Documentation Report (Converge)

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01 02 Name/ Title of Activity/ Project: Converge: The ECOSOC Strategic Plan presentation to the Economics Department Nature of Activity: [ / ] Assembly [ ] Lecture/ Seminar/ Workshop [ ] Outreach [ ] Film Showing [ ] Contest [ ] Fund-Raising [ ] Others ______________ Nature of Engagement: [/ ] Organizer [ ] Partner [ ] Participant Date(s) of Implementation: 27 May 2013 Time: (start and end) 1:30PM-4:00PM Venue: Campus Ministry Conference Hall Objectives: a.) To be able to present the Strategic Plan of the ECOSOC to the Economics Department. b.) To be able to know the recommendations, suggestions, critique and approval from the Economics Department regarding the planned projects of the society. c.) To find commonality and convergence between the student body and the administration for the welfare and development of AB Economics Students. Expected Number of Audience/ Participants: Actual Number of Audience/ Participants:

03 04 05 06 07


6 2 Were your objectives met? (Yes/ No) Yes because the goal was to present the strategic plan to the Economics Department to draw out support from them and at the same time know their thoughts and comments about the plans. Though, among the 6 faculty members, only 2 attended representing the department. They however expressed their views coming from the perspective of the department. 11 Please rate how well you implemented your activity/ project. (5 being the highest) 5 I. PRE-IMPLEMENTATION STAGE There were no committees assigned because we still are in search of staffs and officers. However, during the plan, it was agreed that the officers shall pay a counterpart amount to run the project. It was not a big project, it was considered as a casual-spontaneous project whose goal was to know straight from the faculty their thoughts and suggestions about the strategic plan. II. IMPLEMENTATION STAGE 09

The process of presentation was by specialization. There were three officers assigned to discuss each criterion (Organization Development, Student Services and Community Involvement). The faculty can then interrupt every after project to say something and/ or to comment. After the presentation, the total budget allocation was discussed followed by the plan linkages of the society and lastly the preparation of the Enrollment Assistance.

III. POST-IMPLEMENTATION STAGE The project was graded A- by the General Assembly during its tripartite evaluation. The strength was the recommendations of the faculty, their assured support to ECOSOC Projects and, in the long run, is the chance of increased participation to ECOSOC Projects because these were supported by the department. However, the weaknesses were the conflict of schedule of some faculty members thats why they failed to attend the assembly. The Opportunities we can draw from the projects is that it creates trust and good relationship to the faculty and officers which will eventually link all the students of Economics to the faculty members. As to threats, we believe that it could be the venue because if we were not able to find a good place the presentation would be very hard, secondly if, in the event, no faculty members attended and lastly if they have decided to disapprove the projects which will eventually force the officers to have a complete revamp of all their plans, which we all know, will take too much time. IV. RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations resounding during the evaluation was to make this project a tradition and habit by any starting administration of ECOSOC to draw-out support from the faculty in all its activities, secondly, the officers must ask the faculty members personally about their free schedules and adjust to their schedule not otherwise. Then lastly, is to plan ahead and prepare ahead. V. FINANCIAL REPORT Proposed Budget: 320.00 Balance: 14.00 Total Expenditures: 306.00

Prepared by: EMMANUEL B EMBATE JR Project Head

Noted by: JHON LOUIE B SABAL President

MODERATORS NOTATION: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ MS CAROLINE LAARNI R SERENAS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moderator

PHOTO DOCUMENTATION Name of Activity: Name of Organization: Date Conducted: Venue: Converge: The ECOSOC Strategic Plan presentation to the Economics Department Xavier University Economics Society 27 May 2013 Campus Ministry Conference Hall

The ECOSOC Officers together with Ms Ma Kresna Navarro and Mr Gerich Babanto taking a pose after the Assembly.

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