ECOSOC Strategic Plan 1314

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Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan


INTRODUCTION Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, stre ngthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/ results, and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment. It is a disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. Effective strategic planning articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful. - Balanced Scorecard Institute Please fill-out this form by listing down all projects and other initiatives that your organization plans to do during the academic year. Your projects/ initiatives must be organized according to three areas namely Organizational Development, Student Services, and Community Involvement. The following information has been provided to serve as your reference in filling out the tables below.


ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT For an organization to continuously improve its performance and ensure its growth, it needs to constantly reflect on its strengths and weaknesses. In Table 1 below, please list down your planned projects and initiatives that are aligned with increasing your organizations effectiveness and viability. This may include strategic planning, evaluation, organizational reflection, system improvement, self-analysis, or other processes that are designed to bring about a particular kind of end result.


STUDENT SERVICES The key to an organizations success are the people in it. Thus, it is important that the members of the organization are empowered by being provided with skills trainings and other needs. Please enumerate in Table 2 below your planned programs/ projects that involve strategic and coherent approaches in the management of your volunteers/ members. This may include processes related to recruitment and retention of volunteers/ members; development of their resources; utilizing, maintaining, and compensating their skills and abilities aligned with the organizations objectives or purpose.


COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT An ideal student organization is one that fulfils its responsibility to the university and the community external to it. By participating in institutional activities and by working with other groups in the campus in delivering programs and services that do not only benefit its members, the organization is able to serve the purpose by which it is created. These programs and services may include but may not be limited to participating in friendly competitions organized by university offices or by other organizations on campus. Another ideal set for student organizations is their ability to establish and maintain relation/ linkage with the community outside the university. Student organizations are highly encouraged to implement projects that benefit the people outside the university. Please specify in Table 3 below your planned projects/ programs that fulfil a sense of responsibility to the university and the community outside it. Programs/ projects belonging to this component should benefit other people (other than the members of the organization) and most specially, people outside Xavier University. The projects may take in the form of seminars/ advocacy campaigns that will raise awareness or outreach projects such as scholarship assistance, clean-up drive, etc. More so, these initiatives must be related to the discipline, cause, or advocacy that the organization promotes and must not be given as dole out support for an identified beneficiary.

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

Page 1

Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

Xavier University-Economics Society Thinking at the Margin

Mission Statement: XU-ECOSOC is dedicated to the enhancement of student empowerment and participation, it promotes various academic and non-academic activities, and it is for research-born sustainable outreach project where students are both benefactors and stakeholders and seeks to strengthen its linkages with other bodies of student governance. Vision Statement: XU-ECOSOC envisions participative constituency, stronger linkages and the conduct of research-born sustainable projects for the greater community.

Please add/ delete rows as necessary. Target Date Name of Project/ Initiative Objectives
(Objectives should be SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, and Time-Bound)

Target Participants/ Beneficiaries

(Please state who you intend to participate in or benefit from the project. Please include the target number.)

Identified Partners/ Stakeholders

(These are the people/ organizations who will help you implement the project. Please include their role in the project.)

Project Deliverables/ Success Indicators

(These are what you are going to have at the end of the project/ measures which will help you assess whether or not you have attained your objectives.

Project Head/ Implementing Body

(Please state the project head or the department who is assigned to implement the project.)

Budget Allotted
(If funds are not yet available, please state the intended amount you want to spend for the project.)

27 May 2013

Presentation of Strategic Plan (Major Project)

To present and inform the Economics Department of the academic year plan of the society and gather suggestions and recommendations from

All members of the ECOSOC.

Economics Department which will provide our guidance in planning our projects & support in the implementation.

The approval and recommendation of the Economics Department.


Php 320.00

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

Page 2

Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

3-8 June 2013

Term Registration (Fixed Project)

5-7 June 2013

ORSEM 2013 (Org Tour) (Fixed Project)

20-24 June 2013

Campaign and Election (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Core & Representatives) (Major Project) Ratification of the newly drafted charter (Minor Project) Org Trip 2013 (Fixed Project) Appointment of Department Directors and Hiring of Volunteers (Minor Project) Basic Orientation and Leadership Training Seminar (Minor Project) Constitutional Assembly (CONASS) (Minor Project)

them in the application of Economics. To assist the Economics Department in the enrollment process. To collect membership fee from the constituency and inform them of the project theyll get from paying the membership fee through a checklist card. To inform and acquaint the Freshmen and Transferees Econ Students of the ECOSOC and boost participation from them in the entire academic year. To elect for the positions left unseated.

All members of the ECOSOC who are enrolling.

Economics Department Volunteers.


High collection rate and harmonious enrollment procedures.

Department of Secretariat

Php 2,000.00

Freshmen Economics Students and Transferees.


All students of the ECOSOC.

Economics Department which will help us conduct elections/ ratification on their respective classes.

Involvement of the Freshmen Economics Students and Transferees to the Freshmen Core and the other Year Level Cores. Newly-elect officials of the ECOSOC.

Department of Information and Publication

Php 1,000.00

Electoral Commission and Electoral Commission

Php 500.00

31 July 2013 17-24 June 2013

To ratify the newly drafted charter. To acquaint the ECOSOC and inform the entire university of the essence and purpose of economics. To be able to fill the appointed positions in the ECOSOC and gain volunteers to each department. To be able to orient and acquaint the officers of the ECOSOC and to their specific job description and the desired skills they need to develop. To be able draft the revision of the ECOSOC new charter Students of Xavier University and student of Economics. Economics Department who will provide us input to discuss on the project. None.

50% + 1 turn-out of votes and a new charter. Higher regard of the science of economics and high average of test results on classes. New set of appointed officers and 90 % involvement of constituency to various departments Effective implementation of the ECOSOC projects and high test results. New proposed charter ready made for ratification.


Php 2,000.00

24-29 June 2013

The ECOSOC Constituency.

Student Legislative Council

Php 500.00

29-30 June 2013

Officers of the ECOSOC and the constituency of the society.



Php 5,000.00

15-27 July 2013

The ECOSOC Constituency.


Constitutional Commission

Php 500.00

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

Page 3

Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

October 2013

Mid-Year Evaluation (Minor Project)

28 October-5 November 2013

Term Registration (Fixed Project)

February 2014

Elections (Major Project) Year-End Evaluation (Major Project)

To evaluate the performance of each officers and the ECOSOC in general in realizing its goals. To assist the Economics Department in the enrollment process. To collect membership fee from the constituency and inform them of the project theyll get from paying the membership fee through a checklist card. To elect candidates on the positions about to be left unseated.

The ECOSOC Officers.


All members of the ECOSOC who are enrolling.

Economics Department Volunteers.


Result paper of the SWOT encountered in the semester and the recommendation of improvement. High collection rate and harmonious enrollment procedures.

Department of Media & Linkages and SJC Department of Secretariat

Php 5,000.00

Php 2,000.00

The ECOSOC Constituency

April 2014

To assess and evaluate the over-all performance of the officer, department and the entire society.

The Officers of ECOSOC.

The Economics Department who will help us facilitate the elections on their respective classes. None

High turn-out of votes and newlyelect officers.

Electoral Commission Student Judicial Court

Php 500.00

Recommendation report of the officers about the possible response of problems and achievements encountered.

Php 10,000.00

Total Budget

Php 29, 320.00

Please add/ delete rows as necessary. Target Date Name of Project/ Initiative Objectives
(Objectives should be SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, and Time-Bound)

Target Participants/ Beneficiaries

(Please state who you intend to participate in or benefit from the project. Please include the target number.)

Identified Partners/ Stakeholders

(These are the people/ organizations who will help you implement the project. Please include their role in the project.)

Project Deliverables/ Success Indicators

(These are what you are going to have at the end of the project/ measures which will help you assess whether or not you have attained your objectives.

Project Head/ Implementing Body

(Please state the project head or the department who is assigned to implement the project.)

Budget Allotted
(If funds are not yet available, please state the intended amount you want to spend for the project.)

10 June 2013

Launching of Birthday Greetings and Presents (All year round project) (Major Project) Program Orientation (Minor Project)

19 June 2013

To be able to exert the essence of family within the society and be able to entice more members to participate and join ECOSOC projects. To inform and acquaint the Economics Students especially Freshmen and Transferees of the

The ECOSOC Constituency and Economics Department.


High number of participants in ECOSOC Projects.

The ECOSOC Constituency.

The Economics Department in providing us inputs of what to discuss and

High Test Results.

Department of Information and Publication and Department of Media and Linkages Department of Research and Social Outreach

Php 200.00 per month Total: Php 2,400.00 Php 2,000.00

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

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Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

17 August 2013

Grand General Assembly and Acquaintance Party (Major Project)

24-25 August 2013

7,21,28 September 2013 and 5,12 October 2013 October 2013

Community Building and Basic Orientation Seminar (Major Project) Sports Fest (Minor Project)
Dinner with Graduating Students (Octoberians) (Minor Project)

3 & 6 July, 31 July and 3 August, 4 & 8 September, 2 & 5 October and Second Semester 28-30 November 2013 March 2014

Academic Workshops (Major Projects)

science of Economics and the possible future that waits to them. To welcome and acquaint the new members of the society of the society and the tradition and to inform the constituency of the plans and achievements so far of current administration. To strengthen the rapport between members and faculty. To strengthen rapport and camaraderie within the society and ignite members leadership skills. To promote healthy lifestyle and enhance camaraderie and sportsmanship. To show gratefulness and tribute to members of the society in their contribution to the ECOSOC. To enhance students knowledge and understanding of economics and help them in their exams. To exerts Christmas spirit and promote closer camaraderie and family relationship. To show gratefulness and tribute to members of the society in their contribution to the ECOSOC.

The ECOSOC Constituency and Economics Department.

the various public and private institutions for additional inputs. Business establishments and private individuals in providing us funds through solicitation.

High number of participants and more active volunteers on ECOSOC Projects.

Department of Events and Talent Coordination

Php 20,000.00

The ECOSOC Constituency.

Formation programs

High turnout of participants in ECOSOC Projects. High Turnout of participants in ECOSOC Projects. High Turnout of participants.


Php 15, 000.00

The ECOSOC Constituency.

The ECOSOC Graduates of First Semester.

Private individuals and establishments in providing funds for the project. None

Department of Sports and Physical Fitness and Core Department of Media & Linkages and SJC Department of Academic Affairs

Php 5, 000.00

Php 5, 000.00

All students of Economics


High Turnout of participants and high test results.

Php 1, 000 per Periodic Examination Total: Php 8,000.00 Php 2, 000.00

XUFD Event (Minor Project) Seniors Night (Major Project)

The ECOSOC Constituency and Faculty Members.

The ECOSOC Graduates.

Business establishments and private individuals in providing us funds through solicitation. Business establishments and private individuals in providing us funds through solicitation.

High Turnout of participants

Department of Events and Talent Coordination Junior Core

High Turnout of participants

Php 20, 000.00

Total Budget

Php 79, 400.00

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

Page 5

Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

Please add/ delete rows as necessary. Target Date Name of Project/ Initiative Objectives
(Objectives should be SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, and Time-Bound)

Target Participants/ Beneficiaries

(Please state who you intend to participate in or benefit from the project. Please include the target number.)

Identified Partners/ Stakeholders

(These are the people/ organizations who will help you implement the project. Please include their role in the project.)

Project Deliverables/ Success Indicators

(These are what you are going to have at the end of the project/ measures which will help you assess whether or not you have attained your objectives.

Project Head/ Implementing Body

(Please state the project head or the department who is assigned to implement the project.)

Budget Allotted
(If funds are not yet available, please state the intended amount you want to spend for the project.)

May 1, 2013

Habitat for Humanity House Rebuilding Project

June-July 2013 October 2013

Launching and Start of Fund Raising Projects (Major Project) Course Promotion (Minor Project) Christmas Activities (Minor Projects)

To be able to get involve into worthwhile projects and strengthen camaraderie among members. To determine a site and good partner for research. To boost funding for VMESC. To entice fourth year HS graduating students to enroll in AB Economics. To conduct outreach programs through sustainable gift giving to recipients. To exerts the essence of Christmas. To enhance and develop students understanding of the science of economics and improve their skills in applying classroom based theories. To conduct research to chosen community and create a sustainable livelihood based on

30 Volunteers.

The ECOSOC Constituency and VMESC recipients. Fourth Year Graduating Students.

The Engineering Resource Center and Economics Department which has provided us opportunity to get involved in the project. None

High Participation of volunteers in the rebuilding and MOA agreement between partner institutions for research. Reaching the total budget of this Strategic Plan. Increasing the enrollment rate of AB Economics by 2% next academic year. Giving away of gifts and high participation of both volunteers and recipients. High turnout of participants.


December 2013

Chosen Beneficiaries

The Economics Departments as they will provide us relevant information about AB Economics. None

Department of Finance and Marketing Department of Media and Linkages Department of Research and Social Outreach General Assembly/ Special Committee

Php 2, 000.00

Php 1, 000.00

Php 20, 000.00

February 2014

Economics Week (Visayas-Mindanao Economics Student Conference) (Major Project) Community Outreach (Major Project)

VMESC Participants.

Business establishments and private individuals in providing us funds through solicitation.

Php 100, 000.00

June 2013-March 2013

The chosen community and Economics Students.

The Economics Department and Economics Research Subjects.

A sustainable livelihood projects.

Department of Research and Social Outreach

Php 15, 000.00

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

Page 6

Registration Form B-1 Strategic Plan

Student Activities and Leadership Development Office of Student Affairs, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

these researches. Total Budget Php 138, 000.00


Budget Summary A. Organizational Development B. Student Services C. Community Involvement Over-all Total Php 29, 320.00 Php 79, 400.00 Php 138, 000.00 Php 246, 720.00 Sources of Funds (Breakdown) Student Org Funds/ AECO Fund (Finance Office) PTA Membership Fee Raised Funds Total Funds Php 3, 700.01 Php 16, 000.00


Prepared by:

Noted by:

Approved by:






Please save this file following this format: B1_STRAT PLAN_ORG ACRONYM. E-mail accomplished form to No need to submit hard copy/ print-out. Please do not change the font style, font size, page layout, and margins. Deadline for submission is on June 13, 2013.


1. 2. 3.

MAJOR PROJECT- the Projects of most priority by the society. When sudden changes of plan of activities will occur, these projects should be given due priority. These are projects that directly affect student interests and welfare and explicitly aligned with the ECONSOC Mission. (OD=4; SS=5; CO=4 Total: 13) FIXED PROJECT- Projects that cannot be moved to an earlier or later dates. Projects that should be done in congruence with the university activities, as per mandated by the Students Activities and Leadership Development Office (SACDEV-OSA) or projects that are urgent and need immediate actions. (OD=4; CO=1 Total: 5) MINOR PROJECT- Projects that will be handled by a department. When sudden changes of plan of activities will occur, these projects could be moved into an earlier or later dates. Projects that could affect student interests and welfare and/ or to be facilitated by a department. (OD=5; SS=4; CO=2 Total: 11)

Form B-1: Strategic Plan

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