Milab Operations

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Milab Operations

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Milab Operations
by James Bartley Source:
linked as Annex 1 of Psitalent Phase 1 - we still need to exceed a threshold!

Source: Translated in April 2013 by Rodger Uploaded 1 May 2013

Milabs are detectable alien abductees, which are formed by elements of the deep black military to fulfill certain tasks. Some Milabs have a dissociative ability (splitting of consciousness) because they were abused in their childhood or because of any other trauma. This dissociative ability is often used by the controller in Milab terrible and sadistic manner. With manipulative techniques and behavioral changes mind control (mind control) enforced on Milabs to prepare them for use by their military controllers. Milabs can be used in different ways. Milabs can be divided into different categories, depending on what they are used. Regardless what category are the Milabs, they can be used for mass screening, vaccination, education, and for other reasons as necessary. The term "Milab" was first coined by Austrian researcher Dr. Helmut Lammer. Unfortunately, Dr. Lammer seems to think that every eyewitness account of an alien by a Milab is the result of mind control by the government. That's about the same as if one would draw the plow behind the oxen. (Saying, sth wrong begin, note b) Which came first? Aliens or mind control operations by the government? I doubt that Dr. Lammer has spent a lot of time researching alien abductions. His prejudice against the reality of alien abductions excludes any possibility of objective research on this topic. There are some "researchers" who insist that all eyewitness accounts of extraterrestrials are the result of the mind control of the government and then there is the revealer (debunker) of the memory tampering Syndrome Foundation who insist that there is no thought control, despite the extensive documentation that they have received from the government. To cover everything, thought-controllers of the government have shown the fake alien survivor of Monarch mind control project. These have then dutifully written books about these fake encounters.

What are Milabs? 7/12/2013

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In all likelihood Milabs have some sort of genetic markers that they can be identified as detectable Abducted by aliens. This idea is supported by the fact that kidnapped by aliens who have served in the armed forces, have disclosed that they were exposed to during their time in the military mind control medical experiments and other coercive measures. They also disclosed that they were used in covert operations, while they were under mind control. Some of them have seen and witnessed advanced technologies of non-human life forms in underground and surface facilities. Externally imposed amnesia and selective erasure of memory by use of narco-hypnosis and other methods were used by their controllers to forget the experience of the abductees in active military service. Sometimes they were treated during their military service by psychologists. Even after their military service, some Milabs were treated as outpatients by military doctors and psychologists as military veterans. This was done to ensure that the Milab not regained her memories. If they did it but could be re-engineered so that the experience will be forgotten so quickly. Many of these Milabs were still used in deep black operations, long after they had completed their service in the army. On the other hand, there are Milabs who have not spent a single day in the military and still were under constant surveillance and observation. Some civil Milabs were conditioned by their military controllers so that they were appropriate jobs for training in occupations that require a high level of fitness and knowledge in medicine, in craft and fire. This prepares them for some of the physical hardships during Milab training and possible life-threatening situations they might encounter as agents Milab. Thank Milabs were recorded visions of a coming apocalypse or catastrophic series of events on earth. These sorts of futuristic events were riots on urban warfare with foreign troops, biological warfare, natural disasters to rocket attacks. A training for escape and evasion is routinely given many Milabs. Leadership training and group survival techniques are also a priority in the decision-making is taught under pressure. Later in this essay I will show how the various professions and personal attributes of the Milabs are exploited by their military controllers. For example, can find themselves with a scientific or medical background in similar work in an underground facility in another person under mind control. On the other hand, there are those Milabs that are not placed into a different personality mode and the duration of their experiences fully conscious. This is usually reported when a Milab "routine" experiences endured such medical examinations. Sometimes we like to Milab controllers her charges to allow a degree of waking consciousness to scare them that way. I know of a female Milab who was punished for uncooperative behavior. She was injected with a drug that made them completely unable to move, while leaving in full waking consciousness. As she lay on a medical examination table with her eyes closed, she was told the scientists that if they would not begin to cooperate, they could and they would leave them permanently in this state of paralysis. That's "silent scream" technique which I call the. The mere thought scared to be left permanently in this state most Milabs and then 7/12/2013

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work with the Milab controllers together. In this case, the female Milab has refused one hundred percent to make an effort during their military training. One of the means to Milabs from their homes to "draw" for a controller that calls in the night. In the moment when the Milab picks up the phone, the controller says a sentence or a series of numbers. The call is timed to the sometimes Milab that he or she is already in the bed. After hearing the sentence or the digit string Milab changes to another state and hangs up the phone. He or she then goes outside and barefoot in pajamas. Waiting outside a white military van. The Milab automatically goes to the back of the van. The Milab supervisor gets out of the car and opens the rear doors. The Milab sits in the van and the van drives off. After such a kidnapping, said the abducted Milab that the van began to descend. It was not a steep descent, but steep enough that it noticed the Milab. At the moment, as this particular Milab boarding the back of the van, there was a woman in nurse's clothing who said to her: "Hello Jean." Now in its normal state of consciousness, Jean replied, "You again?! What the hell are you going at this hour?" The car drove some time with a slight slope down to the van stopped and the rear doors were opened, whereupon Jean was in an underground facility. ("Jean" is a pseudonym. Jean is the same woman known as the "D" in David Icke's book "Children of the Matrix." "D" has numerous Milab experiences in China Lake and George Air Force Base in the high desert of Southern California. The anonymous writer who has some of the "D's" experiences in "Children of the Matrix" described, I was.'s description of D's experience with reptiles, Horror and the military was part of a private e-mail correspondence between me and another American explorer! Then it landed on the Reptilian Archives of David Ickes website. I'm a personal friend of "Jean / D" and she hates it when people use their information without having to ask them. way "D "if you're reading this, here's my excuse.) Military controllers are known to boldly walk in daylight to the house, if the husband has already gone to work, and use a "black box" that makes everyone in the household, including any dogs or cats, unconscious. The target Milab is often not affected by the radiation of these black box and is then taken to a military facility. This tactic was used in remote or sparsely populated areas. Other devices have been used to overcome Milabs in their homes include an aerosol spray to make Milabs listless and unable to fight back. This aerosol spray is described as a citrus-like odor. Stun guns were also used to kidnap Milabs in a military establishment. Other forms of torture of female Milabs they include a chair to captivate and hold it open with a mechanical device their eyelids. This device then emits a painfully bright light in their eyes. Often a symbol is repeatedly flashed into the open eyes of the female Milab. Both male and female Milabs can be irradiated with an electromagnetic weapon to inflict pain to them. During sleep instill certain electromagnetic frequencies pictures in the memory of Milab. Small black balls that were flying around the house seen as they go into the minds of Milabs, this is another form of remote control (remote 7/12/2013

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control). Male Milabs are known to be angry and violent at the moment where one of these black balls enters their heads. According to the female Milabs who are the wives or girlfriends of the men who were manipulated so these black balls of military origin. You are not extraterrestrial device.

Astral operators Milabs due to their innate DNA manipulated by aliens para physical abilities. These para physical abilities associated with conditioned behavioral reactions and in some cases, dissociative capabilities are used in different ways by the military controllers. Milabs to as "multi-task platforms" (do several things at once, note b) are used. Some Milabs are "Astral operators", which in any part of the world can be sent immediately, and then the controllers to report in "real time" report. The controller can talk to the Milabs from the military installation and the Milabs can verbally report what their astral "eyes" watching at a remote location. Astral operators have failed to deliver the only images of far above the limitations of the satellite. It is possible that their astral body by Global Positioning System (GPS), or a variant thereof, can be transported to destinations. It is not unusual destination determining systems have "piggyback" on the GPS. It is certainly possible to initiate the technological performance of the deep black military an out of body experience in a Milab and then "controlled" to send the astral operator with its electromagnetic signature anywhere, above or below ground. I base this assumption on individual statements of Milabs, which were used as astral operators in conjunction with the known functions of target selection satellites. It is a documented fact that the CIA and other intelligence agencies have used electromagnetic frequencies on unsuspecting and unwilling subjects in mind control projects. Addressed specific electromagnetic frequencies on people, can bring certain predictable results. These results are predictable from nervousness about extreme emotions, unconsciousness, hallucinations, nausea, and many other reactions. This predictable neurological and physiological reactions are the desired result and form the basis for so-called "non-lethal weapons", especially those identified as Active Denial Weapons (see Wikipedia under Active Denial System (ADS), anti-personnel microwave weapon , note b) are described. Active Denial weapons are electromagnetic weapons and are designed to extreme discomfort in the target persons elicit when they stray into restricted areas. These weapons are also effective to disperse a crowd of people. The bottom line is that out of body experiences (LFS) can be triggered externally by the use of certain electromagnetic frequencies on a human being. Aliens often use this technique to abductees during certain phases in long-term commitment with a certain abductees. The former military remote viewer Joe McMoneagle has stated that the information of remote viewing without predefined protocols is worthless. Tell 7/12/2013

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that to use the military controllers, the astral operators in the manner described above. The controllers have absolutely no moral scruples Milabs to use in any way, if they deem it appropriate. As far as they are concerned, the end justifies the means. Milabs way can be used in a "traditional" remote viewing. You can sit back on a padded chair or lie flat on your back. A military controller can guide them through the remote viewing process. A female Milab described her feeling about it as if it was physically at the place where its controller had sent her. She found herself in an underground tunnel system close to a number of people back. From their description of these people out, they seemed the remnants of the Taliban and / or al-Qaeda in Afghanistan to be. Your controller they had to reassure that the people at the destination they could not see. They stationed themselves quite close to her and was able to give accurate information to their controllers. The people were then killed with earth-penetrating weapons by combat aircraft. The female Milab witnessed the explosion but she felt neither the explosion still had to suffer any adverse effects. This process has a few other groups of people that were found in the tunnels, repeated times. I know of one case where a reptile (Franz calls reptilians: , note b) had sexually assaulted a female Milab and thus activated the Kundalini energy of the woman. No sooner had the reptilian leave the woman, the military came and took them on some high-tech means in their underground base. The military controllers have commissioned an astral operation, the female Milab. In response to the suggestions and encouragement of their controller Milab sent (perhaps with the help of the aforementioned technology) their astral body into the Persian Gulf region to observe several people who were gathered together at a private meeting. Then they reported their perceptions of their oral controllers. This remote viewing / astral meeting was held in an office in the plant. The woman was sitting in a reclining position on an adjustable cushioned chair. After emerging from her physical body, she was in her astral body in a conference room somewhere in the Persian Gulf region. There were a number of people were sitting around a conference table. You should watch what was going on and describe what they saw. She tried to bring back a physical object from which they had been told, but this she was not able. After the astral meeting you showed her photographs and she identified some of the people at the conference. In this incident, the military had agreed with either the reptilian or they took the presence of the reptilians in the woman's bedroom true. The military has sensors at electromagnetic interference or any event that is indicative of a reptilian presence, show. Again, genetic markers would probably identifies the woman as a person having reptilian encounters. Drakos and Reptilians (?, Note b) (winged gargoyle creature (gargoyle)) tend to follow certain bloodlines. Other genetic markers they could have identified as someone with latent para-physical abilities. They could have been as Milab already 7/12/2013

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under strict surveillance. The military would have already known that the likely outcome of such an encounter would be a rape of a woman at the reptilians. In addition, the military controllers know that a predictable byproduct of such a reptilian astral-rape the woman for a short period of time and improved mental abilities. From a military point of view, this would be the ideal time to take advantage of the mental capacities of women. (This is similar to the human practice of tantric magic repeatedly to cause the woman to the point of orgasm but stop before the climax. This tends to increase the psi abilities of women.) As far as I'm concerned, is what is described in the books by former military remote viewers, only "3D reality stuff." The activities and methods they describe are not the be all and end all operations and remote viewing are not even close to the classification and security of remote viewing / astral operations for the Milabs are forced by their military controllers. Astral operators can be supported by their ability to see "grid lines". The military controller can somehow hide these grid lines in the psychic field of view of the astral operator. If they float in their astral body over a target area, they can look down on the ground and their military controllers offer real-time feedback, and use this encoded designations to specific locations in the grid to locate. The Astral operators can be used to identify targets for subsequent artillery, cruise missiles or air strikes. The astral operator can also target corrections to be applied as it would be in the traditional sense, a forward observer. The updated data is selectively forwarded through channels to conceal the source of the information. It is likely that very strong psychological and electromagnetic means also for the controllers in these astral operations used to "amplify" the psychic and telepathic abilities to the controller to communicate with the astral operator (s) at a remote location to ease. The astral operators report that they clearly "hear" the commands of the controller in their minds. (Documents confirm that even successful experiments were carried out in which "voices" are beamed directly into the brain of a subject. One of these techniques is known as Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control or RHIC.) Astral operators were used as psychological "links" to other astral operators. For example, a number of Milabs at astral operator mode were used to search for "enemy combatants" in tunnel systems in Afghanistan. The military controller knew exactly where they had to send forth the astral operators. (It is clear that the military has detailed knowledge of these tunnel systems had, as many of them by the Saudi Bin Laden Group, when Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent, were built.) Sometimes there were ten or more astral operators on the search for human goals, above ground and underground. An extremely mentally-capable astral operator hovered over the rest of the astral operators. He or she acted as a psychic link to instant feedback to a military controllers to give. In turn, the controller that individuals could give instructions for one or more astral operators who were involved in the search. The role of this astral operator can be compared to an 7/12/2013

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officer in a command helicopter or airplane forwards the instructions to the ground troops. An interesting facet of conditioning and training of certain Milabs both physical as well as astral operations is the blatant attempt to view the Arabs as "the enemy". It always comes back to "staged dreams" and training scenarios involving virtual reality. Therefore the Milab has inculcated a belief that the Arabs are hostile. In some virtual reality training scenarios they are forced Arabs (presumably "terrorists") commit terrible atrocities to watch. Some Milabs are aware about this kind of indoctrination and have at least in the normal waking state no hostility towards Arabs or Muslims. I can well imagine how a mind controlled Milab is made to believe that he or she is involved in an operation to kill Arabs, but in reality, the "Arab" does not Arabs. Or maybe there are Arabs, but completely innocent. (According to Dr. Alfred McCoy in his recent book, "A Question of Torture: CIA torture during the Cold War to the War on Terror," a study by a number of human rights organizations have noted that the United States approximately 42,000 innocent men for alleged terrorist activities have been arrested. these innocent men languishing in the global system of torture headquarters of the CIA and the U.S. military.)

The training of Milabs Milabs are formed in many ways. Often the Milabs be trained as Astral operator in a virtual environment. The virtual environment is simulated as closely as possible, architectural and landscape forms, so that a Milab a "real world" mission or an apocalyptic "end times" scenario encountered. Escape, Evasion and foraging are constantly recurring themes during the formation of certain Milabs. Some Milabs were trained to sit in front of the TV at home and with their eyes to focus for so long until they start some kind of cartoon character like an elephant to see that no one else in the household would be able to see. The Milab is told that he receives news of his controllers at a later unspecified date in this way. Sometimes the training in their physical body. The following story is an example of a survival training, as it was reported to me by a female Milab. A female Milab and her eleven year old daughter Milab were placed by their military controllers at the bottom of a big hole. Mother and daughter had to find a way out. They had to use everything available to them was to get out of the hole. The mother encouraged her daughter on her way to solve the problem and have no fear. During this training scenario, one of the controllers spoke telepathically with the mother. The controller offered encouragement or criticism depending on the performance of Milabs. Then the adults Milab was interviewed and advised that she and her daughter is right and what they did wrong in detail by its controller. They were told what they need to improve in order to increase their chances of survival when the time comes. Resourcefulness and 7/12/2013

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the ability to remain calm in stressful situations inculcated the Milabs. The controller is the Milab convey a sense of urgency. This urgency is enhanced with content in the user having to them by numerous "end times" scenarios of "staged dreams" who Milab the mother and her child as Milab escape from the city life, traveling cross-country search with or without a vehicle and for food . These dreams occur at irregular intervals. The mother can be said that she and her daughter continues training in the normal waking state. Games you may be asked to develop these lessons to educate their child. The mother can take the initiative in this regard and teach her daughter to climb ropes, which provide a survival equipment and running of obstacle Parcouren. You will exhort the child as to what to do in certain emergency situations. Sometimes the child is on the experience of the training they had as Milab, remember. The idea is for the child to see the Milab education and training in the normal waking state as a coherent whole rather than as separate and distinct lessons. I know a mother and her Milab Milab children who will be the fastest "looters" before the start of an official "National State of Emergency". During the training they will Milab and their daughters educated a shopping cart through a store that food and other products necessary for survival has to push. They are classified according to their ability to get the right kinds of provisions in the shortest time before other looters come to this. The Milab mother will say to one of her daughters, "Okay, bring me water, beef jerky, nuts and dried fruits," and to another, "bring me some batteries, warm clothes, extra shoes, vitamins and medicine" as an example. During such training scenario, the daughters came back with cosmetics! The mother scolded her, because they have not properly looted. During normal waking state, the mother will remember their daughters at regular intervals effort to ensure these are their "survival packs" ready and they know when and where to go in an emergency. To ensure compliance with this controller showed Milab the Milab mothers futuristic scenes of Virtual Reality Technology as American girls were tracked during a national state of emergency and sold as sex slaves. This was done on a covert level in the U.S. for many years and is now in huge extent in Eastern Europe, South East Europe, Ukraine and elsewhere since the dissolution of the USSR on. Controllers tell Milab mothers that they their daughters hair very short cut and they should dress like boys to be to give them a better chance of not captured and versklavst. There is a worldwide market for boys, I'm not sure for what is supposed to be good. The controller remember the Milabs in mind not to trust their own military. Of course they relate this to the "official" military. The Milabs are told that they should not go into "emergency shelter" or "community centers" during a national state of emergency, because they are separated from their children and their children taken from them. We can conclude that the Milab controller itself it believe that a time will come in this country, where foreign troops are called "restore order" and on behalf of the United Nations' peace-enforcement operations "carried out due to some artificial New world order catastrophes, it is a "bird flu" pandemic (which has the U.S. Military Northern Command already prepared) or other 7/12/2013

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mass killing modeled after the attacks of 11 September (2001, Note b). Milabs also visions of foreign troops, including Russian and former Soviet bloc troops patrolling American cities and shopping centers were shown. The Milab controller Milab prepare the mothers for these eventualities do this not necessarily from selfless reasons. The controller Milab reluctant to lose their control over the Milabs to another group, for whatever reason. I also suspect that the Milab controllers need at least some parts of the surfaces population to survive, if so, to meet for no other reason than available workers their wishes and the obvious candidates for the survival of the Milab adults and especially the Milab Children have the latent parametric physical abilities due to their unique DNA. From the standpoint of military controller that Milabs Milab and children are not to be neglected goods. They are extremely valuable. Remember: Even aliens, sometimes several different types of aliens are interested in these people. The aliens, especially the reptilians and the Drakos must have a good reason for their interest in this Milabs. Perhaps the inclusion of a certain number of Milabs in an underground "sanctuary" is helpful to ensure the survival and the operational capabilities of the Milab controller. This raises the question: Why Milabs are trained to escape and plunder for themselves, if the deep black military have the ability to "pull-out" from anywhere on the surface and then drag it into an underground facility with high-tech means? Milabs describe again how they were instantly transported to and from an underground military facility. Perhaps the military controllers believe that nuclear weapons are used on the surface and in the atmosphere by electromagnetic waves would be generated so that they would not be able to temporarily obtain their Milabs of the surface? It was suggested that one way would be to bring the New World Order to the American people would be by fire several portable nuclear devices spread over the whole country and the blame for the atrocities of the terrorists, so they justify then the state of emergency and the nuclear retaliation against the alleged sponsor of such nuclear attacks, ie Iran. Actually already contingency plans of the U.S. Strategic Command were developed by nuclear strikes against Iran, in the event of another major launch "9-11 type event in America." Note also how Fox News announced that Hezbollah will launch nuclear attacks against the United States. This is an option that is definitely on the table for those who want to implement the New World Order into reality. I must emphasize that the formation of Milabs that I describe in this paper, only certain Milab controller and under its control Milab group (s) relate. It is possible that the various controllers Milab groups covered by an administrative roof. This may be the case if the statements of some of the Milab controllers are credible. It is also likely that bureaucratic rivalries and internal power struggles between different groups of Milab controllers take place, whether there exists a common administrative leadership or not. The overall objective for each deep black secret organization, with as much autonomy and control of human and technological assets to survive. Suffice it to say, each group seems Milab controller, of which I have ever heard, to 7/12/2013

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be involved in operations, advance the Global New World Order agenda. The picture is completed by the fact that, certain groups of aliens, space-faring reptilians and terrestrial reptilian groups, a persistent interest in certain Milabs and Milab pedigrees. It may be that there is a cosmic tug of war over certain Milabs. This appears to be true in some cases. The Milab controllers are aware that some groups of aliens have mind control programs installed within certain Milabs and use them as agents. As we will see below, there are certain Milabs who are trained and used by elements of the military that are allied with certain alien groups. There is a degree of commonality and consistency in training, going through all Milabs, regardless of their geographical location or from which branch of the military are their primary controller. Milabs of the Air Force who are being trained in a part of the country who are living in training scenarios or actual operations Milabs in another part of the country and trained by the Army or the Navy, to be merged. Other training topics concern the development of leadership qualities. A Milab can be assigned the role of a leader. He or she must assign roles and responsibilities of the other survivors in an apocalyptic scenario. Depending on the circumstances, a person may be entrusted with the search for food, and the other to find water. The Milabs is told that the other survivors in these training scenarios can be Milabs or not. This reflects exactly what can happen to Milabs in "real life", even for those who train in groups, which are often geographically isolated from one another. A Milab may find yourself with a non-Milabs in an apocalyptic scenario again. Property, relatedness and the principle of utility be overused. The Milabs are told that they should not let himself be hindered by sympathy or pity in their decision making process. Only those who have useful characteristics or skills, is allowed in a team. People who are too old or sick and lacking useful skills or knowledge must be left behind. Milabs that can not keep up with other Milabs, which often fail at their tasks and otherwise run the training in a less favorable manner may be removed from a group. These are still used as Milab. They can be assigned to a different group, or they can be trained alone. It is not uncommon for Milabs to recognize other Milabs when they meet in an amount or in a group training scenario with some people. A "lot Milab environment" can include dozens or hundreds of people, most of whom are other Milabs. The scenes can also be large underground facilities, some of which simulate large airports with very long escalators between floors. This "airports" have offices that are used to investigate Milabs medical or mind control to put on them. Sometimes the employees contribute to these places clothes that are reminiscent of uniforms of civilian airline crews. This is probably done to mislead the Milab so that he thinks he has dreamed last night from an airport. In these places, it sometimes teeming Milabs. At other times it can be almost devoid of other people. Depending on the installation Milabs can be dressed in civilian clothes or in white or blue backless hospital nightshirts. Often they 7/12/2013

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are naked in the hospital nightshirts. Some of the Milabs can military uniforms or black / dark blue Gore-Tex combat uniforms similar to the wear, what to wear special forces or SWAT civilian police. Subways, major genderneutral toilets and changing rooms are often associated with these large underground facilities. Sometimes a female Milab stumbles into a bathroom for male users, or vice versa. There is no privacy in this bathroom and it has to sit for a Milab not unusual on a toilet seat alongside other Milabs who do the same. Some of the abductees are being introduced into these "Quantity Milab environment" not "Milabs" meaning that they are trained and used for deep black operations. These abductees may be placed at regular intervals in order to check for new alien implants, alien nanotechnology, mutations in their DNA or other evidence of extraterrestrial manipulation. Some of the installations look like large underground hangars. Some hospitals are a number of doctors and nurses. In addition to the Milabs it has a smaller number of medical and military personnel. Non-human beings can occasionally see in these plants. Some of the plants are not very large, in these systems, some Milabs feel most comfortable. These systems can be described in the Milabs live as "local" means in relative geographic proximity to the houses. They are always placed in these facilities for training and behavior modification, both in their physical bodies and in their astral body. On the other hand, Milabs from other states can be updated, as necessary in these "local" facilities. It is possible that some of these "Quantity Milab environment" in fact "amount Astral operator environment" could be. I believe that Milabs be brought in their astral form repeated in certain plants, to make them familiar with the places. The training is often completed in the astral state, to make the Milabs not only to the specific environment, but also to the tasks they expect to have them perform in their familiar physical condition. Milabs can identify other Milabs from different parts of the country, when they are brought together physically or astrally. This identification can be dependent on their condition. However, there are Milabs that maintain a high level of consciousness during their Milab experience and keep the memories of these experiences. Sometimes Milabs meet in "real life" despite the geographical distance that separates them. Milabs can meet over the Internet or a UFO conference. After comparing notes, they realize that they have seen each other in the past Milab during operations or training scenarios. They even know the code names assigned by the controllers of the other Milabs. Afterwards, they can often meet in operations and training scenarios. On the other hand, Milabs can meet on the Internet or at a conference, and even though their experiences are similar, they realize that they were never used together in one operation. However, shortly after they came to this realization, they see each other in Milab training and operations. Milab controller often try to mix and match to see whether the two can work well together under control of another military group with their Milabs Milabs. This is particularly the case when it is male and female Milabs. 7/12/2013

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If a male and a female Milab are interconnected through astral and physical education experiences and the man with the woman can not keep up, the Milab controllers are the male Milab "drop" and assign another suitable man with whom the woman can work together. This also occurs when the male and female Milab have developed a relationship in the "real world" to each other. Milabs describe constant current "dreams" along a coastal beach and wooded terrain. Sometimes it will be a running track and sometimes not. The training and operations helicopters, amphibious vehicles, military vehicles and naval vessels can be involved in one way or another. Aboveground army bases, Air Force and Navy installations bases were described by Milabs. Underground and underwater installations were also described by Milabs. Anti-terrorism and hostage rescue training with recapturing the passenger planes were described by Milabs. Long-distance swimming and underwater swimming with or without breathing apparatus were described by Milabs. (Most frequently reported experiences of abductees by aliens and Milabs include breathing under water in a glass tank or a large indoor pool. Sometimes the training included long-lasting swimming without breathing apparatus) Ocean Liners seem to be more frequently reported environments where made training and indoctrination. The Milabs when they operate in a group, observe and sometimes interact with other people on board the passenger cruiser. Military personnel in uniform are sometimes described in these scenarios. Civilians on board the ocean liner can accordingly in appropriate clothing, social function, be dressed. Tailored suits for men and evening gowns for women. The Milabs are dressed like the latter. They can be left alone for long periods of time and are allowed to move freely on the ocean giants. Sometimes they have their own room on the ocean giants. Sometimes foreign military and civilian dignitaries were observed on board these ships. It is unclear what the real purpose of these trips on board. One uncertainty is whether certain training experiences were performed in the physical, the astral state or in a dream landscape. Sometimes the training is literally a "theater of ideas", the Milab physically sleeping in his bed, but a complex and vivid virtual reality scenario played out in his or her mind that apparently involves a lot of physical activity. The Milab controller as the aliens and reptilians in front of them, can create in the minds of sleeping people very much alive "staged dreams." Even experienced Milabs with a high degree of awareness and clarity in the dream can not always be sure whether a particular training in the physical state, astral state or virtual reality scenario takes place. The confusion is further exacerbated when the Milab awakened exhausted, as if he or she was involved all night long in a strenuous activity. In order to make things even more complicated the physical training sometimes carried out in a field of a different vibrational frequency and time continuum than "here". Elements of the deep black military have been able to make for 7/12/2013

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themselves niches. For lack of a better term, I call it another dimension. In addition, the Milabs often report that they have spent days in this area with other training and when they were returned, only a few hours have passed in this time continuum. Milabs have reported their amazement when they were back in time to prepare breakfast for their families and their children in the morning to go to school. For a moment they were in this other area and the next moment they wake up in this area in her bed. This suggests that the military has the technological means to operate in more than one area, and that they can manipulate time. A female Milab was told by a scientist in an underground facility that a process of "demolekularisierung" takes place when the Milab is "pulled" from her bed and taken to an underground facility or in such other area in which a part of the training takes place. This process is repeated when the demolekularisierungs Milab returns to her bed. This process is reminiscent of the "Stargate" movie, and related television shows.

The binding of male and female Milabs I cut short the training to the cooperation of male and female Milabs. Just like in clandestine operations in the "3D reality" can men and women work together more effectively when they are emotionally connected. Then they will look after each other and be willing to accept a higher risk for another. If the woman is to a reluctant or unwitting participants, artificial lifethreatening situations can occur. After the couple has successfully freed from one or more common predicaments, the unsuspecting or unwilling woman can take more of a leadership role of the man. You can begin to see him as a protector then, even though she is still suspicious of his motives. A psychological profile of the woman would be taken before surgery to determine their suitability for this type of role. There are moments in which it is necessary that a man and a woman face down, as "husband and wife." working. Themselves as a married couple spending increase their chances of successfully completing a mission. Together this camouflaging can be uncovered minimize the risk increases their chances of survival and they gain access to social circles that would be unattainable for them as individuals. There are variations of this concept in the context of deep black Milab operations. For example, a female a male Milab be connected to the controller. Because she is under mind control, you can control certain controller programmed cues that allows a sexual response in women. The controller can also reinforce this idea of sexual submission by the fact that the female Milab believes to be married to him. Sometimes a female Milab can find in this or any other country in any hotel. If it runs in Milab mode, it can convincingly play the role of a wife. You do not even have a "voice" in this operation. For example, you could be required at certain border crossings through customs and passport control, which are already under control of the same or of a friendly intelligence to go. There are times in which there is little or no communication between the 7/12/2013

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Milabs and their controllers. Similarly, there may be very little conversation between Milabs. If this is the case it is usually limited to short meetings of an operational nature. The dialogue is minimal at best. On the other hand, telepathic communication and dialogue in foreign languages has been described that can Milab in the normal waking state or not. A male Milab can be introduced at a female Milab months earlier, before they officially meet "in 3D". The following incident actually happened a few years ago: The controller sent a male Milab in his astral form at night in the bedroom of a female Milab. Because she is clairvoyant, she was able to male Milab to "see" while it would not have been possible for someone else in the same room to see him. The male Milab mentioned her name and asked her to him just to look at, because they will eventually meet in the future. This procedure was repeated several times. (It is not uncommon for the male and female Milab controller Milabs band together even though one or both may be married.) A few months later, this female Milab went with a friend, in a Greyhound bus from Southern California to Laughlin Nevada. The female told her friend Milab various aspects of the training of the military which it was subjected. Her friend, because of the unusual phenomena that they had experienced themselves, believed the story of the female Milabs. A few seats sat a man who listened to the female Milab attention. Unable to restrain himself longer, the man the two women introduced herself and confided to them that he had had similar experiences, like what was described in the female Milab. The female Milab recognized the man immediately, as those who appeared to her in the astral body. Later, after they had met, and a love affair (and adultery) were received, reminded the female to male Milab Milab at the time when he used to visit her astral before their "first" meeting at the Greyhound bus. The male Milab could not remember any astral visits with the female Milab. After their meeting in the Greyhound bus (which was apparently arranged by their controllers), they began to see each other in shared experiences Milab. They trained together in helicopters over land and over sea. They practiced escape and evasion and psychological exercises have been subjected, have been developed to assess their skills of decision making under duress. The male Milab had a history of domestic violence. His previous wife had obtained a restraining order against him for physical abuse. He had the classic features of a reptilian hybrids. Drooping eyelids, eyes deep in their sockets, a prominent furrow of his eyebrows and a "emotionless" expression on his face. He could not look you in the eye when he spoke with you. Therefore it was that of a male Milab would not hesitate in the right mind control words and the right personality for the military controllers of the ideal type of Milab agents to kill another person. (In addition to the purpose of harassment, I believe that the electromagnetic be "irradiated" that some have experienced Milabs was also developed to reduce their frontal lobe capacity to make impulsive and violent.) The female and male Milab had for over a year a couple Milab, during this time they used their controller in numerous training scenarios and operations. They walked together until the female Milab ended the 7/12/2013

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relationship, the abusive and possessive behavior of the male Milabs. The male Milab then they began to call and leave threatening messages. They no longer used the controller together in operations or training.

Group training of Milabs Groups of Milabs can be trained and used together in operations. Some of the courses include psychological and emotional attachment. Military psychologists have identified a syndrome known as "Basic group cohesion." The "Basic group cohesion" is the emotional and psychological bond of individuals within a military unit that is involved in hostilities. What the military psychologists have discovered is, that when soldiers are connected to each other in a combat action, they are no longer motivated by patriotism or abstractions like "the flag". The soldiers try to each other alive. They fit on each other and take risks for each other. It seems that the controller Milab strive to inculcate this same way of thinking within the Milabs who organizes them into groups. Milab members of the group exercise scenarios were placed in emotionally charged. A Milab described how he ran up a hill with two female Milab girlfriends. They were followed by two men, the camouflage pattern with dark woods and had wore black ski masks pulled over their faces. They had automatic weapons. The male Milab received the telepathic message that the two gunmen part of a "Killer Serbian troops" are. (This Milab training scenario occurred at the same time as the war in the former Yugoslavia was raging, during the Clinton administration.) When the Milabs uphill running, provided the relative safety in the direction of a large number of boulders, one of Milab was women shot in the head. The male Milab looked at his close friend and saw that the upper part of the head was blown off, she was clearly dead, the other female Milab howled in pain and wanted to stay with the body of her friend. The male Milab knew that they could do nothing more for her friend. (This particular Milabs knew each other "3D" and were very close friends.) As much as it pained him, he grabbed the surviving female Milab the arm and pulled her to safety to the boulder. A few days later, the three Milabs talked on the phone about this training experience. The girl, whose head was blown away, could not remember, while the two "survivors" did. (This exercise was obviously a kind of virtual reality training experience.) The two, who remembered the death of their friend, were emotionally overwrought during the training scenario. The male Milab remembered even the fact that he, himself said repeatedly during the experience that he hoped that there is some type of training scenario in which he is involved and "it is not real." The lessons were not in vain for three Milabs. Milabs must not allow or killed by the "enemy" to be taken prisoner. It is equally important when a Milab 7/12/2013

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companion or a close friend was killed or mortally wounded, he must be left behind. Milabs, either individually or in groups, advanced technologies can be shown as part of their training. In fact, some Milabs can be charged with advanced human and alien technology to work in some of these underground facilities. As already mentioned, some of extraterrestrials abducted and Milabs were trained by aliens, to operate alien technology and they are able to read the writing of these aliens. Milabs sometimes non-human beings were shown, genetic mutants and underground or subterranean creatures that are the "surface" unknown population. More than a Milab reported encounters with fish-like humanoids in cages in an underground facility. Some of these fishlike humanoids can communicate telepathically. It is possible that some of the "aliens" who have seen the Milabs in aboveground and underground facilities are genetically cloned life forms created for the military, and were made subservient. Milabs have described "gray", which apparently work for the military in underground facilities. Milabs were aboard a large ship, with a joint human-alien occupation, it seemed the horror under control of the human military to stand. Milabs were giving the orders in different situations horror witnesses as human military. Grey even supported the military in the abduction of Milabs from their homes. It is possible that the deep black military has the genetic material, technology and expertise to clone non-human beings somehow get. This does not mean that ALL non-human beings that were observed in these underground facilities were cloned by the military and are submissive. In some systems this is clearly not the case, where it seems that human and non-human beings to work together. In other systems, the non-human beings under the leadership of the military seem to be. On the other hand, were non-human life forms, described by Milabs, civil and military witnesses that were held in various detention facilities. In a plant, of which I am aware, the deep black military maintains a certain species of reptilians in a natural tunnel system with a fixed force field. It is pure speculation on my part, but it is possible that the military has knowingly or unknowingly built an underground facility in the immediate vicinity of an underground reptilian habitat and had to develop a means to keep these reptilians in check. Therefore, the force field that keeps trapped in a certain area of the tunnel system, reptilian. This was necessary to prevent the reptilians from interfering in the military work. But paradoxically, the military worked together in the same underground base with some reptilians. This was the same facility in which the female Milab who was raped by a reptilian in her house, was abducted by the military and then sent to an astral operation on the Persian Gulf. (I'm absolutely convinced that the means to clone human beings exist. These cloned humans are "grown rapidly" and the deep black military to work used. Several of these human clones have pronounced psychic abilities and were shared as security guards at used underground human-extraterrestrial equipment you used to intimidate Milabs order not to give the impression that they are unnecessary, these human clones all look the same:.., you 7/12/2013

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have blond or sandy-brown hair, no facial hair, a striking chin and are large and physically strong.) Just as "official" military units, such as giving the Special Forces, talks about the flora, fauna and flora of a particular region of the world in which they operate, certain Milabs be shown creatures that inhabit regions lying below the surface. A group of Milabs were shown eel-like creatures that lived in underground river systems in the southwestern part of the United States. The instructor taught the Milabs what had the habits of creatures and possible dangers they pose. A force field was occasionally built to keep the eel-like creatures at bay, while the Milabs waded in the shallow part of the river. The Milabs were encouraged to communicate telepathically with the creature. Apparently it was a sentient being, who said that the intentions of the people were not hostile. Milabs described underground river systems and islands in the middle of such factors as training centers. These places seem to be in huge underground caverns natural underground rivers and waterways. Not surprising that some Milabs describe the lighting in these types of underground places as cloudy. I have spoken to many Milabs that were tested whether they can tell the difference between a real and a fake aliens. Sometimes people were small (either children or midgets) dressed in costumes "Grey". Usually the Milabs are in an altered state of consciousness during this "Fake aliens presentations", but occasionally break out from the Milabs of mind control and realize that the alien was faked. A female Milab told me that in a "lot Milab environment" outside of some large bathroom, she saw a "horror" behind her in line. The female Milab noticed the seams that prevent the slipping of the black eyepieces and knew immediately that the alien was not real. This Milab did continue as if it were "unconscious" to deceive their Milab controller. Holograms represent the reptilian beings and life-sized cardboard replicas of the reptilians were Milabs also shown. It is possible that the controller is to find out whether the Milab can tell the difference between the real and the fake aliens. If a detectable alien abductee who is essentially what is a Milab not tell the difference between a real and a fake aliens, then presumably the general population will not be able to do so. All Milabs with whom I have spoken, were able to distinguish between the real aliens and to distinguish the fake ones. In one exercise, a female Milab from the south and a male Milab from the southwest was put together in one of these scenarios and enjoying themselves there because they were immediately recognized the the "horror" either children of short stature, dressed in horror costumes. This was modeled Handlungsort a courtyard of an apartment complex in the night. There were other people who were barefoot and in pajamas. These people seemed to be under mind control. In her mind controlled state, it is possible that they believe later that they had undergone an abduction by aliens, if they can remember the experience at all. 7/12/2013

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I spoke with a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, who had a topsecret crypto pass as a member of Navy Headquarters Company at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California. He reported to "volunteer" for a job. At about 22:00 clock in the night sitting "Noel" (a pseudonym) in a bus with other Marines. The bus was in an underground facility beneath Camp Pendleton. The bus drove to an underground expressway. At intervals of about two hours, the bus reached a checkpoint. Security personnel of the checkpoint came into the bus and checked the passengers using a, attached to a clipboard, passenger list. After this security check, the bus was allowed to drive on this expressway underground on. The bus ran straight always. He never turned left or right. Straight to the driver drove the bus to another control point was where the same security procedures, as described above, repeated. Noel and the other Marines wore the standard camouflage of the Navy, along with the marine "coverage" (standard cloth that covered the hat with a brim). Noel began to feel exhausted and fell asleep. At one point during this trip, he woke up and looked around. He noticed that everyone now wearing orange jumpsuits on the bus, including himself. Another thing that Noel was noticed that all the other Marines seemed to be "unconscious state" in one. After some time, during which Noel slid in and out of consciousness, he awoke and saw that all still wore around him, the orange overalls, except now instead of the normal faces, saw the Marines like Grey!, The alien- Marines headed all stared straight ahead. Noel again lost consciousness. Finally, the bus began to drive up a slope and came back to the surface. At this point, Noel awoke. The bus was parked next to a big hangar. It was still dark outside. Each of the marines appeared normal. They wore the standard camouflage of the navy with which they started, and everyone seemed human. The Marines were ordered to get off the bus and the security personnel checked the passengers again with the passenger lists. They lined up outside the hangar and they were told to go inside. The hangar doors were open. An intense blue light shone out of the hangar and from that point had Noel in what happened no further recollection that night on. After Noel had told me this story, he remembered how his father had warned him never to report to the military for anything voluntarily. Noel told me that he had not volunteered for this mission. He believed that he was chosen for this mind control operation because he had a top-secret crypto permit. I rather think that he was chosen because he had been abducted by aliens and his pass was only a secondary factor. I've heard of cases where dozens of U.S. Army personnel injections were given before they were taken to an underground facility below their base.

At Milabs assigned tasks As already mentioned, some Milabs tasks and jobs are placed in underground facilities, making full use of their special skills, professional skills and their specializations. A female Milab with experience in the field of biomedicine received a guided tour of a large extraterrestrial deep beneath an 7/12/2013

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underground facility. She was shown a biomedical laboratory. The Milab noticed that there were a number of human scientists and engineers in this laboratory. She was told of the big aliens that they will one day work in this system. This female Milab has been used in a variety of operations Milab over the years. Another female Milab who is now retired, was employed as a technician in a laboratory for biological warfare Level 5 in an underground facility in the Southwest. She was drugged and questioned by senior and famous American government personnel. Some Milabs who had experience in dealing with computers, were given tasks that involved working with computer systems. Milabs with medical experience were employed as nurses and physician assistants. Both male and female Milabs were used for assassinations and covert operations. Milabs were used as bodyguards to accompany and to people across international borders. Milabs received weapons training. A female Milab told me that they used during their military service in the U.S. Air Force at a photo lab in the Norton Air Force Base under mind control. Most likely it was used to develop photographs and films of UFOs. For many years the seat of Norton AFB Air Force Audio Visual commands. Norton AFB is now considered "abandoned" basis. "Stacey" does not remember to have worked in a photo lab. Just remember to have them leave their homes, and then to come back home, but never really get to work in the photo lab. This went on for some time. Once she made friends with an elderly man who was regarded by her Air Force colleagues as a member of the notorious Air Force Office of Special Investigations (= examinations, note b) (AFOSI, or better known as OSI). Her colleagues warned her she should stay away from this man, he was a spy. Stacey remembers what she considered to be as Area 51, to be flown on board a helicopter at night there. She was accompanied by Air Force security personnel. After she got out of the helicopter, she was ordered to be at a certain place to lie down on the floor of the dry lake. Suddenly she felt a quick movement and realized that the dried lake was moving beneath her. Then she was in another part of the desert base. It was as if a part of the dry lake was suddenly moved by some mechanical means, to another part of the Area 51st (I have spoken with former soldiers who have described to me that land plots are in the size of a parking lot surrounded by a chain link fence that serve as giant elevators to get to underground facilities). Stacey remembered for another reason to being flown to an airstrip in the jungle (mid 1970s) that suddenly opened beneath the tree canopy. She believed that she was brought to Southeast Asia but does not know exactly where she was or what she was doing when she was there. After she was discharged from the Air Force, tried to be (NSA), to recruit them a man who claimed the U.S. Secret Service. This man, "John" called herself, told her that she and some of her female colleagues certain Arabs who lived in the United States, call and to say certain phrases to them. (Stacey at this time worked as a stripper in a nightclub). These rates would trigger the Arabs a "switch" to another personality, what would they commit violence and terrorism in the country. This was the mid-1990s. 7/12/2013

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John also told her that a number of Iraqis were allowed into the country, and that some of them had a vial of anthrax sewn into her abdominal cavity. These Iraqis were apparently left after the first destruction of Iraq, under President George HW Bush, in this country. (Such a thing could happen on a real planet ever: you invade a country and destroy the people there and then leave a large number of the local military intelligence and special forces, who had survived the onslaught in the country that the destruction had done , enter?), many of them brought these Iraqis have operational experience, before the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, were by various U.S. intelligence agencies in this country. It must be remembered that Iraqis with the scapegoat Timothy McVeigh before, during and after were involved in the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Motel registrations show that McVeigh had rented a room with Iraqis and that they were seized by Federal Agents. These are just food for thought, if one considers the statements in this "John" over the Milab Stacey. Whether John was honest or not is an open question. Professional intelligence people lie for a living.

Non-human carers of Milabs I met Milabs who claimed that the beings or who were responsible for their education were non-human. In some cases were the coaches shape Wandering reptilians. The training was in underground facilities and to secure aboveground restricted zones where U.S. soldiers were present, carried out. "Ruby" the military code name for a female Milab from the southern United States, has described to me the anti-terrorism training she has received. Ruby was used in the training and operations with other Milabs from different parts of the country. Once I was in a group conversation with another Milab on the phone with Ruby. During our phone conversation, we all heard a phone ringing on the line, which we shared. We asked each other if anyone had made another call on an additional line. None of us had. I could not be there, even if I had wanted it because my two lines were already occupied. After a few more ring tones, the call was accepted and it was a fourth Milab, about which we had just talked about! This fourth Milab, a woman from the southwest named "Angelina" was used in training and operations with Ruby. After we had digested the surprise at the unexpected call (obviously arranged by the deep black military, which controls this Milab) Angelina and Ruby began to talk. Ruby told me during this group interview that she began just by listening to the voice of Angelina "to awaken from hypnosis". The only times at which they had met and talked to each other was during these military training scenarios. Ruby told me that their main military trainers "Mike" was a Caucasian man who spoke English with a European accent. Mike wore a military uniform. At different times during the training, Mike suddenly transformed into a reptilian shape. In general, this happened when he was angry or upset about Ruby's performance or her level of effort during exercise. Ruby is an example of a 7/12/2013

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proven Abducted by aliens and who had survived the abuse in Satanic rituals. She had seen the dreaded Men in Black, and had noticed as they walked in shape reptilians after she had banished in the name of Jesus Christ. She said that an eddy behind the MIBs / reptilians appeared. The reptilians were drawn into this vortex and the vortex closed again. This experience with the MIBs has happened in her bedroom. Ruby was trained to storm a passenger plane on the ground and suddenly appearing shooting figures, the "terrorists" simulated to shoot. She was trained on nine millimeter automatic weapons and pistols. She was trained to aim at the chest and twice in quick succession to fire into the front of the target. Once I asked Ruby, "If you walk into a supermarket in a gang, did you have ever had the urge to draw an imaginary gun with the intention of the other customers to shoot?" and she replied emphatically: "Oh yeah all the time!" I have one thing in common in female Milabs who were trained for combat operations, observed is that they share a combative attitude towards each or something they perceive as an enemy. They are very cautious and have a pleasant demeanor, but when they are angry at someone or something, their mindset switches to the trained agent. The aforementioned Stacey tried to stab a Drako with a wooden knife once. This happened after Stacey had left the Air Force. She worked in a factory in Southern California when a Drako manifested behind her. Stacey used a wooden knife in their work. She responded automatically, turned on his heel and stabbed with the wooden knife in the chest of Drakos. She did this without fear or hesitation. "It appeared behind me, I turned around and stabbed him." She said. The Drako disappeared instantly. The aforementioned Angelina played paintball with their unsuspecting colleagues who had no idea of the extreme training they had suffered. Angelina had no hesitation to lie down on the floor and to be dirty and showed absolutely no compassion for her male friends when they got into paintball range. Their endurance and pain tolerance astonished the other paintball warriors. She has show no patience with men who indecision or weakness. I know of one other female Milab, which, as it seems, formed in a younger cloned body. This woman was abducted by the military and taught. Their training, by its own account is run by reptilians and horror. It uses advanced weapons in their training since childhood and was trained to fly a specific type of extraterrestrial spacecraft. One should not get the impression that people are the only intended victim of combat training. I know of a young man who as a teenager had very vivid dreams training, where he had reptilians with some kind of portable energy weapon destroyed. It is in my opinion no question that the controller, be it human or non-human military, a number of abductees in order to prepare for a future war to fight. A war that need not be necessarily limited to the planet Earth. 7/12/2013

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Bases outside of our planet? There were persistent rumors that the deep black military have established in connection with deep black subjects of Aerospace provides a basis or more bases elsewhere in this solar system. The most frequently reported site is the planet Mars, both on the surface and underground. Milabs told on the occasion of a base on Mars. Some Milabs report that they were brought there and passed through some of the facilities. According to the testimony of some of these Milabs who believe to have been brought there, it is on Mars underground and aboveground bases. It is possible that the surface facilities were originally built by aliens. According to a highly respected abduction researcher, there is a reptilian base on Mars. Abducted and Milabs reported extraterrestrial bases elsewhere in the solar system. The moon was identified as the site of an alien base.

Milabs and monarchs There are similarities and differences between Milabs and monarchs survivors of mind control (simply referred to as "monarch" called). By the ubiquitous Drako-reptilian hybrid influence, many female Milabs were abused as young children and have as a result of dissociative abilities. As we have seen, these dissociative skills are the basis for certain forms of mind control, and were then used by military controllers thought to promote certain plans. The military has sent to relationships with mothers to develop pedophiles so that the pedophiles access to children Milab (or will soon be a Milab) can win in order to sexually abuse. Many children born or incorporated into the Monarch program, were also severely abused at an early age and have developed as a result of dissociation. In fact, there seems to be a part of the Monarch program systematically cruel physical, sexual and satanic abuse carried out on young children. This sadistic behavior meets the motives of the perpetrator recklessly to control other fragments in the minds of young children. Some Milabs may have suffered as children satanic ritual abuse, but it is not a constant theme of her life, unlike many monarchs, which can be exploited to adulthood and manipulated by satanic cults. As already mentioned, some Milab children were never abused physically or sexually, but they may have suffered some kind of childhood trauma imposed from the outside. The end result of this anomalous trauma is again a dissociative identity disorder of childhood, that is exploited and expanded by military thoughts controller. There are differences between Milabs and monarchs. Although there are similarities in the training methods and Milabs monarchs are used in different ways. Monarchs are used rather to operations that obviously include a New World Order agenda, while the operations of the Milabs seem at first glance not to refer to the New World Order agenda. Sometimes high-caliber 7/12/2013

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government personnel involved in operations with Milabs and monarchs. This is something that is much more frequent reports of monarchs. A monarch that I know and what I call "Trisha" (she has a striking resemblance to the "Krista" character in "Blade: The Series") had a number of experiences with former President Bill Clinton. If it was used as an escort for Bill Clinton, Trisha wearing elegant and expensive clothes with flashy diamond necklaces. If it was used in clandestine operations, Trisha, a black Gore-Tex was wearing, at an unknown airfield again or in a helicopter above the jungle, where they believed to be in South America. She has memories of an escape from the estate of a South American drug lord after they had pulled some covert operations. It has been proven abducted by aliens and has made numerous UFO sightings, but anyway, what I know of her case (and that's a lot) I would classify them as a monarch and not as Milab. Trisha was used against their will in pornographic films. This is not something that only female monarch had to endure. I spoke with three different female Milabs who believe while they were under mind control to have been used in pornographic films. (Trisha made a few years ago the error by giving her private diary Mark Philips at a Survival exhibition conference in Las Vegas., You did not get her diary back. This diary contains details about military and satanic activities of the small California town, in which they grew up. I believe Cathy O'Brien is demonstrably a monarch and I think Mark Philips (according to Wikipedia, her husband, Note b) is still "on a leash." the information provided by Philips respect to the Monarch Project, are now another example of a "controlled leak", so it will never be taken seriously by the commercial media. Philips also has emerged as a "savior" for many monarchs who broke the programming and studied with him guidance and support, without realizing until it was too late, that Philips could still working for the other side. I think that was the intended result of his "escape" by Cathy O'Brien. In the context of counter-espionage operations sometimes you have to give up something in order to achieve a higher return at a later date. The Roswell case is another example of a controlled leak, so it is not taken seriously by the corporate media and the academic community. One result of the Roswell case is that it established the "bona fides" of UFO researcher Kevin Randle in the community. Randle has now, together with his partner Russ Estes, as arch-debunker of alien abduction emerged. Imagine that before.) Milabs and female monarchs have both reported encounters with reptilians and with humans who shape transforms into reptilians. (The phenomenon, known as "Shapeshifter" was known long before David Icke's pioneering work on this subject. Some of the earliest reported cases of shapeshifting there were not people but "Nordic" aliens who shape transforms into reptilians. Reptilians are also known to disguise themselves as "Big Grey" and even as a human military personnel.) Milabs have more experience with horror, Nordics, and other types of insectoid aliens as monarch. Milabs have been used by extraterrestrials and their military controllers to operate 7/12/2013

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complex technology. Some Milabs can even control certain types of alien ships. As is the case with some monarchs, certain Milabs, during an altered state, speaking in foreign even "angelic" languages like Enochian. While most male monarchs horrific sexual abuse, have already suffered in their childhood, many male Milabs not seem to have been sexually abused as children. The decision on who is a Milab a monarch and who is perhaps a subjective thing. Some believe that it is a pointless exercise and "hairsplitting". For me and many Milabs I know there is a difference. Without exception, all Milabs I know, the greatest of compassion and respect for monarchs. There seems to be a number of Milabs and monarchs who consciously strive to advance the New World Order agenda. Within the UFO and mind control research, there are certain people who apparently tried to ensure that interfere with the research of others. Such a person is Kurt Billings, whom I interviewed on the radio once. I could not believe Kurt Billings on the way, but I interviewed him anyway on request of a friend back who does not really know much about him. During the interview, Billings pulled my wrath when he tried the concept of shapeshifters, which recognizes each researcher about alien abductions as a real phenomenon to expose. Billings talked about "hands" that David Icke Arizona Wilder has given during her interview video in the "Revelations of a Mother Goddess", but Billings just blew blue haze. Several times I have looked at this interview, and there is absolutely no evidence that Icke did something hypnotic to manipulate Arizona Wilder. At a UFO conference on the east coast Billings began a smear campaign against a colleague of mine who was a scheduled speaker and has managed that a few of the other researchers used against my colleagues. Billings has actually done me a favor because I've lost the respect of those persons who influenced from Billings, my colleagues treated disrespectfully. Even within the UFO and mind control research, there are some people who are absolutely incapable of thinking independently and thus are putty in the hands of troublemakers like Kurt Billings. As mentioned above, there are many Milabs working in the laboratory, as scientists, chemists, lab technicians, and the like, when they are under mind control. The backgrounds of Milabs has a bandwidth of, had no familial relationship to the aerospace, except for those with family members on both sides with NASA, the military, the CIA and the space such as Lockheed. In sum, there are similarities and differences between Milabs and monarchs. But Milabs are much more involved in "high-tech" operations in which sometimes non-human beings are involved, ultra-modern technology, and time travel. Milab controllers have the distinct ability to capture Milabs immediately and bring it to a remote location anywhere in the world. Milabs can train endlessly for days, in another aspect of space / time and returned back to their homes and in this aspect of the space / time has passed only a few hours. The military controllers are aware that extraterrestrial mind control on Milabs. 7/12/2013

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Occasionally, the same techniques are (no matter how sadistic) on both Milabs and monarchs used. Therefore, the reports of torture and sexual abuse of a number of female Milabs. It's not an "either-or" thing. There are some gray areas and maybe some overlap and entanglement of the two programs. There are some Milabs who have suffered much sexual abuse and even satanic ritual abuse in their childhood into adulthood, but I would still assign the Milabs. On the other hand there are people like "Trisha", which had numerous encounters with aliens, but the overall nature of her experiences would lead me to classify them as a monarch. For both, Milabs and monarchs, bloodline and genetics are the key to understanding why they learn the things they do. It is a spiritual and supernatural component to the bloodlines and genetics of Milabs and monarchs that make it so very interesting, not only for the deep black human controllers, but also for the Drakos and Reptilians who ultimately control of this planet.

What Milabs can do about it? Most Milabs were manipulated from birth. I know of at least two cases in which the mother of Milab children had a relationship with a pedophile man who was in active service with the Navy. These relationships were arranged so that the pedophile had access to young daughters or sons and the woman. The children were then subjected to continuous sexual abuse led to dissociation. This opened the doors to the children to install mind control programs. It is likely that similar tricks were used by pedophiles from other branches of the military to access the children of a woman. There have been cases where young children of members of epileptic seizures were provoked in active military service, in order to subsequently manipulate in military hospitals and to exercise mind control. The unsuspecting parents gave these children in the custody of the military hospitals believe that their children receive the best possible care, where in reality the children were in these places under mind control. Other places where Milabs were trained on mind control and medical experiments are underground facilities, aboveground military facilities, certain well-known universities and civilian hospitals. A disturbing trend has emerged in which some Milabs were afflicted with debilitating and potentially fatal diseases. This is in addition to the chronic back pain that have some female Milabs caused by physical and sexual abuse. Various cancers, including breast cancer, have been reported. These are chronic and sometimes fatal diseases a byproduct of high energy fields and toxins which are exposed to the Milabs? These diseases are the result of the incessant and psycho-traumatic medical procedure received some Milabs? Or "discard" the Milab controller from one part of their Milabs by cause of these diseases, and hope that whatever they have for memories and secrets, this will die with them? Managers have the Milab the feeling that some Milabs have done their duty and have to go now? One can only speculate. I know that some Milabs were treated and cured with serious diseases by their caregivers, through technology and treatments that are officially not allowed. But were these diseases and conditions, the result of the manipulations and were first used? 7/12/2013

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To be fair, I must add that some Milabs report that they are related to their controllers. This Milabs have the feeling that they protect the controller and are concerned about their health and well-being. Some military groups have exercised a considerable degree of leniency towards their Milabs. On the other hand, there are branches of the military, who are notorious for their brutal and sadistic treatment of Milabs. Of course we must not forget that all Milabs began as involuntary participants in these programs. Sometimes the controller to start the training with the Milabs abusive and sadistic. Later changes the nature of the relationship and the controllers are friendly. Maybe it's the carrot and stick method. It also seems that in the case of some Milabs, more than a military controller group is involved. Maybe it's just a case of some essentially good people (who may have fallen through the cracks) that make the program work in Milab for others. Health personnel, particularly nurses, were described as friendly. For some reason, some Milabs be given more information than others. A female Milab reported to have been raped by a military controller. It was driven by soldiers in civilian clothes in a van into an office building in their hometown. This office building turned out to be local Federal Building, in which a number of federal agencies were located. She was then raped by an officer she had seen in the course of their training Milab in a nearby underground base. Later she was told by another military person, the perpetrator was punished and no longer working in this program. Prior to this experience, the female Milab was raped by a group of military personnel in the underground base. During this horrible gang rape, she was reminded of one of those present it to separate as a child when she was abused by her stepfather did. (This was one of the above Milabs, whose mother was dating a pedophile the Navy and he eventually married.) The female Milab was reminded that this ability to separate is in her, so that they in case of another gang rape her "on the surface" of other military personnel, rather than to escape into a protective madness, can be easily separated and left her body. There have been cases where the controller Milabs with finances, supported in securing employment and in housing. A female Milab told me that they received considerable help from a mysterious letter writer who always seems to know when it was in serious financial difficulties. Just when she needed it most, came a colored envelope with money from this man's letters apparently came from Texas. Milabs controllers have warned about possible future accidents or mishaps. Based on individual statements of some Milabs have apparently the ability to see into the future, some Milab controller boards. A female Milab was shown what would happen to her if she would take a certain route. In the possible future / virtual reality scene, which was presented to her, she saw that she will meet a big mud hole in the middle of a road. This had been caused during a period of heavy rainfall, flooding, mudslides, and the creation of sinkholes (depressions) on some roads in their part of the country. This was a possible future event: If you lead with the car in this mud hole, they would sink up to the door handles in mud. She was warned by a military person 7/12/2013

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using telepathy to turn around and go in the opposite direction if they would encounter the same or similar mud hole. The next day was the female Milab, as they drove to their city, faced with a mud hole on the road. Their children were also in the car. She remembered the vision that was shown to her by their military advisors, and made a complete U-turn in her car. Meanwhile, a motorcade had formed behind her car. Angry and impatient drivers honked their horns and shouted rude comments such as: "What are you doing you stupid bitch" After she had made the U-turn, drove her to the curb and watched as the other motorists drove past her. During passage, showed her some "the finger". The first two cars sank quickly up to the door handles in mud as it had been shown her in virtual reality. The two drivers, who previously let go of her tirades, because they had turned their car, they begged now to call for help on their mobile phone. The female Milab shouted back: "So, who is now the stupid bitch?" Milabs were warned to engage in certain UFO researchers. The Milabs was told that a certain UFO researchers is not trusted, or in some cases even mind controlled and unwittingly working towards an agenda that was set by his controllers. From the perspective of deep black military it may be desirable that at least some Milabs survive the coming disasters on the surface. The cards were shuffled against the Milabs. I think the deep black operations with aliens, alien technology and Milabs are the most secretive operations on this planet. Milabs must not infiltrate into those operations. You are already in them. Milabs might as well try to make the best of the situation. The great Chinese military philosopher Sun Tzu believed to be able to convert weaknesses into strengths. Seen from my deliberate judgment, are the Milabs the best chance of the next inevitable disasters on the surface to survive, artificial and natural, compared to the rest of the population on the surface. If the Milabs can access their knowledge and technical skills that are stored in them, it will increase their chances of survival immeasurable. It is important that Milabs not succumb to the standard psychological operations that are used against the American public. Many Americans is the genocide of the Lebanese people and the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip do not care. For many Americans, Arabs and Muslims are the "undifferentiated demonic other" and therefore deserve to be completely eradicated. The American public is oblivious to the fact that American snipers shoot for no reason at unarmed civilians in Baghdad and throughout Iraq. Ambulances were fired upon by U.S. forces. These are unpleasant facts, but they happened. Americans need to be armed with knowledge. Anyone with a library card or Internet access can confirm this unsavory facts. American troops broke into homes of Iraqis and ransacked and looted their belongings. Countless Iraqi women have been illegally detained and raped. Iraqi men were imprisoned and tortured without good reason. But not, not, latter, it was a deliberate policy to prick up a hornet's nest of sectarian violence. The 7/12/2013

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old tried and true method of "divide and rule" was applied by the play of Sunnis against Shiites. I strongly recommend the book "Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq" by an Iraqi woman known only as "Riverbend". This book is a collection of daily blog posts from an Iraqi blogger who describes the daily life in Baghdad under military occupation. What it describes, may one day be a reality for millions of Americans: lack of electricity, lack of running water; harassment of occupation troops, neighbors and friends who simply because they were the wrong time at the wrong place were shot by gangs. This has already happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Some Milabs been conditioned to hate and hostility towards Arabs and Muslims feel. Milabs how all levels of society, must arm themselves with the facts. I can not stress this enough. Hamas was a creation of the Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic intelligence. No less than former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles Freeman has given to this protocol. Shin Bet used Hamas to the PLO in the West Bank and Gaza to divide and Islamize. Financed and armed by the Shin Bet, Hamas Yassar Arafat's Al-Fatah attacked in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It must be remembered that the PLO is largely a secular organization. Their goal of an independent Palestinian state contradicted Hamas wishes for a pan-Islamic theologically oriented Middle East. Hamas was the best thing that the Likud block the Israeli government ever happened. Hamas itself was from the Muslim Brotherhood, which had served the U.S., Israeli and Jordanian interests for many years produced. The United States in the late 1950s used the Muslim Brotherhood to destabilize the Nasser regime. The U.S. also used the Muslim Brotherhood and its various offshoots (including the dreaded al-Qaeda) to destabilize the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union. The Israelis used the Muslim Brotherhood to commit acts of terror against the Assad regime in Syria. The Jordanians took the Muslim Brotherhood for the same purpose. During the Lebanese civil war, the Israelis used the Muslim Brotherhood against the PLO in Lebanon. Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski described the stir of unrest among Muslims as "The arc of Islam" along the southern border of the former Soviet Union. This was an essential part of the strategy to influence the Soviets in Afghanistan in the march. It is a known fact that the CIA, Saudi intelligence, the military intelligence service of the armed forces of Pakistan (ISI), the Jordanian army and intelligence, the Egyptian army and intelligence and the Communist People's Liberation Army and military intelligence, he Bu known as, in the training and arming of thousands of militant Muslims, all have played a role, to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya. (The thousands of battle-hardened "jihad" have been made scapegoats for all "terrorist" atrocities around the world. For me it is unmatched irony that the U.S. Special Operations Forces al-Qaeda and Chechen Muslims in Afghanistan chasing after many these "terrorists" have been trained by the U.S. Army Special Forces and the U.S. Naval Special Warfare during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Anyone with a library card can check this 7/12/2013

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yourself. There are countless people in the U.S. military who are absolutely incapable of independently of thinking.) Major Western financial institutions such as Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citibank, to name a few, presented financial experts, technicians and computer equipment ready, the modernized the Islamic banking system, thereby converting the "Economic Islam" in a modern power . Economic Islam forms the triad of Western-sponsored Islam: Political Islam, militant Islam and Economic Islam. All were maintained and promoted by Western (read: American, British and Israeli) governments for purposes that will become clear only now. These are all readily provable facts. Now we are told that Hezbollah and al-Qaeda are allies. This is completely absurd. Iran, Hezbollah, a Shiite organization sponsors, for many years, sponsoring Shiite terrorists against the interests of the Saudis. In turn, used the militant Sunni Saudis, especially Wahhabi terrorists against Iranian interests. Iran expressed for many years an anti-Taliban and thus an antiSaudi and anti-Pakistan stance. This is partly because the Shiites were persecuted by the Taliban in Afghanistan during the US-backed government of the Taliban. From Saudi Arabia Wahhabiya, an extremely militant form of Sunni Islam originated. The Saudis and the Pakistanis, to name just two want to have nothing to do with the Iranian Shiite fundamentalism. But most Americans, heavily indoctrinated by the so-called education system and the media corporations take all Muslims as "undifferentiated demonic Other" was. Most Americans think that all Arabs and Muslims are the same: Just a bunch of diapers on the head supporting terrorists. Milab one can be forgiven because he is forced to act under mind control against Muslims. After all, he or she is not in her normal state of mind. But during their normal waking state can not and should not fall for this very simple form of public brainwashing them. I knew Milabs, some of them quite intelligent, which were extremely militant who started at the moment when the war drums beat and the corporate media in the Bullfrog Chorus announced the war. This Milabs should know better, but they still fall within these externally imposed mindset. If and when martial law is declared in America and all hell will break out, so Milabs must still maintain their integrity and moral conscience. Just because others, especially foreign troops, rape and murder our citizens, there is the Milabs not the right to do the same. It is our high-mindedness that separates man from the lower orders of beings. There is one to think when you look at the countries that are America's NATO allies and the United Nations. Turkey is an ally and there were Turkish troops who committed the genocide of the Armenian people in 1915. At least one million Armenians were killed. Moreover, the Turks wiped out thousands of Kurds have for years. In 1971, the Pakistani army has been guilty of looting / genocide in East Pakistan, now known as Bangladesh, which had led to the assassination of one to three million innocent people. It would not surprise me to see one day patrolling Turkish and Pakistani troops on American streets to enforce peace on behalf of the United Nations (UN). 7/12/2013

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Some Pakistani troops are currently participating in UN operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo in use and participate in the sexual slavery of Congolese women and girls. DynCorp hired by the U.S. State Department, is a privatized military security firm that during and after the Balkan conflict caught literally hundreds of thousands of women and young girls in South East Europe participated in a big way, and sexually enslaved. The oxymoronische (oxys = sharp, moros = stupid, note b) "United Nations Protection Force" (UNPROFOR) were also involved in the sexual enslavement of women and young girls in the Balkans. Remember that some Milab controller Milabs warned not to trust our own military. This is the type of environment and the kinds of atrocities that we can expect as a result of a national emergency in America. Milabs can and will survive the coming national emergency in this country. Keep calm. Close to you people who can not be fazed by the worst circumstances. Put supplies of food and water. During the period of civil unrest or national states of emergency, do not, I repeat not, to any "community center" or "recovery center" that is set up in public schools and other places to go. This will be no return. I recommend the book "The SAS Survival Handbook: How to survive in the wild, in any climate, on land or on the sea" by former British SAS survival instructor John "Lofty" Wiseman. Watch "Survivorman" on Discovery Science Channel on. This mission is a survival expert, such as a human can in different ways to survive in different environments. Some female Milabs are ideal leader if the ego of the male Milabs not come in their way. I have deliberately withheld a lot of information about Milabs. The reason I did that is because the primary purpose for writing this essay is to ensure that at least some of the Milabs out there know that they are not alone and that they have a good chance to survive if it this country happens. There is some information if they were published, jeopardizing the safety of Milabs and that I would never do that.

This paper is dedicated to the memory of Marianne Clavet. Marianne was a friend and colleague of the late researcher Dr. Karla Turner. Marianne was a protg of Barbara Bartholic. She was a dear friend of mine and a few others that operate this type of research. Marianne was an abductee and a Milab. She was a true spiritual warrior and I care for the memory of them every day. Your last name Clavet means "guardian of the keys to knowledge," which is very fitting. Your bravery and courage is an inspiration to us all, for those who wear this work further. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Charlotte Boudreaux. Charlotte was a friend of Marianne Clavet and a confidante Barbara Bartholic's. Charlotte was abducted by aliens and Milab was forced to endure extremely painful medical experiments by the military. 7/12/2013

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About James Bartley is an abductee who was exposed to a high degree of spiritual warfare. He has studied in England and Germany. He is a student of military history with an emphasis on intelligence and counterintelligence special operations. James has worked in the semiconductor industry, the telecommunications industry and the district administration as ombudsman. James also worked for the Civil Service at a major military command in a related position with the news service. He is a former entrepreneur.

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