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Case 1 : Usha Rani A/P Gurunathan (HI-14874) Microscopy Section shows multiple fragments of endometrial tissue exhibiting regularly

spaced tubular glands lined by pseudostratified tall columnar epithelium with presence of mitosis. The stroma is cellular with focal areas of haemorrhage. A fragment of unremarkable endocervical tissue is also seen. No evidence of endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy. Interpretation Endometrial curettage : Proliferative phase endometrium

Case 2 : Muhammad Feisal bin Omar (HI-14875) Microscopy Section shows two fragments of colonic polyp with mildly crowded tubular glands showing a low grade dysplasia of the surface and glandular lining epithelium. The lamina propria shows scattered lymphoplasmacytes, eosinophils and a few neutrophils. No evidence of malignancy. Interpretation Rectal polyp : Tubular adenoma with low grade dysplasia

Case 3 : Fadzillah binti Asmuin (HI-14877) Microscopy Section shows multiple normal chorionic villi with one large, swollen and hydrophic villous seen without any trophoblastic proliferation. Also noted are a few fragments of deciduas with areas of Arias-Stella reaction. No evidence of molar pregnancy. Interpretation Products of conception with hydrophic change

Case 4 : Anchal Devi A/P Andy (HI-14880) Microscopy Section shows multiple fragments of endometrial tissue exhibiting regularly spaced tubular glands lined by pseudostratified tall columnar epithelium with presence of mitosis. The stroma is cellular. No evidence of endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy.

Interpretation Endometrial curettage : Proliferative phase endometrium

Case 5 : Chan Kin Fong (HI-14882) Microscopy Section shows multiple syncytial sheets of large undifferentiated non-keratinizing malignant epithelial cells in a background of abundant lymphoid cells. Mitoses are frequent with abnormal forms seen. Some residual normal respiratory lining epithelium are still present focally. Interpretation Right nasopharynx : Non-keratinizing nasopharyngeal carcinoma, undifferentiated type.

Case 6 : Kamala Devi A/P Ramalingam (HI-14884) Microscopy Section shows multiple fragments of endometrial tissue exhibiting dilated and tortuous glands lined by a single layer of tall columnar epithelium with subnuclear vacuolation seen. Occasional mitosis is also noted. Some of the glands have luminal secretion. The stroma is mildly oedematous. No evidence of endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy. Interpretation Endometrial curettage : Early secretory phase endometrium

Case 7 : Noradiraah binti Norazman (HI-14886) Microscopy Section shows an irregular breast lesion with stromal fibrosis, areas of adenosis and some cystically dilated ducts. All the acini and ducts are lined by epithelialmyoepithelial cells. Focal mild epithelial hyperplasia, scattered lymphocytic infiltration and patchy myxoid stroma are seen. No evidence of fibroadenoma, cellular atypia or malignancy. Interpretation Right breast lump : Fibrocystic change with focal mild epithelial hyperplasia

Case 8 : Hazlen binti Hanif (HI-14887) Microscopy The gallbladder mucosa is focally eroded. There are multiple Roktansky-Aschoff sinuses seen within a hypertophic muscular layer. Mild and scattered chronic inflammatory cells infiltrates is seen mainly in the lamina propria. The serosal layer is focally fibrotic with areas of adhesion to a liver tissue. The latter shows patchy macrovesicular steatosis. A few congested and dilated blood vessels are seen as well. No evidence of dysplasia or malignancy. Interpretation Gallbladder : Chronic cholecystitis secondary to cholelithiasis.

Case 9 : Sukaryarto bin Selamat (HI-14889) Microscopy Section shows a few fragments of tumour tissue composed of malignant villoglandular structures lined by stratified tall columnar epithelium with enlarged pleomorphic and hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitoses are easily seen. The background stroma is desmopastic. Some residual normal colonic glands are also noted. Interpretation Rectal biopsy : Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma

Case 10 : Zalina Mohd Alik Microscopy Section shows mainly fibrinonecrotic exudates admixed with mucous. Only a tiny fragment of fibrotic colonic mucosa is seen containing irregular and distorted glands lined by non-dysplastic columnar epithelium, some of which appear attenuated. No evidence of cryptitis, crypt abscess, granuloma, amoebic trophozoites, dysplasia or malignancy. Interpretation/comment Features are in favour of solitary rectal ulcer, however the biopsy material is suboptimal for proper assessment. Advise repeat biopsy.

Case 11 : Yusra Aqilah binti Rozali (HI-14891) Microscopy

Section shows two fragments of superficial colonic mucosa exhibiting normal and regularly distributed glands. Part of the surface epithelium appears hyperplastic. The lamina propria is unremarkable with no increase in the cell content. No evidence of cryptitis, crypt abscess, crypt distortion, granuloma, dysplasia or malignancy. Interpretation Random colonic biopsy : No evidence of colitis or malignancy.

Case 12 : Poon Chen Lee (HI-14893) Microscopy Section shows a fragmens of colonic polyp with mildly crowded tubular glands showing a low grade dysplasia of the surface and glandular lining epithelium. No villous processes are seen. The lamina propria shows scattered lymphoplasmacytes, eosinophils and a few neutrophils. No evidence of malignancy. Interpretation Rectal polyp : Tubular adenoma with low grade dysplasia

Case 13 : Sani bin Gapar (HI-14895) Microscopy Section shows three fragments of gastric mucosa both of body and pyloric type. The glands and foveolar are normal and regularly spaced without intestinal metaplasia or atrophy. Mild chronic inflammation is seen in the lamina propria. Neutrophils are hardly seen. No Helicobacter Pylori is identified. No evidence of dysplasia or malignancy. Interpretation OGDS biopsy : Chronic inactive gastritis.

Case 14 : Madihah binti Otman (HI-14878) Microscopy Section shows a few fragments of endometrial tissue exhibiting predecidualized stroma containing dilated and tortuous glands lined by a single layer of columnar epithelium with supranuclear vacuolation seen. No mitosis is also seen. Some of the glands are cystically dilated while others show luminal secretion. A strip of

normal squamous epithelium is noted. No evidence of endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy. Interpretation Endometrial curettage : Late secretory phase endometrium

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