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EditorJanette Gelroth

Volume XXVI, Issue 12

December 2004


Bob Wainwright ( Director of Technical Service and Dan Lampert ( Product Development Manager

Cargill Dressings, Sauces and Oils, North America Minneapolis, MN 55440

INTRODUCTION A growing body of evidence indicates that consumption of trans fats may have detrimental health implications. Because of this, labeling of trans fats on the Nutrition Facts panel of retail foods will become mandatory as of January 1, 2006. Concern regarding consumer reaction to the trans fat levels indicated on the labels and increasing interest in developing healthier foods have prompted many companies to investigate ways of reducing the trans fat content of their products. In doing this, functionality, stability, and cost are primary considerations. A previous Bulletin (1) addressed hydrogenation of oils, formation of trans fats, and health concerns regarding trans fat consumption. The present article provides information on existing, new, and developing trans fat reduction technologies; the upcoming labeling requirements; and applications. The shortenings discussed in this paper represent the current options available in the marketplace. The majority of these options can be expected to be higher in cost than their traditional counterparts because they have been produced with either higher cost technology or more expensive ingredients. HYDROGENATION Animal fats and palm oil are natural sources for shortenings and fats used in baking and frying applications. These fats are readily available, economical, and functional in most situations, and their physical properties and stability make them a convenient choice. Vegetable oils, on the other hand, have historically lacked functionality because of their liquid nature and their relatively poor stability towards oxidative degradation. The advent of commercial hydrogenation provided the opportunity to improve upon the natural properties of vegetable oils, hence rendering them suitable for many of the applications traditionally occupied by lard and tallow. This technology also offered what were deemed nutritionally superior vegetable oil alternatives as scientists began to recognize health concerns related to the cholesterol content and high saturated fat levels characteristic of animal fats. Simply put, hydrogenation is the addition of hydrogen atoms across the double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids. This reaction is extremely important to the food industry because it permits oils and fats to be tailor made in terms of stability and melting point, and hence functionality, to the end application. Edible oil processors are capable of exercising a fair degree of control over the hydrogenation reaction, and process variables are manipulated to arrive at the desired functional parameters. The reaction can be terminated at any time prior to complete saturation as required. In addition to saturation, melting point and firmness of fats are also influenced by a phenomenon known as isomerization that can occur during hydrogenation. Rather than a double bond becoming saturated with hydrogen, isomerization results in the position of the hydrogen atoms across the double bond being transferred. For most naturally occurring vegetable oils and fats, hydrogen atoms about the double bonds are in the cis (on the same side of the carbon atoms) conformation (Figure 1). An alternate geometry is possible wherein the hydrogen atoms are on opposite sides of the carbon atoms or in the trans configuration (Figure 1). Fats from ruminant animals (e.g., cattle, goats, and sheep) typically contain from 4 to 11% trans fatty

The information contained in this publication is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, since conditions are beyond our control, nothing contained herein should be construed as a recommendation, guarantee, or warranty, either expressed or implied by the American Institute of Baking. Neither should the mention of registered brand names be construed as an endorsement of that product by the American Institute of Baking. Material contained in this publication is copyrighted, 2004, by the American Institute of Baking. Subscriptions can be ordered from the Institute by writing the American Institute of Baking, 1213 Bakers Way, P.O. Box 3999, Manhattan, KS 66505-3999, calling 1-800-633-5137, or visiting



Figure 1. Cis and trans configurations of fatty acids.

acids, and hence represent a naturally occurring dietary source. The majority of dietary trans fat (some 75 to 80%), however, is consumed in the form of partially hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils. In practice, commercial hydrogenation concurrently a) adds hydrogen atoms to carbon-carbon double bonds and b) promotes geometric isomerization. Although reaction parameters can be manipulated to favor one reaction over the other, it is not currently possible to preferentially exclude either. Cis isomers hydrogenate more easily than trans, and thus, as the hydrogenation process proceeds, trans fats accumulate. Additionally, the finished profile of a hydrogenated fat is a function of the processing temperature and pressure and the type and amount of catalyst used. As hydrogenation continues, the reaction eventually reaches the point at

which all fatty acids are completely saturatedin other words, trans fats are essentially eliminated. Figure 2 illustrates this relationship for a typical hydrogenation of soybean oil. The horizontal axis describes the reaction progress in terms of iodine value (as carbon-carbon double bonds are saturated, the iodine value decreases). For partially hydrogenated soybean oil, trans fat content peaks at an iodine value of about 68. Complete saturation of all double bonds gives an iodine value of zero. Trans isomer formation is a critical functional parameter because it contributes significantly to melting and textural properties. For example, the melting point of the monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid is 56F (13C) while that of its trans isomer elaidic acid is 112F (44C). By way of comparison, the melting point of the saturated fat stearic acid is 157F (69C). Hence,

% 100


% Trans Content

% Saturate Content

% Saturate + % Trans

0 140



80 60 Iodine Value



Figure 2. Trans and saturate formation during hydrogenation of soybean oil.

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isomerization represents an alternative to saturation of fats for building functionality into fat. LABELING Consumption of trans fats has been shown to increase the levels of blood low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol). This, in turn, is associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. Because of this concern, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a proposed rule on November 17, 1999, that addressed incorporation of trans fatty acid information into nutrition labeling of foods (2). Following extended comment periods and much deliberation, the final rule on this topic was published on July 11, 2003 (3). While the mandatory compliance date for labeling of trans fats is January 1, 2006, products may be relabeled immediately using the regulations specified. Figure 3 shows a representative Nutrition Facts panel (standard format) with the trans fat amount included. Labeling Regulations Established Mandatory labeling of trans fats is applicable to conventional foods and dietary supplements that are regulated by FDA. The following exemptions are allowed:

Products containing less than 0.5 g trans fats that use the simplified labeling format and neither make nutrient content claims nor declare vitamins or minerals Products currently not required to display the Nutrition Facts panel Restaurants, unless nutrient content claims are made

Products regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The final rule for labeling of trans fats modifies the current food labeling regulations as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations (4). Highlights of the trans fat rule include (3): Trans fats are defined as the sum of all unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolated (i.e., nonconjugated) double bonds in a trans configuration. The term trans fat or trans (rather than trans fatty acids) is to be used. The amount of trans is expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5-gram increment for amounts below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment for amounts above 5 grams. If a serving contains less than 0.5 g, the content must be expressed as zero except when the statement not a significant source of is used (simplified format).

Trans Fat added below Saturated Fat

No Daily Value (DV) yet established for trans fat

Figure 3. Example of a Nutrition Facts panel with trans fat labeling included.

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Trans may be italicized to indicate its Latin origin. FDA will include trans fat as one of the nutrients that are deemed to be misbranded if the nutrient content of a composite sample is greater than 20 percent in excess of the value for that nutrient declared on the label. FDA does not at this time deem the scientific evidence to be sufficient to support the establishment of a Daily Reference Value (DRV) for trans. The trans fat free claim originally proposed (2) was not included in the final rule due to insufficient scientific information. The nutrient content claim saturated fat free is the only claim that, at this point, references a maximum amount of trans fat (less than 0.5 g each saturated and trans fats) (4). The warning footnote (Intake of trans fat should be as low as possible) that had been proposed by FDA (5) was withdrawn.

provide incentive to the food industry to lower the levels of both saturated and trans fats as much as possible (7). Because of the IOM report, FDA reopened the ANPR comment period on March 1, 2004 (8). Input regarding a) footnote wording, b) disclosure (referral) statements when a nutrient content claim is made, and c) the recommendation regarding a combined DV for saturated and trans fats was requested. The comment period was again extended on April 19, 2004 (9), because an FDA Food Advisory Committee, Nutrition Subcommittee meeting was scheduled for April 2728, 2004. This subcommittee was to address the scientific evidence for establishing a DV and a maximal daily intake value for trans fats. It was felt that results of this meeting would be pertinent to comments that might be received in response to the ANPR. Furthermore, the 2005 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Committee is considering restriction of trans fats to 1% or less of energy (calories) in the diet (10). Hence, FDA could consider the 1% of calories as a basis for establishing a %DV for trans fats. CONSUMER AWARENESS

Potential Labeling Regulations On July 11, 2003, an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) was published (6) to solicit information and data that could potentially be used to establish new nutrient content claims about trans fats. The comment period associated with that ANPR closed October 9, 2003. Information and data obtained from comments and from consumer studies that will be conducted by FDA may be used to help draft a proposed rule that would assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices by establishing criteria for certain aspects of labeling. Included in these aspects may be nutrient content or health claims and possible use of a footnote or other labeling approach addressing one or more cholesterol-raising lipids. A report by the Institute of Medicines (IOM) Food and Nutrition Board Committee on Use of Dietary Reference Intakes in Nutrition Labeling was released on December 11, 2003. This report was published as a guidance document for FDA, USDA, and Health Canada. In the document (Chapter 5, pages 99101), Guiding Principle 7 addressed Daily Values (DVs) for saturated fatty acid, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol. No DV was offered for trans fat. Rather, the committee recommended the use of food composition data, menu modeling, and dietary surveys to estimate minimum intakes of these macronutrients that are consistent with nutritionally adequate diets. For Nutrition Facts panel purposes, the report suggested that amounts for saturated and trans fats be listed on separate lines but that a combined DV for the two should be used. Among other reasons, it was felt that such an approach would

Consumer awareness of trans fats and their health implications seems to be on the increase. For example, the Food Marketing Institute recently conducted a survey regarding Growing Awareness of Trans-Fatty Acids (11). Current awareness data from the survey are summarized in Table I. REDUCTION OF TRANS FAT CONTENT Many of the oils and fats processed for the food industry have been subjected to partial hydrogenation to impart the required functionality and shelf life.

TABLE I CURRENT AWARENESS OF TRANS FATS Category Gender Women Men Income $25,000 or less Over $25,000 Education High school or less College From Reference 11 % Aware 57 56 33 66 40 68

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TABLE II SELECTED FATTY ACID COMPOSITION Fat/Shortening Trans Typical industrial and food service all purpose shortening Typical household all purpose shortening Modifications Palm addition Interesterified Fluids/Gels Modified hydrogenation *Stearic acid 31 14 <2 <2 <2 4 Fatty Acid Category (% of Total Fatty Acids) C18* 11.5 12 7 35 817 18 Other Sat. Cis Mono Cis Poly 11.5 14.5 40 11 10 12 41 31 38 18 20 23 5 28.5 10 30 50 43

However, the fats and oils industry has diligently worked to continually improve the nutritional profiles of products in an effort to satisfy market demands. For example:

and cottonseed oil). The common values for household (retail) all purpose shortening are included for perspective. Addition of Non-hydrogenated Hard Fractions Non-hydrogenated hard fractions can be added to non-hydrogenated or minimally hydrogenated stocks in an effort to convey body. Typically, such hard fractions are derived from palm or palm kernel fats, both of which are significantly higher in saturates than are the partially hydrogenated components they replace. Such options are lower in stearic acid (a saturated fat that, unlike other saturates, does not appear to raise blood cholesterol levels) compared to trans-containing systems. Levels of other saturates, however, are elevated, including palmitic (for palm-based options) and myristic, lauric, and shorter chain saturates (for palm kernel-based options) [See Table II, Palm addition]. Interesterification Fully hydrogenated components (e.g., soybean or cottonseed) can be blended with liquid components and subsequently interesterified to improve the melting curve and crystallization properties. Interesterification reorders the fatty acids in triglycerides from their naturally occurring non-random distribution to one that is random, or if mediated enzymatically, one that is more symmetrical. This results in improved melting and crystallization properties. Generally, the stearic acid content will be elevated [See Table II, Interesterified]. Formation of Fluids or Gels Fully hydrogenated components, non-hydrogenated hard fractions, or certain emulsifiers added to non-hydrogenated stocks create fluid shortenings, gels, or semisol-

Many food service deep frying media are lightly hydrogenated liquid products compared to the heavy-duty plastic products previously used. Many fluidized systems, in which lightly hydrogenated or even non-hydrogenated oils replace traditional plastic products, are offered for the bakery trade. The tablespreads category is now largely softer tub-type products, most of which have higher polyunsaturated to saturated (P:S) ratios and contain about 55% fat.

Beyond these improvements, a variety of options exist for those situations wherein further change is deemed appropriate. The results in most cases, however, are higher levels of saturated fats and/or increased ingredient costs. Saturates and geometric isomers (trans fats) are largely responsible for contributing structure because of their higher melting points. Reduction of either category necessitates an increase in the other to maintain a solid texture. Without this, the resultant shortening will not perform adequately. Listed below are some of the options that are currently available to reduce trans fat content of processed fat products. These types of products would be used in many bakery items, including cakes, cookies, icings, fillings, donuts, and pastries. Potential solutions, as well as the associated outcomes are provided. In addition, Table II lists specific results obtained when the options are applied to a typical all purpose industrial and food service shortening (partially hydrogenated soybean

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ids. Generally, the stearic acid level will be elevated with such reformulations [See Table II, Fluids/Gels]. Addition of More Stable Oils or Fats Inherently higher oxidatively stable oils and fats can be substituted for partially hydrogenated components. For instance, non-hydrogenated coconut oil represents a functional alternative to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil sprays. Impact of this trans fat reduction approach on the contents of stearic acid will vary depending upon the source of stable fat or oil used. Levels of other saturates, however, are generally elevated, including palmitic (for palm-based options) and myristic, lauric, and shorter chain saturates (for palm kernel-based options). Modified Hydrogenation Modified partial hydrogenation techniques are being developed with the aim of minimizing trans formation. Generally, stearic acid will be elevated with this approach [See Table II, Modified hydrogenation]. Use of Trait-enhanced Oils Many of the trait-enhanced oils (e.g., high oleic and/ or reduced polyunsaturate sunflower and canola) present the possibility of replacing traditional partially hydrogenated varieties with non-hydrogenated oils of superior oxidative stability. These options represent a reduction in stearic acid as well as total saturates. SUMMARY Achieving adequate levels of performance while simultaneously reducing trans fat content in fats used for a wide variety of food applications, particularly the more demanding application, can be very challenging. A number of options are currently available to address this issue. The options chosen are ultimately determined by food manufacturer preferences based on such factors as cost, functionality, stability, and preferred labeling. REFERENCES 1. LOH, W. and LAMPERT, D. Reducing or eliminating trans fatty acids in shortenings. American Institute of Baking, Technical Bulletin, Volume XX, Issue 11, November 1998. 2. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health Claims; Proposed Rule. Federal Register, 64 (221): 6274562825, November 17, 1999 (available at 111799c.pdf). 3. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health

Claims; Final Rule. Federal Register, 68 (133): 4143341506, July 11, 2003 (available at http:// 4. Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR Part 101. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC (available at waisidx_04/21cfr101_04.html). 5. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health Claims; Proposed Rule; Reopening of the Comment Period. Federal Register, 67 (221): 69171 69172, November 15, 2002 (available at http:// 6. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Consumer Research to Consider Nutrient Content and Health Claims and Possible Footnote or Disclosure Statements; Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Federal Register, 68 (133): 4150741510, July 11, 2003 (available at http:/ / 7. Dietary Reference Intakes: Guiding Principles for Nutrition Labeling and Fortification. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2003 (available at html/). 8. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Consumer Research to Consider Nutrient Content and Health Claims and Possible Footnote or Disclosure Statements; Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Reopening of the Comment Period. Federal Register, 69 (40): 95599560, March 1, 2004 (available at OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/04-4504.pdf). 9. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Consumer Research to Consider Nutrient Content and Health Claims and Possible Footnote or Disclosure Statements; Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Extension of the Comment Period. Federal Register, 69 (75): 2083820839, April 19, 2004 (available at OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/04-8778.pdf). 10. Backgrounder: 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture (available at dietaryguidelines/dga2005/Backgrounder.htm). 11. ANONYMOUS. Trans fatty acids to be next major consumer health concern, says Food Marketing Institute. Supermarket News via NewsEdge Corporation, May 21, 2004 (available at http://www.

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