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The Misses region. 459 km from Porto Alegre, has a story full of wars and legends.

The state of Rio Grande do Sul didnt belong to anyone - the Portuguese dominated the region as far as Santa Catarina and the Spaniards dominated the east. So the Jesuits occupied the region to convert the Indians and founded many villages. Thus Sete Povos das Misses appeared, it was the beginning of colonization in Rio Grande do Sul. The Spaniards and the Portuguese represented danger to the Indians so the Jesuits united the Indians in villages. The first village was So Nicolau, the second was So Miguel (the most important and the capital of Misses), and then So Luiz Gonzaga, So Borja, So Loureno, So Joo Batista and Santo ngelo. They formed a strong community with a Christian Socialist government. Crimes were judged by a common tribune, the women had their rights respected according to the tribal consensus. There was no death penalty, etc. The Jesuits permitted the Guaranis to use guns in order to defend themselves against the oppressors and to avoid slavery. In 1791 they signed a treaty with Spain and they became a Spanish colony. So, the Indians trained by the Spanish cavalry and infantry, formed an army to defend the Spanish interests. Later the Spanish and Portuguese governments united themselves in order to destroy the Guarani Republic. Nowadays there are only ruins and tourists can find out something of the story of this civilization by watching a sound and light show. They present the episodes of Guarani resistance and conquests and the legend of Sep Tiaraju, a Guarani chief who couldnt defend his people. The show is presented everyday in the ruins of So Miguel. 1. Faa uma leitura rpida do texto e responda: a) No texto aparecem dois nmeros. Localize-os e diga a que se referem. b) Os nomes So Nicolau, So Miguel, So Luiz Gonzaga, So Borja, So Loureno, So Joo Batista e Santo Angelo denominavam ........................................................................... 2. Faa, agora, uma leitura mais atenta e responda as seguintes perguntas: a) Como surgiram os Sete Povos das Misses?

b) Por que os jesutas reuniram os ndios em povoados? c) Qual foi a capital das Misses? d) Qual era o regime poltico adotado nas Misses? Cite algumas caractersticas. e) Por que os ndios passaram para o exrcito espanhol e defenderam os interesses deste povo? f) Por que desapareceram os Sete Povos das Misses? g) Quem foi Sep Tiaraju? h) O que restou dos Sete Povos das Misses? 3. a) Sublinhe a melhor alternativa (A ou B) de acordo com o contexto: A B full cheio vazio wars lendas guerras didnt belong no pertencia no inclua anyone algum ningum as far as antes de at many muitas algumas thus assim como danger perigo sofrimento strong fraco forte judged cometidos julgados rights deveres direitos death vida morte guns armas facas against contra a favor avoid evitar enviar slavery escravido liberdade later mais tarde tardinha nowadays hoje em dia novamente find out encontrar narrar who o qual quem b) Procure no texto a palavra que tem o mesmo sentido de THUS. 4. a) Ligue as palavras de acordo com sua funo: beginning ao according nome watching modo b) Transcreva do texto duas palavras que do idia de seqncia. c) Copie do texto 5 palavras que indicam ao no passado e diga o que levou idia de ao no passado.

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