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GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF THE ANNUAL NATIONAL ASSESSMENT (ANA) EXEMPLARS 1. General overview The Annual National Assessment (ANA) is a summative assessment of the knowledge and skills that learners are expected to have developed by the end of each of the Grades 1 to 6 and 9. To support their school-based assessments and also ensure that learners gain the necessary confidence to participate with success in external assessments, panels of educators and subject specialists developed exemplar test questions that teachers can use in their Language and Mathematics lessons. The exemplar test questions were developed from curriculum work that covers Terms 1, 2 and 3 of the school year and a complete ANA model test for each grade has been provided. The exemplars, which include the ANA model test, supplement the school-based assessments that learners must undergo on a continuous basis and do not replace them. 2. Links with other learning and teaching resource materials For the necessary integration, some of the exemplar texts and questions have been deliberately linked to the grade-relevant workbooks. The exemplars have also been aligned with the requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R to 12 (NCS), the provisions of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for the relevant grades and the National Protocol for Assessment. Together these documents, plus any others that a school may provide, make up a rich resource base to help teachers in planning lessons and conducting formal assessment (assessment of learning). 3. How to use the exemplars While the exemplars for a grade and a subject have been compiled into one comprehensive set, the teacher does not have to give the whole set to the learners to respond to in one sitting. The teacher should select exemplar questions that are relevant to the planned lesson at any given time. Carefully selected individual exemplar test questions, or a manageable group of questions, can be used at different stages of the teaching and learning process as follows: 3.1 At the beginning of a lesson as a diagnostic test to identify learner strengths and weaknesses. The diagnosis must lead to prompt feedback to learners and the development of appropriate lessons that address the identified weaknesses and consolidate the strengths. The diagnostic test could be given as homework to save time for instruction in class. During the lesson as short formative tests to assess whether learners are developing the intended knowledge and skills as the lesson progresses and ensure that no learner is left behind. At the completion of a lesson or series of lessons as a summative test to assess if the learners have gained adequate understanding and can apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the completed lesson(s). Feedback to learners must then be given promptly while the teacher decides on whether there are areas of the lesson(s) that need to be revisited to consolidate particular knowledge and skills.




At all stages to expose learners to different techniques of assessing or questioning, e.g. how to answer multiple-choice (MC) questions, open-ended (OE) or free-response (FR) questions, short-answer questions, etc.

While diagnostic and formative tests may be shorter in terms of the number of questions included, the summative test will include relatively more questions up to a full test depending on the work that has been covered at a particular point in time. The important thing is to ensure that learners eventually get sufficient practice in responding to full tests of the type of the ANA model test.

4. Memoranda or answering guidelines A typical example of the expected response (memorandum) has been given for each exemplar test question and for the ANA model test. Teachers must bear in mind that the memoranda can in no way be exhaustive. Memoranda can only provide broad principles of expected responses and teachers must interrogate and reward acceptable options and variations of the acceptable response(s) given by learners.

5. Curriculum coverage It is extremely critical that the curriculum must be covered in full in every class. The exemplars for each grade and subject do not represent the entire curriculum. They merely sample important knowledge and skills and only for work that covers terms 1, 2 and 3 of the school year. The pacing of work to be covered according to the school terms is specified in the relevant CAPS documents.

6. Conclusion The goal of the Department is to improve the levels and quality of learner performance in the critical foundational skills of literacy and numeracy. ANA is one instrument the Department uses to monitor whether learner performance is improving, staying the same or declining. Districts and schools are expected to support teachers and provide necessary resources to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the schools. By using the ANA exemplars as part of their teaching resources, teachers will help learners become familiar with different styles and techniques of assessing. With proper use the exemplars should help learners acquire appropriate knowledge and develop relevant skills to learn effectively and perform better in subsequent ANA tests.

Read the following text and then answer questions 1 to 5.

1 Achoo! Achoo! Sometimes we all sneeze. Sneezing is a reflex that the body does automatically. This means that you cannot make yourself sneeze or stop once it has started. The body is trying to get rid of bad things such as bacteria in the nose when we sneeze. There are extra germs when we have a cold. Therefore, one sneezes a lot more. One might also sneeze when one smells pepper! Nasal hairs filter the air one breathes. There are hundreds of tiny hairs inside the nose. Sometimes dust and pollen find their way through these hairs and irritate the nasal passages. The nerves in the lining of the nose tell the brain that something is invading the body. The brain, lungs, nose, mouth, and the muscles of the upper body then work together to blow away the invaders with a sneeze. Germs from the nose get blown into the air when you sneeze. Using a tissue or sneezing into your sleeve captures most of these germs. It is very important to wash your hands after sneezing into them, especially during the cold and flu season. Some people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight. Scientists believe that this is due to the UV rays from the sun. UV rays irritate the lining of the nose and that cause people to sneeze. If someone nearby sneezes, remember to tell them Gesundheit! That is a funny-looking word which is pronounced gezz-oont-hite. It is the German word that wishes someone good health after sneezing. So when someone does Achoo you respond Bless you! Cynthia Sherwood

1. Circle the letter of the correct answer. 1.1

The author wrote the passage in order to_______________ A B C D inform readers about sneezing. persuade readers to avoid sneezing. encourage the use of tissue when sneezing. advise readers about the dangers of sneezing.


Which of the following phrases best summarises the purpose of the passage? A B C D to advise to inform to persuade to encourage


The aim of the passage is to ______________the readers about sneezing. A B C D advise inform persuade encourage

2. Circle the letter of the correct answer. 2.1

Identify the topic sentence in paragraph 3. A B C D Hairs inside the nose filter the air. Lungs blow out the dust in the nose. There are hundreds of tiny hairs inside the nose. Dust and pollen get inside the nose through the hair.


What is the main idea in paragraph 3? A B C D Hairs inside the nose filter the air. Lungs blow out the dust in the nose. There are hundreds of tiny hairs inside the nose. Dust and pollen get inside the nose through the hair.


In paragraph 3 the author shows that _______________________________ A B C D hairs inside the nose filter the air. lungs blow out the dust in the nose. there are hundreds of tiny hairs inside the nose. dust and pollen get inside the nose through the hair.


What is the topic sentence in paragraph 3?

3. Circle the letter of the correct answer. 3.1

Choose the best meaning of the word automatic as it is used in the text. A B C D Sneezing is habitual. Sneezing is necessary. Sneezing is mechanical. Sneezing is spontaneous.


Sneezing is a reflex that the body does automatically. What do the underlined words mean? A B C D Sneezing is habitual. Sneezing is necessary. Sneezing is mechanical. Sneezing is spontaneous.

4. Answer the following questions: 4.1

Indicate whether the following statement is True or False. Quote a line from the passage to support your answer. Some people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


What do you infer from the following statement? UV rays from the sun cause sneezing. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

4.3 Circle the letter of the correct answer.

UV rays from the sun cause sneezing. This means that the______________________ A B C D UV rays cause cold and flu. UV rays irritate the nose. UV rays are good for the nose. UV rays help to blow out germs.

4.4 Answer the question in the space provided.

According to passage what happens when dust and pollen enter the nose? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Give three possible reasons why people sneeze. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Read the following poem and answer the questions 6 to 8. LOVE Love is a burning candle, Its not always easy to handle, It burns, but its still beautiful And it makes celebrations oh so meaningful. Its a sunset Burning with romance A song That makes you want to dance. 8 Source: Internet
6. Answer the following questions: 6.1

4 5

Give an example of alliteration in the poem. _________________________________________________________________


Circle the letter of the correct answer. burns, but its still beautiful (line 3) is an example of ___________________ A B C D

personification. assonance. alliteration. simile. Circle the letter of the correct answer. The figure of speech used in line 3 is ________________________ personification. assonance. alliteration. simile.


7. Answer the following questions: 7.1 7.2

What figure of speech is used in line 1? Circle the letter of the correct answer. The figure of speech used in line 1 is ________________________


personification. assonance. alliteration. simile.


Circle the letter of the correct answer. The two things compared in line 1 are


love and a burning candle. candle and celebration. love and beauty. love and sunset.


Circle the letter of the correct answer. Love is a burning candle in line 1 is an example of A B C D onomatopoeia. metaphor. rhyme. simile.

7.5 Circle the correct answer.

Which one of the following sentences is an example of a metaphor? A B C D And it makes celebration oh so beautiful. Its not always easy to handle. It burns, but its still beautiful. Love is a burning candle.

8. Answer the following questions:


Give an example of a rhyme in the poem.


Circle the letter of the correct answer. Which lines rhyme? A B C D Lines 1 and 2 Lines 2 and 3 Lines 2 and 4 Lines 1 and 4


Circle the letter of the correct answer. candle (at the end of line 1) and handle (at the end of line 2) are an example of __________________________ A B C D onomatopoeia. metaphor. rhyme. simile.


Fill in the correct figure of speech. romance (at the end of line 6) and dance (at the end of line 8) in stanza 2 are an example of _____________________ .



Read the following passage and write a summary as indicated.

SCHOOL UNIFORMS: A BLESSING OR A CURSE! Some learners in schools hate to wear school uniform. They believe that uniforms are not appealing to the younger generation. But definitely there are some valid reasons why the culture of uniforms in schools should be retained. Uniforms establish something in common between all who wear it. It encourages learners of the same school to regard themselves as part of a community and gives a sense of belonging. Of course, some people would argue that this prevents the development of individuality among young people. Uniforms give an identity label. Without uniforms there may be confusion as to who attends which school. The school may be wrongly blamed for the bad behaviour of the boys and girls who do not belong to it. On the other hand, if all the learners of a particular school wear shorts, shirts or dress of a distinctive colour, they cannot be mistaken even in a crowd. Of course, learners always complain that their uniform is dull and unfashionable. Nevertheless, uniforms are generally preferable to the variety of trendy extremes such as high-heeled shoes and backless dresses among girls, or over tight long trousers among the boys. Most uniforms are sensibly designed for working in. They also present a neat and tidy appearance. Uniforms also help to avoid extravagance in dresses. Without them, some of the learners from wealthy families might be tempted to display their fine clothes. Poor learners may feel envious or inferior. Uniforms make everyone seem equal. They prevent showing off on the one hand and possible unhappiness on the other.

Write down the advantages of school uniform in 30 to 40 words. Give any FOUR (4) points.
Write your summary here: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________



Change the following sentence into indirect speech. Begin the sentence as indicated. I want all learners to wear school uniform to the Awards Evening, said the class teacher. The class teacher said that ________________________________________________________________


Change the following sentence into direct speech. Begin the sentence as indicated. The parent asked where he could buy the school uniform. The parent asked __________________________________________________


Circle the letter of the correct answer. Mpho is a new learner at Moshodo Secondary School. The principal said he should wear school uniform every day to school. What should he do? A B C D He ought to buy the new school uniform. He ought buy the new school uniform. He might buy the new school uniform. He may buy the new school uniform.


Circle the letter of the correct answer. Choose the correct sentence from the following: A B C D Learners should come to school in uniform. Learners should to come to school in uniform. Learners should coming to school in uniform. Learners should came to school in uniform.



Your favourite class teacher has retired and the school is organising a farewell function in honour of him or her. You are asked to give a speech at the function. Write a speech of 50 to 60 words paying tribute to him or her. You may use the ideas in the following mind map to plan your speech.

Conclusion: How will you miss your teacher? Teachers Name

Introduction: Personality traits caring/ helpful/ hardworking

What are his/her contributions to the school?

Why do you like him/her? How has he/she influenced you?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


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