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Business Process Procedure

K109: Change Orders


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09 February 2013

K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Icon Meaning Caution Sample Data Note Tip

Typographic Conventions
Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.

Example text EXAMPLE TEXT

Example text


Example text

<Example text>

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure


Project Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 6 Update WBS Elements .............................................................................................................. 6 Update POC Weights ............................................................................................................... 12 Update Contract Status Monitoring .......................................................................................... 16 Sales Order to Client ................................................................................................................... 17 Create Sales Order (for Change Order)................................................................................... 17 Budget Revision ........................................................................................................................... 25 Create Budget Revision Proposal Authorization ...................................................................... 25 Create Budget Revision Proposal ............................................................................................ 30 Approve Budget Revision Proposal ......................................................................................... 35

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Business Process Flow

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure


Off-line Prerequisite
Data Form - none Project Structure for Change Order

System Prerequisite

1. Access the transaction. SAP Menu Transaction Code Logistics Project System Project Project Builder CJ20N If in a current transaction: /oCJ20N to open to a new window and retain current task. /nCJ20N to open to a new window and close current task.

This will bring you to the PROJECT BUILDER screen.

2. To access the PROJECT, press the BUILDER INTIAL SCREEN

icon to bring out the dialog box in the PROJECT

Enter the PROJECT DEFINITION of Bidding Project

Sample Data Project Definition: <1772A>

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Business Process Procedure

Press ENTER or


PROJECT is accessed


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Business Process Procedure

3. Select the PROJECT DEFINITION and click the WBS ELEMENT OVERVIEW icon

4. To insert WBS ELEMENTS under Change Order, select the WBS ELEMENT under it



5. Enter the WBS ELEMENTS for Change Orders

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Note As general rule, the coding mask for WBS ELEMENTS from LEVEL 3 thereon will be:

WBS ELEMENT is limited to 24 characters only and should be unique in the entire system. The PROJECT STRUCTURE will be as agreed by Contracts and Project considering the outline of Bill of Quantities and manageability of operations The lowest WBS ELEMENT of an outline should have a definite Phase Code. This will be used in the reporting of actual costs and accomplishment in the Cost Report. Budget is also set at this level.

Sample Data Level 3 4 5 4 4 WBS Element 1772A-3-0000-01 1772A-3-0100-01-01 1772A-3-0110-01-01-01 1772A-3-0200-01-02 1772A-3-3100-01-03 Description Exploration of Existing Underground Tunnel General Requirements Management and Technical Overhead Existing Conditions Earthworks

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Business Process Procedure


Note WBS Elements of General Requirements for the Change Order can be created if Actual Costs can be separated from General Requirements of Project Cost. On the other hand, if it cannot be separated, Actual Costs for the General Requirements of Change Order can be combined with Project Cost.

6. Once the PROJECT has been finalized, press the icon to save the PROJECT STRUCTURE. The Data saved message shall be displayed to confirm that your PROJECT has been saved.

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Business Process Procedure

Note For requisitions, see K105 Project Requisitions and K106 Acceptance, Monitoring and Issuances

PROJECT STRUCTURE has been updated with Change Order WBS ELEMENTS

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Update POC Weights

Off-line Prerequisite
Data Form - none Percent of Completion Weights for Change Order WBS ELEMENTS

System Prerequisite

1. Access the transaction. SAP Menu Transaction Code Logistics Project System Project Project Builder CJ20N If in a current transaction: /oCJ20N to open to a new window and retain current task. /nCJ20N to open to a new window and close current task.

This will bring you to the PROJECT BUILDER screen. 2. Access the PROJECT using Worklist Method from Update WBS Elements procedure

Sample Data Project Definition: <1772A>

In the PROJECT BUILDER initial screen, double click the PROJECT from the LAST PROJECTS PROCESSED WORKLIST

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Business Process Procedure

PROJECT is accessed

3. Select the WBS ELEMENT to be updated

Note As a general rule, the WBS ELEMENTS with entered budget should have equivalent POC WEIGHTS. POC WEIGHTS will be used to roll-up accomplishment in the structure. It should be in whole number. To compute for the POC Weight, either budget or contract amount can be used. POC Weight should be in whole number.

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Business Process Procedure

Select PROGRESS tab

4. In the POC WEIGHT field, enter the POC WEIGHT of the WBS ELEMENT

Sample Data Level 3 4 5 4 4 Description Exploration of Existing Underground Tunnel General Requirements Management and Technical Overhead Existing Conditions Earthworks 25,941 31,817 23,426 POC Weight

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Business Process Procedure

Press ENTER. Continue to enter all POC WEIGHTS in the corresponding WBS ELEMENTS.

Note When WBS Elements for Change Order are added, Project Cost POC Weights may also be adjusted.

5. Once the PROJECT has been finalized, press the icon to save the PROJECT STRUCTURE. The Data saved message shall be displayed to confirm that your PROJECT has been saved.

POC WEIGHTS has been entered

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Update Contract Status Monitoring

Off-line Prerequisite
Data Form - none Contract Amount and breakdown Contract Status Budget Status

System Prerequisite
Created Awarded PROJECT

For procedures see K107 Progress Reporting and Projection Update; Update Contract Status Monitoring

CONTRACT STATUS has been updated

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

SALES ORDER TO CLIENT Create Sales Order (for Change Order)

Off-line Prerequisite
Data Form - none Approved Contract Amount for Change Order Payment Terms

System Prerequisite
Created Awarded Project CUSTOMER MASTER DATA

1. Access the transaction. SAP Menu Transaction Code Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Create VA01 If in a current transaction: /oVA01 to open to a new window and retain current task. /nVA01 to open to a new window and close current task.

This will bring you to the CREATE SALES ORDER: INITIAL SCREEN. 2. On the CREATE SALES ORDER: INITIAL SCREEN, enter the code of the ORDER TYPE in the ORDER TYPE field, 1000 in SALES ORGANIZATION field and 01 in DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL field

Note ORDER TYPE for Client SALES ORDER will correspond to the following: YEC1 Original Contract YEC2 Additive Change Order YEC3 Deductive Change Order

For Change Order YEC2 or YEC1 will be used

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Business Process Procedure

Sample Data Name of Project: <NAC Tower> Project Definition: <1772A> Plant: <1772> Client: <Manta Equities, Inc.> Change Order no. 1 (Gross of VAT): <Php 139,688.07> Business Unit: <01> Buildings Reference Quotation: n/a Payment Terms: <10% Retention, Balance 30 days>

3. In the DIVISION field, enter the corresponding code for the Business Unit. Click list.

to select from

Press ENTER, the CREATE ADDITIVE CHANGE ORDER: OVERVIEW screen will be displayed

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Business Process Procedure

4. In the SOLD-TO PARTY field, enter the CUSTOMER NUMBER of the Client. To select from list, click The Restrict Value Range (1) dialog box will appear, in the SEARCH TERM field enter the Client name. To wild search, add * at start and end. Press ENTER

Select from the list

5. In the PO NUMBER field, enter the name of the Project

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Business Process Procedure

6. Enter 21 in the MATERIAL column, and order QUANTITY 1 and UNIT AU then press ENTER.

A warning message <000010> ::Enter Pricing will appear, this means that Price is not yet entered.

Press ENTER to continue 7. Another warning message <000010>:: Enter Plant will appear, this means that Plant is not yet entered.

Enter PLANT in the corresponding PLANT column

8. Enter code for PAYMENT TERMS in the PAYMENT TERMS field. To Select from list, click

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Business Process Procedure

9. To enter price, select the line item, then from the menu bar: Goto > Item > Conditions

The CREATE CONSTRUCTION ORDER: ITEM DATA screen will be displayed

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure 10. In the PRICING ELEMENTS table, the last cell of the CN TY column, enter the code ZPR1 and enter the amount in the corresponding amount column.

Note Amount in the SALES ORDER should be in NET of VAT Maximum amount for HEADER LEVEL or total of SALES ORDER is 99,999,999,999.99 Maximum amount for ITEM LEVEL of SALES ORDER is 999,999,999.99. If amount exceeds limit for item level, item should be divided into multiple items.

Sample Data Change Order no. 1 (Gross of VAT): <Php 139,688.07> Change Order no. 1 (Net of VAT): <Php 124,721.49>

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Business Process Procedure

Then press ENTER. The price will be transferred in the first row of the table.

To check, the gross of VAT amount should be displayed against TOTAL.

Note For Deductive Change Order, the amount will still be entered in absolute value (positive).

11. Select ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT tab, and enter the WBS ELEMENT to receive Revenue from the SALES ORDER

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Business Process Procedure

Note As general rule, SALES ORDER will be assigned to the LEVEL 1 WBS ELEMENT of the PROJECT STRUCTURE, which was assigned as BILLING ELEMENT (see Update WBS Structure procedures)

Once done, press


12. Then press SAVE icon, message Additive ChangeOrder <100155> has been saved will be displayed to confirm that the Sales Order has been saved

Note Take note of the six (6) digit SALES ORDER NUMBER. This will be used in billing.

SALES ORDER for Change Order created

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

BUDGET REVISION Create Budget Revision Proposal Authorization

Off-line Prerequisite
Data Form - none User Name of Authorized Persons to enter budget proposal User Name of Authorized Persons to approve budget proposal

System Prerequisite
Created Awarded Project

Access Transaction 1. Access the transaction. SAP Menu Transaction Code ZBUDGET_USER If in a current transaction: /oZBUDGET_USER to open to a new window and retain current task. /nZBUDGET_USER to open to a new window and close current task.


2. The screen will be in the display mode, to switch to edit mode, click DISPLAY -> CHANGE icon

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Business Process Procedure

The User-List for PS Budget Interface table will become activated

Add User Authorization 3. To add user, click New Entries button

The NEW ENTRIES: OVERVIEW OF ADDED ENTRIES screen will be displayed 4. In the USERNAME column, enter the SAP USERNAME of the persons to be authorized

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Business Process Procedure

Sample Data Username 1: <RFCUDIA> Username 2: <RLCRUZ>

5. In the USER TYPE column, select the type of authorization to be given by clicking the drop down list box arrow

Note Types of authorization are: Project User will allow user to enter Project Budget revisions Contract User will allow user to approve Project Budget proposals

Sample Data Authorization for RFCUDIA: <Project User> Authorization for RLCRUZ: <Contract User>

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Business Process Procedure

6. In the FULL NAME column, enter the name of the user

Sample Data Full Name for RFCUDIA: <Roma F. Cudia> Full Name for RLCRUZ: <Rhodelynne L. Cruz>

7. Once done, click SAVE icon, message Data was saved will be displayed to confirm that the new users and authorizations are saved

8. Click BACK

icon to return to initial screen

Revise User Authorization 9. To change User Authorization, in the DISPLAY VIEW USER-LIST FOR PS BUDGET INTERFACE: OVERVIEW screen, click the drop down list box arrow the user to be revised and select user authorization in the USER TYPE of

Sample Data Change authorization for RLCRUZ, from <Contract User> to <Project User>

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Business Process Procedure

Tip Full Name can also be changed in this transaction

10. Once done, click SAVE icon, message Data was saved will be displayed to confirm that the revised authorizations are saved

Authorization for Budget Revision is created

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Create Budget Revision Proposal

Off-line Prerequisite
Data Form - none Budget Revision Proposal

System Prerequisite
Project with updated WBS ELEMENTS Authorization for Budget Revision Proposal creation

1. Access the transaction. SAP Menu Transaction Code ZPSBI If in a current transaction: /oZPSBI to open to a new window and retain current task. /nZPSBI to open to a new window and close current task.

This will bring you to the BUDGET UPDATE APPROVAL: INITIAL SCREEN 2. In the PROJECT PROFILE field, enter the PROJECT PROFILE of the Product Line of the PROJECT. To select from list, click

Note Project Profiles are: ZDMCI01 Building Project ZDMCI02 Infrastructure Project ZDMCI03 Power Project ZDMCI04 Water Project ZDMCI05 Non-Billable Project

Sample Data Project: <NAC Tower> Project Profile: <DMCI Billable Project - Building>

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Business Process Procedure

Then click EXECUTE displayed


3. In the list, select the PROJECT with budget to be revised

Sample Data Project: <NAC Tower> Project Definition: <1772A>

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Business Process Procedure

Then click EXECUTE screen will be displayed




The CURRENT AMOUNT column contains the current budget. The SUPPLEMENT Column allows for amount for additional budget. The RETURN column allows for budget deductions.

Note The table will only allow budget to be entered in the active cells which will be the lowest level WBS Elements.

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure 5. In the SUPPLEMENT or RETURN columns, enter the additional or deductive budget amounts respectively

Sample Data Level

3 4 5 4 4

WBS Element
1772A-3-0000-01 1772A-2-0100-01-01 1772A-2-0110-01-01-01 1772A-2-0200-01-02 1772A-2-3100-01-03

Exploration of Existing Underground Tunnel General Requirements Management and Technical Overhead Existing Conditions Earthworks

Budget Revision

10,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00

Amounts should be Net of VAT

6. Then click COMPUTE BUDGET


The budget revision will be summed up in the SUPPLEMENT or RETURN column and the total budget will be computed in the UPDATED BUDGET column

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Business Process Procedure

7. Once done, click Save

icon, Submit dialog box will appear

Click proposal is created

to continue, Created dialog box will appear to confirm that budget


Budget Revision proposal is created

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K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

Approve Budget Revision Proposal

Off-line Prerequisite
Data - none Form - none -

System Prerequisite
Created Budget Revision Proposal Authorization for Budget Revision Proposal approval

1. Access the transaction. SAP Menu Transaction Code ZPSBI If in a current transaction: /oZPSBI to open to a new window and retain current task. /nZPSBI to open to a new window and close current task.

This will bring you to the BUDGET UPDATE APPROVAL: INITIAL SCREEN 2. In the PROJECT PROFILE field, enter the PROJECT PROFILE of the Product Line of the PROJECT. To select from list, click

Note Project Profiles are: ZDMCI01 Building Project ZDMCI02 Infrastructure Project ZDMCI03 Power Project ZDMCI04 Water Project ZDMCI05 Non-Billable Project

Sample Data Project: <NAC Tower> Project Profile: <DMCI Billable Project - Building>

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Business Process Procedure

Then click EXECUTE displayed


3. In the list, select the PROJECT with budget to be revised

Sample Data Project: <NAC Tower> Project Definition: <1772A>

Then click EXECUTE screen will be displayed


4. To expand the PROJECT STRUCTURE, click EXPAND/COLLAPSE Version 1.0 Page 36 of 38

icon 09 February 2013

K109: Change Orders

Business Process Procedure

The CURRENT AMOUNT column contains the current budget. The SUPPLEMENT Column contains the amount for additional budget. The RETURN column contains budget deductions. 5. To approve budget proposal, check Approved by Contracts check box

To reject budget proposal, check Rejected by Contracts check box

If rejected, comments can be entered in the text field

6. Once done, click Save

icon, if budget proposal is approved, Approve? dialog box will appear

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Business Process Procedure

Click proposal is created

to continue, Created dialog box will appear to confirm that budget

Budget Revision proposal is either approved or rejected

/hmacain /agmejorada

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