Swaiso Pamphlet

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Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen (from India) developed Buddhism in China and developed SWAISO as one of the practices for the overall development of human being. Literally Swaiso means to swing or to throw away. By swinging the arms back and forth with the feeling of throwing away negative emotions, attitudes (like fears, jealously, greed, anger etc.) and undesired habits, one can gain positive energy. SWAISO exercise is a means of prevention of disease as well as cure. It is also a means of sustaining and developing health. It is easy and can be done by everyone, young and old for having remarkable effects on hundreds of diseases. It is a physical exercise which dissolves the blocks and tensions locked in the body. Various types of Cancers, High and Low Blood Pressure, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Arthritis, Neurosis, Various diseases of digestive system, Heart disease, Kidney disease get relieved. SWAISO is also very effective for Stress Management, and helps in overcoming stress related problems. It helps in overcoming Depression, Anxiety and Relationship Problems. SWAISO also improves Concentration, Memory, Intuitive power, Creativity and Performance. As per Acupuncture and Acupressure there are meridians running from the soles of the feet upwards and by a firm stance the Ki or Prana in the soles is stimulated and it reaches the muscles, skin, bones and joints and revitalizes the entire constitution. The calf muscles being antigravity muscles in the human body get activated and pump blood to the Heart more efficiently. A ten minutes of Swaiso can be equated to an hour of morning walk. Prana or Ki combines with oxygen and glucose molecules, which is absorbed from the food into the blood and becomes heat. Blood conveys energy and energy conveys blood. Thus Prana transfers the oxygen which is inhaled by the lungs and nutrition which is absorbed from the digestive system to each and every cell of the entire body and allows oxidation and generation of heat. By doing SWAISO exercise the appetite increases and fresh blood begins to circulate. By moving the muscles in the shoulders, the feeling of heaviness and stiffness disappears. The up and down motion of the diaphragm becomes more active. SWAISO activates/energises the lungs, the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, respiratory system thus helping in breathing and asthmatic problems. During Swaiso, the anus is contracted as in Ashwani Mudra in yoga and the prana (Ki/Chi) moves upward through the chakras and balances the energy flow in the chakras, which brings physiological and psychological changes to achieve a state of well-being. Swaiso is a dynamic mediation and is a tool for spiritual upliftment as it balances the flow of prana (Ki/Chi/) through chakras and enhances Intuitive powers. Thus, SWAISO helps to achieve an overall state of well-being Physical well-being, mental well-being, Emotional well-being and even Spiritual well-being.

Stand firmly on the ground with legs and torso straight. Spread the feet to shoulder width and feel the toes slightly gripping the earth. Touch the tongue to your palate. Swing both arms forward and backward by using force only on the back swing and allow them to go forward by their own inertia. Keep the elbows straight, palms facing down. The eyes should be focused straight ahead. Allow the mind to empty and begin counting silently the number of swings (throws). Inhale while bringing hands upwards (upto eye level) and exhale in the back swing. Raise the heels while exhaling and bringing the hands backwards. Start the first session by swinging ten times in each direction and gradually increase in multiples of ten swings upto 100 times. While swinging your arms in the backward direction, visualise doing away with one of your negative traits. Work on each trait for forty days. Have awareness that positive energy is getting stored below the navel region. Face East direction, start the Swaiso exercise with a humble prayer to the Lords of East direction to bestow Peace energy. After completion of the exercise in East direction, thank them for bestowing Peace energy. Repeat the same

count of exercise by facing South, West and North directions by praying the Lords of that direction for Protection, Fulfillment of desires and Prosperity energies respectively.

Wear loose clothes while performing Swaiso. The exercise may be avoided during menstrual cycles and pregnancy. It may also be avoided in surgical cases, bone spurs in the arms/legs and those having severe knee/hip problems. If infection has set in and abdomen has begun to swell, SWAISO may not help.

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