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PURGE # 18

1. + 1 SP 6. May change Politburo Member within same Level (0 SP) May Promote/Demote Poliburo members 1 Level (1 SP) 8. Healthy Party Chief waves Sick ( ) +1 SP; wave requires dice roll 7. Ill ( ) +2 SP; wave requires dice roll 14.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Sick Politburo: Take cure or age +1 SP per illness Age Party Chief and those under ?

+1 SP if weak even if Heallthy -1 SP if Strong


KGB may purge until unsuccessful +3 dice roll if victim is in Sanatorium

+2 dice roll if weak -2 dice roll if strong

+ ++


Resolve one Trial or Condemnation (2 innocent votes = aquittal) Start investigation at cost of +1 SP each All poliburo members make dice roll.(

+++ = death)


Foreign Minister nominates successor other than himself. (first level first) Party Chief fills vacancies: if 1st level still vacant fill by age from 2nd Level 1st Level members promote one Level, if 2nd level vacant fill by age from Candidates 2nd Level members promote one Level, if Candidates vacant then fill by age from People

REHABILITATION Propose Rehabilitation (+ 5 SP) in order of Party Rank PARADE

Party Chief waves

2B 3C
2. PURGE Successful +1 SP Unsuccessful +3 SP 6A. May promote one level to 2nd level or Candidate: +1 SP

Party Chief

ADVANCED GAME INFLUENCE DECLARATION PHASE: At the end of every 3rd year, players may public declare 2 additional IP starting with the player to the left of the player controlling the highest ranking Active Politburo member. Players may draw an additional Intrigue card in lieu of each IP declared.
5. FUNERAL COMMISSION +1 SP if nominee fails (Failure = 3 nay votes; nominee may not vote) If fail: nominate rebel If fail again Minister accedes 6B. May promote one level to 2nd Level or Candidate: +1 SP

1st LEVEL 2
Purge # 14

3. SPY INVESTIGATION +1 SP to initiate investigation +3 SP if Trial fails +2 SP to condemn to Siberia without investigation +1SP to close Invesigation

6C. May promote one level to 2nd

Level or Candidate: +1 SP

3B 5B

KGB Head
6D. May promote one level to Candiate. +1 SP


Foreign Minister
6E. May promote one level to Candiate. +1 SP


Defense Minister 8
6D. May promote one level to Candiate. +1 SP

2nd LEVEL 5
Purge # 10

6F. May promote one level to Candiate. +1 SP


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Add Influence Add Influence Add Influence

2A 5A

Ideology Chief
Purge # 6

2C 3D 5C

Industry Minister


Economy Minister


Sport Minister


1 2 3 4 5 Hard-line Stalinists Red Army Militarists Lysenko Evolutionists Reform Expansionists Trotskyite Internationalists Old-line Marxists


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