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Proctor & Gamble

Case Study Discussion Assignment 2

Submitted By:Saurabh Gupta 063045 IMG 6

Question 1: P&G believes that if accompanied by the right marketing efforts a brand can virtually live forever. Yet, in Principles of Marketing you learned that products have a life-cycle they mature and eventually become obsolete. Which viewpoint is correct? Answer 1: Brand is "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers" while a product is that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need or it is bundle of benefits provided to customer. Moreover products can be imitated and brands cannot be. P&G has more than 70 brands all over the world out of which some have discontinued with changing environment but the brand and brand equity has never gone for a toss for P&G. Brand is established at each and every point of contact while P&G with right marketing efforts has always kept their brands alive. So we can say that products can die with changing needs of customer but the brand or brand equity which is associated with an organization like P&G or its product can live/remain forever. P&G followed the concept that brand remain similar in consumers mind. The communication of and about brand was consistent and similar. Hence they were able to maintain their brand and hence able to maintain brand P&G. Question 2: P&G repositioned Pampers so that consumers view it as delivering emotional benefits instead of functional benefits. How did the company do this? How might P&G do the same thing for its other personal care products such as toothpaste? Answer 2:


Question 3: The video mentions that P&G conducts a variety of marketing research studies to understand the deeper needs of its customers. Students are required to think about how they would design research that would enable them to go beyond simple surveys as they explore how various personal care products play significant roles in peoples everyday lives. Students can to talk to real people (or at least colleagues) in order to appreciate how seriously they take these products? Answer 3: Answer 3: P&G has always tried to understand the consumer behaviour and innovate as per the changing needs of the consumer. For example repositioning of Pampers, Ivory soap etc which has helped Proctor and Gamble to maintain brand equity. Now to understand these changing needs of consumer P&G regularly goes for intensive market research to understand deeper need of their customer. To design research for the

Define objective and problem

Determine Research Design

Design & Prepare Research Instrument

Sampling & Data collection

Analyze Data

Visualize & Communic ate Data

1. Define Objective and Problem The major objective of the research is to explore how various personal care products play significant roles in peoples everyday lives.

Also this study can be extended to know the awareness about P&G product and which needs do P&G product caters to and what are satisfaction level. We can also explore the functional benefits and emotional benefits which consumer perceive for various products. 2. Determine Research Design The research will be exploratory research as it will help is to gain broad insights, narrow our focus, and learn the basics necessary to go deeper i.e. to understand deeper needs of customer and consumer behaviour. The instruments mainly used in the research are focus group and interviews with open ended questions. Also questionnaire was designed to get
73% 27% Male Female

deeper knowledge of the consumer behaviour. 3. Design and prepare research instruments

Interview and focus groups were the main instruments used in research. Also questionnaire was designed to gain certain insights. Annexure 1 and 2 shows the questions asked and responses given. 4. Sampling and data collection Sampling Technique Convenience sampling. 15 responses were taken and sampling was non probabilistic sampling, respondents were chosen on the basis of convenience. Generally interview of the respondents ranged from 15-20 minutes. 5. Analyze Data Demographics: Out of 15 responses 73% (11 responses) were from males rest 27% from females.


The majority of the respondents knew the 3 categories of personal care i.e. oral care, hair care & ------ and also products related to it. And monthly expenditure towards personal care generally ranged around Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000. Personal care played important role in their everyday life whether in terms of hygiene, cosmetics or hair care. Personal care products are the basic necessity for maintaining and living a hygienic and good life. The people agreed that they are knowledgeable about the personal care products they use, also agreed there are health risk associated with personal care products like cosmetics and hence many of them emphasized on the functional benefits of the products. All categories were given importance oral care, hair care etc. HUL and P&G were the major companies which had their presence with products like Tide, Oral B, Head & Shoulders, Gillette, Pantene (major P&G products). Other products like Parachute, Chick shampoo etc was also known. And mainly all favoured P&G and HUL.

Annexure 1
Question 1: What are the major categories in personal care you know and what is the monthly expenditure on the personal care products? Question 2: What is the importance of personal care in your everyday life? And any major category of personal care you focus on? Question 3: Name the new brands you are familiar with in personal care industry and which brand is favoured by you? Question 4: What are the factors which might affect your buying decision? While buying is it functional benefits which motivates you to buy?


Oral Care What is the most important benefit you perceive from mentioned category? How TV ad influences your buying behaviour and is price a major concern in buying product of mentioned category? Have you ever tried product of P&G of the mentioned category and if yes how was the experience?

Hair Care

Annexure 2


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