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Mass Communication

The term Mass Communication is used to describe the study of various means of communication by which individuals as well as entities relay information to large percentage of the population through mass media. Mass communication is characterized by the transmission of complex messages to large and diverse audiences, using sophisticated technology of communication. Mass media refers to the institutions that provide such messages: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, film and multimedia Web sites. The term also is used for the specific institutions of mass media, such as radio networks and television stations, movie companies, music producers, and the Internet. Here are some distinguishing characteristics of mass communication.

Mass media messages are sophisticated and complex. Whereas the message in interpersonal communication may be simple words and short sentences, mass media messages are quite elaborate. Examples of mass media message are a news report, a novel, a movie, a television program, a magazine article, a newspaper columns, a music video, and a billboard advertisement.

Mass audiences also are heterogeneous, meaning that they are both large and diverse. They actually are made up of groups of people with dissimilar background, demographics, and socio-political characteristics; they are spread over a vast geographic area. Feedback is minimal in mass media, and no real give-and-take is practically possible. Message flow typically is one-way, from source to receiver. Traditionally, feedback has been minimal and generally delayed. A newspaper reader could write a letter to the editor; a television viewer might respond to a survey. With the Internet, new possibility are being found to increase feedback, but it remains limited. Like other forms of mediated communication, noise exists in the mass context. Noise may be semantic, environmental or mechanical.



Objectives of Advertising To provide information To Remind the public To change social attitude

To induce the public To convince customers for direct purchase To encourage salesman To make attitudes more favorable to a particular product. To build an image for the product. To stop existing users turning to competitive products. To get across the idea of a unique product. To create a brand leader to help the launch of additional products at a future date. To win back previous product users who have defected to a competitive product. To expand the whole market. To reduce existing negative attitudes

PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relations (PR) is a way for companies, organizations or people to enhance their reputations. This task typically is performed by public relations professionals or PR firms on behalf of their clients. PR usually involves communicating with the media and through the media to present the clients in the most

favorable way possible. It also often involves cooperative efforts with other people and organizations to create good will within the community and enhance the client's image. Tools of Public Relations : Media relations Advertorials Social media Newsletters Brochures and catalogues Business events Speaking engagements Sponsorships or partnerships Employee relations Community relations

PRESS RELEASE A press release or a news release is a written announcement directed at members of the news media about something claimed as having news value. This encourages the journalists to write a news article on the subject giving you a lot more

exposure for free. Press releases can announce a range of business news such as: scheduled events, awards, accomplishments, new products, new services, executive promotions, sales and other financial data, etc.

PUBLICITY Type of promotion that relies on public relations effect of a news story carried usually free by mass media. The main objective of publicity is not sales promotion, but creation of an image through editorial or independent source' commentary. While the publicist can control the content of the story, he or she may not have any control over its placement or interpretation by the media.


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