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The need of foods is defend on the body condition, mainly : Activity : energy : Average adults : Basal energy metabolism Sedentary activity Light activity Moderate activity Heavy Very heavy 1,1 calori/kg /jam/hari BEM + 30 % BEM + 50 % BEM + 75 % BEM + 100 % BEM + 125 % more Activity Sex ( gender) Ages

NUTRITION IN CHILDREN UNDER FIVE YEARS OLD INFANT growth and development Determined by : - Characters of the parents - Nutrition quality of the mother during pregnancy - Good nutrition for the child Well nourished infant, required : - normal weight - normal length - body stature - body freshness - development (behaviour)

Nutritional need :

- exclussive breast feeding (first 4 mounths) - BF is more better than bottle and artificial feeding cheap practice ready sufficient digestable sterile tasted complete nutrients equal in ages equal temperature laxative humoral immunity etc.

Breast fed

- regularly - sufficient - volunteer

Infant need

high protein, mineral, vitamins

Nearly 90 % of the mothers can give breast fed to her baby The product of the mothers milk tightly correlated to the mothers health (physical and mental) and nutritional state.

Contra indication of BF : - mothers disease (chronic) - gravidity - work out side - baby -------sick congenital abnormality (hare lip)

anticipation : - breast pump - artificial feeding Colostrum : 1 3 days after delivery yellowish watery acid taste laxative high protein high vitamin A

Weaning -------

2 years

Artefial feeding : - bottle feeding

- cows milk - sheeps milk - formulated feeding vit. A, vit. C, vit D (after 3 months) solid food (after 4 months)

Supplemen :

Pre natal concept The mothers must be in good nutrition prior to conception and maintained throught pregnancy, labor and the period after birth. It is need to avoid few complications of the mother with : - good diet --- habitual used - sanitay / environemental hygene - good medical care health mother health baby safety birth normal delivery

Low Birth Weight

Under nourished mother will get baby in low birth weight 1.5 kg ------ average age --- one week 2 kg ------ tendence to be better Normal birth weight in average of 2.5 kg --- 3 kg Weight increase of pregnant mother in the first 20 weeks is 3.5 kg and rices in average open weight 0.5 kg / week until 12.5 kg at aterm weight less ---- 50 % ----- medical care and nutrition improvement - weight over ---- obesity ----- hipertension ----- eclampsia The common risks to pregnant mother : Under nourished --- still birth --- perinatal mortality Over nourished --- hypertension --- high birth weight high maternal morbidity and mortality DIET IN PREGNANCY No specificity, depends on socio economic and environmental condition. High intake of protein, Ca and Fe in first trimester --- Hb minimum 12.5 mg % diet ; meat, fruits, vegetables Hb test weekly Supplementation of Fe Energy, --- balance (intake out put)

DIET FOR LACTATING MOTHER Pricipally, it is nearly the same with the pregnancy period (arrange the balance of intake and out put)


In his period the child is in slowly increase of growth and development, and rices again in the period of adolescence. Growth ---- increase in size Development ---- increase in the complexity of function, enclose the metabolic system, coordination and mental and behavioural changes. The stages of age : Infant - preschool age - school age - adolescence - young adult - adult - elderly - old (aged) Under nourish children Might caused by :-

(0 - 1 years ) (1 - 5 years ) (6 - 12 years) (teen agers --- 12 18 years) (18 25 years) (25 50 years) (50 70 years)

poor breakfast (no appetite, poor or no food) poor lunch (less food / nourishement, no school meal
program, more snacks) poor snacks (taste is the first) over used (one kind of food ) irregular eating habit (no guidance) to avoid : take food complements guidance try and try to consume good food pay attention to : appetite discipline condition guidance


The requirements occurs at puberty -

are conditioned primarily by the spurt in growth which increased appetite (snacks between meals) obesity is common (girls) self imposed dieting common problem : - anorexsia nervosa - less intake iodine

Teen agers concerns to their second growth and development - body size and shape - attractiveness - vitalty - sexual development - social approve indefendence decision freedom - emotional stress (negative N and mineral balance) Food selection : emphasized : milk - green / deep yellow veg. - fruits, --- citrus, etc (equivalent amount of protein, minerals and vitamins) Snack : - of calorie requirement Food habits : boy and girls have respectively interested appeals palatable nutrients enrichement (purchase, self preparation)

NUTRITION IN AGED Gerontology study of the aging process


medical approach to older person

The characteristics of golden age : health (physic and mental) - supporting (family) - a role in community - hobby - busy - recreation - sense of security - feeling needed - spirited Physical changes : degenerative procsess Recommendation : - energy : decrease of activity (light level) - easily to be obese protein : need more protein (milk) fat, ch : restricted --- equal to the activity minerals : Ca --- common need Fe --- slightly reduced Hb 13 13.5 mg % Need - food supplementation vit A, vit C, vit B complex - medical care ---- posyandu lansia

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