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Diane Jones CIED 7601 CIED 7602 Summer 2013

CIED 7602: Online Teaching Endorsement Competency Checklist (OTECC)

Performance Outcomes for Online Teaching Endorsement (all must be satisfied to recommend candidate for endorsement) (I) effectively use and assist others in wordprocessing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Target for Performance (course(s) or prior experience) Evidence (Include date of completion, course #, project name, grade (if given), and attach artifact or refer to location in KMS. Fall 2001: InTech completion. Spring 2003: Worked with colleagues to complete Electronic Portfolio Candidate SelfAssessment Not satisfied Partially satisfied Fully satisfied Instructor Assessment Not satisfied Partially satisfied Fully satisfied Program Advisor Assessment Not satisfied Partially satisfied Fully satisfied

Computer Skill Competency Assessment 7601

(II) 1) effectively use Internet browsers, email applications and online etiquette. (II) 2) candidates additionally can design and maintain a module using an online course learning management system. (III) incorporate visual resources into an online module.

Computer Skill Competency Assessment 7603 7603 Performance outcomes reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

7602 Course objective 1

06/16/13: CIED 7602 Knowledge Management System: Digital Citizenship KMS Pages. Added legal clip

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(IV) utilize synchronous and asynchronous tools effectively (i.e., discussion boards, chat tools, electronic whiteboards, etc.).


art, photos, and specialty fonts to all sections of KMS using appropriate image management technique, proper referencing. Added links or documents useful for image management and legal/ethical use of images. See KMS for evidence. 07/09/2013: Presented my PDLM Digital Workshop to a group of my peers in a synchronous discussion. Utilized the electronic whiteboard, Wimba, chat tools, and created a discussion board as an Exit Ticket. PDLM Teaching and Assessment Materials

(V) troubleshoot typical software and hardware problems.

Computer Skill Competency Assessment

Fall 2001 InTech completion. 2003-Present. Work in face to face classroom at various elementary schools with a Smart Board, document

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camera (Elmo), classroom computers, and Ipod. Summer 2010Present: Working on Masters in Curriculum and Instruction: Accomplished Teaching Idea: KMS My Online Teaching Resources, Skills, & Practice. Added Wish List resource lists and purchasing information for appropriate software for target students. 05/25/13Present: I have embedded Vokis,, Padlet, and Scribd into my KMS. I discovered all of these through research for my KMS.

(VI) effectively use and incorporate subject specific developmentally appropriate software in an online learning module.

7602 Course objective 2

(VII) demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.


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(VIII) model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts.

Computer Skill Competency Assessment

06/09/2013: Completed my KMS My Technology Resources, Skills, & Practice. Added links to helpful articles and websites about technology utilization.

(I) demonstrate effective strategies and techniques that actively engage students in the learning process, in designing, and assessing online learners and instruction. (II) apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.

7603 Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

7602 Course objective 3

06/21/13: Online Teaching and Learning Strategies A, B, C Scenarios uploaded into the discussion post. 5/2012: Added Learning Object Scenarios to my KMS (Updated on 5/26/2013) (3.5/3.5 points) 06/09/13: KMS Research article supporting P12 Learning Module added to My Technology

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Resources, Skills, & Practice. (4/4 points)

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(III) create and maintain a community by creating value, effective facilitation, and an environment of trust, establishing consistent and reliable operating norms, and supporting individuality and empowerment. (IV) facilitate and monitor appropriate interaction among learners.


05/26/2013: Instructional Design Scenario Posted (20/20 points) 06/02/13: PDLM Syllabus completed and submitted on KMS.


06/16/13: PDLM Plan uploaded into KMS (100/100 points) 07/09/2013: PDLM Presentation through Wimba 06/09/13: PDLM Presentation in Wimba, and execution of Padlet. 06/09/13: Facilitating discussions through discussion posts, Exit Ticket on Wiki Page, and through Peer Review on KMS. 06/16/13: PDLM Syllabus Construction

(V) promote collaborative learning through reflection and social negotiation.


(VI) incorporate within instructional designs sufficient support, directions, and guidelines for online learners. (VII) lead online instruction groups that are meaningful, project-based, inquiry-oriented. (VIII) model and demonstrate effective moderator techniques to facilitate active student participation.



07/07/13: P-12 Learning Module


07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation

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(IX) differentiate instruction of students learning styles and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information.

7602 Course objective 5

06/21/13: Online Teaching, Learning, & Assessment Strategies Scenarios posted 06/02/13: P-12 LM Syllabus Construction

(X) apply technology to increase productivity.

Computer Skill Competency Assessment

08/2003Present: Smart Board used daily in personal classroom for Calendar Time and Phonological Awareness Online Assignments created in ECED 3000 Fall 2001 Activity Created in InTech using digital storytelling. The Life of the Oatmeal Dough Ball 5/26/13: Uploaded Locating and Evaluating Online Resources Scenarios to KMS 08/2003Present: Use and Smart Exchange Activities daily

(XI) apply technology to engage students higher order thinking skills and creativity.

Computer Skill Competency Assessment 7602 Course objective 6

(I) consistently model effective communication skills and maintain records of applicable communications with students.


06/08/13: Legal Issues and Ethics Scenario #1 & #2 (20/20 Points) 07/09/13: PDLM Plan (100/100 Points) and

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(V) use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their own time and task management, monitor learner progress with available tools, and develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. (VI) provide timely, constructive feedback to student assignments


07/05/13: Assessment and Feedback Scenarios #1 & #2 07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation Implementation


06/02/13: Student Instructor Parent Scenario #3 (20/20 Points) 06/16/13: PDLM Plan 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment (50/50 Points) 07/09/13: PDLM Plan (100/100) and Presentation 06/02/13: Student Instructor Parent Scenarios (20/20 Points) 06/08/13: Legal and Ethical Issues Scenarios Post uploaded in Discussion Board in GoView (20/20 Points) 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment (50/50 Points) 07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation 06/16/13: Uploaded My Digital

(VII) provide clearly defined statements informing students what to expect in terms of their response time


(I) establish standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate uses of the Internet and written communication.


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(VII) inform students of their right to privacy and the conditions under which their names or online submissions may be shared with others (I) apply experiences as an online student to develop successful strategies for teaching online. (II) demonstrate the ability to anticipate challenges and problems in the online classroom.


06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment 06/16/13: PDLM Plan

7603 Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

7602 Course objective 8

06/02/13: Syllabus for P12 LM Construction 06/02/13: Added Thinking Ahead section to Introduction to anticipate challenges and problems. 07/13/13: Added P-12 LM Descriptive and Reflective Paper to KMS Summer 2013: All Scenario Posts 07/09/13: PDLM Presentation

(III) experience the perspective of the online student through his or her responsiveness and empathetic behaviors toward students. (I) continually review all materials and Web resources for alignment with course objectives and standards and or appropriateness


7602 Course objective 9

06/02/13: Student Instructor Parent Scenarios 07/19/13: Standards Based Teaching Scenarios Module 2 Post 05/26/13: Learning Objects Scenarios 05/26/13: Evaluation of Online Resources Scenarios

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(V) provide opportunities for students to consider meaning and reflect on new knowledge


07/09/13: PDLM Plan & presentation 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment 07/13/13: Introduction and Reflection updated

(I) create or select effective assessment instruments to measure online learning that reflect sufficient content validity (i.e., adequately sample the content that they are designed to measure) and reliability (i.e., produce consistent results from administration to administration). (II) implement online assessment measures and materials in ways that insure instrument validity and reliability


Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.


07/05/13: Assessment & Feedback Scenarios 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment

(III) assess student knowledge and instruction in a variety of ways.


06/16/13: PDLM Plan and 07/09/13: Presentation 07/05/13: Assessment & Feedback Scenarios 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment 07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation

(I) employ effective selfevaluation tools to ensure their courses have a variety of timely


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Performance outcome reserved for assessment

(IV) provide opportunities for evaluating teaching (II) provide effectiveness opportunities for within the online student self environment (i.e., assessment classroom within courses. assessment techniques, teacher evaluations, teacher peer reviews)


7602 Course objective 17

(I) gather appropriate background and content knowledge assessment data for each student and base instruction on student assessment data (II) review student responses to test items in online testing software to identify issues in testing or pedagogical strategies.


07/05/13: Assessment & Feedback Scenarios 06/21/13: Online 06/02/13: Teaching, Syllabus Learning, & Construction Assessment Assignment Strategies Scenarios 07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation 07/07/13: P-12 Learning 07/09/13: Module PDLM Teaching and 06/02/13: P-12 Learning LM Syllabus Materials in Construction KMS


Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.


07/05/13: Assessment & Feedback Scenarios 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment 07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation 07/05/13: Assessment & Feedback Scenarios 06/02/13: Syllabus Construction Assignment 07/09/13: PDLM Plan and Presentation

(III) demonstrate awareness of observational data (i.e., tracking data in electronic courses, Web logs, email, etc.) and its uses in monitoring course progress and effectiveness


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