04-B-2010 Batch Collective Evaluation Test

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2010 Batch Collective Evaluation Test (15 marks) Guidelines Rev.1 Subject (faculty) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

. Public International Law (BP/RS) Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (VG) Corporate Law (MB) Law of property and easement (DJ) Family law (SG) Money and Banking (HT) Human resources management (VP) Forensic Science (BV)

Note: As part of the PIL curriculum, each student is allocated a role of actor, i.e. state actor, an international organisation, an NGO, a court. Introduction You are an informed and well-read citizen having background in public international law, family law, human rights and humanitarian law, corporate law, law of property and easement with specialisation in money and banking, human resource management and forensic science fields. You are required to play a role as the legal adviser or head of institution before an assembly of specialists. Part I- Core Law Subjects PIL and HRL & IHL (one page): State Legal Adviser appearing before Foreign Minister: Why your country shall sign or ratify a particular international legal instrument? Legal Adviser or Head of Law Department of Head of IO: Why the universal ratification of a particular instrument is essential? Chief Justice of a Court: What are the issues concerning implementation of a particular instrument at domestic level? Legal Adviser or Head of Law Department of Head of NGO/Think-Tank: why you are interested in a ratification of a particular instrument by a particular set or group of country and what are your expectations from various actors on a particular instrument ?

Part II Core Law Subjects Corporate Laws, Law of Property and Easement and Family Laws (one page): State Legal Adviser appearing before the Minister of Corporate Affairs: Which is the most prominent law in each area of corporate law, law of property and easement and family law and why? Legal Adviser or Head of Law Department of Head of IO: Is there any domestic law which directly or indirectly affect functioning of your organisation and what steps by governments you believe are useful?

Chief Justice of a Court: What are the concerns of judiciary and what legislative and executive steps are required? Legal Adviser or Head of Law Department of Head of NGO/Think-Tank: What are the concerns and interests of your NGO/think-tank on one issue in each of the three areas and why and what shall be done?

Part III BA/BCom/BSc Specialisation (one page) In addition to above, you are required to present your position identifying most relevant issues concerning money and banking, forensic science and human resource management as legal and strategic adviser of your country or head of an IO, registrar-general of the court and head of an NGO/think-tank. For example, Legal Adviser in the Ministry of Law and Justice of Kenya having specialisation in human resource management can identify the issues concerning requirement and recruitment of judges and court staff at various levels in Kenya; head of an IO for e.g President of the Security Council or the UN Secretary-General may see whether the Security Council or the UN Secretariat is getting good qualified people from all over the world, what are the human resources related issues of the Security Council; Head of NGO (amnesty international) may have an issue concerning misuse of finger-printing or lacunae in laws in a particular country. How it will work? 1. Each student shall prepare 2-pages report in a precise and comprehensive manner maximum 500 words, for each of the three parts. 2. Student can prepare either a comprehensive paper covering all papers or each part separately. 3. The written and oral presentation may be either India-centric or individual nation/institution- centric, as per the students preference. 4. He/she shall make a presentation for 5 minutes on the first day. 5. After listening presentation of each student on the first day, he/she shall prepare a 1-page report drawing lessons or useful tips from other presentations maximum 250 words. 6. He/she shall make a presentation on point 3 for 4 minutes on the second day. 7. Evaluation criteria: knowledge and inclusion of inter-disciplinary elements; organisation of report; language and presentation. A rigorous research demonstrating identification of existing and potential inter-disciplinary elements will be a key evaluation factor. 8. The reports will be assessed by all 8 teachers and average will be awarded equally among all subjects. Thus, for example, a student receiving average score of 10 will get 10 marks each in the continuous evaluation of all 8 subjects. 9. Excess words in reports and time taken during presentation will attract negative marking. 10. Both reports shall be hand-written ONLY. 11. Written and Oral presentation will carry 10 and 5 marks respectively. Important Timelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. Circulation of Guidelines: Wednesday, 20 February 2013 Clarification of Guidelines: Friday, 22 February 2013 Written presentation: Monday, 18 March 2013, 1700 hours SHARP Presentation in the Assembly: Week of 25-29 March 2013

Coordinator: Ms Rujitha Shenoy rshenoy@gnlu.ac.in

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