mostone negation. (ii) For any system(ri) of similaralgebras,and any sentenceT (corresponding to the ri) in prenexnormalform




whosematrixS is the resultof substituting equationses (whoseindividualvariables are amongxi,I - *, x") forthe variablespi of P, we have: If T is trueof the directunionof the ri, then T is trueof ri forsome i. to V') in prenex (iii) For any algebra F', and any sentenceT (corresponding normalform


S, * Qm

as in (ii), such that at least one of the Qj is ? and whose matrixS is defined we have: If T is trueof the directunion of any numberof copies of r', then T is true of r'. of Theorems3, 10, and 11. PROOF: This is a combination

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