July Tanzania Journal

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Together We Are Blessed by Theresa Stanley

July 2013
really easy to understand. The above quote is from 2 Corinthians 8:9-15 (MSG). There are You are familiar with the gener- so many things about this pasosity of our Master, Jesus sage that remind me of TanzaChrist. Rich as he was, he gave nia. it all away for usin one stroke he became poor and we became First, its all about our Master, Jesus Christ. He was our examrich. ple of how to do things right. So heres what I think: The best He was always giving himself thing you can do right now is to away, and it was always for finish what you started last year someone else. and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your hearts been in the right place all along. Youve got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you cant. The heart regulates the hands. This isnt so others can take it easy while you sweat it out. No, youre shoulder to shoulder with them all the way, your surplus matching their deficit, their surplus matching your deficit. In the end you come out even. As it is written: Second, good intentions. Nothing left over to the one with How many times have I had the most, nothing lacking to the good intentions about writing one with the least. a letter to my Project Child, but I dont use the Message transla- just didnt make the time for it? I think Paul was speaking here tion too often, but Ill confess that sometimes it makes scripture about the good intentions to Theresa Stanley was a leader of the June Team to Tanzania raise funds, but I think good intentions could apply to anything that involves giving ourselves away. From Matthew Henrys commentary: Good purposes are like buds and blossoms, pleasant to behold, and give hopes of good fruit; but they are lost, and signify nothing without good deeds. Good beginnings are well; but we lose the benefit, unless there is perseverance. Third, I believe that sometimes were hesitant to do anything because its not much. But Pauls suggestion was to do what you can, not what you cant. Whether its the giving of our resources or the giving of our time, something is better than nothing. Prayers are often more coveted than financial gifts. Lastly, we have a financial surplus to offer for the Tanzanian deficit, but they have a spiritual surplus to offer for our deficit. Whether your surplus is sponsoring a child each month, sponsoring someone to go on a journey, or acContinued on page 2

Tanzania Journal Issue 41

Home Visit Impact- by Craig Willis-Jones of the IMARA Staff in TZ

The JuneTeam from Perimeter Church came to carry out home visits in the community, giving sponsors the opportunity to meet the children and families that they were assisting. Visiting a home is also useful in revealing how a sponsors financial and prayer support through Project Child helps to provide real opportunities and hope to children. Joshua had met his sponsor at his school and was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the sponsorship team to his home. Due to distance, however, arranging the logistics of the visit had been difficult and he ended up being one of the last children they reached. Upon finally arriving at his house around 4 PM on one of the final days of the trip, they found Joshua home with his mother and brothers. Once introductions were made they began to have a friendly chat, giving an opportunity for the family to tell their story while the sponsor was able to share a bit about her family, background and interests, building bonds with one another. As the discussion was taking place they noticed Joshua wasnt saying much, instead sitting silently and grinning from ear to ear. His mother explained that he had been too excited and had been unable to sleep the previous night. By the end of the following day he had given up hope that the team would finally make it to his home, but when he saw them walking up the hill to his house he was too overwhelmed to speak. Joshua soon became more talkative sharing his dreams of what he might become as he grew up. Poverty can cause children to have very low self-esteem and low aspirations. Many of these children do not think they are capable of much but sponsorship has the power to help these children realize they are each given special gifts by God to benefit their communities as we try to help them develop aspirations for their future.

Together We Are Blessed (Continued from pg1)

tually putting your feet on the ground yourself, we are increasing their abundance. They increase our abundance by reminding us that its all about our Master, Jesus! They pour themselves out to Him in worship to honor and thank Him for what He has already done. The difference is that they often worship Him all day, every day, and not just on Sunday! into words. Honor comes to mind right away; they are honored to have us as their guests and were honored to be a small part in the story that Gods writing in Tanzania. And if that werent enough, you should be there when a family meets their newly sponsored child for the first time! hugs and kisses, made new friends, and those are just the things I know about and can remember! To end the week on an incredibly high note, we took the teaching from Jesus in John 13 and applied it to those we came to serve; we washed their feet. The PUNCHMI staff joined us for dinner on the last evening, and afterwards we were able to literally pour out our love on them. We were all humbled and touched by applying the example that our Master and Teacher taught us. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. John 13:15-17 In the end we come out even, and we do it together, shoulder to shoulder, hands to feet.and were both blessed.

We taught, played with kids, gave out sponsor gifts, ran a medical clinic, met We saw a lot of Jesus put into action on the with the District Medical Officer, painted June 2013 trip which had a mixture of differ- a classroom and had bookshelves built, ent talents. We had a team of 15 including ministered to the widows and sent them students, teachers, a headmaster, a videogra- home with food relief, lead a seminar for pher, nurse, microbiologist, and a financial the men, visited homes, worshipped with planner. Between us all, we sponsor more our brothers and sisters at church, supthan 15 children in the village which is about ported the local economy (went shopping), half a classroom! Without doubt there are played with the kids some more, spent more lives changed in that small act of kind- time in the classrooms enjoying devotions, ness than we will ever know on this side of planted trees for widows, dewormed the Heaven. entire school, made a video, prayed a lot, bonded with each other and our TanzaniVisiting a child and their family in their an brothers and sisters, gave out tons of home is an experience that can barely be put

Mail Call
Want to send a personal letter or photo to your sponsored child?? The next Mail Call is Friday August 9. Since our September Medical Team has been delayed until late October, we will be unable to accept gifts packages, as we will truly need to mail this pack. Please deliver your letters by 8/9 to Wendy Williams, Perimeter Christian School, 9500 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek, GA 30097

More Sponsors Needed

Jambo My name is Eric Emanuel Chuwa. I am eight years old and attend Punchmi Christian School in Karansi, Tanzania. There are twenty-nine other children in my first grade class which in Tanzania we call Standard One. The Headmaster of our school is Mr. Godfrey Seuya Hello My name is Elisha Alex Akyo. My Project Child number is KAC492. I am in Standard one at Punchmi Christian School. I am nine years old as I just had my birthday a couple of weeks ago on May 27. I too have one brother and help my family care for our gardens and animals. My

Scholarship Funds Sent

2nd Term Secondary School fees were due this week so we wired over $33,000 Seems like a lot of money. But when you consider it provides full room, board and education to our 115 Secondary School students, - its not a bad price. If you would like to donate to our Scholarship Fundsend your check to Perimeter Church with a note for the Tanzania Scholarship Fund

I have one brother, and my fathers name is Eric. I help my family in our garden and in caring for our goats. Would you consider sponsoring me or introducing me to someone who would be able to? My Project Child Number is KAC480. Your Friend Eric

fathers name is Elisha and my clan name is Akyoyou can tell that from my names which I receive from them. I am very happy to be at Punchmi Christian school and hope that some day you can come visit me. From Elisha.

Further information about PROJECT CHILD is on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U86pIogAkTg Or email timneet@att.net

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