Refuge in Allah1

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REFUGE TO ALLAH (iltijah) Ya Rabb-el Alemiyn... Oh! Lord of Universes... "Masjids (places of sajda) and "jamis" (mosques) have been turned into "temples of worship;" Your "Aziz" and "Subhan" being You denoted by the name "ALLAH" is nowadays assumed to be a god-out-there! An ancient belief in a "sky-god" is communicated as "Muslimism" almost all over the world... Just as though the footsteps of their gods are about to be heard... The last hope is the return of Hadrat Isa (Jesus) and his verifying the proclaim by the "Reality of Mohammed (Haqiqat-i Mohammedi)!" Yet, the metaphors are assumed to be reality and reality is sought for in metaphors!.. Revenge, hatred, violence, counterstrike, wrath; blood, gunpowder and tears surround the whole world day by day... Your Jalal surrounds humanity, growing as a natural consequence of people's ignorance (ghaflat). The fundamental principles of Islam have lost their reality (true meaning) at the sight of people and have remained only as ceremonious repetitions and as outer shells!.. As if the ilm (knowledge-insight) was removed from the earth and the world lives the last days of its before the appearance of Dajjal (AntiChrist)... The fact that "Salaat (prayer) is Miraaj (ascension) for believers" is now mentioned as nothing more than a tale in people's tongues... Your warning through the sign: "O believers, but BELIEVE IN ALLAH," as if, were removed from the Koran; as no importance is given to the fact that "Salaat is Miraaj" and the need of reflection on its meaning is not even considered... Nothing is told more than how or where one should keep his hands, feet, arms or legs and also nothing more than how to wear what... Brain and its functioning as to how it should contemplate, is not mentioned at all...

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"Hajj" (Pilgrimage) is commonly seen as a visit to the stone walls of a square building in Macca along with a gathering on the slopes of Mount Arafat in order to worship a god, or maybe as an activity to "make the Arabs richer!" The visit to Madina, however, is somewhat nothing more than a visit paid to the grave of, as if a dead Messenger! Not to mention the funny rules invented to obey after one's return from Hajj, those baseless rules never present in the Koran such as "not touching any weight scale, strictly hiding your hair," just like putting oneself into a coffin while alive... "Fasting" has lost its true meaning and has been turned into health concerns or even dieting. It is limited as a mere physical problem and its mystery that Your light of "Samediyyat" unfold within ourselves by means of fasting, is never remembered!.. "Zakat" (Alms) has lost its meaning, its hiqmah (the wisdom in it) being veiled, it is regarded as some kind of tax. As the essential reason behind it is not mentioned at all, the practice "Zakat" is abandoned on an assumption that discarding it is some kind of an operation of smuggling tax from Government. People never become aware of the cost they will pay in future if they fail to treat others in fairness!..

Ya Rabbi... (Oh! My Lord...) As you have already begun removing the "ilm" (knowledge) and "irfan" (cognizance-insight) from the

world, Religion like a corpse without its soul, is now marketed as a "divine ruling came to establish a social order". Accepting metaphors as Reality, people advertise themselves as "Gaws(!)", "Qutub(!)", "Mehdi(!)" in almost every country, even every town and village!...

Ya Rabbi, Your trial is rather hard!... While disclosing the veil

covering Reality, from one side, You also hide Your Reality, on the
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other side, by making people follow those unaware. Due to the fact that they devote themselvese to the veil-sellers, they miss the mystery behind veils...

Ya Rabbi... Save us from wasting our lifetimes with trying to put

down each other and from passing away in an unaware state. Ease for us the acts and behavior that You unfold through people whom You love! Purify us from being like those who turned ungrateful after having fed on Your blessings and become better off!.. Make us understand the reality and reasoning of denial (qufr) and appreciation (shuqr) as to whom they all arrive at! Bestow on us a life with acceptance of Your huqm (sentence) and decree, and a death with that belief.

Ya Rabbi... I would not know if You have not taught!.. I would not

be able to grasp if You have not made me comprehend!.. I would not be able to digest if You have not facilitated!.. If it was not for Your will, I would not be able to share what Your property (huqm) and decree allowed me to, with Your servants through my books!.. Whatever I have attained is a result of my "servitude" at the extent of Your huqm and decree. I am "nothing," You are Baki (the Whole One Who Overlasts)!.. Although I have stated that "I explained so much as Your huqm and decree," only people of understanding (ehli irfan) will know that It is only You who unfold (explain). And no doubt You will once again enfold (cover up) after Your unfoldment (disclosure) as before. Meanwhile those You will bestow upon, will receive their shares... You have made me realize that I am Your "servant" and made me live with it, and even though I might thank You as many times as in Your knowledge, I confess my inefficiency in gratitude. I trust in You from being ungrateful!.. Make me experience death with a peace and understanding that success in fulfilling my "servitude" has been
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under Your property (huqm) and decree, and make me join Your truthful (salih) servants! Grant "salaamat" (peace-liberty) on those behind me, and make it easy for them to be purified!..

Allahuakbar!.. Bismillah!..
The aware will mind "ALLAH," and the unaware will be wasted with gossip. * * * Ungratefulness will increase nothing other than one's unawareness. * * * Assuming the "metaphors" as "Real" will make one lose his life seeking Real within metaphors. * * * The thankful you are as long as you recognize, the infident you are as long as you ignore. * * *

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