Monthly Journal

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Kristine Charmaine L. Sapinoso

RN Heals Area: RHU Sta.Elena

I. Activities

I started the shift for the month by logging in and out in our Attendance Log Book. We attended flag ceremonies every Monday at the Municipal Building. Then we immediately started with our daily routine which consists of taking the patients vital signs, their reasons for seeking medical help. But since Im currently assigned at the dispense area Im the one who gave medicines to the patients if available as prescribed and teach them on how to take it properly. I was also able to do some referrals to those patients who needed intensive care or treatment. I was also able to provide first aid measures to wounds related to fall or accident before referring them to their Hospital of Choice for further evaluation and/or treatment. Last May 7, 2013, we attended the Blood Letting at Barangay Villa San Isidro conducted by Red Cross (Daet Chapter). We assisted the Med Techs, our Doctor and other members of the team by taking the clients vital signs. Every Tuesdays and Wednesdays I went to Barangays where I was currently assigned and helped my midwife in administering Immunization. And last May 15, 2013 we went to Villa San Isidro for another Immunization Day and at the same time celebrated the Barangay fiesta together with the people of Barangay San Isidro. And lastly, during our free time or if we dont have patients we organized the records alphabetically and arranged them.

II. Learning Insights

The Month of May had been a busy month. For me, it was a month of new experiences and fun while working at the Municipal Health Office. Ive learned different things every day regarding Community Health Nursing and the likes. I enjoyed working with different people and a simple Thank You from the patient felt really nice and heart-warming because you knew that you were able to help them with their medical needs. I am comfortable now in the daily routine that we have in the RHU. And since Im currently assigned in the dispense area, I am getting acquainted again with different medications; their generic

and brand names, their actions and/or indications, and dosages by helping in recording and giving the prescribed medicines by our MHO Doctor. And with these drugs (Antibiotic, Anti-Hypertension, Anti-TB, Mucolytic, Vitamins, Maintenance Medicines for Diabetes and even Vaccines) helped me enhance my knowledge on how to properly take them. And although I was able to do all of them properly and correctly, I still think that I still need more time and practice before I take it for the next level.

III. Issues/Concerns:

I dont have any issues or concerns regarding my work or the people I worked with. In fact, I was pretty amazed on how easy we got along. It was fun and enjoyable working with them. But there are things that caught my attention and that needs to be addressed. First, its regarding the numbers that we used in calling the patients in order. Some of them went missing; its either the patient brought it home or misplaced it. And second, its regarding the patients records. Some of them are not in their proper place or went missing and some are nearly destroyed. The tendency is to duplicate the record and therefore making it more difficult in finding the patients records.

IV. Recommendations

Regarding the numbers, we educate/informed the patients not to bring them home after their consultation. For the missing numbers, we need to make a new one. And regarding the Records, my Co-RN Heals and I, decided to update and arrange it. We were given a specific assignment. I got the letter G-K. I immediately started arranging them and put them alphabetically. I also put some tape to those records that are nearly destroyed. We also have our own schedule in putting them back after recording it.

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