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PERELMAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OFFER LETTER -- INITIAL LETTER OF APPOINTMENT Instructor A, Lecturer A, or Research Associate (full-time) The Childrens

Hospital of Philadelphia DATE NAME & DEGREE DEPARTMENT ADDRESS Dear ___________________: On the basis of our recent conversations, I am pleased to offer you the position of (insert title: Instructor A, Lecturer A, or Research Associate ) in the Department of (name of department). Your responsibilities will include (description of projects, responsibilities, and functions). Your appointment will be effective on (DATE). This appointment will be initially for one (1) year and continuation during that time period and renewal are based on satisfactory performance, availability of funding, and the terms of policies for (insert title: Instructor A, Lecturer A, or Research Associate), as described as described in the Handbook for Faculty and Academic Administrators Policy Number II.B.4 An appointment as (insert title: Instructor A, Lecturer A, or Research Associate) is not a commitment for a future faculty appointment. (Use one of the following statements to address source of funding): You will be supported on my grant number (insert grant number) at an annual rate of (insert annual amount), to be paid in accordance with the payroll schedules of the University of Pennsylvania and prorated for the time period worked. This grant runs from (insert grant begin and end date). OR You will be supported by discretionary funds at an annual rate of (insert annual amount), to be paid in accordance with the payroll schedules of the University of Pennsylvania and prorated for the time period worked. Discretionary funds available for this position run from (insert begin and end date). As a (n) (insert title: Instructor A, Lecturer A, or Research Associate ), you will be eligible to enroll in the Universitys health and welfare insurance programs for you and your eligible dependents. You are eligible to participate in the Universitys supplemental retirement annuity plans which currently include TIAA-CREF and Vanguard. The University does not make a contribution to these retirement plans. The University retains the right to modify or rescind any portion of their fringe benefits packages at any time. You will be eligible for benefits according to the terms of applicable plans, as they may exist from time to time. If you have any questions about your benefits, you can contact the PENN Benefits Center at 1-888-736-6236 (1-888-PENNBEN) or the Retirement Call Center at 1-877-736-6738 (1-877PENNRET). As a(n) (insert title: Instructor A, Lecturer A, or Research Associate ) and an employee of The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia and (insert name of practice plan), you will be subject to all applicable University, Penn Medicine and The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia policies. These policies, which are subject to amendment, from time to time, currently include, though are not limited to the Principles of Responsible Conduct (, Conflict of

Interest as described in Faculty Handbook Policy II.E.10 (, in related policies and procedures at (, and the enclosed The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Conflict of Interest and Patent and Intellectual Property policies. You will not be authorized to enter into any outside contracts or agreements on behalf of the University or The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia without formal approval from the University or The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, as applicable, for which you should apply through me . We value our reputation and seek to conduct all of our activities with the utmost integrity. This includes respecting the intellectual property rights of other institutions and persons. We seek your commitment that you will not bring to The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia or use in connection with your employment any intellectual property that belongs to others without their written permission. If you have any intellectual property issues, please bring them to my attention so we can seek to work through them. This offer is predicated on your not having entered into any type of restrictive covenant or noncompete that could interfere with your performing the services contemplated by the proposed employment relationship with The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, ( insert name of practice plan) and the University of Pennsylvania. The offer is also predicated on your not having any preexisting or anticipated conflicts of interest with respect to your proposed position at The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, (insert name of practice plan) and the University of Pennsylvania. If you believe you may have a restrictive covenant, non-compete or conflict of interest, please contact me to immediately discuss this matter Please note that your appointment cannot be completed until requirements for medical licensure, DEA and hospital credentials are fulfilled. Also before you can commence employment at The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, you must complete The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia employment agreement enclosed with this letter (please execute both copies and return them to us and we will have them signed and return one fully executed copy to you). Prior to your start on or around (insert date), we request that all University of Pennsylvania paid academic support staff working at CHOP schedule an Occupational Health pre-placement exam and drug screening. You will need to call for your appointment within 24 hours of being contacted via email by a member of the Talent Acquisition department at CHOP. You can reach CHOPs Occupational Health department at 215-590-1928. In addition to your Occupational Health exam, CHOP requires anyone working at its institution to complete an extensive background clearance process prior to your start date with Penn. A representative from CHOPs Talent Acquisition department will contact you via email to initiate your clearance process and will be able to assist you with questions or concerns. If applicable insert the following: (FOR FOREIGN CANDIDATES) This offer is contingent upon your having authorization to work and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are in compliance with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) policies. Please contact the Universitys International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) office at 215-898-4661 or online at immediately so that any visa issues may be addressed before you join us. Appointment and payroll documentation cannot be processed until you have presented ISSS approval. Please sign this offer letter to indicate your acceptance of the terms of your appointment and return it to me by (DATE) with your signed Participation Agreement. I look forward to your coming to the University of Pennsylvania.

Sincerely, ______________________________ Chair of Department I accept this offer as outlined above. ______________________________ Candidate Name & Degree (Signature) ______________________________ Date Attachments: cc: CHOP Patent and Intellectual Property and Conflict of Interest Policies ________________________________ Faculty Supervisor or PI

Department Faculty Coordinator Department Business Administrator

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