July Newsletter 2013

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Denmark Congregational United Church of Christ PO Box 230401 Academy Avenue Denmark, IA 52624 July
Pastor Chad is on vacation from June 29 to July 8 . Independence Day is on a Thursday this year.
th th

2013 on the 2 , 3 and 4 Sunday of the month(June), July and August.

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On July 14th after Worship there is a wedding shower at 3:00 pm for the Conwell Wedding.

The week of the 15th to the 20th is the set-up for VBS. VBS runs from Sunday Evening July 21st until Thursday Evening July 25th. It meets from 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm. This year the theme is Awesome Adventure. (More on Page 5) July 21st is Bring a Friend to Church Sunday.
On July 28th the children from the VBS class conduct the Worship. After that they are sponsoring a BBQ at the church.

July 6th is the Pumphrey Family Reunion, they will meet in the church. Communion Worship on Sunday of will be served during July 7th (First the month).

The Trustees will meet on 9th at 8:00 pm.


Christian Ed will meet on July 10th at 6:30.

Childrens Sunday School is going to continue on Sundays in July and August

In the afternoon the Peale Family Reunion will meet at




the church.
Happy July! I found a website late in June called iwl.me which stands for I Write Like. Its a fun little website in which one places a piece of writing (presumably ones own) in the text box and the word choice and writing style are analyzed with special regard as to which famous writer one is most similar. It is not a serious tool, but rather a fun little diversion. There is no real need to know which famous writer one is like as it has no bearing on most of our lives. That being said, I was surprised at the writer I am closest to, according to this website. You see, the author that I am nearest to is quite unlike me in a lot of respects. For one, he is long dead, having died in 1937. Secondly, he had a very dark view of life. In his mind, the universe was not only impossible to understand, but that the universe itself was hostile to the notion of what we call, humanity. Finally, he was an atheist. In his own words, he writes, In theory I am an agnostic, but pending the appearance of radical evidence I must be classed, practically and provisionally, as an atheist." I, personally, have a much more optimistic view of the universe at large. I dont think that the univ erse holds sway in humanity one way or the other, but I do think that we are able to consistently learn more about it. In fact, I think that the more humanity travels along together, the more we seem to learn about the universe, and the less we learn about ourselves. That, however, is an article for a different time. The biggest difference between myself and this writer that I happen to write like, however, is on the subject of religion. This writer (who is one of my favorites, by the way) has used religion in much of his writing, though it is often fanciful, or alternative religion (i.e. aliens that are worshipped as deities). This writer and I are similar in ways beyond writing styles as well. Both of us have been influenced by some of the giants in our respective fields. Both he and I have had particularly vivid experiences in our lives that led directly to the life we chose. This, however could be said of any two people. To be more specific, both he and I shared a deep respect and enjoyment of Edgar Allen Poes work and that style of storytelling influenced us both. I started this article knowing where I was going. I wanted to talk about how we can find distinct differences with others and yet find our similarities can also be striking. Aft er all, in todays socio-political climate, our differences are frequently shown to others while our similarities are swept under a rug. Im stuck on how to make that particular segue gracefully and eloquently, so Ill close here. Lets face it, Im no H .P. Lovecraft.



July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July

3 3 4 4 5 8 9 9 11 11 13 14 15 17 18 18 19 19 19 21 22 22 25 30 31

Grant Weisinger William Blanchard Mary Raid Colton Engeman Jim Burk Lollie Krogmeier Kathy Houston Elizabeth Stein Chris Harvey Betsey Hasenclever Don Wolfskill Elsie Crabtree Brooks Hasenclever Cindy Barnes Owen Weisinger Melissa Junkins Amy Hasenclever David Weisinger Chuck Helt Maxine Stotts Nancy Blanchard Brandon Barnes Nicole Meller Miriam Weisinger Annah Blanchard

July July July July

3 Sarah & Nathan Weisinger 11 Jack & Maxine Stotts 21 Dwight & Cindy Barnes 22 Charles & Ellyn Miller

July 7th2Kings 5:1-14; Ps 30 or Isa 66:10-14; Ps 66:1-9; Gal 6(1-6), 7-16; Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 July 14thAmos 7:7-17; Ps 82 or Deut 30:9-14; Ps 25:1-10; Col1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37 July 21stAmos 8:1-12; Ps 52 or Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15; Col1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42 July 28thHos 1:2-10; Ps 85 or Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138; Col 2:6-15 (16-19); Luke 11:1-13



Thanks to everyone who called, sent cards or visited while I was in the Care Center recuperating from my hip surgery. It was a long two months. Im so glad to be home. David Weisinger Thank you to everyone who participated in the successful Denmark Heritage Days held on June 1st and 2nd. With tractors and gas engines on display, cars to look at, Silver Steppers dancing, Bill Riley talent show, Ned Francis as well as the Dave Roth group to entertain us, a movie in the park, the 5 K run, the good food, and lots of vendors, the weekend was special. A special thank you goes to Jolly Twenty for the great breakfast on Saturday, Plymouth Circle for the delicious dinner, and the church youth group for the special Sunday breakfast. Many volunteers gave their time and support to make this weekend a success. We invite you to attend next year's Denmark Heritage Days scheduled for the first weekend of June 2014. The Denmark Heritage Days Committee

Advisory Committee Meeting 5/28/13 Meeting opened with prayer by Chad Present were Chad Savage, Robert Koepcke, Carl Vass, Cheryl Lang, Martha Wolf and Elaine Vass Treasurers Reportas of today, the designated fund no longer exists, after the research concluded that the funds were only accumulated from the budget over the years. Cheryl will send checks to Pathways for Peggy Wilkinson for $500, to the Iowa Conference scholarship fund for $1800, to Our Sacred Space for $1000 and to Global Ministries for

$500. The checkbook balance is $12975.32 after these amounts are subtracted. The $1000 in the budget for the National/Regional Youth event will be sent to the Iowa Conference when the other money is sent. The treasurers report was accepted. Committee on Ministry no physical meeting this month. The agenda for next month will include a couple of periodic support consultations and plans for Boundary Training. CCAM will go into effect Jan. 1, 2014. Board of Directors Rich said that there will be a call issued to a candidate to replace Tony Stoik as an Associate Conference minister. They are getting ready to eliminate Nicole Havelkas position. There had been a proposal to take the funding for her position out of the budget and find her salary out of church budgets and several other places. The funds have not become available for this plan. Old Business The Designated fund has been taken care of. We discussed the Education grants and the Program grants. Robert will send the final draft to Elaine Vass to send out to all the churches. Carl moved to accept the final drafts with the language as revised. Cheryl seconded and all approved. New Business There was a request from Rev. Mark Schowalter to attend a 3 day conference of GLAUCE and he asked for $150 from us toward the cost. He promised to provide Christian Education workshops from what he learned, if requested. Carl moved to give Mark Schowalter the grant from 2013 COM funds. Martha seconded and it passed. Hal Schnedler agreed that the Keosauqua church will have the fall meeting. The tentative date picked is Oct. 13, 2013, if that will work for his church. Possible programs would by Synod presentations from the delegates to tell what



happened, and a presentation about having emergency plans in place for our churches. Perhaps we could have both as our program. Next Meetingwe will not meet in June unless there are scholarship or grant requests to be considered. Next scheduled meeting is July 30. We closed with the Lords Prayer. Elaine Vass Recording Secretary

Please join our Awesome Adventure Vacation Bible School. It starts on Sunday July 21st through Thursday July 25th, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. 4 year old preschoolers through 6th grade children are welcome. Pre-register by calling the Denmark Church at 319-528-4465.

Please call Sue Watson at 528-4494 or the Church office at 528-4465 with any prayer concerns. We are praying for: Patty Dochterman Tony Haeffner Sandra Parrish Chris Jackson Clayton Whitmarsh Mike & Carol Smith Babe Grossman Soney Nickel Elsie Crabtree Sherry Yaley Mayfield Betty Smalley Sunny Mynatt Norman King Ron Jackson Lynn Rempe Mary Brookhiser

Dear Members of the Denmark Congregation and Community, 5



As persons affiliated with the life of the Denmark Church and community, you are cordially invited and sincerely urged to participate in contributing family material to the 25 year time capsule. This is the final part of our 175th anniversary celebration and we would like to have as many submissions as we can fit. The due date for submitting material for the time capsule is July 28th. The following week, the time capsule will be reburied at a location deemed appropriate by the Trustees of the church. Included with this introduction are some suggestions for things to be included with your submission. They are only suggestions, so adopt, adapt or disregard anything that you dont want to include. It is further suggested that each family try to keep their submissions to that which will fit into an envelope. If you are part of a group that would like to make a submission, then a manila folder would be an appropriate size. Pictures are encouraged as well as personal letters to your descendants. Twenty-Five years seems like a short time, but consider that our Kindergartners now will be 30 when this is re-opened. Social media makes finding information about us ridiculously easy. For those of us that are on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest; seriously consider submitting something that you wouldnt put on those sites. Finally, get your neighbors, your kids and your neighbors kids involved. This is as much a community endeavor as it is a church project. Invite people to get involved and become a part of something that may very well disappear in the near future. Remember to put the names of all members of the family on the envelope you submit so that we have the best chance of finding someone to get your submission to (if you personally are no longer around. Have fun! Rev. Chad E. Savage Suggestions for Submission A brief history of the family name A family tree on the husbands side A family tree on the wifes side Education Favorite T.V. show Favorite Movie Interests/hobbies Favorite Book Book read most recently Favorite Author Favorite Sport Favorite Food Favorite Actor/Actress A Movie Stub or Playbill Grocery receipt (to see price changes) an old iPhone or iPod that could be recharged to see what was popular A bit of propaganda to laugh at what we used to believe Favorite Song (right now) A Family Secret Recipe If you are a new or expectant parent, footprints or a sonogram photo Places Traveled Memberships A piece of original artwork

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